What Happens in Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths?
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Channel: Magic Arcanum
Views: 205,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MTG, Ikoria, MTGIKO, Lukka, Vivien, Story, Lore, Magic: The Gathering, Lair of Behemoths, Sundered Bond, Ryan Gomez, Nicole Letson
Id: ed4GJgbtJ9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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Yeah, WOTC couldn't give two fucks about consistency and artistic direction with their lore, that's hardly any news at all if you were following the past..10 or 15 years of these developments.
First of all: spoilers. If you want to read the book, maybe save this post for another time.
I don't know how many of you care about the lore but with the last video from Magic Arcanum I was really surprised how much things can differentiate from the actual game. I know this isn't the first time they do this, but in the past it felt more like "well clearly the quality of the flavor text is superior to the prose writed in the book, but the events are kinda the same".
With Ikoria it felt another thing entierly. In the cards, Lukka seems like a nice guy but in the books it's REALLY selfish (I can appreciate the plot twist tho). If you give me the descrpition of him based on his actions, tell me that he is using red mana, but nothing else, I'll ended up saying that his card is clearly a demon or a devil type creature. It a big contrast from what we can see in the cards (hell, not even one art of him depicts him doing a selfish act, it always seem to be cooperating with the mosnters in harmony).
And not to mention that are some BIG cards that are left out of the book (the apex, for example). Now, I don't think that they REALLY need to appear in the plot, since I can get the fact that most apex are deemed as legends (from the Mythos), but a more accuarate example would be Narset: she's only there to buy scrolls or something from a vendor? Why don't print a planeswalker that have interest that intertwined with the plot then?
But any way, it's the same old-same old, the expectation raised from reading the cards are much bigger than what actually happen in the book.
What do you think?
edit: typos.
I enjoyed the short stories posted on MTG's website, but after Greg Weisman, I don't trust any story from WotC. Those books really damaged my faith in their storytelling, and I feel like the world of Magic is made worse by their existence. The eternals and other planeswalkers being able to walk through the planar bridge didn't bother me like it did some others, but after Kaya revealed her ability to take living creatures with her through the blind eternities I lost all faith in WotC's ability to stay consistent. I wouldn't be surprised at this point if Gideon returned to life Death of Superman style.
When you can print cardboard crack. Why would the story matter? esp when you can just outsource it. The wildred hunt was good tho.