What happened to James May's Ferrari 458 Speciale?

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here at drivetribe we wanted to grab the three founders for a quick update on how their 2021 was going and what plans they have for the rest of the year we've had hammond we've had clarkson so we're finishing with the cheese meme himself mr james may james yes we thought we'd grab you for our 2021 recap so far i thought you're going to say 20 21 minutes good what have you been up to this year so far what have i been up to i'm where are we end of feb yes beginning of march in fact well i'm i haven't done that much this year i've done a bit of writing i've done quite a lot of cycling which is why i look so healthy and i've fiddled with a few things down here in the bunker and i've done a load of cooking and i've done a bit of planning it's not very exciting sorry you've done a bit of filming with us as well i've done some filming with you that was this year wasn't it yes and as everyone will be freaking out in this video the ferrari's back yeah well it never really went away apart from that it got locked in the service center for a bit whilst it was well it had been serviced and then i couldn't go and get it because of covid and then the garage where it normally lives was inaccessible because of the builders digging up the drive and so on and so now it's back here and it's just been sitting there for months to be honest i've run the engine and driven it up and down the bunker so what are the plans for it will be going to the country yes that is supposed to live in the country and it's warm garage it's just it can't i can't go to the country because of covered rules and i couldn't get that in the garage anyway because there's a huge hole in front of it okay so it's here in the cold it still works though it's fine can i drive that no so it's very much thank you for watching uh like comment subscribe it's very much in the in the news just now that um you guys went to scotland and filmed with big bulky american saloon cars yes how did that go uh that was good actually i mean well it was quite complicated because we had to do it as a covered bubble and we had to have bubbles within bubbles so i could only have one sound man come in my car and they put the kit in the boot because then they didn't have to come in the car and every time somebody did come in the cart and fiddle with the cameras they had to fog it and disinfect it and they disinfected us but they tested us all every day anyway and we always knew when we got it the next day whether or not we had it and we all didn't have it that was the first thing you learned even before you could go in for breakfast have i got covered no keep going for another day so but even though we were all everybody was negative on the whole crew i'm not just talking about the presenters we still had to go through all those kobe protocols but the film that we've made i think will be good it's it's an interesting idea uh the scenery is great obviously it's scotland um quite remote for the most part there's a few bits in cities but there's a lot of remote stuff and yeah it was a it was quite a good adventure okay so 2021 looking ahead what have you got in the calendar potentially some more filming grand tours or anything you can tell us at this point um we are working on doing another grand tour this year but i can't tell you what it is um i'd like to do another of my travel shows our man in and amazon are very keen for me to do one but that's even harder to do with cobid restrictions than the grand tour is because obviously you can't really make a travel show without going and meeting a load of people and we can't have everybody in masks because it's depressing and we can't test you know if we went to a a big festival say we talked about doing india imagine we went to one of those big hindu festivals which have got hundreds of thousands of people in them yeah we can't test them all we can't expect them all to wear mars and we certainly wouldn't be able to socially distance so that will limit where we can go and it may still be a long time until we can do it but we will do it eventually so outside of covert restrictions what what is it that makes you choose a certain location for sure like um well i think it has to be somewhere that i have a bit of an affinity with or a curiosity about so japan japan i've been to many times and i find it very magical and i wanted to know more about it so it's that it's that sort of thing but there are plenty of places like that there's still a lot of places i haven't been or places that i have been to that i'm dying to go back to because i didn't have time to learn about them properly whilst i was there last time so i'm not going to say what they are because people go oh yeah yeah you should go there and then we won't be able to go there and we'll have to go somewhere else but we've got five well actually six possibilities lined up and they're all researched so we know what we could do if we were able to go so we're just waiting for the moment when one of them is goes green okay so what way around is it does amazon say right you can go and do another one and then you go into another one or do you go to another one and then you see who wants it oh no that's a commission from amazon okay so they we will suggest the places that we go and they will say yes or no but i mean they won't really say no unless i said we're going to do hammersmith then they'd say no be a bit more ambitious but we're not suggesting hammersmith they set us a budget and they say we want this many programs of this length and but then beyond that they leave it up to us which is nice okay well along those lines i've asked richard and jeremy this thus far and they gave some quite interesting answers if you were given a blank check and you didn't have any executives that needed boxes ticked what would be the series or a documentary or a film that you would go and make with no strings attached just go and make it so the budget isn't an issue no not at all the location all of that stuff well to be honest it i mean we we've got grand tour which is a massive thing so that satisfies the the cars and adventure and banter bit um hopefully i'll do our man in which satisfies the travel and sort of cultural curiosity thing i would probably not put a very big number on the check actually and i'd probably make something quite quite introverted about music or woodwork or maybe animal rescue i've always wanted to make an animal i want i'd like an animal sanctuary money no object i'd like to just okay i don't want to run it i don't know enough about that sort of thing i'd find some people to run it but i'd like i'd like there to be a place full of friendly cuddly animals that i could go and visit donkeys i was gonna say are we talking donkeys are we talking exotic stuff oh no no just you know things that have been saved so it would be donkeys horses dogs cats rabbits you know all in a big field and some huts all sort of furry and happy and i just go and talk to them well can you buy up some fields at swallow cliff and i do have a field but it doesn't have an animal sanctuary on it i suppose i don't know maybe i'll think about that for retirement that does sound really nice we should totally back that in some way if we can i'll just live in a little you know a humble hut with an army style bed and a little cooker and a few books and talk to donkeys there we go james may on donkeys coming soon 20 30. to donate just ring o 800 etc or press the red button now like comment subscribe thank you james pleasure [Music] do [Music] you
Views: 989,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeremy clarkson, richard hammond, james may, cars, top gear, the grand tour
Id: vU07hROO0no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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