What happened to the ODSTs?

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome back if you haven't noticed there has been a distinct lack of ODS keys inhalers in its reach and today I thought I'd explain why that's the case because odious fees are a fan favorite aspect of halo to many and to a lot of people that are considered quite iconic and many people as well myself included really missed the more grounded soldiers things that aren't Spartans their butts off in between between Spartans and Marina's people like me really miss that in Halo so today I thought I would talk about what's happened to the ODS T's since the end of the human covenant war so that means are we covering what's happened to them from twenty five fifty two to twenty five fifty nine so following the human covenant war as we know the Spartan four program was kick-started and unlike the two previous iterations of the program the Spartan four program was accepting consenting individuals from all branches of the UNSC from veterans to trainees who showed any potential so this time they weren't just kidnapping kids they were actually asking people to join the program as you can expect Oh DSPs fall under this recruitment umbrella and so there were likely a large number of Oh DSPs recruited to become Spartan Force the two most notable ODST who became recruits are probably the fan favorites I thought you'd be taller Cera egghead Palmer and the actually legendary Edward book in January of 25:53 Sarah Palmer was recruited by June after sustaining significant injuries from a needler while attempting to rescue Admiral Kovac from a failed extraction here she showed her combat prowess taken down a brooch than on her own which was a major factor for Jews scouting her out along with her notable leadership abilities Palmer was one of the first Spartan force to be stationed onboard the UNSC infinity actually transferring to it while it was still in the late stages of development book was originally scouted to be a part of the first batch of Spartan force 2 in February of 2553 June attempt to recruit him while he was on a vacation with there but he declined which made him one of the first potential spartan force to decline an offer his reasoning for declining was that he didn't want to abandon alpha 9 his ODST squad and also that he didn't want to leave there behind okay so we're getting into spoiler territory now if you haven't read halo new blood and don't want to know what happened to alpha 9 following ODST then I would skip to the time on screen right now alrighty then so in 2554 book and alpha 9 went to Draco 3 to try and curb an insurrectionist force that were trying to take control of the planet after storming them in building their entrance was blocked and rookie was sent by book to go and secure an exit however in doing so captain Ingrid son of the insurrectionists captured rookie and held him at gunpoint alpha 9 managed to surround Ingrid's in' and when she realized that there was no chance she was getting out alive she sadly executed the rookie before being killed by Dutch after rookies funeral Dutch ended up retiring out of grief and June attempted to recruit book again however book reaffirmed his choice not to become a Spartan until June told him about the increased funding for the program which would alleviate many of his problems it would allow alpha 9 to become a Spartan force with him meaning he wouldn't have to leave them behind this then caused book to cave in and become a Spartan for almost a year after Sarah Palmer as a part of the Spartan 4 program-specific ODSP variants of the Mjolnir were created with book using the ever so iconic hell jumper variant more reminiscent of the classic ODSP helmet that we know from Halo 3 and also Halo Reach so that's how the two most notable ODS tees became Spartans but what about the rest of ODST who either declined the offer or just didn't choose to join up are there any ODST squads left well contrary to popular belief yes there are ODST still do exist now it's no conspiracy theory that the mainstreaming of Spartan force did make them less prevalent but they are definitely still in active use for example the Battle of drapy is 5 in 2554 which is present in halo Spartan assault had 3rd platoon deployed on to dreyfuses moon x50 after suffering significant losses spartan davis rescued them and helped them in their original goal to secure a landing zone for 2nd platoon now if memory serves me well which I think it does at least I hope it does it was halo escalation issue 3 where it was confirmed that ODS tees are indeed present on the Infinity as of 2558 now here's for hoping that we actually see them in action in halo 6 or hell even Marine is an action that's one of the many departments that halo 5 was seriously lacking in fighting alongside something lower than you sort of plays into that power fantasy and it makes you feel even more important that's an aspect of Halo that is really missing for me but anyways that's a topic for an entirely different video let's get back to the earlier skis the spirit of fire also has ODST stationed on it too as we know they used me halo 2 version of the ODSP helmet which doesn't have a definite name and like the other variants but it may be down to their tag being obviously out of Dayton cold considering they were drifting through space for like 28 29 years was it so they're not exactly using the most up-to-date gear the spirit of fire deployed these ODST to fight against the banished on the ark in 25:59 and will likely continue to use them as that fight continues considering it didn't end at the end the failure was to another cliffhanger oh boy so that's it we suddenly don't have all that much information surrounding their post-war activities what I talked about in this video is pretty much it however they are definitely still in use yeah many likely did become Spartan force and I would hazard a guess that their numbers are definitely lower than in the human covenant war but there are still platoons out there and they haven't been rendered totally obsolete by Spartans either OTS peas fill a very nice niche little role meaning that there's always gonna be a place for them in the UNSC along with their iconic armor thanks a lot for watching guys tomorrow we are gonna be doing a little bit of an analysis of noble team considering everyone seems to be arguing about whether or not they were actually good characters in reach and I want to just sort of throw my hat in the ring and maybe not settle the debate once and for all that's a pretty [ __ ] big task but I don't know just offer my there's not bijective as it comes opinion as to what I think about Noble to him so thanks a lot for watching guys I really hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you them [Music]
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 1,418,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo ODSTs, Halo 3 ODST, What happened to the ODSTs, Halo ODST armor, Halo 5 ODST, Halo ODST 2, Halo: New Blood, Halo ODST lore, Halo Buck, Nathan Fillion, Halo Sarah Palmer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2017
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