What Houston's skyline looked like as deadly storms rolled through

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to get people up to speed on what's happening. This is our tower cam right now, as the storms are entering, it is black as night. Now, I don't know if we need to adjust the camera levels to get a true view of the color, but this is a very powerful thunderstorm that is coming in. The National Weather Service is saying that they've been sampling the radar coming out of Bush Airport, that David's going to show you in just a moment of wind speeds of about 100mph, just 400ft off the ground. So this is very important if you are in a high rise building, you want to get to a lower level because the winds are stronger the higher you go up. So if you're working at across the street from us at the Greenway Plaza, if you're downtown Houston, it's coming your way. It's already hitting the, the, the condominiums and the high rises on the West Loop. A very significant wind storm is rolling in our tower. Cam is now beginning to shake. David, it's 630. The sun doesn't set for another hour and a half, and it is dark as night outside. As this rolls in. >> And Travis, what's incredible about this camera shot is that just five minutes ago, it was bright. Yes. Okay. It was bright . And then we looked up at it again. And it's dark as night out there because this extreme, destructive severe thunderstorm is moving through the city of Houston right now. I even thought I just saw a power flash just a moment ago on that particular camera shot. >> Said that that was a power flash. So for our folks that are in the building here, make sure that you're getting in a secure place as well, because this is coming on through. Now. We just adjusted the light levels a little bit, but golly, that is so dark outside. Again, if you've got loved ones on the roadway that are oblivious to just the severity of this situation and they have time to do so, I'd encourage you to call them and tell them to pull over and get inside of a building and don't try to ride this out in your vehicle, especially on those bridges and overpasses. >> There's a memorial camera there, Travis, and you can see the low cloud deck of this destructive thunderstorm is making it into downtown. And look at how dynamic you can see the rain being whipped about by the wind at this particular time as it moves in that direction. Now, if we can go to Max two just a moment, you can double box it if you want to. I have of the Doppler winds being displayed right now from the Doppler radar out
Channel: ABC13 Houston
Views: 341,064
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Keywords: news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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