What Happened to Battlefield?

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first things first [Music] today we're talking about a game called battlefield 5. it's an interesting title a controversial broken realistic inaccurate great fun game and i love it and i also absolutely hate it i've always been a fan of the battlefield franchise i've been playing battlefield since battlefield 2 and not bad company 2 but battlefield 2. battlefield 2 is this old ass game that i would go like 2 and 26 kill death ratio in because i was basically a baby behind the keyboard ever since battlefield 2 it seems like every battlefield gets better and better with each one not only just because of graphics but they also bring a new innovation to the table the first battlefield introduced me to like this giant scale battle with tanks planes helicopters boats and then bad company comes out and that shows me what destructive environments can be like and also a great story and then there was the game changer of not just the franchise but every war game up to this time and that was battlefield 3. this game was so impressive a new dice engine to push the graphics brutal combat there was a great story and multiplayer that can outlast a decade he felt like a real marine traveling towards the enemy in an empty vast desert breaching doors into an unidentified building hand-to-hand combat fighting for your life flying around in f-16s the game just leveled the playing field and set a new standard for first person shooters then battlefield 4 came out kind of doubling down on its modern shooter approach definitely pushing the graphics even further with next-gen optimization new maps and a seemingly endless amount of leveling up and new unlocks to get and then after a few years it seems like out of nowhere boom battlefield 1 drops its trailer we go nuts i personally never played a world war one game especially something that's triple a it was so cool to hear that dice was gonna be able to let us experience what it was like to be a soldier in 1915. it comes out great reception overall a lot of people liked it and actually was the most selling battlefield game of the time with 25 million copies sold in the first year sure parts of it were a little clunky but the gameplay was incredibly fun and it was immersive as hell you know when battlefield 1 comes out and it seems to do great you immediately start thinking okay it's got great reception record-breaking sales that means battlefield 1 is probably going to do what's next which would be world war ii and i can't tell you as a huge dice fan at the time i was so psyched because they showed in world war one that they can really capture the dark immersive brutal graphic sad and really hard parts of war they included and i was like yes that means they're going to go hard in world war ii and it's going to be like the saving private ryan of video games call of duty at the time had just come out you know it was it was good i i just don't really love call of duty's kind of arcadey shooter style mixed with realistic settings being able to just do this type of stuff i feel like it was much more suited for battlefield's combat style and just its ability to capture what it realistically felt like in world war ii i had so much hope that battlefield was going to do world war ii so well um but i was wrong [Music] what the [ __ ] is this as you can see it was a very controversial uh launch trailer and not a lot of people liked it has a dislike ratio similar to justin bieber's baby none of this looks or feels like world war ii it looks like fallout 3 raiders going into a battle of a post-apocalyptic 1940s world like kind of now let's talk about playing battlefield v let me start off by saying it's kind of hard to get into battlefield v and i actually don't even mean like oh it's not going to be your cup of tea kind of it's hard to get it about five i mean it's literally hard to start playing battlefield v battlefield 5 is published by ea and if you're unfamiliar with them they're the literal satan of the video game industry origen your ea games launcher basically the boy version of steam it sucked and you knew it and that's why you scrapped it fun fact about origen real quick well personal story origin is the only platform even outside of gaming that i've actually been hacked into by russians and gotten my credit card information stolen i'm glad ea with the billions of dollars they've sucked from us have our cyber security top of mind so they replace origin with a new games launcher called ea desktop very sexy name by the way and somehow this thing is even worse this is what you play battlefield 5 through first of all i open this atrocious wannabe modern designed app and i'm lost i'm just trying to find my games where is it where do i buy games from what are these icons what do these icons mean what do they mean so we find it on ea desktop and we click the play button and battlefield 5 launches the game starts up you play the intro mission looks really cool you set up your graphics settings your key bindings all that jazz and then boom you're at the main menu i want to play with my friends all right where's my friend he says he's online but it's not showing up it doesn't say you're online though all right let me restart the game i restart my game and the intro mission plays again and i can't skip it i've been playing games for long enough to know that something is wrong oh and i noticed that all my video settings fov sensitivities and key bindings have all been reset and you guessed it i made it don't worry there's a simple fix you can watch a six minute video on on youtube about how to disengage your firewall so let's battlefield 5 save a certain file easy as pie fix that issue get into the game my friend's still not online so i restart my computer and for the sake of not losing my i have him do the same turn our computers back on load up the game get into the game and guess what it works we can both see each other we're both online awesome join recommended [Music] getting to a recommended game i'm ready loading screen not a loading screen and there's three people in here all right i [ __ ] hate this game so we exit out loading screen menu all my image-based assets are missing why i don't know bugs i go to multiplayer advanced search okay there's a conquest game with 64 players i enter it with my friend three full minutes later we are loading in baby black screen loading screen and we're in the game spawn on my teammate and he's in combat right all the way back out and try to spawn on him again and he's still in combat so we get spawned all the way back out all right well i'm just gonna go spawn three miles away at my base do that and we're in the video game battlefield v all right so where's the enemy where's the enemy at this point you realize playing conquest in battlefield is a domination style mode on a large battlefield with 64 players except the boundaries are the size of jacksonville florida your enemy is capping a flag miles away and your squad mate is shopping at publix also i'm lagging and rubber banding like crazy and every time i stop my character he still shifts another two feet so i back out another loading screen we're at the main menu none of my assets are still there i didn't have to play the introduction my friend's still online we're still on a party let's go find a game that works breakthrough 36 ping 64 players join cue black loading the screen reloading screen spawn in the seems action-packed hell yes bro let's do this [Music] i don't know man i just don't know so i actually have a ton more i could unload to you about just getting the physical game to work correctly but i've had enough of that i actually want to talk about how the game is so you might be astounded when i say this i actually enjoy battlefield v kind of a lot i'll try it [Music] underneath all this stupid broken controversial dumb bull is a really solid game that is beautiful rich and exciting first person shooter battlefield 5 still has that classic endearing charm that battlefield games come with baked into its dna there's still crazy scenes of battle tanks rolling in planes flying above you just freaking bombing the crap out of places mortar strikes enemy gunfire flying all over the place people dying around you it's just oh this is glorious the iconic sound design is still there freaking guns sound deadly and amazing this isn't burger king man you can't have it your way oh except for that one ordered it no pickles keep the onions on getting a head shot is still debatably the best sound in gaming history especially when you factor in bullet drop and getting a snipe from a mile away oh my gosh also a quick note on sniping man you can use an anti-material gun on a person and it feels like you're punching them in the face with a bullet there's so many players above five gives you so many options to engage in battle driving him with a jeep sneaking around the enemy got behind and like knifing a lot of people jeez or just straight up running into the horn stress for the freaking bayonet on the sector's a kid no jacobs get up get up battlefield gives you enough space and pathways on the map for you to maneuver around the enemy and attack from behind there's a guy right next to us man i got him and this is such an awesome part of battlefield games i feel like so many people are occupied doing one part of the battle and you can kind of shift position over to them and if you pull it off you can get a ton of kills that end up like totally turning the tide of battle totally turn the tunnel about the map changes over time there's freaking like storms that blow in there's buildings that get destroyed there's snow there's just weather effects some maps are underground while some fight over an open field some maps are night some maps are day what i really love about battlefield and this is especially prevalent in battlefield v prevalent relevant whatever i feel like teaming with your friends is like at the top priority of gameplay it really turns battlefield 5 a multiplayer online battle into a co-op online battle you're constantly encouraged to spawn with your teammates they can revive you they can give you ammo based on their role they can give you health you make a much more effective force sticking together and what's so cool is you know that the other enemy team is doing the exact same thing everybody has squads of up to four people and you can all just have each other's backs battlefield 5 has also made some really cool innovations for instance you can pull ammo off the back of your friend who's a support role instead of having to get their attention and get them to throw ammo at you you can also slide on your butt you can crouch slide you can kind of lay on your back there's a lot of innovations that were made in this game that make it a lot much more smoother soldier experience planes are hard to fly just like every [ __ ] battlefield [Music] cool but once you get the hang of it it really does add a whole new approach to the battle and you can rack up a ton of kills if you're good at it also is every freaking enemy pilot piloted by like real navy captains or something everybody seems to be a pro they all do the nose dive thing perfectly like i can't i spawn in and i'm looking for the ejector seat immediately tanks are broken but i'll get to that weapon progression is pretty satisfying it takes a while but once you get them it really does pay off for instance once i got the thompson which is the last metagun dude i if you don't think i did feel like tom hanks freaking shooting people that are running out of a bunker with a hip fire weapon animations are also freaking stellar as usual you can feel every magazine being pressed down into the you can feel every bullet being pressed down into the magazine every time your guy reloads his gun the reload animations from the revolver are freaking sick speaking of revolvers sidearms like any pistols are also really effective in this game i love when a good sidearm is actually not useless the music is great it's battlefield music it's like it's nothing really stood out it wasn't like the battlefield 3 soundtrack but it is definitely fitting for the world war ii setting but yeah just overall i cannot give enough credit to the battlefield 2 freaking sound design gotta fit too bad for five world war ii sound design it's amazing i think the only like part that i i like but it was almost too real is the death sounds uh the screaming okay that was the freakiest thing i've ever seen so why rags so hard on battlefield v if at its core i think it's a great game maybe you should shut up well mainly because i haven't mentioned that there is still a lot of issues when it comes to being in game and i'll start by naming a few tanks tanks are broken as [ __ ] it's not even that tanks are super broken themselves but the counter for them is so weak and miniscule now that it's nearly impossible for one infantrymen to actually put a dent in a tank they can heal they have a machine gun a missile launcher they sometimes have a flame thrower only the assault class has enough gadgets to actually put a dent in a tank and what do you have to begin with a rocket launcher that does how much damage 22 out of a hundred how many rockets do you jeez i'm asking way too many questions you have a rocket launcher that does 22 damage out of 100 to a tank and you have two rockets to begin with you hit this thing twice it's only done 44 damage you can't even kill one in one life unless you go get resupplied this leads to multiple players being like 50-0 because they're using tanks usually from a far distance and just shooting into a battle and you're just getting destroyed by what seems like artillery fire that's the most fun you can have in the game [Laughter] it also takes forever for you to get guns that you want unlocked in this game for whatever reason they put the m1 grand which is like the classic world war ii gun right in the front and you get to use that right away but they put the second most used or common world war ii gun to thompson as the last gun of the least overpowered class the medic where you have to use smgs also the ui is so [ __ ] bad in this game that you don't even know you probably don't know i didn't know all 20 levels of leveling to get this gun you can purchase guns for certain classes you select the bolt action carbine you can even access those guns by the way until you back all the way out to the main menu go to the armory purchase the gun if you have the credits available then you can use them in game after going all the way back into the game going to the loading screen going through the second loading screen getting back into the game spawning into the game and hoping that it also didn't glitch or bug out to where it actually registers that you bought the gun because i've had it where it doesn't register and that was when i unlocked the thompson by the way which took me [ __ ] like i think 30 hours to unlock the amount of times you'll enter a game that's like 64 players and get into the game and the game instantly ends but i like that game and then half the lobby leaves and so you're basically in a 32 player game oh my gosh it's just perfect timing man leveling up takes forever but you can do assignments to unlock certain parts of your gun and you can also get some bonus xp out of it but of course a huge problem with that is if you want to assign your assignments to yourself in order to complete you have to back out once again to the main menu go to your assignments and then assign them there and you can only track four at a time even if you have 20 available why i don't know it's more inconvenient and will upset you because that's clearly what this game is trying to do the pricing for stuff in the store doesn't even make sense either here's a pistol for 300. let's say i wanted to change my haircut though from a slick part to a high cut part it's only 6 900 points who's running this storm tom ford here's just some like rapid fire problems real quick there's a bug where bullet kills or knives don't make a sound there's a bug that still hasn't been fixed that if you use six times scope your bullets don't work when you're in the main menu players must click through the seemingly endless amount of menus to navigate it's a terrible ui once again sometimes vaulting just doesn't work huge one auto balancing does not exist there's constantly matches with one team crushing another or one team having far too many players there's horrible net code issues instances of players being shot despite running behind cover and the armory screen shipment items don't display correctly and sometimes don't display at all and there are no rewards given out for the being the mvp squad which i'm usually in because me and my bros freaking own at battlefield 5. and ea might say back to that well what are your solutions for these problems and i'd say to that i'd show you but i'm too old i'm too tired i'm too [ __ ] blind if i were the man i was five years ago i'd take a flamethrower to this place well not the blind part but but really it's pretty obvious what the problems are and what the solutions are which is honestly kind of like just to do the opposite of what i'm saying the problem is you know you have millions of dollars behind this game i would expect that the team would at least be able to make a few updates that just changed the fluidity of the game a lot of this stuff is just like janky is this janky clunky bad ui that's what i don't like about a lot of dice things or not even dice i should say ea it's a lot of pretty looking stuff but man dude it's just cumbersome and inefficient when you could really fix these things by not complicating and with that i'll just say ea and dice damn it just pay attention to your audience when developing your next battlefield title listen to the problems you're running into lose the against the grain attitude that's so rebellious and seems to like just be constantly fighting with her with your own gamers sharpen up your next game and make it so damn good and undeniable that it can be like battlefield 3 when it launched and just blow our minds and we can just toss our money at you we want to love your game and we want to make you a lot of money so just listen thank you guys for watching this video i know this is a long one it's kind of a negative one too i really appreciate all the kind uh and positive comments i've been getting about my videos and i just want to thank you guys for watching and expect a lot more to come thank you all for watching it really means a lot that you did i hope you enjoyed it and i'll catch you in the next one bye
Channel: Jack Sather
Views: 355,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battlefield, Battlefield V, FPS, Gaming, First Person Shooter, War, Battle, Video Games, Review, Video Game Review, Soldier, Combat, PS5, XBOX, PC, Graphics, Trailer, Love, Thompson
Id: iud2pO_CVVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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