What Have You Achieved in Your Life? - Mufti Menk

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we learn and walk my boy you you you you you you you you you you you assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh malayalam ani raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallim wa barik alaa muhammad ali al amin nabina muhammad wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi what a being a woman today whom be a son in Ilya medina bad as always we commence by praising the Creator the nourisher cherisher sustainer provide a protector we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala to send blessings and salutations upon muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam his entire household all his companions may allah bless every single one of us and grant us goodness we also take a moment to send blessings and salutations upon all the previous messengers who came to teach us the goodness and to teach all the nations and humanity at large goodness to remove them from darkness to the light may the Almighty remove us all from darkness to light brothers and sisters insha Allah this afternoon in this beautiful city of Kuala Lumpur we will be looking at what have you done in your life and what have I done in my life what is my link with the messenger what is this life all about if we take a look at the Quran we will find many answers all the answers and the Quran will lead us to the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam because what Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala has done he has made mention of the purpose of creation and then he has sent to us role models and those whom we can look up to those who have led their lives in a way that we can emanate and emulate because they were human beings as well and how they lived it would not be difficult for us to look at it and to try our best to live a similar life and to learn from them if the Almighty had sent angels in order to teach us we may have had the excuse to say those who are angels and it's impossible for us to emulate or to do the same so Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says from amongst you a messenger lapa demon Allah who ll me Nina if bath Fe Missoula midden four-seam yet no what am i a team I use a key my limo home on Quinta Bhawan Akuma in Konami popular film Aladdin movie in indeed allah subhanahu wata'ala has favored mankind at large by sending from amongst them a messenger a messenger who came to them teaching them goodness cleansing them and giving them that example subhanAllah and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says yet before that they were in manifest myths misguidance what this means is before the messenger had come mankind were in a condition of misguidance if you take a look at pre-islamic Arabia or even the globe at that particular time you would find so much that was occurring in terms of misguidance and oppression misguidance in the sense that people were worshipping sticks and stones people were worshipping objects that they had made people were worshipping food items as well as is reported by Americans up top of the ilaha and I'm sure we would know this it's something quite well known in the books of history where he makes mention of how he had created an idol out of dates and he was worshipping it and one day he was hungry and he's asking for food and when the food didn't come he hate the idol la Akbar so this was the type of misguidance women were oppressed to the degree that they were looked at as they were looked at as a gender that was not supposed to be in existence and one might ask well then how did they marry and what happened and where were the women from it didn't happen immediately all the time but when the population of the females became slightly more than that of the males within a specific home they would then eradicate the females by burying them alive at a little young age innocent tender age and some families did it from the very beginning and some did not do it so we asked Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala to help us to learn a lesson from this that no matter what gender you have in terms of a child thank the Almighty you have a healthy child from the Almighty you have someone even a even a child who may be challenged through some form of disability sometimes that is your door to paradise Lajo acabar and you don't understand the almighty wants to give it to you quite simply quite easily we learn a lesson from what happened at that particular time but look at the misguidance look at how people were they looked at a female as someone who had no right to exist in fact they treated her like a commodity the books of history make mention of how when people were owed money and I've said this many times in the past they sometimes took forth their female children or family members and said you know what I owe you X amount or whatever I cannot make a payment take this in terms of payment may allah safeguard us so Allah speaks about this in the Quran what adelmo oh that will soon let me I either put a light on that day the day of judgment when the little girl child who was buried alive will be asked for what sin were you buried and obviously that depicts justice on that particular day justice will be served if someone has wronged you in this world remember you will achieve justice if not here then there may allah subhanahu wata'ala make us from those who can sort our matters out whilst we are alive here because when we arrive there we don't know exactly how we will fare and there will be too much for us to look into and there will be too much for us to risk if we were to leave things for that particular day although sometimes we have no option but to leave things for that day maybe almighty bless us all on that day and may he grant us paradise may he make our accounting on that day very easy so Allah says we will ask the child why were you buried where are those who buried you whether it was a biological father or someone else we will take them to task so this is part and parcel of the misguidance there was at that particular time then Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says la Khadija Akuma soul miniver's income as hizo nada mi tumhari Ensenada income bill Mumy knee now all for ye indeed a messenger has come to you a messenger has come to you from amongst you according to one of the more uncommon recitations a messenger has come to you the best from amongst you subhanAllah the best from amongst you and this depicts or it shows that when Allah chooses messengers from the very beginning write to the time of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam he only chooses the best the highest if you take a look at the Prophet loot or lot may peace be upon him David or Solomon that would oscillate man may peace be upon them or any of the other messengers of allah subhanahu wata'ala they were from the best of the people at that particular time so we do not accept what others say that these people were sinful and they had tendencies that were sometimes shameless may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala protect us and them from such statements so Allah says we sent to you from amongst you a messenger who is very concerned about you which means he would love to see you guided if you take a look at the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he spent so much time speaking with his enemies because unlike what we do today we have Muslims whom we don't speak to because we have a few differences with and we tend to find it more comfortable to label them and to distance ourselves from them in a way that the discussion will never be pursued so that the gap that we have is allowed to be chiseled in a way that we seem like we belong to two totally different faiths yet if we were prepared to discuss and to open the door of discussion we may have resolved our matters and if you look at Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he spent so much time with the non-muslims and with the enemies of islam whose enmity for him was outspoken manifest loud and clear not only later design treaties with them but what he did definitely do was whenever they wanted to hear a word or two or whenever they were interested even in the smallest way he made sure he found himself speaking to them and clarifying for them or presenting to them the message amazing amazing so this is the meaning of being concerned about their guidance he is very concerned he would love to see all those whom he lived with in their midst being guided to Islam this should be the concern of every one of us when we see a non-muslim or when we see a person perhaps who might have tendencies that are incorrect it would should be it should be our concern and we should be really caring for them to the degree that we would like to see them learning a thing or two in the right direction and whenever we have something that is incorrect we should be open to correction may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala bless us so with that backdrop and seeing the misguidance of the time and understanding the gift of allah subhanahu wata'ala by sending to us such a great blessing in a messenger who has confirmed the message of the previous messengers so when I say Jesus I will not be a good Muslim if I do not add after his blessed name may peace be upon him amazing amazing subhanAllah imagine if I say Jesus and I'm a Muslim I would not be at a proper respectful Muslim if I did not add after his blessed name may peace be upon him the same applies to Moses Musa alayhi Salam may peace be upon him so Muhammad may peace be upon him has come with a message that confirmed the message of the messengers before him amazing amazing and like what some people think this is a new religion it's a new faith they all taught worshipping one creator and him alone and so did muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they all taught that there will be a life after death that there are angels that they are books that there are previous messengers that you will die one day and meet your maker and there is heaven there is hell accountability and so on all these teachings are completely dito in our language completely the same when it comes to the various messengers what may differ the Sharia of the time the do's and don'ts permissible and prohibited of the time might differ from messenger to messenger but the belief was always the same so the question I have and this is the topic we have this afternoon have you understood this gift that you have really have you understood how the almighty has chosen you to be from amongst the nation who utters what is known as the Shahada la ilaha illallah muhammadun are amazing what a powerful word do you know there is a hadith where the Prophet peace be upon him speaks of a man and this could be me could be you it could be anyone may Allah protect us he says there is a man who will come on the day of judgement and he will have his records looked at and accounts being taken and there will be 99 files full of bad deeds each file from the east to the west that's how big it would be which means you won't see where it starts and you won't see where it ends each file so big and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala will take account of this man's deeds and he will seek from the angels to look within his deeds is there anything good this man has ever done anything and suddenly a little card will fall out of one of his files and on that card will be I believe that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad may peace be upon him is his final messenger his prophet and when that card will be taken and placed on the right side of the scale remember the scales will have two sides on one side 99 files the other side one little card this hadith is known as hadith will be Tata the hadith of the card do you know what will happen the one card will outweigh the 99 files because it was uttered genuinely sincerely understanding the gift that Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala has bestowed upon us this card would be much heavier than 99 files of sin and allah subhanaw taala will instruct that this person be forgiven and sent to paradise Subhan Allah may Allah look at us with similar mercy he is indeed a rahmani raheem most beneficent most merciful may he grant us from that messy nobody should misinterpret this hadith to say well you know what it's okay to sin and don't worry I don't think I'll fill up ninety-nine files I can carry on and at least I'll be utterly Shahadah every day a few times my brothers and sisters we need to know one thing and we need to know it very well there are certain sins that are far more dangerous than others some are known as major some are known as minor and at the same time some if we have not sought repentance they may be unforgivable when you insult the Almighty in the biggest way and that is by association of partnership with him and you have not asked him to forgive you for that then one wonders in which direction you or I would be heading may he protect us from association of partnership with him it is a dangerous crime and this is why we say the Sahaba of the allama and whom the Companions of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam they were Oh a lot of them were most of them were mushriks before which means they associated open partnership with Allah like I mentioned moments ago but they turned to Islam they asked for forgiveness and the hadith says in Nelly's llama yuck boom ah table indeed Islam deletes whatever happened in terms of evil before it so if someone has done something bad they've entered the fold of Islam everything bad becomes deleted totally gone the same applies to repentance repentance does the same thing it deletes your past so if you've done something you were not proud about in your past don't lose hope don't let Shaitaan make you believe that the almighty is not merciful remember that don't ever let shape and make you believe that the Almighty is not merciful and what I have done I am not going to be forgiving the minute you think that you're in the clutches of the devil you need to turn to repentance repent ask the Almighty and inshallah you will be forgiven may Allah Subhanahu WA ala grant us goodness so we've got such a blessed messenger who came to us he was the most blessed of creation the highest in terms of rank and at the same time the highest of all the Messing and we know that and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala has declared this and yet he was sent to me and you do you know that do you realize that he was sent to me and you what greater blessing could I have than the blessing of being a part of the nation who follows the best of creation Subhan Allah today people get excited when they follow people of glamour and glitter and just because this person is so popular on the globe and perhaps they know best how to call people towards that which may be incorrect and everyone is excited Wow I know this guy I know this girl and so on to be honest with you the real excitement and the real happiness should be the fact that we know deep down we are part of the Ummah of Muhammad sallallaahu listen at the end of the day that is mine abhi you know it is sad to notice that sometimes it takes a non Muslim to insult our messenger before we actually start defending him and before we actually start learning more about him and I always say bah bah la tène Navia sometimes something that appears to be very harmful outwardly could have some form of inward benefit we are not condoning any evil but what we are saying when it has happened sometimes look at the positives that have come out of it and I believe I have seen many Muslims who have taken to learning the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam for the first time in their lives after he was insulted by the non-muslims yet Allah says that o Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they can say what they want about you we have protected you from their insult listen to what Allah says in a cafe knuckle Moo Stanzi in we have D indeed protected you we have indeed safeguarded you you will not be harmed by the statements of those who want to mock at you those who want to create laughter through you and because of you you have been protected they will not be able to reach you not at all who has protected him Allah so this is why the more they mock the more people are entering the fold of Islam the more they mock and create laughter and disrespect the more the Muslims are becoming more serious about their faith subhanAllah but I call you and I invite you to look into his blessed lifestyle before others insult why do we say this we are mostly mean we are so gifted don't ever fall for a statement that people are making that you know what Muhammad may peace be upon him now the bill allah safeguard us they say he was a criminal and he was very unjust and he treated women very badly and he did this and he did that and he was unfair and he said this and said that don't believe statements of that nature go out find out for yourselves there are non-muslims who just went to look at what his life was all about not only did they confirm he was the noblest of existence but they actually turned to Islam and I know hundreds of them who have done that so if you were to read the Sunnah or the lifestyle or the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a genuine heart you will see the conditions in which he was sent and how society was changed totally within approximately two decades imagine two decades everything changed completely amazing Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no technology no phone no Twitter no Facebook absolutely no YouTube nothing whatsoever today he has the most followers on the globe I would like to put the figure at we're near 2 billion if not more subhanAllah people who utter the same Shahada look at how fortunate we are a man in the desert with no technology at all and he just taught his companions who were all powerful people the question I have how can we give up our faith when we know that the likes of hamza if not the metallic were martyred because of me because of you why did the battle of badr take place my brothers and sisters so that the message could come to me so i want to tell you they died because of you how can you give up this faith they gave up their lives because of you nobody is asking you to give up your life so that the message can carry on in your children but they were asked to do that they did it in the sense they had to defend themselves and when that happened the message came to us go and read about Moosa a bit Nora mayor of the allahu and you should know his name and you should know what he did he sacrificed he was one of the children of the wealthy of Makkah he was a man who was smelt before he was seen because of the beautiful scent he used they knew he was so wealthy when he decided to turn to the deen his family turned against him I think it happens sometimes with the weak from amongst us our children take to religion and we become upset my daughter used to need to show your legs for a few more years however build a come on come on why would that statement be uttered my daughter you know what you've got beautiful hair you still need to flick it all over the show before you know the time comes when you should change there was a time when people used to think that you should only turn to religion when you clock fifty minimum because that's when you go for Hajj but no religion is for you from the very beginning you might not see the age of 50 maybe Almighty bless us no matter what age he's given us because the winner is he or she who attains paradise even if they die at the age of tea or for tea may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala make us focused may he make us realize may he make us understand so your link with this powerful messenger you need to ask yourself where do I stand they gave their lives so that today I can live they gave their lives so that today I have the goodness what am I prepared to do minimum believe me some of us are not even prepared to read our five prayers that's the basics some of us are too embarrassed to come across as a Muslim and yet they gave their lives nobody's asking you to give your life we are only saying if your name is a beautiful Muslim name be proud of that name don't duck and dive and cut your name so that you come across as a person who is not even proud of his or her heritage or what he or she is following the minimum link you can have is your identity my brothers and sisters do you know and I bear witness that I have seen this with my eyes there are people who have turned to Islam solely because they were treated according to the Islamic teachings of treatment by Muslims who were proud Muslims in terms of identity at a time when these people rarely needed help and they were non-muslim in other words they are non-muslims who turned to Islam because they were assisted by Muslims whose identity was manifests subhanAllah I know I have seen with my eyes and I've witnessed so the question I have for myself and yourselves sometimes you can spread Islam my brothers and sisters just buy your identity don't you believe you are a good person I believe I am I try to be and I think every one of us here you try to be a good Muslim don't you well if you try to be a good Muslim and those who are not Muslim or weak Muslims see you trying to be a Muslim and they are benefited from it they will automatically be attracted but if your identity was not there they would not even know that you were Muslim subhanAllah so sometimes just to identify yourself as a Muslim no matter who you are and what's happening you're a Muslim just identify yourself put yourself into the box and say you know what I am also one Allahu Akbar la vaca ba I have seen people who have accepted Islam had a chance to chat with them and a few of them have told me through these years that I accepted Islam solely because I was intrigued by this superstar who accepted Islam and I wanted to know what did he see in this religion that is being so dangerously spoken about across the globe that made him turn to eat at a time when it's so difficult and when I started reading and searching I found it to be true and I said subhanAllah have you ever spoken to the celebrity and they say no we haven't but we just saw this happen and we thought if they could turn who are we this is the point I'm making if you are a person who people look up to and you are the one who has a link with the messenger that link on its own is powerful enough to be beamed across in a way that you might enter paradise not through your deeds but through the deeds of those who did deeds because of you or because of what you beamed Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar may Allah make us strong this is why we say we try we read our prayers we try our best sometimes when we have uttered a word of encouragement or even if you have just you know come forth and beam through your identity your Islamic teachings and others have followed it perhaps the reward of that might be far greater than anything you have done in your own life don't underestimate it your link with your messenger we ask the Almighty to strengthen that link like I say and I repeat this because for me it is a point of strength when I think about it I tell myself omar bin khattab radhi'allahu on his five so many years what happened to him he was known as a person who was powerful he was moved after being an enemy of Islam by the recitation of not more than four to five verses why is it that I am not moved and I have read the entire Quran so many times is it the sincerity levels that are wrong what is wrong is it because I don't have a link with my maker and I don't have a link with the messenger whom he sent and they as I said they gave their lives for you what are you prepared to do sometimes we are not prepared to dress appropriately and yet they died for the Deen this is a solid point they died for the Deen like I say nobody's asking you to die for the Deen but by right we are supposed to be sacrificing to strengthen ourselves to start with and thereafter to help each other maybe Almighty bless us all then comes the crucial question I'm a human being and I am a Muslim and I believe in the life after death and I need to prepare for the day I meet my maker because that is the purpose of creation Allah has created you in order for you to prepare for the day you will meet him so he created us and he wants to meet with us but before the meeting he's given us a chance to prepay you know when you are meeting a dignitary for example you're meeting someone masha'Allah of a very high standing there is a bit of preparation sometimes you want to present yourself well you might have something you've taken for them you might have something you know that you would like to prepare that you would like to present yourself in a correct way what about your maker Allah has given you an average 60 to 70 years on average to prepare for the day you meet with him so imagine if I had to pitch up meeting the President to meeting some form of you know dignitaries and I am in my shorts I'm half in my PJs and I'm running a sorry sorry I'm late just picture that for a moment you know it would be foolish in any of you had to meet up with the CEO of the company you work for and you know you come about and your hair is somewhere else you know talking about perhaps the way you look you know you have toothpaste on your cheek and you know a little while later you notice that there's a mark of your wife's lipstick on the other cheek and so on that would be embarrassing wouldn't it it would be very embarrassing well to be honest that's an example of this world some of us might die in a condition may Allah protect us where we would be embarrassed to face our maker and Allah says you know what you just need to seek forgiveness turn Allah is such that whenever you seek forgiveness he forgives you I just need to prepare for the day I meet with my maker how will I do that I need to fulfill what he has instructed me to fulfill as best as I can as best as I can means according to my capacity and capability the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says even a hey - c'mon Shea Infante who if I have prohibited you from something then do not do it well either amor - come be shy in fact two men who must have item and if I have instructed you to do something then do it as best as you can you see the difference between the two when you are instructed to do something you do it as best as you can your ability your capability and when you are instructed not to do something don't find yourself there no excuse to do that and if you have fallen repent this is why when you look at Salah and prayer you find that the hadith says suddenly teaming for in lambda stop Africa Eden for in lambda stop there Pharrell Adam Reed Salah standing if you are unable then read it sitting and if you are unable then read it lying down so this means I will do it to the best of my ability that's my ability my capability and insha'Allah I will try to improve there is no point in reading it lying down and saying I'm just tired you know I'm tired no get up Allah is giving you the ability and capability to stand to bend properly and so on some people cannot bend all the way in ruku so you do it as best as can subhanAllah that's the power of the Deen Allah knows you're a human so do whatever you are instructed to do as best as you can and that will help you prepare for the day you meet your maker I am going to take something for my maker do you know what that is you are going to take something for your maker do you know what that is something interesting it is your deeds you will be taking them the summary perhaps of what you lived for and what you live by here you are so if I go to my Maker and I'm going to say this it might be a little bit hard hitting but we need to say it sometimes if I go to my Maker and I've been a person who's involved in adultery all my life may Allah safeguard all of us and I haven't repented for example from it may Allah protect us and I lived in order to commit that sin that was the main thing that I lived for every opportunity I got whether it was on the net whether it was physically whether it was here or there that's the only thing on my mind 24/7 and then you die what have you taken for your maker you know what I just ran after the opposite sex that's all is that what you want is that the link with your maker is that the link that you had is that how you appreciated the fact that we sent a messenger to you is that how you appreciated the fact that we created you and we asked you to prepare for the day you meet with us and now you're coming here and you are presenting such you know major deeds for us is this what it is my brothers and sisters this is why there is something known as repentance when the hadith speaks of glad tidings to he or she obviously on whose page a lot of repentance is found subhanAllah a lot of repentance is found because out of your weakness if you have done something wrong and you want to change that all you need to do is to scatter lots of true repentance on your page then when you present your presentation on that particular day you know sometimes you have a big company and you attend the show sometimes you have a show where many companies are showcasing their activity what do they have they have a PowerPoint presentation where they want you to see roughly what they all standing for so now behind you they will show you this is what the company is all about they showcase the highlights of that particular company's achievements and what they stand for and what they perhaps produce in order to sell the product to you or to give you a certain understanding of them well you have yours I don't want to call it a PowerPoint presentation but something more sophisticated than that which will come in front of allah subhanahu wata'ala here it is you know what will happen if you have the presentation scattered with lots and lots of repentance believe me your product is the best your product is the best people subhanAllah whose lives are filled with turning to Allah at every moment in every time of every day they have the strongest link with Allah and this is why the messenger peace be upon him one who was sinless spotless he used to say Astrea fear Allah o Allah I seek your forgiveness I repent to you a hundred times a day one narration says more than 70 times a day have you ever asked yourself why did he use to say that when he did not need it one of the reasons is because you are supposed to have a link with him follow his example mm8 emulate and if you did that you would automatically be asking allah forgiveness so many times a day and if that happened you would be you know what can I say spicing up your day every day with lots and lots of repentance to the degree that you become a person who is conscious of his maker if you wrong yourself once and you ask Allah to forgive you you're wrong yourself again you ask yourself to forgive you ask Allah to forgive you genuinely and a third time by the time it happens a few times and if you were genuine in repentance there will come a time insha'Allah when you will say to yourself let me stop the sin completely may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala bless us all may he grant us a positive change in our lives and may he help us to touch the lives of others in a positive way really my brothers and sisters when I meet with Allah the Quran says to me and to you yeah are you having a marital la Alto all old enough so Malka dammit Nevada what are in la famille me Matt Malone oh you who believe be conscious of your maker be conscious of allah subhanahu wata'ala and each one of you should look into what you have prepared for tomorrow what have you prepared in terms of presentation for the day you meet with Allah what have you prepared in terms of presentation for the day your deeds will be taken account off we've always said taxman we fear Him why because every ring gate or every Rand or dollar needs to be in place a few this way and that way you're in trouble people spend sleepless nights before the deadline knowing that tomorrow this thing has to be in nobody's asking you to get to that extreme when it comes to your faith and Dean but it is definitely a more serious issue definitely so Omar will hop above the allahu anhu speaking about the link with allah the link with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his message he always used to say has he bow and for Sock'em kabbalah and to has a bow what a powerful statement take account of your deeds before they shall be taken account of Allahu Akbar beautifully put take account of your deeds before they are taken account of so now either on a daily basis weekly basis or regular basis you need to ask yourself what did I do how can I improve myself and how do i improve my link with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam point number one you need to learn his life point number two learn about his instructions point number three learn about the prohibitions point number four do something that you can tell within yourself I have improved as time has passed you see why Allah judges us according to our intentions Allah judges us according to our intention so if I have improved every day 2% 5% and as the days are passing my improvement is manifest and clear in my life subhanAllah 2% the next day it's for the following day it is 6 and then 8 if I were to use a gaff i would probably arrive at 80% within a certain space of time if I died in the process Allah would look at me insha'Allah with the eye of mercy and he would consider the result the end result not necessarily exactly where I'm standing at now this is the mercy of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and this is why if a person has made an intention to memorize the entire Quran and he has started memorizing and he is serious about it a page a day a page a day if his death was written before he was able to complete yet he did not miss a day and he continued that upward movement in memorization perhaps his name will be written from amongst those who had completed the memorization because of his intention and he had a serious intention this is the blessedness of the religion this is the faith this is the goodness and this is why we say develop your link with Allah understand the challenges Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam faced can I tell you very faced sanctions and they suffered and struggled without food and water for almost 3 years in the outskirts of Makkah in a place known as abu talib so that the dean and the religion came to you what are you ready to do in return as a result to appreciate that goodness are you prepared today to promise allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala i will never miss a prayer again I will open this Quran and I will make sure that I complete the recitation reading and understanding of it once a year once a year is that too much is that too much you ready to read Harry Potter number 6 that's out last week and that will happen within a week I'll read it again and I wait for number 7 Harry Potter Harry Potter llahu akbar that pot won't really help you to be honest with you what will help you the Quran a verse at a time really a verse at a time has such power in it but you need to understand the book was revealed for you they struggle they strove do you know the enemies of Islam abu jahal Ethne signature wave and at the time abu sufian what they used to do quietly and silently they used to come at night when muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to be reciting the Quran audibly at his home in his room and they used to sit around and listen to it yet they were outright enemies of Islam outright open enemies of Islam I am a Muslim you're a Muslim what do you get those people used to get a kick by listening to the Quran yet they were the enemies of Islam I am not even prepared to open it and try reciting it and reading it and understanding it and you know how old I am clocking almost 40 subhanAllah and this is my condition I haven't even completed it once from cover to cover understanding of going through the verses how then have I developed my link with the messenger who brought that book to me subhanAllah it came to you the word of Allah I need to give you one you know for the younger generation a one quick example you see what happens when you are in love with someone and when you really really adore them you know one little statement from them ho you know what happens to you I can tell you it's put into a little frame because now you have these apps where you can actually put the word up and you have a nice background and you know who said it and then it's put into your profile and you have something big and you might have their picture in one corner and you know to you Wow it's a statement that was uttered by someone here who really I adore to bits and pieces you know wallahi my brothers and sisters that is the word of a human being there is a word of the creator of the human being I always see things that are beautiful in the world and tell myself yeah Elahi if these things are so gorgeous Ya Allah you must be something beyond imagination I'm waiting to meet you Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar that Creator has sent you his word subhanAllah his word came to you so try and pick up these words that have come to you from your maker he made you look at it you might not understand every word right now but if you read it once twice the correct questions will come up in your mind you can jot them down and ask those who have knowledge we know the Quran says first decree a cool tool at ala moana bill bennett he was Zobel ask those who have been given sound knowledge if you don't understand the clear-cut revelation and so on they will explain to you with the revelation what the revelation is all about so can I not take words of the Quran and look at them they will pierce my heart they will change my life just like they change the lives of the enemies of Islam who then became known as hobby' Allah and whom may Allah be pleased with them the likes of a marble hop above the law and what a powerful example so this is why we say it's about time we promised it's about time we promised that every day I will read a verse I will read its meaning I will read its commentary and I will try my best to think about it through the day believe me it will change your life believe me if that is the presentation you will present in front of Allah to say Ya Allah I was interested and keen in your word do you know where you will be and levena whom allah la ilaha citta who they are known as a local on the people of the quran the people who made their business to look into the word of their maker to try and memorize it to try and understand it to try and put it into practice they will be the VIPs really they will be granted the status on the day of judgment in front of allah subhanahu wata'ala they will be from amongst those who unknown these people were interested in my word come on to the side Subhan Allah do you know that may Allah make us from amongst them how can you become from amongst them one verse a day is a beginning one verse a day may Allah Subhanahu wa ta ala motivate us to do that so the link you have with your maker the link you have with your messenger it starts there there is no point in speaking about something that we are just going to say Marcia light was a good talk you know but what did you take back I took back a promise that I'm going to read the word of Allah and I'm not going to miss my Salah why do we say not miss my Salah let me spend a minute explaining that when you are a person who is dedicated to five prayers a day morning afternoon two of them and in the evening another two of them what would happen you would need to be on a certain level of purity in order to repair it would become difficult for you to sin wallahi it will become difficult for you to sin if you become regular with your prayer you've read one you are waiting for the other send to be committed not good enough I have Horsell are coming after that sin to be committed not good enough I have a sore coming after that sin to be committed no I have mothering after that sin to be committed Aisha is around the corner Allahu Akbar so if you are steadfast the Koran says in salat and and in fashion even cup Saleh itself will prohibit you from immorality and evil salah on its own has the power to stop you to pull you back from immorality and sin evil and the beginning just the first before that Allah says o Toma who here in a common al-kitab' work in salah read that which has been revealed to you in terms of the book that speaking of the quran and establish your prayer may allah subhanahu wata'ala make a strong may make a steadfast so my brothers and sisters we need to ask ourselves if the messenger peace be upon him were to walk in here right here right now would he recognize us would we be proud of who we are what we've done and yet subhanAllah they will come a day when Allah is going to grant him the power to intercede may Allah grant us that sha'lame a la grant us from the intercession of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam where he will fight for us in the sense maybe the term fight might not be an accurate word but he will request that we be forgiven because of our link with him you know that he will request that we be forgiven because of our link with him so he will say Allahu Allah this man many women Amati this person is from me from my ummah forgive them imagine bleeding you know when you have someone who's very very special to you a child who is very special to you and they come to you pleading that can I please have this friend of mine come home tonight and they come to you and they asking you in a beautiful way and they are so dear to you for you to say no it's not going to be so easy well Allah example is far higher Allah has a far higher example when his most favorite asks him Ya Allah from me my nation my they tried they struggled forgive them grant in paradise Allah says we will give him the authority or the power to request that and we will allow it to happen subhanAllah that is the intercession but to achieve that intercession you need a link some form of a link what is the link you need to have tried your best you need to try what is within your capacity to live a beautiful life that he talked and the beauty of it there might be lots of rules and regulations in Islam but I promise you study the lives of those who are trying to practice and you see they are so content they are happy they have families that are happy they have so much contentment even though they may not have millions and billions but they are so excited in life meaning they are really comfortable and have so much contentment that people who look at them tell themselves I wish I was that happy that content even if they are going through issues and difficulties of this world that every single person go through goes through that is a gift of Allah so when you develop your link with Islam and you know there are rules and regulations those rules and regulations are put in place in order to make you lead a life full of contentment and happiness believe me and after that you will be recognized this man or this woman this person from my Ummah tried their best yeah Allah forgive them and Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala will allow it to happen until there comes a person whom the responder will respond and he will say a Mahama for you bardic wallahi Mubarak who yelled aruna Allah akka be him no not this one you don't know what he did after you wallah he turned away from your teachings would we ever want to turn our backs against the teachings of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and still call ourselves muslimeen would that be fair would we not be foolish if we did that this is why I say my brother's my sisters if you are involved in a sin at least admitted that I am wrong I will improve this inshallah at least tell yourself that I will try to improve this I'm wrong and I will improve it do not justify it because justification of it is an insult if you say no he didn't know what he's talking about you know what I know and I am a person and I will definitely you know fight the case to say this is he was wrong no don't do that admit yourself tell yourself look I need to improve this and this and this and inshallah I ask Allah to help me in that regard time will come when you will be able to improve but when you have justified your sin and you're looking at it as something that is absolutely valid nothing wrong with will you ever improve you will go deeper in it and justify more and more so this is why I open your heart open your link with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that can only happen with the link with Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala because Allah says in the Quran to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he is telling him what to instruct his people with he says whom to him born a life a devyani your Bible come along way I feel a kimono when I say to them o Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam if you love Allah if you claim to love your maker then follow me if you claim to love your maker you claim to want to have a link with your maker to have a link with your maker then follow me so the link of Allah is the love with Allah and the link of the messenger is to follow the messenger that is the link to follow the messenger and as a result Allah will love you and out of that love for you he will forgive you completely for he is indeed most forgiving most merciful as a human being what I would do if my little son comes to me and he has done something wrong I will because I love him so much I'll say you know what it's okay don't do it again and perhaps the next time the same would happen and the third time maybe to a lesser degree but it would happen because we love him so much we say don't worry I'll help you I'm your dad at the end of the day you know what it's okay don't do it again we look at them with eyes of compassion and mercy Allah is far more merciful than you and I could ever be could ever be don't underestimate that but give a reason for him to forgive you have you asked for forgiveness today subhanAllah may Allah make us from those who are conscious and mainly make us from those who can really ask for forgiveness on a daily basis so that if I die today within the last 12 hours I've asked Allah Ya Allah forgive me forgive my sins I'm weak I'm a human being I'm trying Yama help me guide me give me the correct knowledge help me separate that which is beneficial and that which is detrimental and helped me to follow Allah make me strong I am weak the environment I live in is so you know difficult to actually be steadfast upon but Ya Allah you help me forgive me my shortcomings imagine if you've said that within the last 12 hours and then you die what do you think Allah will do to you really is that not a smile of Hope that you have but some of us a week passes we've never said oh Allah forgive me a month passes we've never said your love forgive me sometimes more than that passes and sometimes we read after Salah a stuffy la lip service I don't even know lip service meaning because everyone says stuff philosophy what I've just been saying the same thing I see everyone is laughing because you know what I've said in the past about that may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala grant us forgiveness may he make us those who can appreciate life you know how you appreciate life by living it according to set rules and regulations you appreciate it a lot you know when people don't have rules and regulations i mentioned it yesterday and i want to say it again today because i'm passionate about it I have seen it in front of my eyes look at what is termed the free world they tell you do what you want so the people are nude and to them Wow that's freedom it's freedom why I'm nude and this is why once I had a message and I actually you know forwarded it where it was beautifully put it says you know what if freedom really and or should we say you know what they call it today a human right or freedom whatever you want to call it is connected to nudity and this is what a lot of people think and the animals are most free subhanAllah the animals are most free to be honest with you they are probably more humane according to them than we are Allah protect us you know let's get back to what I was saying so people think that wow you know I can do what I want so now they're nude they get fed up of it after a little while they get tired of it you become sick and irritated what am i showing and Allah has kept a plan in place such that you will not remain on the same level of physical beauty that the world has pressurised you to look at this beauty because Allah says there is something deeper than that skin deeper the beauty is within you where those who really are supposed to appreciate you when you grow older they love you more subhanAllah and you might think but I've got wrinkles on my face those are the wrinkles they kiss and they say wow you're gorgeous subhanAllah you know we talk of women who have given Beth and this is a an open call for the husbands who are seated here when they've given birth sometimes they become a tiger mashallah so what happens you have a mark or two on the belly that proves your jihad I challenge you to go and kiss those marks and said you know what you are my wife you've given birth to my child subhanAllah I appreciate this what is the world taught us oh she's given birth now you can look at others who don't have that belly yet that's what the world teaches us but islam teaches us no she's given birth she's become known as a mother a mother is a school a mother has a rank higher than you could imagine in Islam leave me it's not our topic today but we need to make mention of it so after some time people who live new to get fed up of it so what do they do they begin to instead of showing their bodies they want to make tattoos on their bodies to show people that tattoo so now the tattoo is here and there and everywhere and they show this tattoo for a while and then they see bigger tattoos and more daring people who've tattooed their whole bodies so they get fed up of that as well so now it's no longer about the tattoos so what is it well you know what I'm tired I'm fed up no happiness as it is among drugs and as it is every day we're trying to legalize we've already succeeded legalizing cannabis and legalizing marijuana and marijuana and whatever else you want to call it in my part of the world they call it da ha so everything becoming legalized we happy now we've shown ourselves we got fed up of that we've moved to a new level we've tattooed ourselves now what happens we now need to decide to change the gender we are I want to feel what it feels like to be a woman because I'm going to live once only wall I am telling you the pressure on the globe is in this direction this is the pressure on the globe so they tell you you want to marry a man you crazy just marry a woman I'm talking of women saying this because why they fed up they tired hey they really they tired they how can I wear it you know trying to wear it respectfully they actually do not confuse they don't know what life is all about they have not tasted the beauty of spirituality and a link with the maker they haven't yet tasted well luckily if they tasted they would fight us for a space they would fight us for the space they would they would want the comfort that we are sitting in beautifully so they came to a stage where they say we are tired of marrying men because when you marry a man you know you end up getting divorced I'd rather have a link with the same sex ask Allah for Allah but it's happening and thereafter they say instead of that let me just become a person who is of the opposite sex because nowadays you can actually do that I just need to fly to Switzerland and I can get it cracking and when I come back don't worry I'll be with you as Thoth over Allah I owe the bill now they are tired then what happens 99.9% don't ask me how I know that percentage but I know it 99.9% of those who have had a sex change have regretted it at some stage thereafter quite soon in the future ninety-nine point why it is unnatural it is what we would turn against spirituality you know one might fight me because this is an international talk I think it's beamed on the net so one might say well you know what two people are free to do what they want well to be honest with you I can work around that statement very easily and very comfortably you're free to become a dog and a cat no problem yes that's what you think it's okay tomorrow if they have a genetic modification where a person can become an ape you free to do that as well I think Darwin and them already may have had ancestors who who were in that direction but to be honest with you that freedom that you are being conned by the wording of it remember it has resulted in gray regret when you don't know where to stop when you don't know its limits and I can tell you if you are free to do something it does not necessarily mean that what you want to do is good for you we are still free to promote what we believe is better for you subhanAllah at the end of the day the choice is yours we would say to the free world you might be wondering why I am saying this this is an indemnity that's what it is it's a statement for people who want to understand you know living in the Western world for them subhanAllah I always say you are free to be a Muslim or not to be a Muslim through your freedom you chose you chose to place on your shoulders rules and regulations that would govern your life so now I'm a Muslim I'm a submitter I have chosen to believe that for me this is not the path this is the path so I will not engage in this activity I will not be tattooing myself I will never have a sex change and I will never be interested in the same sex and so on through my freedom I have chosen that somehow Allah I told you we can work around it may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala help us and may he make it easy for us believe me five years from now if Allah gives us life we will be having to talk in a totally different direction because already I have met up with people or let me not say Metta but I have been in communication with people who are Muslim who have regretted and repented having had a sex change do you know that what to do now well subhanAllah too late too late never in the eyes of Allah I think you are still alive it might be too late to reverse things engage in repentance and constantly and weep and cry and when you die in the condition of repentance I would like to hope that your maker is most merciful most forgiving you have committed a grave sometimes if a person if it's the ending you know let me give you a true example in Cape Town there was a time when it was an in thing to remove your front teeth you know why you belong to a gang and so you would have to be a person who's punched in the face in order to be acceptable by everyone so men and women alike they removed their front teeth the first four in the frontier so what happened they looked you know you can imagine they smile at you really look like criminal already and it was the in thing everybody was excited this was many a few decades ago the people of Cape Town probably laugh when they hear this but what happened as a result is that trend was lost at a certain time people began to become educated and they said you don't need to mutilate your body to be acceptable to others no so now they want teeth so a lot of them put him gold teeth silver teeth you know false teeth whatever else it was but to be honest with you they had to live without their real teeth because they made such a big mistake Allah will forgive them if they repent for having removed the teeth that Allah bless them with for nothing they will be forgiven but they will have to live the rest of their lives without teeth so if someone has done something worse than that and they have asked Allah to forgive them Allah will forgive them but they will inshallah or they will have to live their lives without that particular item amazing subhanAllah we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala to grant us goodness and to open our doors I was shown a sign mashallah by the brother my brother the backdrop was gray and the ink was also a color that I couldn't read so I don't know what you try to tell me brother I challenge is like a laughing so this is why we say my brothers and sisters if you do not have direction in life you get you get tired of it you will never get tired of developing your link with your maker bit by bit take the steps we have seen the path we have been shown the path by Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala we have the messenger your footsteps should be closed mashallah one by one walk in that direction you will swim spirituality such that we'll live the day you die the day you are in your pangs of death you will actually be looking forward to meeting your maker rather than a person who wants to cling to dear life when they know they are going the people who are stronger than me have God those more powerful with me have gone those who had more than me are gone I am going to go I'd rather go with a smile knowing that I tried to prepare for the day I have me I'm going to meet my maker than to die depressed thinking eh there's still a Ferrari there I haven't driven this is what some people think you know I still don't have that phone I don't how am I going to dive and I haven't yet seen what's going on you know subhanAllah you're going to go the world will leave you behind so your best bet is develop that link and you know what it's beautiful it's not so difficult people make it sound difficult you try your link between you and your maker you and the messenger is yours in your heart for you to know for him to know try your best Allah knows your trial he knows your environment he knows what you are living in he knows how hard you're trying we won't judge you but let your own deeds not judge you badly may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala protect us and grant us forgiveness and may he make us from those who realize may he make us from those who can understand there are others who have sacrificed their lives for me and you I should be prepared to sacrifice at least a little bit to be a better person we meet a game in sha allah this evening until then we say o sallallahu wasallam our barik ala nabina muhammad subhanAllah who Hamdi subhanak Alamodome dick Nash aduw allah allah hail and esta Veruca on a tuba lake you you you you you you you you you you you you you you Oh
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 172,626
Rating: 4.7953091 out of 5
Keywords: What Have You Achieved in Your Life : Your Link With The Messenger (ﷺ) - Mufti Menk, What Have You Achieved in Your Life, Your Link With The Messenger (ﷺ), Mufti Menk, Achieved in Your Life, Messenger (ﷺ), Islam, Quran, Sunnah, Allah, Muhammad, Koran, Prophet, Sheikh, Shah Alam Convention Centre, dakwahbookstore, Life, Allahs prophet, guidance, ﷺ, Mufti Ismail Menk, Ismail Menk, Zimbabwe, muslim, muslims
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 6sec (4326 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2013
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