What ELSE Happens in The Brothers War?

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Welcome to Magic Arcanum! I’m Ryan Gomez, behind the scenes is Nicole Burdick and we’re so glad you’re here because it’s Story Time! The Brothers War. It’s both the newest set, and a significant event in the history of Dominaria, and by extent, the multiverse. Recently, the planeswalker Teferi attempted to revisit this moment in time, desperate to learn the secret to activating the Sylex, a weapon he hoped to use against the Phyrexians in the present day. I covered all of that in another video, which you should go watch if you haven’t already, because today we’re building upon that and talking about what ELSE happens in the Brothers War. But first let me thank Into the AM for sponsoring this episode! Their Black Friday sale runs from November 18 to the 25th, and features 30% off site wide. That also stacks with my promo code, MAGICARCANUM, for another 10% off. And what kind of awesome, tailor fit, super comfortable things will you find at these brain-melting discounts? Only the most magically-adjacent kind! If you’ve got a favorite card, or plane, or commander deck, Into the AM has something to match. They’ve got graphic tees, hoodies, basics - everything you need to be the best dressed wizard at your next game night, all 30 plus 10 percent off, when you shop using my link down in the description. So, check them out, and tell them the mustache sent ya. Ok, now let’s hop into that Temporal Anchor and get a first-hand look at what else happens in The Brothers War! In the story, Teferi makes several trips back through time, searching for the exact moment the sylex is used, so he can observe what sets it off. Sometimes he’s too early, and sees battles leading up to the final confrontation, and sometimes he’s too late, and sees Dominaria trying to recover from the resulting fallout of the big blast. This causes things to jump around a lot and we meet characters who don’t appear in the set and while it does a great job building up the scale of the Brothers War itself, it doesn’t really help us understand the key players, or the order in which stuff really happens. So, I’m going to unravel things a bit, and just walk us through the events shown on the set’s story spotlight cards, more or less in their actual chronological order - temporal meddling notwithstanding. Things begin with Urza and Mishra, brothers, born about four thousand years ago. From an early age, they both exhibited great mechanical skill, including a love for tinkering with artifacts. One day, their father shipped them off to learn from his old friend, and one of the kingdom’s foremost archaeologists. That’s Tocasia, who was studying remnants of the Thran Empire. Tocasia became a bit of a mentor figure to the brothers, and they bonded over their mutual interest in history - though occasionally, stern lessons still had to be taught. As quarrelsome as they were, the brothers did enjoy their time together, including the discovery and restoration of a Thran Ornithopter, which brought some life to their study of ancient relics. It wasn’t meant to last, however. While exploring the Caves of Koilos, the brothers found a powerstone, and each attempted to claim it as their own. The stone broke in two, leaving Urza holding the Mightstone, and Mishra with the Weakstone. While either half would be enough to toast your bread for several lifetimes, the brothers could not leave well-enough alone, and fought with each other, hoping to walk away with the whole thing. This was effectively the end of their brotherhood, and as it happens, the end of Tocasia, too, who was accidentally killed during their struggle. Showing remorse for maybe the last time in his life, Mishra ran off into the desert, haunted by strange dreams full of darkness and despair. Urza, meanwhile, headed to a capital city called Kroog. He continued to develop his skills as an artificer, and even built a construct to help him win a contest held by the king. The prize was getting to marry the king’s daughter, Kayla, but Urza wasn’t super interested in that. He was more focused on a Thran book that happened to be part of her dowry. Even so, Urza was now prince of Kroog, and his brother was on a similar rise to power. Mishra was living with a group of desert tribesmen when they were all attacked by a dragon engine. Fortunately, he was able to use the Weakstone to dominate the mechanical beast, which earned him the respect and following of the desert tribes. Eventually, Mishra was able to unify the various desert factions and make a strike against Urza and his haughty-taughty city of Kroog. In a brutal display of power, Mishra and his dragon engine razed it all to the ground, and the Brothers War was officially on. Each brother leveraged their skill as an artificer to create bigger and better war machines, and each brother had a trusted right hand to help them in this pursuit. For Urza, that was Tawnos, who started as a toymaker, and eventually turned to nature for inspiration when it came time to improve upon Urza’s avengers and other constructs. In Mishra’s camp, it was Ashnod who carried out the gruesome work of turning fallen soldiers into transmogrants, a sort of mechanical zombie that could stand up to the tireless automatons of Urza’s legions. And so, armed with virtually inexhaustible armies, the two brothers continued their destructive conflict for nearly forty years. During that time, there were several other noteworthy developments. First - the Third Path. This was a group of researchers who spent their days looking for a way to stop the Brothers, or at least protect themselves from their ever-expanding war. Feldon was a Third Path archaeologist who discovered the Golgothian Sylex, which would eventually be instrumental in ending the war, but that would come later, thanks to the meddling of another group, this one called the Brotherhood of Gix. The Brotherhood was a sort of cult that managed to spread unchecked, as everyone was focused on the war between the brothers. This allowed them to infiltrate both armies, and act as a wedge, further driving the brothers apart, and even causing Mishra to distrust his own advisors, including Ashnod. Then, they convinced Mishra to attack The Third Path, which led to a wizard named Hurkyl casting a massive unsummon spell in self-defense. The surviving members of the Third Path fled the scene, including a woman named Loran, who was loved by Feldon. Loran carried the Sylex with her, but was unfortunately captured, and tortured by Ashnod, who wanted to learn the secrets of the magical bowl. Meanwhile, the Brotherhood of Gix continued to work on Mishra, and eventually brought him before their leader, who was...unsurprisingly, named Gix. Gix was actually a Phyrexian, and had managed to come to Dominaria through a portal, which had been held shut by the very powerstone the brothers removed and fought over at the start of this whole thing. So in a way, karma had caught up with Mishra - it would come to Urza, too, don’t get me wrong - but for the moment, it was the younger brother who would be claimed by Gix. Now the story is a bit murky here. Mishra was either killed by Gix and had his skin stretched over a phyrexian body, or, Mishra believed a promise Gix made about having supreme power and willingly allowed himself to be compleated. Either way, the war was entering its final phase, as both sides desperately needed fresh materials to fuel their armies. The brothers turned their attention to the island of Argoth, and tried to claim its resources as their own. An elemental named Titania Awakened the Woods to fend off both of the invading armies, but even she was unable to stop their wasteful harvest. The Epic Confrontation was now at its absolute pinnacle, and the brothers met on the battlefield, where a Gruesome Realization awaited Urza. He discovered that Mishra was no longer Mishra, and while he didn’t yet know the word phyrexian, he knew the situation was going to require a drastic solution. Fortunately for him, Ashnod had recently had a change of heart. She passed the Sylex over to Tawnos, and begged him to pass it on to Urza, who she recognized would be the only one able to stop Gix from taking control of Dominaria. And so we come to Urza’s final moments as a mortal. He activated the Sylex, and let it destroy his brother Mishra, along with a good portion of the plane and both armies. Urza himself survived, thanks to his spark igniting, making him One With the Multiverse. He would go on to have many more adventures, but that’s a story for another time. Tawnos also lived to see the post-sylex era. He had sealed himself in a stasis coffin, which protected him from the blast. (GREEN CUP) - Hey wait, did Indiana Jones steal that from MAGIC? Anyway, Kayla also survived, and began the difficult work of reconstructing her kingdom, even as the weather grew worse, and food grew scarce. The Ice Age would soon follow. Indeed, the Brothers War would have a lasting impact on the development of life across Dominaria. Even now, four thousand years later, our heroes find themselves affected by what happened that fateful day, and that’s why Teferi traveled through time to that moment, in a desperate gambit to learn the secrets of the sylex. And that’s it. That’s what ELSE happens in the Brothers War. To recap, two brothers find a magical rock and manage to break it in half. This opens a portal to Phyrexia, but more importantly, drives the brothers into war with each other. Over some forty years they build increasingly powerful weapons, while a praetor named Gix gets his claws into Mishra and attempts to steer the course of the war. Ultimately Urza realizes the only way things can end is if he destroys it all by using a supremely powerful magical artifact known as the sylex. This kills Mishra and turns Urza into a planeswalker, while decimating Dominaria - the effects of which can still be seen today. Like I keep saying, it was a massively important period of time, and this set tries to cover, like all of it, at once. I do like how we got multiple versions of Urza and Mishra, showing them at various points in their lives, and culminating with their melded forms. We also got cards depicting characters who appeared in the original Brothers War novel, and for fans of the old stories, that’s always a real treat. But how well did the new story explain the significance of these characters? We did get to experience several distinct scenes throughout the Brothers War thanks to Teferi’s time hopping, but Urza doesn’t appear until the very end, and Mishra not at all. Which reminds me, I should touch upon that final moment, when Urza uses the Sylex. Teferi finally gets the Temporal Anchor dialed in and is able to observe, but he realizes there is more information to be had, and so he breaks his promise of acting only as a spectator and addresses Urza directly. He justifies this by saying this moment in time exists like a branch on a river, that will form its own lake, and eventually be separate from the main flow of time, or dry up completely. So he feels safe explaining to Urza that he’s from the future, and then shares some information about what is yet to come, and asks Urza for specific directions on using the Sylex. Meanwhile, Urza is literally breaking apart. His body is being torn to shreds and a brilliant light is bursting from within, as time is super slowed, with Teferi desperately trying to hold things together in this exact moment. It’s a really cool scene and the only thing that remotely captures it in the set is One with the Multiverse - a neat card, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like they could have done so much more here. My criticisms from the companion video, What Happens in the Brothers War, remain true. I think this set tries to do a lot. It’s telling a very big story, all within a single release of cards…ok plus some commander decks, but still, things are crowded. But what do you think? Are you able to understand the story after looking at the 40 spotlight cards? Do you understand the order of events, including Teferi’s ping-ponging between them all? And do you have a good idea of where the story is heading, based on what we’ve seen here? Let me know down in the comments! And while you’re doing that, check out Into the AM and pick up something during their Black Friday sale, for yourself or for the planeswalker in your life. Then make sure you like this video and subscribe to the channel so you don’t miss the great stories you’ll only find here on Magic Arcanum. We’ll see ya!
Channel: Magic Arcanum
Views: 71,608
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Id: y8_TI5N5bT8
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Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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