What Happened to STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT 2015?

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Star Wars Battlefront is almost a decade old at this point no no not these ones literally this game is almost 10 years old we're coming up on almost the decade anniversary of the EA dice original Star Wars Battlefront game and this is a game that meant a lot to me I played so much of this game back when I was in high school and specifically I remember being on like holiday break whether it be like Christmas vacation or you know even summer break something like that and just grinding out some Star Wars Battlefront as it was literally the best way to play any new Star Wars content now it's pretty clear that this game that came out in 2015 the original Star Wars Battlefront was a you know taking a lot of inspiration from the original Battlefront titles from you know way back in the day what do you think very nice it's very cool Bateman but that's nothing what do you think nice but this one is a little bit more battlefieldy it has that dice influence but all things considered I think this game overall really struck a chord with Star Wars fans and just video game fans in general and it's so funny because the game isn't perfect of course but compared to the controversy that Battlefront 2 would find itself in the biggest controversy that Star Wars Battlefront 2015 got into was the fact that it wouldn't feature Space Battles you know that was something very classic in the original titles that was so big all of the galactic assault stuff wouldn't really be included in this game no space battles at least on launch Etc when you put it into perspective it's really interesting that the biggest trouble this game got into was again not having Space Battles when in Battlefront 2 it became a much bigger monster with all of the loot box controversy and and all that stuff all the hot water they would find themselves in this game had a lot going for it but what I wanted to really know is how well exactly does Star Wars Battlefront hold up in current day because the thing is even compared to Battlefront 2 for all of its problems it had a lot more single player content to offer than this game did this was a primarily multiplayer only game or at least a lot of the modes were for Cooperative or competitive play not for solo even though it did have a couple modes like survival there were some things you can battle the AI and a little tiny like Mission stuff here and there but not like a full-on campaign or anything barely any single player content at all so how well does it even hold up when I got back on the game I was greeted with that oh so familiar main menu you have all of your different categories of modes you can play and primarily the modes that people would you know engage in the most popular ones were either the 40 player modes you had like a lot of your like Supremacy stuff in there or you had hero modes like hero hunt or hvv and then you had the 12 you know player modes which is like cargo or like Team Deathmatch that kind of thing and I wanted to see if I could find a Lobby in all of these the only thing I really had any trouble with was actually finding a Lobby in the 40 player mode after a while playing on some Peak Prime hours I was actually able to find like at least a half-baked Lobby it wasn't a great experience but it at least got going otherwise this queue is pretty much dead in 2023. I also tried playing the 12 player modes and to be honest I found games relatively quickly I was playing on consoles so I cannot make the same guarantee if you're playing this on PC but for being a game that is almost 10 years old at this point and to be able to find a game you know in kind of morning hours without waiting too long is still pretty impressive and it goes to show how dedicated of a community in player base that Star Wars Battlefront really managed to achieve but what's really interesting is even though you're not able to consistently find lobbies for these bigger 40 player game modes anymore what you can find is actually you can still play Galactic assault in private matches against bots and kind of simulate that experience and it's pretty fun because you can play any map you want you can play as whatever hero or like faction you want you can be the Empire or the rebels and you know you don't have to fight for the hero drop that was unfortunately one of Battlefront 2015's biggest weak points was the fact that the hero drop was like totally random in Battlefront 2 they did it in a way where you kind of earned playing as a hero as the match goes on but in this game it was just like a random drop and if you knew the spawns you could kind of control it and like I don't know it wasn't a great system for playing as the hero so these offline modes give you a chance to enjoy that content especially if you paid for stuff like DLC and speaking of DLC Battlefront would get a fair amount of expansions as its year would progress it would get an outer rim update uh one for bespin Death Star and then Rogue one scarif as Rogue one was coming out around that time and so they got some promotional material for that and in these expansions it wasn't like you were getting just maps I mean you would get maps but you'd also get content updates you would get brand new Heroes blasters Vehicles star cards and so on like you would get a lot of stuff in each individual update now the quality of each update is questionable there were a few expansions that were generally regarded as better updates than some other ones but that's okay the unfortunate part is in Battlefront 2015 now the actual DLC playlists are basically done you you are not going to be getting a game for these very specific modes if you can barely even find a Lobby for the standard vanilla based game mode so unfortunately unless you're buying DLC for the actual Heroes then I don't expect you to be able to enjoy this content whatsoever or at least what it came with and while we're on the topic of Heroes I want to touch on these because they did get some updates as the year would progress but I got used to playing how heroes are in Battlefront 2 and I kind of forgot how more stripped down and basic they were in original Star Wars Battlefront so just taking Luke and Vader for example they are pretty much mirrors of each other in terms of their actual abilities like L1 Vader has a force choke and then R1 is a saber throw whereas Luke's is a force push and then R1 is a saber rush and then for triangle they both have a heavy attack that even when they Clash this cool little cutscene plays but you know they're basically one in the same I think in general it's accepted that Blaster heroes are far in a way better than saber here Heroes even though there aren't that many in Battlefront 1 there'd be significantly more in Battlefront 2 but just the way that they function in play in this game you can tell is a lot more like basic and simple than what they would do in Battlefront 2. I think the like hero to Hero combat in Battlefront 2 is way better to be honest like in Battlefront 1 you had some absurd things going on with Heroes I remember Boba Fett being Beyond broken for a while before he got nerfed same thing with Leia even though Leia is still super powerful in this game and is probably a a top three Hero at least in this game period uh dengar and bosk also had some broken mechanics when they released let's not even talk about Lando I mean almost every hero in this game had their like broken era and I'm not saying Battlefront 2 necessarily was perfect with balance either that's far from the truth in fact but Battlefront run I don't know what it is it just feels like the combat and the hero balancing the way they were designed again it's just a little more basic but that's okay that's kind of to be expected things are just a little more simple in this game and that's fine especially with the base Game Heroes although they would receive updates later on at some point during the DLC Heroes would start getting traits and of course this only came with new Heroes at first but then they were retroactively added to the base Game Heroes you would see this little like one two three numerical sequence when you're playing as a hero and what this would mean is like if you're a fragging and getting a lot of kills these would stack up and you would get additional bonuses applied to your character such as like extra armor or dealing more damage or Luke you know like able to be running faster stuff like that you'd have these additional traits that would be applied if you're doing particularly well which was a nice feature but of course that was not here on launch remember there's a period of time I didn't play the game for a while and when I came back I realized that instead of playing as a shock trooper as the like special guard for when you're fighting alongside the emperor you actually got to play as a royal guard and that was you know a brand new feature I didn't even know was a thing and I was pleasantly surprised to see there was a lot of quality of life updates that definitely came out as the expansions were rolled out to the game and you know that being just one good example besides all the new Heroes they expansions would also come with new game modes although I cannot say I really enjoyed any of the DLC game modes more than something like Walker assault or Heroes vs villains those are the two that I really spent most of my time playing and as much as I absolutely adore Heroes versus Villains it's like practically my favorite thing in this game I will say that it suffered from a lot of issues especially as the expansions were rolled out because it would add mechanics that weren't necessarily intended to be there from the start for example like either the trait system or the fact that some of the heroes were just completely broken and never really addressed the fact that the emperor and Leia for example could essentially infinitely heal and camp with enough time was something that they would eventually straighten out but certainly you know shifted The Meta as it were in the original Battlefront 1. saber Heroes compared to their Blaster hero counterparts were insanely underpowered and that's something Battlefront 2 would go at lengths to a dress but it just felt really weird of like Darth Vader being like the weakest link out of the end entire lineup of villains and then Luke Skywalker more or less being the weakest link out of Heroes is very strange idea one of the things that I feel like held the DLC back was how much they were trying to keep the like Star Wars Canon feel and that was one of the issues that it got criticized over because you'll notice in all of the expansions not a single new lightsaber hero was added because who else are you gonna add from that time period I mean it's pretty much just Luke and Vader for the most part you could add Obi-Wan but they didn't really go for that I think the whole thing is they wanted to stay like Canon within that time period and not get too crazy with it even though Battlefront 2 would completely throw that out the window you can have Rey fighting you know General Grievous like like they they don't care and I think in Battlefront 1 they really tried to keep the time period as this one cohesive thing but I don't really think it mattered all that much like they could have added someone like General Grievous to original Battlefront and I don't think people would have cared all that much it's a video game and it would have been fun to have some of these other Heroes but you know picking from that time period they had to kind of dig in the bottom of the bear and Blake oh we're gonna bring Nia nub as a hero like okay I mean it's all right like the year would go on and a lot of new like Star cards and other blasters and vehicles and just like you know a cosmetic options would get added and I think they did a pretty good job with this the actual card system I think definitely got expanded upon in Battlefront 2 but its bones and DNA were established here in Battlefront 1. I would say that it gets a little out of hand when you start adding the like trait cards and everything which are you know for lack of a better word they're basically kill streaks and you get this added bonus again similar to how the hero traits worked where you acquire them in different levels and tiers and of course they get stronger as you're doing better I just think it was a little messy because sometimes you might be fighting an enemy and they may like completely beam you or not take that much damage and you don't really know why that is maybe they're they're the trait or something gives them extra armor but maybe it feels like the game is just being Jank so I think it this system could have been a little more clean and I think in Battlefront 2 they actually made that a lot more transparent these star cards are just like other ability cards could also suffer from the balance problem that much of the rest of the game has an issue with as well for example the one I can think of right off the top of my head that always drove me crazy is the pulse Cannon sniper is like one of my favorite guns in the game to use it's like so sick to have as your sidearm and it feels good when you hit shots but so commonly for no reason whatsoever other than the game having like random RNG Bloom on this gun sometimes you would be dead on accurate and your shot would just totally whiff like for no reason even though you hit a perfect shot and you lined it up correctly it's literally programmed just to randomly Miss sometimes and that drives me crazy and I'm glad they kind of did away with that because you get hard punished for missing with this gun to begin with so it should be a high risk High reward weapon but most of the time it's just high risk without the high reward not to mention not your side cards but your like powerful Star card in the middle was actually hard limited or you had like a certain amount of charges on it and so you either had to acquire them in game or out of game and so I don't really understand why they did this this like limited uh number of them exactly maybe to prevent them from being spammable in game but they also have a cooldown timer on them for the most part so it's like that should have resolved itself I don't know just like some weird balancing things that again Battlefront 2 would do a lot better but I mean with all of the expansions and all the content came with like you know just the peripheral stuff aside getting eight new Heroes and like like over 15 new maps was pretty damn good even though Battlefront 1 didn't have much going on in the way of Space Battles initially it did have like some fighter squadrons mode which were you know pretty fun on occasion I didn't really play the vehicle modes a whole lot in this game uh to be fair just wasn't really my cup of tea but they were there for those people who wanted to enjoy that particular style of gameplay also I'm just gonna say it uh visually this game really holds up in my opinion I think we're getting to that point in video games where like sure the newer games do look a little better like things that are released in 2023 do have an edge over what this looks like however I think for the most part you could release Battlefront 3 and it looks aesthetically and you know visually it's color palette its textures look kind of like this and you could still get away with it it's not a bad looking game I think the frostbite engine is just a good looking way to make games in general and I think Battlefront 2015 still holds up man I think it's one of the best looking games from that era which is crazy that in 2023 games still look you know roughly the same also I didn't even notice this but there is a whole VR mission that you can play in Battlefront so it's like they're clearly already working with that Tech all the way back in 2015 and while there's been you know some minor updates and upgrades to the frostbite engine like clearly all of the the framework and DNA is still there and is very reflexive in this game I just think it looks visually amazing I had like no problem coming back to it and just looking at the game because it's so well done dice would also end up using frostbite for future Battlefield projects as well as Battlefront 2. so I think a lot of their like practice and getting things to work in this engine was largely done in Star Wars Battlefront 1 or Star Wars 2015 looking back at it I think the biggest things holding back Star Wars Battlefront was the amount of missed opportunities they had for example I touched on it earlier but only releasing Heroes that are relevant to that time period I think was a bit of a missed opportunity even though they added Rogue one characters which you know it stretched it a little bit but again as much as I love the character selection and heroes in Battlefront 1 there is a big difference in like excitement and hype and just you know general interest in something like Anakin or Obi-Wan would have versus you know Nia nub or dengar you know not that they're not cool heroes in and of themselves and it's neat having them in the game but you know comparatively I think it's still a missed opportunity and it really felt as if they were bottlenecking themselves a little bit with that choice I think a lot of people including myself wanted to see Galactic Conquest from the classic Battlefront game's return but they didn't you know at least to the same capacity and just the sheer lack of anything single player content related does make this game kind of feel thin at points especially if playing online just isn't an option for you there's really not much to do you can either just play the tiny little survival or Mission modes that don't really have a whole lot going on or you can play the like you know Walker assault modes with Bots which is you know relatively fun but it's not the same as playing online the online modes if you can still find lobbies on console is pretty damn fun still I cannot make the same guarantee and in fact I'm pretty sure this game is beyond dead on PC but on console for the most part you shouldn't have too much trouble even finding a regular Heroes vs villains mode or even something in just the 12 player playlist for 40 players good luck I think it's a bit of a stretch there but even with most of the cues not being very populated anymore I was still really impressed on the fact that I could find a game within seconds on a game that is nearly a decade old and that was insane to me especially considering that Battlefront 2 is still on and I know that Battlefront 2 has you know had its trouble over the past couple of years and months but still has a pretty hardcore dedicated audience unfortunately support on that game was was cut for reasons we're not going to talk about in this video we'll get to that some other day but coming back to revisit the whole package of Battlefront 1 man I was genuinely impressed and I was so pleasantly surprised that I was actually able to experience the online modes again and the fact that there's still people playing it is crazy it's beyond me but I was very happy to see it at the end of the day with all of the expansions and updates and quality of life fixes that Battlefront 2015 would eventually receive I think it ended up being a pretty polished and complete Game you know when the sun set and I think I was you know very happy with the package it ended up being even though they would expand and elaborate on a lot of the ideas in Battlefront 2 I think this game has great DNA and Bones still and I think dice did an excellent job putting together a real true Stars experience for what was at the time the next generation of consoles and again it blows my mind how well it still holds up to this day even though in less than two years this game will have literally been up for a decade but there are still a fair amount of people playing it especially on console it's still got its dedicated community that are die hard for this version of Battlefront specifically and look I think that's amazing so if you have ever had the itch to go back and you know check this game out or even if you're just wondering what had happened to it I'm glad that I revisit it and can report back to you that it's still alive and kicking somehow and it's a game that I think actually aged very very gracefully
Channel: Ch0pper
Views: 314,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ch0pper, swbf 2015, star wars battlefront, star wars battlefront 2015 in 2023, star wars battlefront 2015 gameplay, star wars battlefront 2, swbf 2025 all dlcs, swbf 2015 heroes gameplay, swbf 2015 all heroes and villains, star wars, star wars battlefront news
Id: t1ULZWN19yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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