What Happens in Real Life But Not in Video Games

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Who doesn’t love video games? Some play them for hours, others for days, while others cannot even see their life without them. Every year, developers make games better. However, no matter how cool and realistic graphics they have, there are a lot of differences between video games and real life. I counted at least 39. 1) Checkpoints Failed the mission in the game, no problem – you have a checkpoint. Failed an exam or an interview in real life – you have to put up with it. 2) Travel In the game, you can go to another city, country, or planet in just a few seconds. In life: you fly on a plane for two hours and then wait for your luggage. Boring. 3) Money Need some cash? Take a walk through the woods, find gold coins, they are scattered everywhere. Do you need money in reality? Count the days to your paycheck. 4) Medicine Is your game character seriously injured? Drink the potion and everything is okay! Just caught a cold in real life – you have to sit at home and drink medications for a whole week. 5) Sleep To gain strength, you can sleep only an hour in game time and that’s all – you're ready for saving the world and space adventures. In reality, you sleep, say, 6 hours, and still wake up in the morning tired and frustrated. 6) Clothing You can choose any clothes of any color and style in a second. Out of the game, you're spending half a day to pick trousers to go with your new cap. 7) Police At speed, you get away from the police chase, the cops will never catch you! In life: “Here's a $100 fine for you. Don't break the speed limit anymore.” “Okay, I won’t. Sorry.” 8) Save You can go through your favorite mission again. Unfortunately, the best moments of life are only stored in our memory. 9) Dialogues You choose among several options of what to say to other characters, you may think, pause before answering. In reality, your options are: “Um... Hello!”, “A boring question about the weather”, “Run away as far as possible.” 10) Civilizations You can build a city, a country, manage the economy, restore order in your civilization in a day. In real world you can’t restore order in your room. 11) To-do list In video games, you check the task list and see what to do next. In life, you leave the university and ask yourself: “Okay, what's next?” 12) Transport You drive a sports car, a huge robot, a spaceship. In life: you take an Uber to get home. 13) Food In a game, you don't need food and still you're full of energy. In reality, you open the refrigerator at midnight to get that last slice of pizza. 14) Level-up Gain level 100 at a game: you’re cool, invincible, everyone loves you. Reach level 100 in life: you put on a false jaw to crack that apricot. 15) Superpowers You're super strong, you can teleport, you’re super fast! In reality, you are superfast only if you're late for work. 16) Zombies In a game you have fun fighting in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. In life, Ride the subway . Sleepy as a zombie. 17) Monster hunter Yes, you're cool, you defeat hordes of monsters, mutants, vampires, but in life, you run around the apartment yelling, "Help! There's a cockroach in the bathroom!" 18) Building In virtual reality, you can build a base for your tribe in a minute. In life, you spend half a day fixing a cupboard. 19) Implements You move fast around the world with a bag in which there is a first-aid kit, a sword, a flamethrower, potions, bricks, a gas mask, a tent. In reality: you’re tired because two bags of groceries are really heavy. 20) Race On your Lamborghini, you reach 186 mph, overtaking all the cars around… Wake up! You fell asleep while spending a third hour in a traffic jam. 21) Level of difficulty Can't complete the mission? No problem – change the difficulty level! But in life, there’s only one level of difficulty... Hardcore! 22) Hairstyle Want to change your hairstyle? Let's see: afro, short haircut, dreadlocks, whatever, just click the button. In a real salon, you wait for an hour and if you don’t like it, wait a couple of months until your hair grows back. 23) Language You switch to any language in the game; in reality, you spend a lot of money, time and effort on this. 24) Professions Wanna be a carpenter? A magician? Alchemist? Racer? Space cowboy? Okay, here’s your task and half an hour of time. Congratulations, you’ve mastered a new profession! In life, you study for several years at university. 25) Hidden Object “Hmm, let's open the map and see where I can get the wings of the salamander. Oh, here they are, in another city! I’ll go get them.” In life, you turn your room upside down to find the keys to the house. 26) Pause Tired of playing? You can pause the game, drink tea, or sleep. When problems pile up on you for real, a pause will only aggravate the situation. 27) Skip You can skip a boring cutscene or an uninteresting dialogue. But in reality, you try not to fall asleep in a boring lesson or meeting. 28) Fighter skills Win a fight with the most dangerous villain of the 7 kingdoms. In life: "Hmm, I’d better go around this dark lane." 29) Final boss You boldly and confidently defeat the most terrible boss and save the world. In reality, it’s scary to ask the boss for a pay raise. 30) Story twists In a game with an interesting plot, an event happened that you did not expect. You admire this and thank the developers for the cool story. In life, just a thought of something going wrong annoys you. 31) Weather You run around in the middle of a snowy apocalypse, or you sink into the mouth of a volcano – it doesn’t matter, I’m fine in a shirt and shorts. For real, you are trembling from cold because you forgot to close the window at night. 32) Cooking Take the powder from the horn of the minotaur, the scales of the mermaid, the feather of the sphinx and the fang of a vampire. Mix it all in one pile and get a potion that makes you invisible. In a real kitchen, a turkey burned because you forgot to set the timer. 33) Body You are immediately born into excellent physical shape and a beautiful body. In life, you spend years of training in the gym so that six-pack appears on your tummy. But don't think that games are more interesting and cooler than real life. On many accounts, games lose a lot. 34) Graphics If your computer or console is not powerful enough, the game will lag. With the real world, this will never happen and it has the best graphics. 35) Princess In a video game, you go through the dungeons, jump over cliffs with lava, fight monsters, defeat the dragon and only then get the princess. In real life, becoming a hero for your princess is much easier. Or is it?.. 36) Loading You have to wait for loading between areas. In life, everything is already loaded and you only wait in lines! Which is just about forever. Whatever. 37) Friends Your friends in a game always need something from you: “Hey, help us get the gold!” “Hey, help us kick that sea monster’s butt!” “Hey, help save the village from the robbers!” Fortunately, things get cooler in life: "Hey, how about a little party?" 38) Other characters You meet a gray-haired wise wizard in a hat in a game world. All you hear from him is a couple of phrases like, “I need more sphinx feathers to make the potion.” In real life, you sit in a taxi and the driver can tell you enough stories for a full-blown book. 39) Game Over You can quickly go through the game, but life goes on. And it is much more interesting! Hey, if you learned something new today, then give the video a like and share it with a friend! And here are some other cool videos I think you'll enjoy. Just click to the left or right, and stay on the Bright Side of life!
Views: 1,031,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, video games, gaming marathon, online games, gamers, online gaming, gaming addiction, video game culture, virtual reality, PlayStation, stream, playing games, online, computer games, PC, PC games, technology, fun videos, videos about gaming
Id: oSCrU81eexw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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