Top 15 STRONGEST Pack-A-Punched Weapons in MW3 Zombies

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these are the top 15 best Pack-a-Punch weapons to currently be using in Modern Warfare 3 zombies in this video we're going to show weapons that are good for taking down normal zombies bosses the mega Abomination even the red worm World boss and weapons that are all around good for everything now something to knowe even though I have pack-a-punched all 120 plus weapons in the game I haven't done the full in-depth testing for every weapon like I would like to just because of how many weapons there are so in the future as we get new weapons Buffs Nerfs and I learn more about these I am going to be making an updated video so if you want to see a season 2 version of this video make sure to unlock that subscribe button and with that being said let's Roll right in starting off in the number 15 slot we've got the pdsw 528 and the main reason this is on the list is because the special ability it gets when you pack it if you look at our magazine size right now it's 50 however the second we pack it it gets eight times bigger giving you 400 bullets before you have to reload most weapons in the game only double the mag size when packed are maybe triples the size no other weapon in the game gets remotely this amount of extra ammo in the magazine when you pack it it and on top of having 400 bullets look at how quickly you're able to reload this so not only are you not going to be reloading often but when you do reload it's only going to take a few seconds however there is a reason this weapon is number 15 on the list it's got a few pretty big downsides one is the reserve ammo for this weapon is not that much so if you're not constantly paying attention and looking for ammo on the ground or going to ammo crates you might find yourself in a situation where you're completely out of ammo quite often now if this was the only issue with the weapon it would be higher up than number 15 but unfortunately it's got another pretty big issue and that is its overall damage output as you can see here on these tier three zombies it doesn't have near as much damage as the other weapons on this list which doesn't mean it's unusable I still find this is a very good weapon and there's a lot of reasons to use it but those reasons are mainly when you're playing in the tier one and two zones if you're going a game and you really plan to stay in Tier 1 and two and you're not going to be doing any tier three farming that's what this weapon excels at it is one of the best weapons to be using in the Tier 1 Zone and the tier 2 Zone but uh bringing it into the tier three Zone you can quickly see that the damage output of this even when fully upgraded just isn't there compared to other weapons now for our class setup on the pdsw but something I need to explain real quick before we move into any of these class setups these are very player dependent some people like to hit fire more some people like to ads spam and depending on your play style the attachments you use can be wildly different so these are just my personal recommended classes that I use for my weapons in game you might have to tweak this a little bit for your play style for the pdsw I've got a little bit more of a hitfire style build for the laser we've got the point G3 P4 for the optic and this is the optic you're going to see me running on every weapon that's available for this is my favorite optic in the game we've got the nyd model 2023 however if you don't like this site use whatever you feel most comfortable with this is a very subjective thing in COD for the stock we've got the hollow extended stock for the comb we've got the TV tacome for the rear grip we've got the bruan q900 grip coming in the number 14 spot we've got the BBY which has been a fan favorite for a lot of people since the launch of the Zombies mode once we pack it we get 90 bullets in the magazine in tier one it absolutely fries but so does every weapon even the pdsw now where this weapon really shines is in the tier three Zone it's really good at killing higher Health zombies pretty solid for doing damage against bosses and it has the bonus of being able to use the under barrel shotgun in every single weapon on this list that you're able to put this on I am going to be putting it on cuz it allows you to have that extra backup and even in the tier three Zone when Pack-a-Punch this under barrel shotgun one- Shot Zombies so if you run out of ammo and you've got a zombie near you you can switch to it really quickly instead of reloading take care of the threat and now you've got that additional time to reload so instead of putting the under barrel shotgun on the list I'm just going to recommend it on every weapon that can use it on this list now for the BBY these are the attachments I prefer for the laser we've got the ftac Grim line laser for the optic once again Nar model 2023 for the rear grip we've got the turny tack grip for the magazine we're running the 45 round mag and for most weapons I'm almost always going to run the biggest magazine I find that the best way to build weapons in zombies then like I said earlier we've got the cronis under barrel shotgun and any weapon that I can put this on I am going to be equipping it for number 13 on the list is the SVA 545 this overall is a lot like the bass P but I think it's a little bit better and this weapon also has a special way to use it to get the max amount of damage so with this weapon your first few shots do more damage so you can actually kill zombies and do more damage if you tap fire this compared to just holding it down full auto as you can see here we shoot a lot more bullets and do a lot more just overall damage when tap firing cuz those first set of bullets come out faster you can full auto it if you want to but if you're trying to maximize with it you do want to tap fire and it does have that crazy powerful under barrel shotgun as well once again this is another weapon that's insanely good against tier three zombies and higher and it does does a lot of damage to the boss as well the main reason I prefer this over the bass P though as you can see this has 120 rounds in the magazine whereas the bass only had 90 so great damage great mag size overall really solid weapon to use just make sure if you're using it if you're using it in a big hord of zombies you're tap firing it that way you're getting that maximum amount of DPS here's the class setup for the SVA 545 for the laser we've got the ffs OV laser for the stock we've got the macv R11 stock the rear grip is the cotal grip magazine is a 60 round mag then we've got the under barrel shotgun on it number 12 on the list is the Longbow sniper rifle and I know this doesn't look like a sniper rifle and it's got a 40 round mag but yeah this is a sniper rifle that's got a 40 round mag and it does get an additional ability when you Pack-A-Punch it so normally it's semi-automatic but once it's packed it is now full auto so you don't have to constantly pull the trigger in tier 2 uh it is a one- shot I'm pretty sure even if we shoot them in the leg uh yeah anywhere you shoot a zombie in the tier 2 Zone they're just gone once it's Max upgraded which is pretty ridiculous once you take into the fact that it's got 80 rounds in the mag and even when you take this weapon to the tier three Zone it performs really well against zombies as long as you're hitting the upper body or head shot if you hit them in the foot this weapon doesn't do as well and it also takes out bosses really well here's a disciple and you can see few shots in and it's gone also puts in some pretty good work against the mega Abomination here's our class setup for the Longbow for the optic we've got the Slate reflector for the stock we've got the no stock the bolt is the Sam quick Bolt the rear grip is a citadel grip then for the magazine we've got the 40 round mag in the number 11 spot we've got our first lmg the pl I'm going to call it the PKM cuz that's easier for me to pronounce and we're running the aftermarket part on this which makes it so you run faster with it and it UPS the fire rate and the negative downside is supposed to be that it gives the weapon more recoil however as you can see here the build we have for this weapon it doesn't have much of any recoil when we go ahead and Pack-a-Punch this we now have 400 rounds in the map magazine and 800 in reserve and this is what it does to tier 2 zombies oh there's a tier 2 mimic and yeah tier 2 zombies when Max upgraded absolutely get annihilated usually the biggest downside for an lmg is you run slowly with it however look at how quickly we're running with this using this aftermarket part it is a pretty fast lmg with a lot of ammo and a lot of damage it makes quick work of tier three zombies and higher it's really good against bosses as long as you still have ammo you can just mow down anything however that's the downside once you have to reload this it is still an lmg and the reload is pretty long compared to other weapons it's not crazy long but compared to the SMGs and the other weapons we showed in the video uh it could get you down and it is going to be an issue with this weapon in some scenarios here's our class setup for the PKM the most important one being the conversion kit the aftermarket part the Jack Annihilator Bullpup kit this gives you a ton of pros and the cons don't really affect you too much in game then for the magazine we've got the 200 round belt for the under Barrel we've got the Brew heavy support grip for optic we've got the model 2023 then for our stock we've got the harbinger economic recoil pad now I pick for the number 10 spot might be a weird choice for a lot of people I've got the combat knife in this spot and if you use it against zombies it's pretty bad I would not recommend taking out tier three zombies with this weapon even when it's fully upgraded uh cuz it takes two hits and it's a very slow knifing weapon however this is extremely powerful when used against bosses so here's a tier three mimic and if we go up to it and we knife it two times oh it it is gone two knives mimic dead now for a tier three Mega Abomination throw down a decoy so the zombies leave us alone make our way to the mega Abomination and we just start slicing just keep going keep going keep going few more slices up in here oh and it it's gone just like that didn't even really get scratched as long as we have a decoy throw it down just start knifing and you just take out a mega Abomination all right here we go here's storm CER one of the hardest boss in the entire game with the combat knife one 1 2 3 four I'm not sure how many it is but you can see um combat knife legitimately makes him go away he he does not live long you just got to slice him a few times storm collar dies Falls the ground you get the loot so that's why in my opinion the Modern Warfare 2 combat knife has earned it spot at number 10 it's not the best primary weapon but it's probably the best backup weapon in the entire game you have your primary weapon for taking out zombies then when you run into any boss in the game you switch out to the knife and you take out the boss then switch back to the primary and continue mowing down zombies it is so good as a support weapon here's the class setup for the combat knife as you can see tons of amazing attachments on this number nine we've got the RAM 7even and win Pack-a-Punch this has some of the most insane damage for a full auto weapon you can see in tier 2 it's absolutely deleting everything it comes across even in tier three this weapon just makes the zombies disappear but this weapon does have an issue the reason it's not higher up on the list once again it does not have a ton of Reserve ammo and if you are not really making sure you're picking up all the ammo off the ground and you're not looking for ammo crates you are going to run out of ammo with this weapon quite often and that issue gets multiplied when you're playing in a team of three because ammo drops are not for everyone an ammo drops down if a teammate takes that ammo drop that's an ammo drop you don't get so in Solo play this weapon's a little bit more effective cuz you can make sure you get all the ammo drops but when I use this weapon in Co-op uh I do have issues where I'm finding myself with no ammo another cool thing once again this weapon's got the under barrel shotgun which is always a benefit so when you do run out of ammo at least you have a backup to get you to an ammo crate to get some more or you could also use the under barrel shotgun to kill a few zombies and see if they're able to drop some ammo for you it's also very usable when used to take down bosses if you're taking down a mega Abomination you better hope it's near an ammo crate though because you're probably going to have to go get ammo a couple of times class set up for the ram 7 for the barrel I've got the xrx core Mark 40 heavy barrel the optic is the model 2023 for the stock we've got the ultral light pad the magazine is the 60 round drum then the under Barrel is the under barrel shotgun coming in at the number eight spot we've got the tack Eradicator the DLC lmg go ahead Pack-a-Punch this 300 round magazine pretty decent Mobility but most importantly really high fire rate and some really good damage tier 2 zombies disappear even with the insane fire rate and the crazy amount of ammo this has it's still one TAPS in a tier 2 Zone yes one Taps meaning with one magazine of this we could technically kill 300 zombies if we only shot them in the head 300 zombies one magazine and this thing keeps the same energy when you try it against tier three zombies and higher also very potent when it comes to taking out bosses including the mega Abomination the only real downside of this weapon is since it's an lmg it's a little bit slower than the other weapons on this list so you do have to account for that but the DPS this weapon has more than makes up for that here's the class setup for the tack Eradicator the barrel is the exor 84 short barrel the laser is the ftac Grim line laser uh under Barrel is The xrx Edge bw4 hand stop magazine is the 150 round drum then the rear grip if the is the ffs comb grip number seven we've got the retti pistols with the akimbo attachment and this is a pretty underrated gym I don't see many people talking about these uh but boy when they're maxed out do they shred go ahead Pack-a-Punch these now we've got 100 bullets in each one of them uh that was a tier 2 zombie gone only took six of our bullets Mangler gone zombies gone on just like everything else we showed on this list it um it pretty much deletes one of the cooler things about a Kimbo is if you only use one at a time you can use the other one while reloading so when you're in an area where you don't really need the full Firepower you can just use one of them but whenever you find a boss or you need both of them you can switch it to Wombo and start spamming them both makes tier three and higher zombies disappear same thing with tier three bosses they go by really quickly even does really good damage to the mega Abomination however there is one pretty big downside with these weapons they have crazy DPS uh but they're burst weapon so if you're using this for an entire game and you're spamming both of these as fast as your trigger finger will allow you to uh your fingers are going to get tired really quickly and that really is the main downside and if you've used burst weapons like this in Zombies before you know what I'm talking about that seems like a small downside at first but if you're grinding for hours uh you're going to get tired you're going to get really really tired pulling this down every time you want to damage but if you're just looking for something that does insane damage and you're not worried about your hand getting tired these are perfect for you set up for the retti pistol the barrel is the mlx short competition Barrel the laser is the x10 sidearm l400 the magazine is the 50 round drum trigger action is the Brewin Express then for the most important part on the rear grip we've got the akimbo attachment in the number six spot we got the xrk stalker this is the DLC sniper rifle and when pack-a-punched this thing does a crazy amount of damage you're able to just instantly one hit all zombies in the tier 2 area chain in one after another this is a high-risk High reward weapon for this weapon you've got to be able to hit your shots if you do you're going to melt everything if you miss um you're not going to do anything here's a tier 2 boss let's see if we can snipe it from a long yep yeah just just one hit you know no big deal in tier three you're still able to One-Shot zombies unless they have armored armored zombies are going to take two shots and if the zombies line up you can do quite a bit of penetration damage shooting through a bunch of zombies at once now it's obviously a sniper so you can easily pick off zombies at range and they're not even going to know what's going to hit them that's one thing that makes this weapon Stand Out above the weapons is the other weapons you really can't use at longer ranges they're really meant for close range or medium ranges but you get all the benefits of a sniper rifle with this weapon it doesn't lose any of its insane range so there's a disciple one shot two shot three shot four shots took four shots for the disciple would have took less if we were close range cuz we probably could have hit head shot a little bit better but sniping a tier three disciple from far away is not something you can do with a lot of weapons this thing surprisingly is also really good against the mega obom comination there we go three shots four shots four shots in and we've already taken away half of his health I got you before you got me buddy but like I said it's a high-risk High reward weapon you need to be able to hit your shots for this weapon to be super potent if you're missing a lot of your shots it's not going to do a whole lot for you here's the load out for the xrk stalker the barrel is the Handler lkp short barrel the laser is the coral LZ 44 V3 the optic I use the SZ Bullseye optic for this the B was the xrk stalker light bolt the magazine was the 10 round mag for number five we've got the Lockwood 680 and I know I've said in the past the Bas shotguns aren't very good uh but this one's an exception as long as you're running slugs on it cuz once we go ahead and Pack-a-Punch this uh the slug shoots a lot of slugs yes this is still slugs it is just a buckshot full full full of slugs so on a tier 2 Zone uh it's a one tap on zombies and since we're using slugs on this we get some pretty nutty range so you don't really have to worry about being Close Quarters and uh yeah we just one shot that tier 2 disciple what one bullet it's it's gone out for the count mimic uh more like no more mimic the fire rate you have on this is pretty nutty as well look at how quickly we can spam this shotgun and just kill everything around and here's what happens when we take it in a tier three Zone uh we can pretty easily take out all the zombies in front of us by one tapping sometimes the armor zombies are going to be a two tap and we have a ton of ammo in reserve so we don't really have to worry about picking up ammo the one issue with it is you only reload two bullets at a time when it's packed or two shells at a time so the reload is a little bit long when empty it also pretty much just deletes tier three bosses there's a Mangler oh but um you know probably should have cleared the area Mangler gone uh here is the Mega Abomination wait for it to open its eyes and we can do a ton of damage come on open that open that sucker there we go so overall a very well-rounded gun that's pretty much good in any situation you put it in here's the class setup for the Lockwood 680 for the barrel we've got the Lockwood Defender heavy barrel this the stock is the saw off mod the bolt is the express light bolt the guard is the something x-ray skeletonized guard then for the ammunition which is the most important part we've got the 12 gauge slug coming in the number four spot is another weapon that got nerfed with season 1 however is still amazing the akimbo tyr pistols with snake shot these got like 50% of their damage reduced uh but even after getting a massive Nerf um these things are absolutely insane one tapping everything we see in a tier 2 Zone and even when you go in a tier three Zone these things don't care you're still even able to tap armored zombies just out of the way out of the way and they've got a really fast reload and if you cycle the pistols you can always be reloading one so you always have a weapon with ammo to shoot but uh yes even after the Nerf uh these things are pretty nutty against bosses including the mega Abomination go ahead oh half Health already half health and mega Abomination gone so after the Nerf I still think these tyr Kimbo pistols very much earn their spot in the top five best weapons in Modern Warfare 3 zombies this is the build we were using for the tyr the barrel is the ziu 16 heavy long barrel the laser is the cs-15 Scarlet mount laser the ammunition is the snake shot super important the trigger is the Odin's judgment then we have the akimbo for the rear grip obviously now my pick for number three is going to be pretty surprising for a lot of people that's because it's the crossbow and the crossbow got a massive Nerf and season one they reduced it by 80 plus damage per but that was just for the thermite arrows the other arrows didn't get effective and there's another ammo type you can use that is still very good this is the explosive tips and it One-Shot zombies in tier 2 but after you stick them it then proceeds to explode and damage all of the zombies around them so you can spam these at the ground um causing a ton of damage this one might just be a little bit louder than the thermite tips though you know just just just a little bit Ju Just just a tad bit and when you take it into tier three it pretty much performs the exact same as you just saw you stick a zombie that zombie is going to die uh and it's also going to damage all the zombies around it so if you're just stick in a bunch of zombies they're going to constantly explode constant death you do want to make sure you're picking the ammo off of the ground because with the crossbow it's a little easy to get carried away and waste all your ammo but if you're looking for ammo on the ground you're not going to run out the one downside the thermite crossbow was so good against bosses that was the main thing for it this is great against zombies however it doesn't have that same insane damage it used to have against bosses it's still very good at taking out bosses but nowhere near as good as what it used to be oh there we go Mega Abomination sticking with it you can see definitely possible this is an hvt a mea Abomination and we could take this out if we Ed enough ammo we'd probably have to go refill it but the thermite tip would have taken him out two times already come on few more balls into them and gone so even though this isn't as good as the thermite tips it's still better than the majority of the weapons in the game so even though the crossbow got nerfed um it it's still extremely strong you just got to switch the ammo type and you're good to go another reason this weapon ranks up so high is it's really safe to use in close spaces you can go inside and if you're just spamming bolts or any sort of hold objective area you can live pretty long and it's kind of hard to die as long as you have ammo however uh once the ammo runs out uh you better go get some more here's our class setup for the crossbow for the arms we've got the Carbon Elite V3 the optic is the model 2023 the under Barrel is the dr6 hand stop the bolts are the most important part of this you want to have the blast cap 20-in bolts these are the ones with the explosive tip then for the stock we've got the speed track Echo for the runnerup coming in second place we've got a jack of all trades this weapon's really good at just about everything you throw at it including the red War Boss this is the wsp swarm with the aftermarket akimbo attachment uh and this is how it treats you know tier 2 zombies um even at range is it a Kimbo weapon but you get pretty decent range on it and this isn't like the other Kimbo weapon that we showed where it's a three-arm burst you got to pull it down these are full auto so you don't have to worry about your hands getting tired all right making our way into tier three take out that dog got a tier three zombie he's gone another zombie gone these weapons also give you really good Mobility allowing you to back train really well while shooting these weapons hi Mega Abomination there we go almost half health and this is from a fairly far distance away now the one downside this weapon has is it doesn't have a crazy amount of Reserve ammo it's not as bad as the other weapons we've talked about but you really kind of want to make sure you're looking out for ammo crates and you want to make sure you're picking up all the ammo you can get off the zombies on the ground however we haven't even talked about the best part about this weapon yet this is the single best weapon in the game for taking out the red World boss worm which is currently the final boss in the game you can take this out fairly easy solo using these if you have a team of people it gets a lot easier but the amount of damage you're able to do with this and with there being two ammo crates right next to each other at the world boss um yeah this is if you're taking them down trying to take them down Solo or with a group of people this is the weapon I highly recommend it is currently you're not going to find a better option in the game currently extremely good choice for all scenarios just make sure you're keeping an eye on your ammo class setup for the wsp storm the barrel is the Ws P ruthless L barrel uh the laser is the hip shot l20 magazine is the Hun round drum uh the rear grip is the marauder grip the most important part is the uh aftermarket part the conversion kit the akimbo brace stock and finally we're here 14 weapons down one left to go this is in my opinion the single best weapon in the game and it has been since it's launched my opinion on this hasn't changed this being the rgl 80 when you first spawn a game it's garbage it doesn't direct imp impact you can't shoot the floor with it and if you don't have PhD um you're probably going to end up Downing yourself however once you get PhD and you pack it um you can kind of just shoot at your feet and you don't even have to worry about dying that is why I think this weapon is so good um no matter what you're doing it is just hard to die with this weapon cuz all you have to do is have the ability to shoot down at your feet and um yeah I think we just took out a disciple haven't even had a look up we're we're kind of just living um reloading is pretty quick the only time you could possibly die is if you're reloading but even even still the reloads so quick where if you have speed cola you just don't have to worry about it look at this not even look at the zombies just running across shooting at the ground now taking it into tier three we're just going to go into a sport contract which is usually uh tier three sport contracts usually extremely hard cuz the amount of zombies in close quarters but we're just going to look at the floor and we're just going to you know we're just going to shoot the floor and like I said this is it is so so hard to die with the rgl it really does make zombies easy mode because you don't even have to worry about aiming oh there's a disciple don't worry we'll spend an extra few shots on him that is the one weakness of this Weapon It's not amazing for bosses it is insanely good for taking out zombies doesn't matter how much health they have doesn't matter what tier of zombies doesn't matter how many there are of them it it is unbeatable when it comes to taking out zombies bosses on the other hand not the best choice for that all right one more SP right there and tier three sport contract like it was a tier one sport contract and luckily this isn't one of the weapons you're going to have to worry about having ammo for cuz we're going to spam this down for a few seconds and let's just go collect the ammo and look at how much our ammo goes up and we're back to full you get over 10 rocket bullets every ammo crate that drops um which is a lot of kills so you can be a little bit Reckless with ammo with this cuz it's so easy to get it back the rgl is also super good in the dark ather if you're trying to get those schematics for either the normal dark Aether or the Elder dark Aether this makes the escort Mission a lot easier cuz you just kind of spam around it keeping it alive you might want to have another weapon for the bosses though that's the one thing in the dark either this isn't going to take care of the zombies uh will be instagone the the bosses might need a little bit of help and that's kind of my preferred class setup if I had to make the ultimate class setup for this game it'd honestly be the rgl with the combat knife both of those weapons are two different extremes the rgl is the single best weapon in the game for zombies but it's not very good at bosses whereas the combat knife is the single best weapon for bosses but it's not very good against zombies so if you have both the rgl and the combat knife uh you got a perfect weapon for bosses and you got a perfect weapon for zombies and when I say the rgls bad against bosses it's not like they're impossible to take out I've been taking out mimics I've been taking out manglers with it in the tier three zone so you can take them out it's just not as good other weapons you could even take out the mega Abomination if you wanted to we could sit here and just explode on it a bunch but you'd be way better off pulling out a different weapon for bosses specifically I I would not waste the time to take out a mega Abomination with the rgl now to truly show just how powerful the rgl is we're going to walk into a giant horde of tier three zombies with no armor plates and just Spam at the ground oh wow look at that no armor plates in tier three huge horde of zombies walked right into it and oh they they're all dead like he was absolutely nothing that was probably 30 40 plus zombies and we just directly into it I mean it it is easy mode these zombies are spawning back the sport contract and we can just sit here and infinitely farm and that right there wraps up our top 15 best weapons to currently use in Modern Warfare 3 zombies like I was saying at the beginning depending on your play style depending on what you're currently doing in the game and what you value your list might be different than mine uh but that was just my list I tried to explain each weapon as we used it that way depending on your play style you'll be able to find what your number one is using this list so in the comments below let me know what your current favorite weapon is and why it is that case and as we learn more about these weapons as new weapons come out and as we get Buffs and Nerfs to this game I'm going make updated list to try to keep you guys up to date on what the current best weapons are so if you want to see videos like that make sure to unlock the sub button thank you so much for watching have a great day peace Lego unlocked he's Lego unlocked it's going to unlock all these C
Channel: LegoUnlocked
Views: 639,312
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Keywords: call of duty, cod, call of duty updates, modern warfare, MW3 mastery camos, Golden Enigma guide, Modern Warfare Zombies Best Weapon, MW3 best weapons, MWZ top 10 wepaons, Best weapons in MWZ, Modern Warfare Zombies, Call of duty zombies, Modern Warfare Zombies best class, best weapon MWZ, Best zombies weapons MW3, RGL, PDSW pack-a-punched, RIOT SHIELD, MWZ PDSW, MWZ PDSW Camo guide, MWZ PDSW Gold grind, LegopUnlocked, Golden Ivry, PDSW MW3 Zombies, PDSW
Id: Qv2e6zB8Amo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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