What Happened to True Detective

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so this is going to be a completely different content style than what I've been doing so maybe you'll like it and maybe you won't either way here is True Detective what happened Nick PTO and krie fuka and I'm sorry if I'm saying those names wrong their show True Detective originally aired on HBO in 2014 and was an immediate success being one of the biggest shows of 2014 it took a story we saw a thousand times detectives with two different styles must put away their differences to work as partners and solve a murder and yet somehow it gave us something we have never seen before and probably never will the gritty Western new war takes place in towns so small we've never heard of them deep in rural Louisiana with the murders being bizarre and ex extreme killings with the show holding nothing back in the content and in the serious nature of the events it doesn't have any moments of force comedy it takes itself very seriously it's a bleak depressing take on a subject matter that is Bleak and depressing it deals with divorce infidelity rape underage sex workers grooming self har suicide drug use racists pedophilia corrupt government corrupt religious figures it even questions religion asking if there's a God or not and this is all just the tip of the iceburg while the show was dealing with subjects many others have been too afraid to discuss having the two detectives as wellestablished movie stars Matthew mccon and Woody harelson the actors only highlighted the already fantastic story that kept audience members engaged constantly and with the success of season 1 the show was destined for second season and another season and another all of which have disappointed the fan base again and again it seems that no matter what HBO does it simply cannot capture season 1 all this leads to the question why what made season 1 so special that the others have disappointed the audiences so much or maybe what's more important is what's different from the other Seasons well for star ERS the director has changed while Nick pisal has remained on as the writer for season 2 and three and then as a producer on four Carrie fuka left as the Director after season 1 alongside Matthew mccon and Woody harelson also leaving and with each season of True Detective there's actually a completely different director and a different set of famous actors as buddy cops but they do keep with the same formula two or more cops with different morals of Justice must work together to solve a murder each season they always keep a gritty and realistic tone and deal with heavy realistic and dark subjects many of the seasons follow a nonlinear story line as well something that season 1 was known for as the events of that story are told through an interrogation now if you haven't watched True Detective it might sound like they took everything about season 1 and copy and pasted it again and again and the show is probably just suffering from audience fatigue but this isn't the case in fact the show has actually grown in popularity mostly because of season 1 and with the latest release of season 4 it saw the highest ratings of all time within the show but remember the audience of the show keep agreeing that the seasons aren't as good compared to season one leaving us to realize that they aren't coming back because they like these Seasons they're coming back in hopes that they'll finally be as good as season 1 again so let's look at what we know the show has had different directors and a new writer but each director is well enough established that I don't think we can blame the director we know that the actors change but again they replace them with Hollywood A-list actors who I don't think anyone can deny do their best with the material that they're given and we look at the basic ele of the story and they also all revolve around the same basic murder mystery in Royal America with cop Partners butting heads so what is it then why can't we get this back this fantastic show we're creating it just as we know but it's failing over and over what is it missing the answer characters we connect with no I'm not talking about the actors themselves though of course their performance carries a lot of this but the actual original detective characters of Russ Cole and Marty Hart in season 1 of the show we connected with these characters not just cared for or were concerned about them or found them interesting no all this was a part of it because deep down we connected with them this is what the other shows missed see in season 1 Rus and Marty are not your normal protagonists as I said this is a very adult themed show and Russ and Marty are bad people it's even addressed in the show when Marty asks Russ you think you wonder ever you're a bad man no I don't wonder Marty world needs bad men we keep the other bad men from the door at its core this is what True Detective is about the fact that there isn't just a black and white form of justice but about whether or not you're doing bad for bad or bad for good and rust and Marty do both Russ cheats with Marty's wife and does drugs steals evidence he kidnaps someone and Marty cheats on his wife multiple times in sleeps with someone whose age is left a little too ambiguous and he's also an abusive father all of this we see play out and we disagree with but we also find ourselves justifying why they're doing these things why the strain of the case and the things they have seen is getting to them we hate it but in a way we understand why they're doing it and then when it comes to the climax we see them do even more terrible and illegal things they lie about the case and fake a crime scene they even kill someone in an execution and yet we excuse it we watch these characters completely with their rarely being a scene without rust or Marty we watch these events through their eyes and we're so finally relieved that when the terrible events we've watched these two people have to deal with and witness are finally coming to an end we completely understand why they're doing these bad things and we might even agree that it's for the best that it's for good even though on the surface it is bad it's this connection to the characters that just isn't there in the later Seasons sure we care about them these are interesting characters and yes we want to see them find Justice and yes following the Trope they also are dirty cops but it seems that this dirty cop Trope has been lost take the latest season for example with the two cops Danvers played by Jodie Foster and CI race as Navaro again sorry if I'm butchering their name both actors did a wonderful job playing these characters and again I want to stress that this isn't the acting but the characters themselves and how we follow and connect with them which has much more to do with the writing and scene structure than anything else but in this latest season danverse takes on the face of the cop hardened by time on the force and by the loss of her child but she comes off and forgive my French as just an [ __ ] and Naro also comes off as just a sad cop with anger issues there's nothing that keeps us connected to them and even by the end of the show we see Jodie Foster soften and accept losing her child and Naro find a new form of peace and yet we don't nearly care the same amount this is because of how much we don't explore these characters how much we haven't grown with them we are almost told okay these are the people this is what they are like and that's it unlike season 1 we're never forced down the path of bad decisions with these characters in fact season one of True Detective goes even further with playing on your connection with the characters because as we understand these people and we finally feel that all these terrible circumstances that are unfolding are over suddenly the characters are thrusted back now not only are you connected with them you can't help but sympathize with these characters when it happens again when the [ __ ] you just so desperately fought to get rid of come back and it breaks you just as it breaks the characters to see it happen again to know what is going to take place it's terrifying and it makes you angry and is depressing because you know it's going to to bring back that dark part of the characters and that dark part of you to find a conclusion again suddenly not only are we connected to these characters and understand their reasoning but now we understand what their emotions are in these moments this to put it plainly is amazing storytelling and is not something that can be achieved easily and is exactly what is missing in the later seasons of True Detective we don't have this connection we have the character and might find them enjoyable or complex but the connection just isn't there as I roll the video to an end I can't help but think that such a well-crafted story should have more than likely just stood on its own we don't really need any more seasons of True Detective and can we really blame them for being worse when they're just trying to copy something so hard to create I think the answer is a simple no and no we don't really need the other Seasons but they do exist though missing that special part of season one and with the recent announcement of season 5 I can only hope that the writers look back on season 1 not for the story elements but in hopes of finding what made the connections to the characters so special and can bring even a sliver of that back as I think that would be the good step forward in the right direction for the show but hey at the end of the day this is all just my opinion and I would love to hear yours do you agree with me or think maybe there's a different reason who knows maybe you even like the other Seasons just as much or more let me know in the comments below but for now and as always thanks for watching
Channel: The Optics
Views: 8,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dcg1D_0oisQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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