What Ghana Army Generals Showed In Rwanda

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the people of Rwanda made a decision to put the past behind them and build their country together irrespective of their background hello in Rwanda president Paul kagam set a celebratory tone this December reemphasizing how much can be achieved when African countries work together there are many things we can address together working together our continent Stands Strong and can address most of our challenges while Paul kagam makes the case for an interconnected Africa it is remarkable to note the role that Ghana Army generals played in Randa demonstrating that Africans can indeed be the most reliable Partners even in the most difficult times at the heart of the 1994 crisis the UN Security Council in New York was contemplating the decision to close down its peace mission in Rwanda in view of the deteriorating security situation they voted to withdraw and send home well equipped troops along with many soldiers from different countries however a contingent of about 450 soldiers from Ghana ignored the orders from the UN Security Council to withdraw from Rwanda to them it was impossible to turn their backs on Rwanda where others fled or were withdrawn by their governments leaving randant to their fate the over 450 mostly young Ganan soldiers remained in Randa and continued to do the right thing some deployed to stadiums in Randa and While others stationed at kali's airport turning them into safe zones for refugees fleeing the fighting I said to myself as an African general play a role in the mission we cannot turn our backs on Randa and I said this is the time or the period per that the rendes need us the most I therefore sought and obtain approval from the government of Ghana to retain a residual Force to assist in addressing the deteriorating security situation in whichever way possible I am therefore privileged to receive this medal on behalf of the officers and troops who stood behind me to ensure that together we made our humble contributions in ensuring peace returned to Randa I dedicate this medal to the heroes who paid the ultimate price today I stand in this beautiful country of Rwanda in all and admiration of great transformation that has taken place in spite of the history that has occasioned this ceremony I am particularly elated not just because of this honor done me and my fellow peacekeepers but because the people of Randa made a decision to put the past behind them and build their country together irrespective of their background I salute the resilience of the people of Rwanda the Ganan Battalion saved countless lives under the most difficult circumstances they demonstrated the courage that so many others absolutely were unable to sustain in the face of such a horrible catastrophe now why is this important the kind act of Bravery by Ghana soldiers in Wanda shows that fellow Africans on the continent Remain the best and most reliable partners that African countries can have I would like to also take this opportunity to advise the leaders of our continent of the African continent to work for peace at all times because as much as we may be speaking different languages and belong to different geographical areas if we don't assure divisive politics and policies we will not get anywhere if you take our peace for granted and lose it no one will fix it for us and no one no one was here to fix it in 1994 it is my prayer and hope that never again will this continent witness the destruction of ourselves indeed it is for peace that Rwanda has been playing a leading role in deploying troops to conflict zones no matter where let me take this opportunity to thank your Excellency for giving Rec recognition to the modest contribution Ghana made to restore the sanctity of Rwanda I would also like to thank the officers and soldiers who stood with me and say thank you to the people of Rwanda for giving peace a chance J's involvement in peacekeeping Deeds back to the early 1960s when it contributed troops to the United Nations operation in the Congo since then the country has consistently demonstrated it commitment to International Peace and security by participating in numerous peacekeeping missions on the African continent Gan peacekeepers have been deployed to various conflict zones providing support in postconflict reconstruction humanitarian assistance and maintaining peace and security they often serve in challenging environments where their role involves a range of activities including monitoring ceasefires protecting civilians facilitating humanitarian assistance and supporting the implementation of peace agreements one other notable example of Ghana's involvement in peacekeeping is its contribution to the United Nations interim in the Middle East with the aims to maintain peace and prevent hostilities between the Lebanese armed forces and the Israel Defense Forces danna's engagement in peacekeeping goes beyond military contributions the country has also been involved in training and capacity building initiatives sharing its expertise with other African nations to enhance their peacekeeping capabilities this collaborative approach reflects the honest commitment to fostering a culture of peace and Security in Africa here is a video of Ghana's 2022 military parade that opens a window to the country's military [Music] capability foll the second TR is the Infantry fighting vle the tro has aded [Music] [Music] the the 13 from the [Music] the is made up of 107 mm rockes if you like the videos that I produce on this channel take a little time to like the video and subscribe to the channel second made up of the 105m
Channel: Africa Views
Views: 63,477
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Keywords: rwanda, kigali, kigali rwanda, paul kagame, Burkina Ibrahim Traore, Burkina Faso, Ibrahim traore, ghana, niger, mali, burkina
Id: KQTLtZai_oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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