What Happened To J-Kwon After His Monster Hit “Tipsy” | #FindingBET

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my life depends on it yeah i can keep going interview people i'm trying to keep getting interviewed [Music] [Music] growing up in st louis it was it was fun i was the youngest sibling you know out of all my brothers a lot of people said i was the ugly one so i always did stuff to get like attention clearly i did that well at 12 momma like this drill either you gonna stand at my roof and do what i want you to do as far as school cause she felt like you know you need education which i i'm a firm believer in that she gave me the choice rap leave stay here go to school rather was rapping whatever it was i mean i was leaving i grabbed all my stuff i hopped on the metrolink and at this time we was in illinois and it took me a long time to get over it seemed like a long time to get over to st louis south city i had nowhere to go i had a few family members that i thought was my family members but you know me being 12 you should have sheltered me you did my brother grandma wouldn't let me come in our house so they you know my uncle was like you can sleep in my deuce in the quarter i never forget what that is because i i wouldn't even buy a deuce in the car you know what i'm saying the only way i know is because i used to sleep in it so it was hard at first but you know you always get that it's something inside of you that's either fight a flight i was like be homeless chase your dream or go back home and deal with mama terry the strength in that alone nothing can break me i'm nothing like the old me i'm telling you i just don't even want to visit that place it was it was scary it was it was real scary it's my first show see but that don't mean nothing you know what i'm saying because i know i know it's like i didn't watch a lot of people perform i'm gonna take what i don't like about that show and don't do that and what i like about this show i'm gonna do that i fell in love with rap and hip-hop only because i never got attention you know what i'm saying so i'm i'm looking at tv it wasn't even about per se the money that they was flashing because back in the day hip-hop it was but it wasn't about that it was more about the craft and actually being somebody i was always the one who walked unnoticed but if i can get on this tv screen then everybody will notice me so cameras ready camera is ready jaquan you ready [Laughter] i started really going hard into the industry my brother he took me to this barber named james who said he knew someone who was in the music business which happened which happens to be now my pops my you know i'm saying my father my dad who who took me and worked with me he was like i got some guys for you track boys they just did the nelly air force ones they do it in them they do you know what i mean they grab me nominated i'm like okay i want to do it so he called this boy he said oh yeah i ain't got time for no no artist i said whoa you know who you got i'm working with you know these little singers he said but you know what gonna rap over the phone for me i rapped over the phone a day later we was in the meeting he put me in the studio he had a house studio put me in there and i've been rocking with him ever since track boys for life still they had a plug on uh memphis myth hits introduced us what he said man i took your music up to la reid he wanted to see you i got off the plane it didn't hit me yet i can't remember if it was really cold i'll tell you my memory bad all the bottles i've consumed i'm like where's the audition taking place they like quan you're a big deal i'm like what they like in his office i say all that y'all listen so nothing's still even hitting me i stepped foot across there i seen all them people would hit me i saw no i got a show out in there i said i can't go back to the streets you know what i'm saying like this is a big deal they play hood jd was in the room i had this uh line it was like diamonds big and blue like papa smurf the little guys walked up to him like the little guys i'm like oh okay look i'm feeling myself i'm like alpha shoot blew this i might as well just go all the way out now i'm gonna leave you with knowing who jaquan is song going up i just turned around i said you don't like it la bite me this is still in the song song going up you don't like it la bite me turn around and moon la reed i'm thinking for sure they're gonna be like stop this cut it done this pulled out some drumsticks he said all we saw in this thing i say rip and then after that i just knew it was over ting drinking is very bad yo i got a fake id though yeah tipsy was the last song i i made i was totally done drunk i don't listen i don't i can't even remember all i know look that's what i know we had a house studio which i had took over by this point i got back to the crib i'm like man i need something crazy tall like man let's just make this you know what i'm saying he made the beat and then we just got sitting right he's like quan what you want to do how you wanna do this one man i ran i'm like one hold up one then comes the two to the three to the four i was like whoa listen and you see most rappers would have switched it after that i was like that's so epic the studio session was full i mean it was so many people to where i'm fighting to get to the booth they're like not quite getting out of line but even to record this one then comes the two to the three to the four and that's how tipsy came about look at my playing that pizza roll you know something to snatch his pieces now how many pizza man you know about this now why is she still delivering pieces jd didn't like it i ain't saying he didn't like it but he was like this ain't coming out they went around him and took it to la reid i shouldn't even be telling y'all this man oh man i shouldn't be telling you how it is listen larry like it's a certified banger like this is it why why wait you know what i'm saying when you could do it now why wait and he put he he backed it i got the number one gail in the video it's jaekwon we have the tennessee video shoot for sure you heard me look i got the bread out here i got jd out here i got a dad's out here i got slim out here i got the track boys out here i got any kind of endorsements you thinking about i'm recording a song for pepsi you know what i'm saying we did to everybody in the world drinking pepsi you know how many people come to me and say bro that song took me through college bro that song took me through high school bro that song just took me through my life so i feel good about it period [Music] team president a lot of ladies want to see him it's jake juan we had a tipsy party like we were just letting people hear it i guess and this girl this an 03 say she's pregnant with a kid i was like man this kid ain't never mind you know just weirdly you know what when i'm signing record deals i called the girl i'm like look let me just give you let me give you some money this got to stop what is all this about you know what i'm saying i know the kid ain't mine you know what i'm saying i'm like if you want to keep going with this you know let's do it but here you could take this money oh you ain't yo one hit one ass but why am i paying 2500 money you know what i'm saying let the two hit or the three hit go hit him you know like i mean for real i'm showing up in court like why am i paying this what's going on he pulling up pictures of my range rovers and houses i'm like what do i have to do it like this ain't my kid can i get a blood test or something like that nah now i'm being held in contempt for the lawyer fees and all this is what like this is insane i had to spend probably like a hundred on a lawyer i was going through different lawyers just to get out this situation 2010 that's when i finally fought and got out of that whole situation they finally awarded me a blood test so for seven years basically i was just paying somebody else child support welcome back to direct effect you know the deal is la la hanging out with the man who will get you tipped cj quan it was two times in in my career that i knew tipsy was real we had jamestown mom i walked in jamestown it scared me to for real i got chased out of that thing i ended up running to foot locker and slid and they closed the gate and the kids were just banging on i need to just the police said quan if you come up here and don't warn us you're going to jail i had the biggest song ever and just it's still the biggest song that ever came out at stl if you ask me anything party any you know on that level if you ask me anybody ask kanye um and the next time i knew tipsy was it was just out of here all i know is i was on the grand finale of snl with the awesome twins i knew it was over it was a wrap tomorrow you're shooting a video for hood hop right there i'm shooting the video tomorrow [Music] after something like tipsy i thought we should have went with show ya it's gonna hit the flow you know like let's state her just because you're from somewhere and you are this in real life doesn't mean you bring that to your workplace that's all i'm saying people wanted who'd have to come out so bad because i was from the hood but ari i at ality i should have had my ass in school so where i should never seen that and that ain't nothing i'm trying to glorify and it's the hood man third district no it's sad you know i said we're going to store over there cow we're packaging the guys a lot of over on here on this block we gonna hold it down though you stay tuned this is the making of the hood video and i'm gonna show you how i got here to get let's go the day my album came out they handed me a gold placker let's talk about the album hood hop in stores right now in stores right now how you know it's my first you know album yeah definitely not for people who don't know i get emotional about the album i cry now imagine this gangster i'm coming from south city you know what i'm saying getting money i cr bob my manager say what the hell is wrong with you i said man i only sold gold man what is this he said you idiot it's just the first day like they gave you a gold plaque i i didn't have all the you know i didn't know about the game like that i'm thinking you're just supposed to come out go 10 million when you that huge the label shut down at the same time that album sold and promoted itself arista gone it came out under arista everest to completely shut down tipsy out hood hop out the album is out no one to call what's going on with my video do i get a next video you call doo doo this number is no longer done no label i'm thinking the sales from the decline which they still they you i mean still killed it it just pushed god made it happen to i never have to work again i started looking around in my humbles and and like well you know got this money i spin fast worst case scenario i got a lot of equity and a bunch of like rolly's going home was gone business you know i still just used a lot of start going through your head jd was vice president of aristo so i guess when it shut down jd wanted to step in i was on the set of saturday night live and barry came in you know who run jive with his kids i'm getting ready i'm nervous i'm like is this really live like yes this is live i'm like oh my you know like don't do this dude you know i'm drinking hella red bulls i'm like getting ready i'm just acting like okay i have no label i'm like man i'm gonna start tonight live it's going down you know feeling myself this man come in with some kids somebody hey man i hate to break it to you like this i said what's going on man who was you i ain't nobody you know because i was known like dennis because i hate to tell you this i said what's going on he said i i got your contract you're a jive artist i say jive drive what turkey jack what's the dive what's going on he said no you're a jive artist say okay how did this gonna work when l.a reid signed me though like he know me he seen me perform everything like he just knew me you don't know me jd like man hold on i got to get up now cause y'all don't know him i know he tried to do the joint venture he proposed that like yo i'm gonna do the joint venture with kwan i'm a me track boys we are gonna do this album and we're gonna deliver the album to you you know what they tell you bye bye no from there i just never had no rapport with job i can't tell you four meetings we had still to this day and up until 2010 i finally got off there like i got lacy hard drives full of like i'm talking full of i just want to go and give it to y'all it's a situation that's going on saying that uh that i'm missing or whatever it was a rumor i was put out there saying i'm missing when when i heard that i was missing like jay kron missing like the rapper was saying tipsy's missing i'm like no i'm not as you can see i'm not missing i feel like the um industry is going too far with you know what they be what they be pulling or whatever but i'm here to tell you guys it's people out there who really are missing i don't know who brewed that but that wasn't cool to me and if you notice like i hurry up and win and made an announcement like hold up it's real people who are missing out there like don't play with me like the industry just goes too far to push a mixtape and what the game want me to do is be quiet and keep taking hits i ain't taking no more i you know i put the press release together the people i was paying child support to themselves missing they were still getting their checks who put the press release together not not don't nobody know what's going on when the kanye west comment was brought to me it just made me feel like i mean i'm not flat out straight up cause i'm i'm like a kanye west fan [Music] you know what i'm saying like i'm a huge kanye west fan if that if that's even safe to say nowadays but i'm i don't care i'm a kanye west fan period and i'll never forget he i was doing the uh interview and i guess he was coming through st louis and i was on the radio and it's before the record like had just jumped off and took off he actually caught up to the radio station said that's going number one and i would see him like in vegas he would come up and start rapping he got his louis vuittons you know saying little loafers no socks you know like put me on a remix and dropped out of college and i mean like okay i'm serious like i'm i'm a huge fan of him like for real hands dirty like [Music] beef my thing is i thought me and pusha was cool i don't know you you don't know me we was all on the same label at a time we was out with larry right yeah we me and pusha me and um clips i'm like yeah i reckon dope i guess you i don't really i don't know what's that's about the whole pusha t i future i i'd really i don't like i don't even i'm not a i don't listen to that type of music you give an upset all i know is people was like they did one did a video it was like oh you ain't got no kanye west uh but i bet you got some jay quan though you know like what was all that about i bet they do got some jake you know what i'm saying i mean we all know they got some jay corn thanks for having some jake paul you know you got some jay point so i understand some little kids playing with a grown man you know i'm saying that you can play but don't play me like that you don't know me like that but push-up for us i'm concerned you were you were straight what was what was yo what was that beef about bro like because i can't even remember the line he's just like i'm grinding yeah jaekwon i i still don't know if it was a beef i just don't like people saying my name that i don't know like that and you don't know me like that that that that's what that whole thing was i'm still from st louis don't play me like that you don't know what i've been through you know what i'm saying at this i'm coming out people raping me for money for years and years and like i'm going through legal like don't play with you don't know me like that bro and that's all it was yeah so me going on tour with nelly it all started at that 2018 so-so deaf 25th anniversary party it was epic you know they just in the party oh yeah such such a hurt you know that brought up in her you know what i said just everybody's name except mine i'm like now hold up yeah i gots to be shitty i heard them say everybody else's name but i got a 800 and something dollar polo all and they ain't say mine my name is jay quan from the record i owe hhm and my soul goes like these listen that yeah yeah listen they go crazy so they going crazy right i'm like i still got it you know what i'm saying like i'm that cuz listen check this out then they just start going extra crazy i'm like i am really that listen i turned around nelly on stage that's how that's why they i thought it was me i turned around he was just there i'm like my idol at this time at this moment on this stage bro you let me know you believed in me and you believed in saint louis and we rocked that we killed that spot i love my dog usually when yo when your time is gone when your error is gone you are gone you don't get to stick around and keep making this paper like that you know what i'm saying i am blessed he is blessed that's my god really because i was only going to do a verse of hood hop and a hook boom stop y'all remember me from knees like i wanted to have the tips you should just massive and then i'm done you know what i'm saying because i ain't gonna i mean i was gonna do that but that's what i'm saying i just felt like i'm just telling you you know you know what it's gonna be like just feel like [Music] [Music] music doesn't sound different in 2018 because jaquan music never left i am my own genre you know what i'm saying ain't no telling what i'm gonna do but i'm gonna do something as of now i'm gonna hit the casket with a classic straight up i mean am i done [Music] oh my god [Music] yo what up this your boy j kwon i'm from st louis so only time i get to use computers when i'm in st louis and if you trying to get tipsy go ahead log on to that b-e-t dot com yeah
Channel: BETNetworks
Views: 2,978,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BET, BET Networks, BET Music, Black Entertainment Television, J-Kwon, Tipsy, Hood Hop, SoSo Def, Kanye West, Pusha T, #FindingBET, Jermaine Dupri, BET Finding, Finding J-Kwon, #FindingJKwon, BET Finding J-Kwon, J-Kwon Tipsy
Id: 2uMpBz7j3a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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