What Happened to Balin's Expedition in Moria? | Lord of the Rings Lore | Middle-Earth

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The Dwarves of Durin’s line would always long to return to their lost hall of Moria. For over a thousand years after the Balrog’s awakening, this was merely a thought, a hope , until Balin led a Dwarven expedition into Moria to reclaim their ancient kingdom. An expedition that would end in tragedy. What did Balin’s company face, did they have any success at the start, and what series of events led to their untimely demise. Hello friend s its Karl here, and in today’s episode we’ll be following Balin’s journey into the dark halls of Khazad-Dum. Following the events of the Battle of the Five Armies, the Dwarves prospered in their newly reclaimed kingdom of Erebor, which had been freed from the clutches of the dragon, Smaug. Yet as the years went by, they started to feel that they could achieve more, greater wealth and prosperity, and some spoke of returning to Khazad-Dum, for they felt that they finally had enough men and strength to reclaim it. Perhaps the Dwarves felt that this was the ideal time and opportunity, since most of the Orcs of the Misty Mountains had been slain in the Battle of the Five Armies. And so, in the year 2989 of the Third, Balin decided to launch an expedition and establish a Dwarven colony in Moria, even though Dain Ironfoot, the King of Erebor, counselled him against it. Apart from the promise of riches and prosperity, Balin also hoped to find one of the Dwarven Rings of Power, that of Thror, for he was slain in Moria by a group of Orcs. However this hope was misplaced, for this ring had actually been passed down to his son Thrain, who lost it when he was tortured by the Necromancer in Dol Guldur. Now many of the dwarves of Erebor joined Balin on this expedition including Ori and Oin, and they planned to enter Khazad-Dum through the Great Gate of Moria, located on the Eastern side of the Misty Mountains. Though their numbers had dwindled, Orcs were still present in Moria, and the Dwarves would have to face them before they could reclaim their kingdom. And so these two forces would battle each other at the Great Gate and outside in the Dimrill Vale, and at least part of their battle if not all of it took place during the daytime which might have given the Dwarves an advantage, since the Orcs were weakened by sunlight. The Dwarves were emerge victorious from this battle, though they suffered some losses, and one dwarf in particular is mentioned, named Floi who was killed by an Orc arrow. However before his death he committed a valorous dead, for he slew a great Orc chieftain, and his body was buried outside of the Great Gates, close to the Lake known as the Mirrormere. With the promise of victory at hand, the dwarves pushed into Moria driving the Orcs out of the Great Gate and the Guardsroom, and they claimed the First Hall. They would keep moving westward, until they reached the 21st Hall, where they chose to settle, for it had good aeration and it could easily be watched. And so, after establishing a settlement, Balin became the Lord of Khazad-Dum, and his throne was set up in the Chamber of Mazarbul, close to the 21st hall. The start of Balin’s Kingdom was very prosperous, for the dwarves found gold and Mithril. They also uncovered some ancient Dwarven relics, such as Durin’s Axe, which might belonged to one of their kings named Durin, perhaps even Durin the First. Another relic was a silver helm which I believe refers to Mithril as it’s sometimes called Truesilver, and it makes sense that a helmet would be made of Mithril rather than silver. Both of these relics were claimed by Balin as his own, and as they explored their kingdom the Dwarves would find other equipment made of Mithril, such as a well forged helmet and a coat that were said to be made of the purest Mithril. News of their success would reach their brethren in the Iron Hills, for the dwarves of Moria sent out messengers, informing them of their fortunes and of the great works that were taking place in Khazad-Dum. Having established a base of operations, the Dwarven expedition would start spreading out further into their ancient halls, moving towards the West to the Hollin Gate, and Oin was sent out to look for the upper armouries of the Third Deep. The history and fortunes of the Dwarven expedition were recorded in the book of Mazarbul, and various dwarves wrote inside it. The fifth and final year of the Dwarven colony was recorded by Ori and it was the start of the Dwarven Misfortune. For one day Balin left his kingdom to look in the Mirror mere, but he was not alone… for an Orc was hiding behind a stone and it shot him, and killed him with an arrow. The Dwarves would avenge their fallen lord, and they slew the Orc, though the tide had already started to turn against them, for an Orc Army came up towards them from the Silverlode river, and a fierce battle took place outside of the Great Gates of Moria. The dwarves were overwhelmed, and they retrieved Balin’s body and retreated back into their kingdom barring the Great Gates behind them, though they doubted that the Gates could hold off the Orcs for long. And their fears would come to pass, for the Orcs broke through the great gates and they claimed the First Hall, the bridge of Khazad Dum and the Second Hall. These Orcs were met with some resistance for the Dwarves tried to hold them off once again, and three dwarves named Frar, Loni, and Nali died bravely, while the others retreated further into their kingdom to the chambers of Mazarbul, where they buried Balin. Their situation had started to look dire, and the dwarves began to lose hope. Since the Great Gates were held by Orcs, their only hope of escape was the West Gate of Moria and Oin would lead a party of dwarves towards this gate... Yet once again, fate would be cruel to them, for the pool of water outside of the Hollin gate had risen, reaching the wall, and the watcher attacked the dwarves and took Oin. Only four of Oin’s company would survive this encounter, returning to the chamber of Mazarbul and so the dwarves were trapped in their kingdom, for the watcher blocked the western gate while the Orcs controlled the eastern one. Seeing that their end was approaching, the dwarves accepted their fate, and they chose to make their final stand in the chamber of Mazarbul. Their great Kingdom would become their tomb, their final resting place. As they waited, they could hear the sound of drums in the distance, and I can only imagine what they felt as these drum sounds echoes around them, a sign of the doom that was approaching them, for the Orcs were coming. By now, there weren’t many dwarves left alive, and the Orcs surrounded both the western and eastern doors of the Chambers of Mazarbul. Besides these doors, the dwarves would choose to make their final stand, and 30 years later, the fellowship would come across many bones and weapons scattered across the floor, as a testament to the final moments of the Dwarven colony. It seems that the dwarves stored many of their treasures and riches in the chamber of Mazarbul, for throughout the room there were many holes cut into the walls, which held large iron-bound chests of wood. All of these chests had been broken and plundered by the Orcs, and the book of Mazarbul was found next to one such chest, and it had been slashed, stabbed, burnt and stained with blood. Yet parts of it were still legible, and Gimli kept it to return it to King Dain, and so the memory of these dwarves would live on. Though this expedition had ultimately failed, it is said that dwarves would once again reclaim Moria in the Fourth Age under their King Durin the seventh. If you’d like to learn more about Moria’s history, I’ll leave a link to my video above. I’d also like to hear your thoughts on the Dwarven expedition, do you think it was rash of them to try and reclaim Moria so early, and what do you think happened to all the treasures and relics that they had found. I personally believe that this expedition was destined to fail, for even if the Orcs hadn’t attacked them, we can’t forget that the Balrog was still alive in Moria, and eventually the Dwarves would have run into it, and they would lose their home to this creature once again. Regarding their treasures and relics, I feel that the Orcs would have plundered most of it, and the Mithril would have been sent off to Sauron. However in the case of Durin’s Axe, which was probably one of the most precious relics for the dwarves, I think it’s quite likely that it was buried with Balin in his tomb and so it was safe from falling into the Orcs’ hands. Since part of the chamber of Mazarbul was destroyed by the Balrog, and buried under a pile of rubble, perhaps the axe would be retrieved be the dwarves once they reclaimed their Kingdom. As always, just to be clear, this is simply my own speculation and I’d like to hear your thoughts on this. Finally since I’m expecting quite a few comments on this, I got the information for this video from some pages that Tolkien had drawn, which are meant to be pages from the book of Mazarbul. They offer more information than the passages found in the Fellowship of the Ring, and they’re really interesting to look at. If you’d like to check them out, I’ll leave a link to them in the video description. Anyway friends, this wraps up today’s video, and I hope you enjoyed it! 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Channel: GeekZone
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Keywords: Balin's Expedition, What Happened to Balin in Moria, What Happened to Balin's Expedition in Moria, Balin Moria, How did Balin die in Moria, How did the Dwarves Die in Moria, Balin Colony Moria, The Hobbit Balin, Lord of the Rings Balin Moria, Bain's Tomb, the Chamber of Mazarbul, Balin Lore, GeekZone, Moria Lore, Khazad-Dum, Moria, Oin Hobbit, Balins Tomb, lord of the rings, the hobbit, lotr lore, lord of the rings lore, exploring middle-earth, middle-earth lore, Orcs, Mithril
Id: k9LLsjHZLwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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