What Have I Done? I Sold My Dream Sawmill

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[Music] do i tell you what sooner than later i'm gonna put me a proper dust collection system in here i'm sick and tired of shoveling sawdust at the end of the day not that it's a big deal but just one more thing to do and i'm trying to streamline things here at the mill make things more efficient so uh give me your ideas down below you other guys with sawmills what kind of dust collection systems y'all running so on the sawmill friends we are going to finish up this cherry log and my goodness it is a nice one i tell you the next slab is going to be almost 27 inches wide so i'm getting a little bit wider than i thought right here on this other end though 25 not too bad i thought 24 would be the best we could do not too bad we'll probably do about four more slabs out of this and this log will be done and uh put it on sticks and let it dry had somebody to call me it's asked if this will straighten to the key on it will not this will air dry for a long time probably maybe till this time next year i'm gonna hurry on this stuff guys i'll let it air dry as long as possible the kiln the new l200 pro kion is full of walnut right now it's about 1100 board feet and that walnuts nine quarter and i saw it actually two years ago so that kind of shows you how long i'll wait before i put stuff in the kiln all right guys we will get this done pretty fast here i'm hoping for about four more slabs out of this log we've got two cut already we'll throw some water on it it should be some pretty good stuff right here i think i'll take the pith and completely eliminate it from this log and go ahead and find it and cut it out and throw it in the burn pile i just don't like fooling with it guys i don't i like to just get rid of it i hate when somebody comes here by slabs and they pull out that slab with the pith in it you know i know it's kind of stable it's in the middle you know and stuff like that but i just hate looking at it i hate it i don't like it at all i think i'll get rid of it we'll knock this one out pretty fast here guys on the sawmill i'm running a silver tip turbo seven i get those from joe maine down in georgia guys if you're interested in those his information is below you can call him or email him well once again friends i forgot to tell y'all something three different things here number one thanks to everybody on patreon for supporting me here in the channel number two i want to thank everybody who bought the t-shirt with the pocket in it if you didn't see that there's a link down below you can go check that out we sold a lot of them yesterday and i really appreciate you guys for buying on the number three is i can't tell you yet but i'll tell you soon enough or you'll probably see it so without further ado let's crank up this lt40 wide for the last time hang in there with me [Music] [Music] all right guys real fast here i cut the sawmill off for just a second right there is our first cut that's a nine quarter slab free of heart right there there's no pith in it and what i did was i came down about another inch and an eighth and that will completely get rid of the pith right there in the middle that will leave us with about three slabs on the bottom that's an extra cut you're gonna make but you get rid of that pith guys i think it's worth the time just to get rid of it all right friends those that are interested 27 inches right there goodness sakes alive that is premium cherry friends i tell you that is good stuff right there hard to beat right there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh uh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Out of the Woods
Views: 105,528
Rating: 4.9287648 out of 5
Keywords: sawmill, Woodmizer, wood-mizer sawmill, portable sawmill, farm, out of the woods, forestry, Norwood, timbering, cooks sawmill, baker sawmill, tym tractor, logging, sawmill videos, tractor videos, vlog, YouTube, wood, woodworking, lumber prices, prices, sawmill shortage, wood-mizer lt40, rural living, Kubota, wranglerstar, off grid, log cabin, homestead, logs into lumber, live edge, slabs, live edge slabs, furniture, cherry logs, sawing lumber, sawing logs, how to, off-grid, alone, Sawyer
Id: XwJdwh4an5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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