What has Anthony Joshua learned from his Ruiz defeat? | JD In The Duffle Bag with Chuckie Online

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yes JD in the duffel bag myself Chuck your lime bro you know I don't really like doing the big intros and one of that type of stuff you know me and I got acne Joshua bro I can't complain one about two arms two legs I give thanks how are you but we're here yeah you know when I walked in and I saw you guys I was shocked because I'm a listener of your show sick supporter of your show as well love that it just makes conversation easier when you're familiar with the person across at a definite Lee and I've always said as well like even before it's always felt like even I don't know you it's always to a lot of us we do feel like yeah you're like family member as well but firstly I want to just your YouTube channel bro okay I do want to say that like I love your YouTube channel bro and you know it reminds me element of it reminds me of you know Eric Thompson yeah you know like the the motivational speaker ever all you need is a little bit of music in the back that would just be gasps listen to the heart of Detroit everything you said that the music yeah he was the first one to capture that scene where you'd put a little bit of music in it of course we're talking it just kind of gets you pumped up it proper helps bro like I don't know about you but see you like when I'm training that's the type of stuff I'm listening to a lot now I've had mixtapes and certain albums that have ultimately got me wham yeah listen to like a.j spades mixtape or whatever it may be or blade Brown and then after six months I'm just Blanc yeah yeah but then like there becomes a time right I need something a little bit different something that sort of taps into yeah that hard heart of Detroit mixtape is really good I fit your liner is a what are you listening to like that when it comes to training are you is that the type of stuff that you're listening to as well or not not really guys from America are in at the minute so there's a lot of like New Age hip hop yeah but then we do go old-school as well I listen to a lot of like our school right BG knockout yeah it's like that old school classic hip hop I think that that's my favorite era and then a bit of soul like the Jazz era my BB King yeah just been listening to one or two of his tracks recently it's just like a bit more it's not what you expect but it just gets me in the zone yeah it just gets me in a zone in a different way you are men of nostalgia in it you like like you kind of like old school things though yes you're like hundred percent yeah music wise that musical stems from of course and even when you go back to the old school even though it is new what a day you will see you will find traits of things that what happened in then that we that we just like renew in today so that's like where I like the old scores because I feel like what one of my trainer says is that there's clues to success they're out there already we just have to follow what success is well we can replicate in today's market definitely it's funny that you mention actually because I went to a I went to exhibition what was it two years ago and it was called the turn of the rude boy my mom took me bit okay yeah and you know like some time looking allowed to you sometimes my mom will say to me are like you should really come to this oh I'd like you to see it or whatever and some seriously yeah but we went to this thing and it was so good bro because it was ultimately about from the fashion sense yeah yeah and you looked at like how people used to dress in like the sixties seventies and stuff like that and in let you see these pictures and you're like hi in fashion now I in high-end fashion so it's like all that nostalgia like it's gone round you get what I'm saying it's like a lot of things with his fashion music stuff that all different types of styles all go around we then I like I even like the name nostalgia your name is just or faint because what yeah I lied I know how how are you dobro on a serious one how are you have you been house for me I'm improving so like away from sport even I use sport as my life purpose I'm improving which is good and I feel like that gives me purpose so it's just kind of my sports life and my personal life just marries together well so I'm just living the life of a proper athlete yeah that's all it is for me man do you feel like you're like you can't you almost can't be at peace unless you are training yeah because that's why I found peace that's when I wanted to become a man when I was 18 and I wanted to sort myself out and I kind of looked at my life I found support and taught me a lot and I feel like that's that's the reasons why people would say I listen you should go in holiday I should do that and I'm like nah I'm cool like it's not that I find gym at Shaw I'm someone that you need to get out of the gym I actually love it because it helps keep my life intact and in purpose yeah I love training sometimes I need a place to kind of go and find this piece of this bit of tranquility went to Jamaica no dad not that long ago and that's my place where I loved you but if I whenever things are getting super hectic for me or wherever and I need to reset so to speak yeah for me Jamaica is like but then now let's talk about people that can't afford Jamaica all right and that's that's the gym do you see what I'm saying that's like just like a gym space or that's what I loved about boxing is is I used to borrow my cousin's shorts a pair of trainers and then the club would just have some boxing gloves and I found real light peace and tranquility in there it was like I just couldn't wait to go back and it's a blessing that we can experience places like Jamaica but I was like the weird thing is that something so simple gave me so much joy yes and that's why for me even though boxing is like a got a sport and it's not like a Formula one type of sport or golfing type of sport but I have to keep a professional mindset and really focus as a professional if I want to achieve an escape yeah never go back like see like way you'd like where you yeah do you ever like literally just go back and just hang there casement yeah I was there two weeks ago yeah squaddie yeah yeah yeah man named eyesight box in then a year into books and I can't to Sheffield so in a short space of time my life just I just distance myself not that I wanted to but life just took me away from everything and then I fall out after 10 years honestly I reconnected with my whole squad again yeah and I feel like I'm bringing something back to the hood yeah I'm saying back to the boy that we call it the hood because that is what we called it and I'm just bringing something back now and I feel like I'm fighting because I want to lift that Watford and the boys from there as well hopefully we can do some business together and do something positive in our community because where I grew up was a real real community man yeah and you know what though people have to put a little respect on what for the name to be fair you know we used to go Yancy's in games yeah yeah and they want to get the bus because the bus used to take you so you paid 12-pound going from dealing to destiny the thing is sermon will come all the way from south or east or wherever not even knowing how they're getting back that's why they just wanted to make sure Watford doesn't say so imagine we lived there as well so we're seeing all the London different Londoners coming down so we're connecting around the area it was just a really good community and then the thing is is that like as I said that's like getting in trouble I wanted to advance financially before my time so you make silly mistakes and stuff like that and then with that being said I feel like I missed that 10-year period when I could have still been squaddie but I was just focusing on box since I was I was in a different fight for my life which was in the ring and it's good because now all the squad's coming out to Saudi going on my friends from Watford who I grew up without coming out to Saudi as well and even though I took my first loss in New York it's brought a lot of reasoning back to my life hopefully this would be another resurrection for me another defining moment in my career in front of some of my pals from back in the day as well still another though and it ends a little bit mmm for me like I feel like elements of it really inspire me still hundreds in going back to the ends it inspires me in two different ways because it's like okay cool this is where I come from and like and I never knew that where I grew up and what I was doing would have monetary value from what I was seeing experience it yeah but also if I'm being honest sometimes it's like couple of people that's from my ends that I look at and I think you inspire me because you know in a bad way but I just don't want to be like you yeah I don't want to find myself oh do you respect you respect so they go I'm saying would you try and help those people absolutely but it's difficult as well the thing is you know that you can't help everyone that's fine but you can't help everyone that's the thing and in the hood or in certain areas it feels like everyone needs help and by the same time I feel that that's the next stage of my boxing career I think like initially it's about family now I'm gonna go into the next step of my career where I want to be able to help like my community a bit more because I know how difficult is like all of them and I'm afraid you know and when I went back like one of our friends passed away years ago so we wore into the grave and stuff and it's like nah man we we're still the same boys we're still the same kids and we still got the same passion and look at you and you're saying that you talk about Watford years and I'm not we need to do a reunion of what it once was and get everyone back and we start making it a monetary system where we could start generating income and then the summer times around the corner where we could use Casa brie park I'm like what we need to start thinking as businessman is it hard though because I know that sometimes there's people that you can love dearly that yeah for a long time yeah but whatever it is they don't have that thing yeah that's all going to ask you is it how did you take yourself out of when you say you your experiences you never knew you could turn into a monetary yeah system or it's about no I didn't know I had monetary but how did you then transition now what makes you unique I was always into music my dad was a DJ yes so then like I always followed that and luckily for me not everyone has this as well but luckily for me my parents always push me into whatever it was that I wanted to do as long as it was constructive yeah they would always push me and Nancy in that direction to go I'm saying so because everyone has their yes exactly it was always about Mick back do something constructive don't just be hanging around on the street yeah find out wait is that you want to do if you don't want to if you don't wanna go College that's fine yeah if you want to do music that's okay but what is it that you want to do so I was just literally out there just trying to find my feet but luckily even within this year even within situations where you have people who may not necessarily have the heart or the drive or whatever it is to do whatever it is that they want to do there's always people still within it that that do want to do that do you want to do it exactly so I gravitated to that when I'm seeing like my best mate for example who's a very good friend of mine he's not my brother now he manages a very big I might as well just plug him he managed manages Dave yeah and you know doing a lot of other different things there's one big thing when I was watching him yeah like waking up early in the morning and going and doing X Y & Z in my head I'm like rah I actually can't even let the side down no you can't you can't say you're tired of working hard when you're seeing no people around you so that's why what I felt when I went back is that I have to use my sports as an influence to the community so the same friends I grew up with that still owned like whatever they're on are still around the area I don't want to leave them there so a lot of them are coming to Saudi so the best thing I can do is give them an experience to leave their local environment yeah okay yeah so that's what boxing done for me thank God that I found it because number one it took me away from Watford number two it brought me to chef food I would have never come in I would have never been going Saudi in my life I would have never gone Azerbaijan was beckus town Russia these countries compete by just help me open my eyes and ears to some of things and that's what we need to do for the lads some of them some boys don't even have their passports renewed ja I know Tim you didn't have you also didn't you do this what about smart one is checking about Tim may him you know say from Kentucky wait so we know when you're not traveling much and stuff like that so and Tim's come out to chef food now and he's seen a whole new environment and that does something to you inside whatever it does and that's what I'm trying to do for the boys now so through boxing hopefully if it's not just through the fights if there's a premiere where we might go watching idris elba film and we get to shake hands with him that might inspire one of them who's interacting do you not I mean so this is what we need to start doing and that's how the olders poss the right knowledge onto the youngest this key is key it's key is key and I've said before I know that some people have like really disagreed with this train of thought but I did feel that sometimes in our environment or where we came from there was an element of lack the olders let in some of the youngers down only because I never said it was it was a single I said if my if if that wasn't in the household then it was the oldest when I say to you before that I sometimes I look at some of the people that are from my ends and I think I don't want to be like you yeah what a thing of like when you was young you was the into the right things and you didn't help me do you didn't even turn it into you exactly you didn't say to me you know what yeah instead of you doing what I'm doing yeah what is it that you're interested in when you're looking for what's that thing when you're in school and you were gonna find a job apprenticeship or something work experience wait where your friend that he thinks the guy who's got all the connects can't even put you into a work experience placement or come and sit beside him to work yeah and that's why I started learning about and the business industry is that you need to build up your connections and so you can help not even my friends must my younger sister or my younger brother or my cousin and that's when we all have to make these efforts to change we've all come a lot of people from years back the seventies the 60s have come from bad backgrounds the world wasn't always what we see it has today and the people in places aren't always what we see yesterday they've all started off somewhere but it doesn't matter where you start it's what your ambition is in the long run and that's why hopefully we can all make a positive change like all in the boys I'm around now they're not bad people but it's not been easy for us and we're all pushing to make a better change and that's why the two five eight like the company that you know is managing me that's what it stands for is that we have to work as if we had another hour and another day cause 24/7 in enough when you're trying to be in the rat race you have to go that one step further and that's why we're all pushing in the same direction it's interesting it's just so interesting about the history and the story and bring him back and sports being in a position with boxing I'm glad I found boxing because I feel like it's a sport that's so in touch with the streets definitely my gym is just some little Hall probably the size of this I mean like with a hundred kids that come in there every day and it's just so good busy like that yeah obviously like before like going in like when there was youth clubs and all of those that yeah we would like go to these youth clubs or whatever but being shut down than that that's why there are gyms but our young are young bucks going to them though you should ask been like when you come down finish a VC that's what I loved about it give me Irish Asian Jewish Africa and Caribbean English Muslim Christian but there's so many different religions and races you meet the olders in there who are working the seniors who are working hard or fighting so Derrick was my older he was in the gym at the time so I wanted to aspire to be like him and stuff like that so it was a right representation and that's what I loved about that boxing environment so hopefully you know even though boxing we're trying to take it to the world my feet are still so close to the ground and even though I had took ten years away from where I grew up I honestly feel that it was only so I can give back do you know I mean when I went back as I said I'm under a 10 year bird and come back to nothing I've done my 10-year stint in boxing and I'm bringing something back so I can't hate on me for that now so we have but it takes all of us to make a conscious effort in the community to try and make a change because I'm Watford you know what it was like yeah if we could bring it back that positive vibe that we once had in Watford it was just but you know it's inspired like on the other side of that is inspiring and I think that like you have a connection with people that are there because you've come from there as well sometimes that's just a little bit of push that people need sometimes that if you push yourself too far away from the people exactly then how can I achieve what I can't see so you've heard about this guy but you never see this guy you have to be like on the front line with your soldiers I mean so I can't just be sitting back saying yeah you can be like this guy or you could be like look bigger myself up or anything I'll say oh you could be the next champion or like me but I'm not to be seen that's why it's important to be frontline with your squad and being Watford being London being Finch ABC manager gym where kids can touch you and speak to you I think it's so important man unless that's where you will find me like I don't hide I'm not in those plush gym we're basically where we're at if you can't see for those who's listening we're in I mean in Sheffield I'm sort of naming this building he is what he is yeah and then it's like a track in there we was watching literally when we was waiting for you there was this little kid yeah I don't know she must have been about six seven she was doing laps and laps laughs a consistent PA when I was young I didn't remember being tired to be fair yeah I could I could be pain that's what I'm trying to mimic his best sleep and what these guys here have had Jessica Ennis has their inspiration I mean and that's why these places are filled out because I see I hear like every other week so they can still relate and be in touch with one of the greatest and track athletes that there is at this country's produce and I think he's an yeah hundred cents they've connected like wherever you come from it's important to stay connected I was having a conversation with someone what phew what last week and you came up in the conversation and then something about like are you like AJ's gonna proper slim in that I like aging you know these girls just love this lactic no John is my friend was a nice weight your head looks massive although because you know what the problem is now same way cuz you know he said go out he goes I used to feel like you know and yeah you go yeah he's is now but it's boxing that's cool that to Holloway I see when he said that to you how did it like you know you started looking at my oh yes I do you know I mean am I not as intimidating anymore but it's for boxing you know I mean but the main thing I wonder is cuz I still feel big and heavy now I'm not how big was i before it's not for like image wise but for boxing how was I getting through 11 rounds 10 rounds fight in carrying that excess weight that I obviously didn't need so this is where you're at now or it's like I'm gonna try this yeah yeah I'm more consistent in my training even though I've been a high-level for a long time and I'm still learning on the job yeah so I've had to learn about what works and after my last loss it give me a real minute to reflect and I changed up some other things as well which is obviously resolved in a different body shape physically like my jobs physical so physically you can see the changes yeah let's talk about that a little bit like just like the year that you've had the line between winning and losing can be very very thin yeah and you would have always known that yeah but did you realize it was that thin well yeah because you know it's like the thing that motivates you to win it's probably the fear of losing that fear of losing is what drives me to train so I always understood it and you know I always look at like my greats and the people who I admire and stuff and wherever they're motivational speaker talking about setbacks and failures which previously didn't have no relevance to me because I'd never took in a loss as a professional but they would all talk about how the setbacks make them what they are and then I look at some of my greatest of of champions in the history of boxing and laughing hang on a minute so they've taken losses but it always felt like it was such a catastrophic kind of catastrophic yeah situation if you took a loss of it as an athlete and boom it happened and one thing I knew is that you just have to take it like a soldier and there's no complaining in hindsight there's always things that you could change but at the time you just have to take it like a man and congratulate you have a person and move forward and I feel like for me I feel like I took a loss for the heavyweight division but at the time Wilder who I was always in there don't mentioned in my name alongside he had only taken a draw he hadn't taken a loss Fury a draw never lost any Joshua clean record no I took a loss so I was all eyes on Joshua again how is he gonna deal with this and I felt it was important for me to handle it like a true champion in good times and adversity handle it like a champion and I feel that was the message I wanted to get across through the bad times is that you could still walk with your chin up and your back I do you know I mean you should never shy away from these type of situations and we go again you know I mean and I fought that will be you'll be a big setback but interestingly I've had the biggest opportunity come out of this you know going to Saudi crane history another defining moment they take away everything that it stands for but me and the Joshua is fighting for the heavyweight championship of the world take away the word rematch the fact that I lost previously to this guy I have a shot at heavyweight champ ship with the world so out of such a drastic and bad situation flip side there's a massive positive that I get to fight for the heavyweight championship with the world December 7 let's rock and roll and I'm quiet and I'm fighting a guy that I know I can be providing I get my Texas right so well what happens when is that saying in it back if it's broken you don't need to fix it that's all you've never needed to fix anything saying bro so what happens when it when it breaks everything I've had in me has always been it just needed fine-tuning so everyone's always seeing a different Josh drama you're not seeing a different Joshua you're seeing what was already there but just fine-tuned so in a way as I said through this big issue that seems to the world am not the same person and I'm taking a lot Shawn I'm visible for me as came out the other side where the biggest of opportunities are presented themselves and it's given me a chance to really put my foot down and say look this is what I was talking about and this is what I need to do and I've gone through this training camp so far in the best shape that I've ever been and I know it's quite generic to say that but I'm quite a realist and I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it and I really mean that through the changes we made I come in the best place I could be ahead of this fight bro I got a hundred and hundred and one things I want to bring up with you so much talking points to me but I know that we're really short fat yeah yeah yeah but like I really hope that at some point we can kind of connect again and have a lot e but also on top of that I do want to say to you bro that I think irrespective of anything one thing I don't like you is that sometimes people can make it seem like a loss is a defining thing and it's not a defining thing and yeah it happened ago I'm saying at some point these things can happen in your life in it but I just speak for a lot of people when I say that irrespective of all of that we're proud of you and we just you know I mean we've got your back and it may or may vary it may feel like it feel like there's a lot of people now because of what has happened all of a sudden I like why I don't think yeah before and we're just that's gonna happen it was well you know what man names backing yeah trust me yeah try so good luck and just you know whatever we're not going anywhere alright then and as you said is that you know it's not that way of saying that you have to experience a loss to understand what it is but if you do stand strong hmm it doesn't define you it's part of their journey and I'm all about winning I don't want no one to ever think about losing so I don't want what we're talking about to even make sense sort of winners yeah sure I mean to the people who are winning what we're talking about won't even make sense because they've never experienced a loss but I want him to stay on that track but if it ever does happen and they feel a certain way and they may be depressed fullback on this talk and understand what it means and know that it's not a defining moment it's just part of a bigger picture and part a journey and you can bounce back and I'm saying JD and a duffel bag Andy Joshua everyone thanks for listening yeah
Channel: JD Sports
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Id: 4txShqDAQXE
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Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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