What happened to Pickle?!😱

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in today's episode find out how I got my boat on this beach here all right it's new morning today today we're headed to Mount St Michelle we're on our way no wind right now the wind's supposed to start around 11. so we can load it for a couple hours The Tide is starting to turn over to our favor ites it's exciting I've never careened the boat before a lot of people will clean the boat out of the water you know for like painting the hall or replacing through holes real quick and stuff I've never needed to do that but it's good a good skill good to say I've done it before I suppose you know if I ever need it [Music] overcast day we've got so the wind's finally made an appearance so I got the sails up super light but we're moving like two and a half knots we might still be coasting a little bit from the Moto power though a little bit uh overcast but it's getting better I think I think maybe the sun will come out or at least clear your thought clears up a little bit Michelle should be we're up there we could see it the other day yesterday so not don't see it yet but I will keep my eyes out sometimes I feel like I can see it but I can't really no signal out here I think I'm gonna trim this mustache off let's let's change it up a little bit So the plan is to sail as far up onto this title plane here and you can see the tides are going to be up to 28 feet and each day they rise which is a good kind of just just in case we get stuck we'll be able to get off later and then we'll sail as far up onto the tidal plane as we can and let the boat dry out you can see here it's about 22 feet above sea level so that should be doable with the tides in our draft and hopefully we can walk up to the the castle so we are coming with the water change colors coming up on the title playing here I can see Michelle good there you go there it is yeah I guess we just see how far we make it until we touch the bottom that is the plan really I'm gonna see more hours till high tide so I might hit the bottom and then go a little further as the tide comes up thank you [Music] so I've turned off the motor just to let the tide drift us in uh the tide still gas to come up go down go up a few more feet over the next couple hours so that should get us in a few more miles closer I do want to get close I mean you can make it out but I think I'm gonna get a few miles closer it'd be much cooler um the the what they say is the tide moves as fast as a galloping horse or faster I think that's probably only at the the most extreme Tides which we're not in right now unfortunately it'll be pretty cool to get right up to that castle maybe next time so we're down at eight eight to nine feet of water and our draft is four feet so yeah we can drift it a little further making some sausage rolls for for lunch can make it up pretty good with the binoculars yeah the water is definitely not going all the way to the castle yeah and there's any sandbars all around Lego waves oh yeah your coming into Focus here so I wanna Drive the boat out so it's tilted up slope and I want the uh I had to lean over on its left side the Poor Side because that's the side of my my bed is on so that I'm not falling out of bed tonight maybe I hear the sand underneath this I don't know why I'm so excited about this it's stupid foreign well it feels pretty soft I didn't really think about the bumping oh how annoying that would be I mean it shouldn't last too long I try to back us out anchor and then we'll go a little further when the tide comes up so I real quickly realized the error of my original plan plan a which was to ride in with the tie just let the tide kind of carry me well that was stupid because then I'm gonna just be bouncing along the bottom and it's super uncomfortable and jarring for the boat you know uh but so so then I I dropped my anchor let the tide lift me up and then I motored just a little bit further out so we're not bouncing on the bottom now so here Plan B we're gonna wait till the tide goes all the way up turns around and then I'm gonna real slowly go into the tide either that or maybe I'll just set that anchor but that way once we hit the bottom the tide will be dropping so it won't be like it'll be very short period hopefully of bouncing on the ground before we're completely uh you know on our side so it should be like maybe an hour before we're resting on our side and but you know it's all kind of a learning experience you know that's why it's fun to do this thing you know what now and it's like good conditions and I don't really it's not like there's a hole in the bottom I need to patch up so I could kind of figure out the intricacies of these these details which are important to to realize [Music] okay I took a little nap now it's time to go through with the plan I'm a little nervous the wind has picked up a bit and we're rolling a little bit but I think we're still in the acceptable range it's going to be a little bit uh a little bit nail biting when the when we get into the breaking waves but I think we'll be okay coming up on it a little further feels good yes okay stop 3.8 that's our bottom right there now we stopped very good kind of regretting it a little bit but I'm dedicated I'm committed now I rigged up my whisker pole over there onto the bottom to kind of help the load off of the rudder I think it seems to be helping a lot actually [Music] in France [Music] I'm gonna be here until the next high tide at least [Music] a pickle heron oh man look at that laughs so that's a view I'm not used to seeing of my boat a little bummed because if I had creamed it just like 50 feet that way I think I would have had the water what I would have been deep enough to make it closer to the uh lastly Michelle Castle over there but you know get what you get all went out pretty well you kind of you can see the boat kind of dug itself a hole and then the rudder it looks like it's okay I'm gonna I'm going to do the zinc here it's looking a little rough so let's swap that out well I've got it available probably get away with a little longer but just amazed at how clean this bottom is that's that fresh water swap I think looks good on the other side too maybe I'll give us a little scrub just give a little scrub right here clean this up and then we'll be looking pretty sharp for the for our season this year this guy off so nice to have to do this underwater and put that on there and also put a little bit of a Loctite just to be sure they could come off sometimes with the prop spinning all right let's see how easy this comes off and that's probably worth doing not really fun but look a lot better phew just drag the anchor all the way over here to the uh I'm not sure if you can tell this is the part that's like deeper so when the tide comes up I can pull myself out to deeper water real quick that was exhausting anchor insane it's like 100 pounds I would not like to live on the boat like this for long and climbing around is like super difficult but luckily I got my bunk here on the low side you can see the jet foil or like exactly 45 degrees here not that I'm completely unfamiliar with this position this we're playing a game of cooking in bed on a 45 degree angle chicken and rice pretty good all right it's about uh 2 A.M and the Tide's starting to lift us back up it's a lot more uh violent that I expected the waves are kind of splashing against the hall really shakes the whole boat but a couple hours we should be up and I'll use the anchor and pull us off and hopefully our motor will start everything will all the systems come on again we've begun our sail into Saint Malo I guess we did last night and uh overnight we just went really slowly that was fine I got some sleep as we were kind of drifting off the tidal plane and then now we're having an attack our way upwind which was all right but now I was getting a little tired of it and then the wind shifted when it started raining and just just so perfectly that we only have to do one tack instead of like 10 or five that we would have had to do before so I'm really happy about that even though it's raining foreign my favorite sailing conditions oh we got about seven to eight knots of wind and just flat water cruising along at four knots very happy oh [Music] oh okay you were coming into the St Valor St Malo port de savon's Marina how does a ceiling yeah pickled herring pickled herring channel nine let's see if the answer Sunday so I don't know I think we're over over here somewhere here we are all right it's a very long walk up the marina ramp with the tides here pad here where you can just tie your boat up and watch it now I'm off to climb the immigrations and customs office so I can check back into the shotgun Zone to get my passport stamped so we're at the ferry terminal apparently it's one of these buildings got my stamp that was pretty easy just in time the police did it here [Music] same Milo is an old pirate town and the the French King made it legal to be a pirate and you could pirate like the Spanish and Portuguese and other countries boats as long as he's paid a little percentage as a tax to the king it was it was okay with him and I think they were called the corsairs tomorrow [Music] they have a recreation of one of the famous pirates ships with the yellow one right there they had to rebuild the whole town after the war but it was really impressive to walk around in the world city there [Music] [Music] so I'm cutting up this uh reusable grocery bag and I'm gonna make a waterproof cover for my autopilot I used to have one but I don't know what happened to it so I'm just going to use the Speedy Stitcher and Stitch along the bottom so it'll be just like a tube that could fit over it so there's my seam and Steve Speedy Stitcher does such a good job fast well today I was going to sail into the rain uh but I'm a little I think I'm I'm gonna check it out because the wind is kind of strong and I'd be going into the locks downwind I just uh I feel like I'm gonna it's just gonna make a mess of it because there's you gotta pull into the locks and then the stop there's like a bridge or something I just I just don't want to do it by myself like we're rocking all over the place even here just in the marina so I wasn't spending the night here and then I'll continue heading uh sailing along the coast tomorrow thanks for watching I hope you'll tune in next time um when I sail to the West Coast of France in preparation for my Big Bay of Biscay crossing a massive thanks to all the patrons and contributors to the channel who helped make these videos possible if you're interested in contributing to the channel uh there's links in the description that show how you can either make a one-time donation through PayPal or venmo or join the the patreon team which gets you access to the videos a few days early sometimes I'll even do like two or three videos and uh post them out before I I go on a back out to sea so if you're into binging on the sailing videos that could be a good option but if you can't then no worries at all just happy that you enjoyed the video enough to stick around to the end I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Sam Holmes Sailing
Views: 234,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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