Before You Give Up, Remember This... - LIFECENTRAL CHURCH ONLINE

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hi everyone it is so good to connect with you again for week four of our series greater reward uh my name is leon the lead pastor here at the church and it's really good to see people in the room and people online as well and hey whether you're connecting with us through one of our locations uh hagley or rowley or or doris albania or wherever you're watching from you are really really welcome i wonder if um i was asking this question how many ways are there to say i want to give up there's actually quite a lot of ways isn't that like just that i give up i mean you can say it really angry or exasperated can't you how many of you said it in the last 15 or 16 months why give up you're maybe trying to get your mask on do you know what i mean and i've got like you know when we communicate got the headset and the earpiece and the mask and the glasses it's really quite i'm going to look forward to two months of not doing that actually but there's that angry exasperated i give up but then there's the sad weary defeated way you can say i give up i heard mo farah the the runner the olympic runner um commented just a couple of days ago because he failed to qualify for the british olympic team this like record-breaking guy that set all these records middle distance running and he said this if i can't compete with the best i might as well give up that's really sad i want to give up i don't know how many of us have said that you know people give up on their goals people give up on their relationships people give up on their faith sometimes people give up on life itself and you know there is a right time to give up on some things isn't that like when you're in a relationship and you just know it's not healthy or when you're in something and you know it's not good for you or if you've got faith and you know that god has said to you give it up there's a right time to give up but i want to talk to today into the wrong time to give up because i think there's a wrong time to give up and as i've been praying for this my prayer is that there will be at least one person in the room or watching online whether it's live or later and this is god's word for you do not give up do not give up there is a time to give up but we're not talking about that we're talking about when it's not the time to give up but we want to give up for so many reasons and here's what i want you to think about before you give up remember this there's a greater reward and that's what we've been looking at over the last four weeks we've looked at this whole idea of greater reward and i'm really life church in america craig rochelle's church this is one of the series that they give around to different churches so we've been using the content of this and i want to credit that putting our own thoughts and ideas but it's been great content and so we've looked at why willpower alone won't bring change we've looked at the difference between trying and training and that we're in a race not just to take part but to win and last week we looked at eternity in heaven and why there's greater rewards which means that when we're going through stuff on earth we need to remember that what we're going through on earth isn't just about earth but it's also about eternity so remember this before you give up remember this there's a greater reward and one of the things that craig rochelle says which i absolutely love is he says that successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally i don't know about you but have you ever been doing stuff and you thought i'm fed up of this i'm going to give up ever done that actually successful people consistently do what other people do occasionally you see you don't get out of debt by accident you don't build a great marriage by luck you don't have a strong vibrant faith by chance it is always by choice and that means there are moments when you and i will want to give up and we give up when it's too hard or when it takes too long don't we like when it's just too hard or when it takes too long you know and i don't want to put myself as any kind of cyclist because i'm really not but i do do a little bit of cycling from here every time i get on my bike i don't want to do it all right every time i go away from my house whenever i hit the first hill i think it's been three minutes could i turn back you know but but actually so there's that sense of if it's too hard or it's too long you want to give up and the apostle paul writes to a church and and the book the letter is called the book of galatians we looked at one of the verses a few weeks ago and it was the verse where it says that paul said you were running a good race like you were really cutting it you were really running hard and then someone caught in on you and we looked at that but you know he's writing in other books of the letter and he's writing similar things because i think he you know this group of christians here this group of early followers they were in danger of giving up and so paul writes this letter to encourage them to keep going and right at the end of the letter he absolutely nails it and we're going to look last week we looked all around the bible didn't we looked at so much bible last week this week we're looking at just three verses galatians chapter six and here are other verses and i want to just open these verses in fact they're only two yeah seven eight nine three verses i'm gonna open this up and then we're going to open up something within this okay so paul says this do not be deceived that word deceived literally means don't be taken off the path like like you've been you've been duped you deviated from the right path god cannot be mocked and that's a very powerful word mocked it's the idea of turning your nose up at someone you let you know when you like that it's like god can't be sneered at paul's saying hey if you if you're followers of jesus and i'm aware that maybe some of you in the room or online you're not followers of jesus but if you are god is saying to you don't sneer at me don't turn your nose about me a man reaps what he sows whoever sows to please their flesh from the flesh will reap destruction that word destruction literally means corruption it means decay it means decomposition it means it slowly broke down over time whoever sows to please the spirit from the spirit will reap eternal life let us not become weary and that word weary isn't a physical weariness it's an inner weariness it's a fatigue it's what you and i have felt many times and maybe still feel over this past season where we're just so fed up and so weary in doing good paul says so don't get weary in doing it don't give up don't get fatigued on the inside and do any good for at the proper time and i love that little phrase at the proper time it means in god's appointed time for you that's what it means at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up and that little phrase give up a clue is the original word and it literally it's like release it's like um a string on a bow being released the tension being released it's a bit like i'm a musician at keyboard play but i know when i've traveled overseas with bands and things the guitarist the bass player the guitarist they'll relax the strings before they put the string in the airplane because of the cabin pressure it's that kind of idea it's like if you took the guitar out it looks like it will play perfectly you pick it up and you play and he gets run because the strings are released and paul's saying don't give up don't give up because you look like you're in the game you look like the part but actually on the inside you've given up and within these few verses there is a law that paul speaks about and it's the law of sowing and reaping and i want to talk about this law because i know about you but i've been a bit confused by laws and restrictions and guidelines haven't you or am i the only one and i've been doing a little bit of research into some crazy laws that are out there and some funny laws apparently if you own chickens in quitman georgia it is illegal listen it is illegal to let them cross the road isn't that brilliant so why did the chicken cross the road in quitman georgia is not the issue the issue is that's illegal anyway whatever the reason in milan italy apparently it's a legal requirement to smile all the time apart from funerals and hospitals it's like how do you enforce that i mean that's just ridiculous in florida it is illegal to pass wind after 6 p.m on a thursday like why 6 p.m on a thursday but apparently that's true and another italy one if you're italian okay i don't know but anyway in turin italy it is against the law not to walk your dog at least three times a day i mean in turin they've got the fittest dogs in italy and this is my favorite one in scotland if you knock on someone's door and ask to use their toilet they have to let you in i think we should try it i think everyone watching in the room online i think we should all at the end of the show just go up to scotland cross the border or knock on people's doors say we're desperate for the loo and let's see if this law is true now those are kind of a bit quirky crazy laws and we're not quite sure how they are still on the statute books but that's not the law that paul's talking about he's not talking about those kind of laws he's talking about an irrefutable or a law that is always true for all people in all times and all places a little bit like the law of gravity so if i step forward off the end of this stage i'm gonna hit the floor that's a law and poor opens up this law of sowing and reaping i'm gonna break it down for you today it's basically these three things you reap what you sow you reap more than you sow and you reap after you sow so if you don't remember anything else be great to remember that you reap what you sow you reap more than you sow and you reap after you sow and this and paul is saying so don't give up when it's too hard you know whether it's exercise whether it's diet whether it's a marriage whether it's your finances whether it's your faith whether it's your service whatever it is don't just be like occasional be consistent don't give up because you reap what you sow you reap more than you sow and you reap after you sow so the first thing so so get that right you reap what you sow if you sow or plant corn you're not getting bananas if you want bananas you got a soul reap bananas it isn't the fault of the corn or the bananas if you don't get what you wanted it's your fault if you sow the wrong thing so if you sow good habits you're gonna reap good outcomes if you plant smiles you're more likely to reap smiles i'm not saying you will but you're more likely to and here's the thing if you don't like what you're reaping change what you're planting if you don't like what you're reaping in your life right now change what you're planting i don't know about you but i think we've got a great opportunity over the summer months that we're headed into before september kicks in and maybe there's a sense of reset hopefully there will be we've got a great opportunity guys to reflect what have we learned through lockdown what have we learned through this experience what in our own lives do we want to readjust because if we don't like what we are reaping we have to change what we are planting and this is the reality you reap what you sow it's a law and i love this little story i'm going to show you this american lady that just decided to change what she was reaping and she then changed what she was planting take a look i felt like money was the answer to a lot of my problems that if i had more money i felt like my husband would love me more because i was able to put more into the household i thought my friends would think more of me because i could give them more and so i was trying to meet that need on so many levels with so many people i started getting so to where i was hoarding and keeping things and keeping money you know stored back but then things happen i lost that money god put on my heart that's not what i give you what i give you i give you this so that you can do things for others who don't have the ability to do for themselves that changed a lot of that in me i had an occasion to go pick up a prescription i normally never go to the pharmacy i usually call it in but for some reason and i'm going to say it was the holy spirit said go drop it off and when the pharmacist said do you want to wait i said yeah i'll wait so i'm sitting there a lady comes in i hear her talking to the pharmacist saying well i just don't have the money for that i don't have the money for that so again holy spirit just nudging me i got up and i said let me pay for the prescription for you and the pharmacist looked at me and said are you sure about that and i said yeah so before i didn't even ask how much it was i just took my card i swiped it and then i went to sit back down so when the lady got the prescription she came over to me and she said why would you do that and i said because i could so she said do you mind going with me out to my car i said no problem so i go out to the car and there's an elderly lady in the car and the lady is just about in tears she says mom this lady paid for your prescriptions and she looked at me she took my hand and she said baby why would you do that and i said because god has blessed me in so many ways and i just want to be a blessing to someone else and it just i mean it touched my heart just to be able to do something like that for someone so i got home the day i told my husband about what i had done and then when the um credit card bill came he said jennifer do you know how much that prescription was i said no i didn't even ask i'll just say the amount was over 400 but you know when god lays that on your heart and obviously he put me there at a time when i needed to be there you don't question about how much it's going to cost so to be able to do for others without knowing who they are not expecting anything in return but you get so much back in the return i am so much a better person so much a happier person you just no way to even describe it i love that can you just imagine like a whole bunch of us in society kind of being alert to god and being willing to reap what we sow and it may be that actually we don't reap in the way that we sow because you see the second point we want to look at is that you reap more than you sow and and that doesn't just mean like if you sow finance you reap finance it means sometimes if you sow finance you reap something else if you sow kindness you reap something else but you reap more than you sow in fact jesus says it this way mark chapter 4 verse 20. he says and the seed that fell on good soil represents those who hear and accept god's word and produce a harvest of 30 60 or even a hundred times as much as had been planted you see i've got in my hand an apple okay and um you know you've probably heard this illustration it's it's an old illustration but but you know i've been thinking about i've often thought about this you know in your hand you're on an apple and you know you're trying to eat one of these a day because it keeps the doctor you know all that kind of stuff but it's good for you anyway but you know i've got more than an apple in my hand because within the apple there is what seed within the seed is the potential of a tree and within that tree there are this potential of fruit and of seed more seed and so within that seed there's more trees and in those trees there's more fruit and in that fruit there's more seed and in that seed there's more treason in that trees more fruit do you see what i mean so actually in my hand potentially i've got an orchard it's not just an apple and when you take something and you sow it in the right way it has the potential for you to reap way more than you ever could so and support is saying to these churches don't give up don't give up when it's too hard and don't give up when it's too long because actually there's a law at work and if you reap what you sow and you reap more than you sow and there was a book written by a guy called darren handy called the compound effect okay and i'm going to take you through a little bit of this and he does this kind of equation which i think is really interesting he says this small smart choices see often we think that if we want to change stuff it needs to be big like if i want to lose lots of weight it needs to be a big crazy diet if i want to get spiritually fit i need to learn greek do you know what i mean or learn hebrew or understand eschatology but actually small smart choices plus consistency plus time equal a radical difference in other words when we make small consistent steps over time and we don't give up because it feels too hard or it's going on too long it's a radical radical difference so let me explain let me illustrate it by introducing three guys to you okay here they are okay next slide please simon saying brian better and wally worse all right so basically i want you to imagine we're going to hold those three guys on the screen now i would imagine those three guys are all middle-aged guys like myself all right okay dad bod check all right same neighborhood same background same like went to the same school do you know me exactly the same but simon same does everything the same so there's no change in his life every single thing he does the way he handles his money the same the way under his relationship the same the way he looks after his body the same no changes brian better on the other hand always wants to improve so what brian does is he decides that actually he wants to be close to god so he says every day i'm going to open my bible even if i read a couple of verses i'm going to do it every single day and brian better uh if he does miss church he catches up on demand because that's what he can do now because his church has gone hybrid and youtube and all that and what he does is he cuts out 125 calories every day by just eating a little bit different and what he does is he says you know what not just lock down but i'm going to walk every single day because i need to keep fit and he does all these things and he invests in good relationships and he does all of this stuff they're small changes and he's tempted to quit because he doesn't see the effect of them small changes but he keeps going wally worse on the other hand if he does skip miss church it's often because there's something better on and he doesn't catch up on demand because he can't be bothered and he doesn't own his bible but he says he's a christian he says he follows god but he doesn't really do anything about it in fact he doesn't cut any calories in fact his only walk of the day is the daily walk to and fro the fridge and he adds 125 calories every single day to himself he spends more than he earns he doesn't read he doesn't read the bible he hasn't read a book since he was at school six months later there's no noticeable difference for simon brian or wally but two years three months time simon the same is exactly the same but listen to brian he has consumed 117 500 calories less and lost 33 and a half pounds whereas wally has consumed 117 500 calories more and gained and a half pounds and it's not all about weight loss guys what would the difference be i think brian would feel better about himself maybe he's got a bit more confidence he's invested in his body he's invested in his relationship he's invested in his faith he's invested in his relationship with jesus he has grown wally on the other hand has not and simon has stayed exactly the same it's not what you do occasionally it's what you do consistently that makes the difference and i want to encourage you i want you to be thinking right now about an area of your life that you are that you've given up on or you're tempted to give up and you know and it may be wait it may be exercise it may be something like that it may be your faith it may be something bigger than that it's something that actually you know that you're in danger or you already have given up and maybe god has you here today or watching online because he wants to say do not give up remember there's a greater reward and you know we have talked a little bit about financing that story and i want to thank you guys as i prepare to kind of have this next two months on this break and i won't be watching church or diving into this church anyways it'll be a really weird time for me but it's kind of in one sense at the end of this kind of run this end of this you know season that we've been in i am so grateful to god for your consistency guys life central church if you're watching your life central i'm so grateful to you for your consistency especially when it comes to giving you guys have been absolutely phenomenal the way you consistently give financially what you're doing is not just giving to god but you're investing in the kingdom of god you're sowing when you give financially and i really want to thank you massively and you know when you invest into this church you know you don't just invest into what we do as a church you see as a church we are passionately for jesus we are passionately for people we are passionately for communities and we are passionately for our world and when you give consistently financially not only does it invest in what we're doing here and through the communities that we're involved in it also impacts other people around the world take a look at this over the last six months life has been challenging to all of us but for our partners around the world this has been a far more difficult situation our partner church in duras albania are reaching and loving their community through in-person and online services as well as providing small groups kids and youth work and necessary support with food parcels and prescriptions despite the ongoing challenges as restrictions start to ease in cambodia's elim b3 program still supports women who have been sexually exploited to have the opportunity to heal and process their trauma in a safe and encouraging environment through having a relationship with jesus even though the team cannot meet in person due to further covert restrictions they've been able to continue to support their most vulnerable people right now with online courses and small groups through your faithfulness and generosity over 165 children have been sponsored through compassion in tanzania and other locations these children supported by the work of the compassion team who enable each child to have a good childhood and education thank you to all our sponsors for praying writing and financially giving into the lives of these children this is truly life changing as you all know the people of india have been really struggling with the horrendous circumstances of covid19 with the increase of the infection rates oxygen and medical supplies are limited despite all of this carmel ministries are still able to reach their local community as well as this life central youth raised over 200 pounds as part of the do something project tackling social injustice in their world over easter for rebuilding wells it's amazing to see how our young people have stepped up and taken action to help the most vulnerable people in our world thank you to everyone who gave to the indie appeal we were able to send 10 000 pounds to help carmel ministries to serve their communities during this time thank you for all your ongoing support as we encourage and support the global church guys thank you so much you reap what you sow you reap more than you sow and number three you reap after you sow you know every farmer knows that they don't plant in one season and then reaping that same season they plant then they wait they plant them their way and sometimes that's the season when we want to give up isn't it because we've planted we've sown but it's too hard and it's too long and we want to give up but we need to remember the law is this you reap after you sow you reap some time later and you see it's often the small things that nobody sees that lead to the big things that everybody wants have you noticed that you know you often you look at other people and you see the big things in their life and you want that but you don't notice that actually those things have only come because they've sown the small things in their life over a long period of time you see if you start exercise once a week that could become twice a week or three times a week you could cut buying one of those fancy coffees once a day and i've worked it out save around 100 pounds a month which would over 10 years be 12 000 pounds you see the small things over time make a massive difference when you start reading your bible at the start of the day just a couple of verses and you begin to increase that over time before you know where you are you have a faith that's dynamic and real and god is speaking to you and like that lady in the story you're out in life and god and the holy spirit is nudging you and suggesting things and you're moving and you're getting the thrill of knowing what it is to live that kind of faith and that kind of life it's the small things consistently because you reap after you sow you know i often often people say um you know i haven't got any friends so many times i've spoken to because i haven't got any friends and i often wonder i wonder whether you've invested in friendship now you're in winter and it's a tough time i wonder when it was spring or summer did you invest in friendship because sometimes we look around and we think of what's not in our life and we don't realize that actually it's not there because we haven't sown because you reap what you sow and you reap more than you sow but you're going to reap after you sow as well we want what others have but we are not willing to do what others have done and i want to encourage you in this season as we come up to the summer time i want to encourage you to almost take i mean some of you have been on this personal mot that we did in january and then we did a refresher a couple of weeks ago and that and that in that opportunity just to just to kind of pull the car of your life over into the garage and say hey where am i doing what are the dials saying i want to encourage you over this next couple of months over the summer to take a little bit of an inventory and say hey where is it that i need to invest in where do i need to begin to sow in where have i given up and i need not to give up because i need to remember that there is a greater reward before you give up remember this there's a greater reward so guys we're not gonna give up praying are we we're not gonna and you know easter the great story of easter you know it tells us that that you never know when the sky is going to turn dark which is true but then you never know when the stone is going to be moved away and so we're going to keep on praying and we're going to keep on giving i'm going to keep on serving i'm going to keep on loving and we're going to keep on fighting to stay pure and to stay right in this corrupted world but you know there's something else that i want to share with you today before you give up remember this is a greater reward but before you give up remember this god is not giving up on you amen god is not giving up on you this is the great story of the bible you know in the book of revelation which is the last book of the bible written by john and he's on this island called patmos and i've been to this island and been to the cave where where apparently he was and he wrote this is a it's just a normal cave on an island in the mediterranean and just trying to imagine this old guy and he's he's maybe thinking back of all the the friends of his that ran hard within the that gave their lives and maybe he's thinking about all the ones that gave up as well you know and he's writing and he has this revelation and in this revelation there's there's this uh there's these seven golden lampstands which represent the seven churches seven big uh significant churches that were around asia mine at the time but basically the centerpiece of that is jesus walking among his people and he's saying things like this i saw you i know you iris i know you stuart i know you mick i saw you tom i saw you when you didn't give up i saw you when you endured i saw you when you got that horrible email and that cutting text that broke your heart i saw you when you wept over your aging parents and over your wayward children but you didn't give up i saw you ian when you kept praying for that person to come to faith i saw you i saw you keith when that heartache that you went through and how you didn't give up when every bit of you were screaming i saw you and i just look at it and i think wow god you never ever give up on us isn't that amazing and i think if i could boil it down into three things i'd just say this i think jesus would say i see your struggles i think that's what i think that's what revelation is all about actually in many senses i see your struggles it's like why i love that thing in luke 15 where where jesus talks about the heart of the of the shepherd you know that leaves the 99 and goes after the one that's lost because i see your struggles but i also see your service and that's why the greater reward we spoke about last week hearing jesus say well done good and faithful servant you didn't give up but i also see your scars and there's greater reward and we spoke about this a lot last week the greater reward of heaven and eternity when god says hey hey hey i've got some scars too and i see your scars and jesus says he'll wipe every tear away from our eyes and all the pain will be gone and all the death will be gone there's a greater reward god isn't giving up on us and so when it gets too hard or when it gets too long we need to remember this god is not giving up on us and there's things in my life in allison's life and and we've been holding on to these things and carrying these things and and praying for these things and they felt so long and so hard and it's difficult and you do want to give up but then that sense of god reminding you that he's with you that presence of god in the middle he's in the middle of the waiting he's in the middle of the storm he's in the middle of the sowing and he's in the middle of the fire as well and right at the start of lockdown we sang that incredible song didn't we a lot another in the fire and we're gonna sing that today because this is such an evocative song and it's taking out that story in in daniel where the three guys are in the fire and they want to give up and all they have to do is give up on their faith really and say hey nebuchadnezzar you're right you're the man not god and that's it fire's gone out but they don't and they experience that there's another in the fire with them and so and so i would love to pray for some of us today in the room or online you are about to give up and god is wanting you to remember this he is not giving up on you so i want to invite you to stand if you're here in the room and i want you to think about an area of your life that right now is under pressure and you're you're thinking of giving up and maybe god has spoken to you today and hey god's interested in everything it may be around finance it may be around exercise it may be around diet it may be around a relationship it may be around bible study it may be around whatever it is but god has spoken to you today and there's something in your life that he has put his finger on you and he's saying don't give up don't give up why because remember there's a greater reward because you reap what you sow you reap more than you sow and you reap after you sow but also don't give up because i'm not giving up on you i'm not giving up on you maybe there's a relationship which you parked and it's like it's on the shelf somewhere or in a little box that says hey all the relationships yeah fine fine fine can't go there can't do anything too difficult too painful maybe god's highlighting that saying don't stop don't give up keep praying keep believing because you will reap a harvest so if that's you i mean just close your eyes for a moment and if you're watching online do the same and wherever you are if that's you and you say hey yeah god you've spoken to me and there's one thing and i want to name that thing before you do i want you to put your hand up right now as a way of responding to him thank you just put your hand up and say yep you've named it and i know what it is this is not not for me not for my ego this is for you and god and i want to pray for you jesus i want to pray for every single person here in the room those watching online jesus may we know that there is a greater reward if we do not give up but may we also know that there is another in the fire so that we won't give up and god i pray in jesus name that we would know your presence right now and as we engage with this song may the power and the beauty of this song impact us may we sense your presence tangibly may we know your hand on our shoulder may we know your voice in our ear may we know your the smile on your face and god then we'll look at you full in the face and we'll say you know what i am not giving up i'm not giving up god you've not given up on me i am not giving up on you in jesus name amen can i just say i want to thank you so much for those of you that give financially and you know if you haven't found a way to give financially as well i would love you to do that um there should be a link coming up on the chat there guys in the room there are some buckets at the end if you want to give with cash or if you want to give online you can do that and then if you want to take your next step with us as a church we'd really really encourage you to do that and in fact if you are new really encourage you as we go in a few minutes don't head off you know go to the car park and the gazebo the connection gazebo just making that up to be honest is out there on the car park some friendly people would love to chat with you about how to take your next step guys i want to encourage you right now as we engage with this song as we worship god with this song let's let's not just sing it as a song let's not just say oh that's a nice story but let's believe and let's receive again the truth of this that there is another in the fire his name is jesus and he will never ever give up on us let's worship [Music] there's a grace where the heart is [Music] [Music] i know [Music] holding back [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh i'm no longer [Music] [Music] oh next to me there is set me free [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the darkness is [Music] there is no other name but the name that [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] i cause i know that's where you'll be we know that that we're still many of us are in battles right now as well and if you are in a battle we would love to pray for you and with you it's been a real privilege over this season to pray for more people we've ever prayed for before and to discover that we can do that you know without ever being near people as well and uh we have something here called say one for me and regularly there's a prayer team and people have been putting these prayer requests in from all around the world and if that's you and you're online and you want us to pray we would love to pray for you or here in the room as well and unfortunately we can't kind of get close to each other and pray right now at the moment that will come but we can pray and we've seen god do some incredible things through prayer and so i want to just pray for you as we finish our time together and just introduce something okay and then online is going to go you guys are going to stay in the room for something else okay but i'm going to pray for you right now and if you do want prayer maybe you are in a battle right now maybe you're in danger of giving up and you just know it'd be just great for you to know that someone else is standing with you yeah you know god's there but you want someone else to stand with you in prayer then we would love to pray for you let me pray as we finish father thank you for speaking to us today thank you for the great reward that there is lord when we don't give up god not just in us but god i believe in your heart as well and god there's something about you know as we said a few weeks ago we want to run in such a ways to win the prize because god you ran in such a way jesus you ran in such a way and your price was relationship with us and got our prize ultimately in eternity his relationship with you and so lord i want to pray does anyone that's struggling right now going through a battle may they know that they are not on their own in jesus name amen oh man as i head off for my uh summer extended break the next nine weeks you're in really capable hands andy is obviously the associate pastor now andy and he's on the roof at the moment don't read into that anything other than he's uh doing the post-service hangout okay and him and the teaching team are going to be taking you through an incredible series okay i've been asked by my coach not to watch it or or told rather not to watch it so i'll have to watch it all when i get back but i will because it sounds amazing we're talking a lot about freedom you know will freedom day come when will all these restrictions go what does freedom really mean what does it really mean to be free over the next nine weeks the guys are going to be looking at freedom and the amazing thing is the great news is this summer even if you're away on holiday you don't have to miss church because wherever you are in the world you can connect in here's a little taster of what's to come do what you want to do what are you gonna [Music] baby what do wanna do
Channel: LifecentralChurchUK
Views: 1,163
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church, meaning, purpose, life, calling, lifestyle, Jesus, God, Spiritual Growth, God’s wisdom, Make better decisions, faith, decisions, peace, covid-19, coronavirus, worship, giving people hope, evangelism, telling people about jesus, good news, latest news, Sunday, hope, lockdown, jesus, why do christian believe in Jesus?, Church, life central church, lifeCentral, my next step, online ministry, greater reward
Id: 8fB04L5mKkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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