What Game Has The Best Crash Damage? - 11 Games Compared, 1 Game Crowned Champion.

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racing is a skill each lap you make thousands of decisions when to break how much to turn when to accelerate when to change gear the final lap time is the sum of all your choices and the clock is the ultimate judge of your abilities you have to be precise spotting your breaking markers smoothly putting down the power and being surgical in your overtakes still crashing all right forget everything i just said from here on in this is a crash video [Music] what we have for you today is 11 cars from the 11 best racing games out there what are we gonna do with these cars what any kid does with a toy car we're gonna smash it against the wall and see what happens let's kick this off with the game so old it was made when putting letter i in front of things was cool eye racing we are in the audi r8 and test number one is a gentle 50 kilometer per hour kiss of the nurburgring war [Music] well that was dramatic let's see what the damage is yeah it'll buff out it's hardly a scratch i think we need to double the speed here's the same impact at 100 kilometers per hour hey a magic disappearing bonnet there are magicians who'll be proud of that one yeah it's a little wonky looking but let's see how it drives [Music] it has a little pull to the left under braking and just in general but otherwise it's fine let's step this up again [Music] this is 200 kilometers per hour straight into a wall [Music] that's a big one got to give props to the builders of that wall great job there's not a mark on it and for the car that matter it isn't looking too bad either the bonnet did this little disappearing trick again but everything else is pretty much fine what's more this car can still race it pulls a little to the left again but if you can live with that this is a pristine race car [Music] we have one more test for this ultra realistic invincible car simulator the tire test with abs off we got up to top speed and slammed on the brakes we're looking for flat spots and tyre wear we did this over and over and over and over and you get the point but in the end we can only do a measly three percent damage to our tyres and i don't know about you but next time i'm tire shopping i'm looking for eye racing brand tyres and tam invincible next up we have the xbox champion forza 7 cruising in at 50 kilometers per hour straight into the wall yeah that did nothing literally nothing let's kick this up again bringing it to 100. oh no that's more like it kind of we get a flash of damage messages on the side of the screen but again we have a pristine looking car we do have some internal damage though when the car pulls to the left under braking so you know baby steps coming in at 200 sees a lot more messages than a cool spin and hey look at that the front splitter is a tiny little bit bent completely what you would expect from a 200 kilometer per hour impact with the wall the car still drives fine though just a little pull to the right and given of what i've seen a forza online this is definitely a good thing onto tyres and when we slam on the brakes at over 200 we get a little tire heat but that's about it but what happens if we smoke the rears into complete oblivion sadly not much they don't burst they just lose all grip which is better than nothing i suppose but it's not going to oust our current damage champ high racing [Applause] our next challenger is a big simulation heavy hitter assetto corsa competition which i'm just going to call my cc because that's so much easier light damage huh well we have some scratches and the bonnets have popped a little still drives fine though [Music] double the speed and now we have severe damage on the fronts let's see what severe damage looks like looks a lot like light damage but with the bonnet popped up just a bit more still drives fine though just like before apart from the bonnet taking up a large chunk of our view let's go full ball same severe damage front then guess once you call something severe there isn't really anywhere you can go visually not much has changed driving though well now let's call this a victory for simracing because for the first time we were able to destroy a car just by crashing it that's progress we can turn the wheel as much as we want we aren't getting around the track without measuring our lap times with a calendar but we aren't finished with acc just yet [Music] nice little puff of smoke as we screech to a stop that's got to leave a mark on the tires and look at that you can see the flat spot visibly through the shake through the wheel and the whole car that's a beautiful thing to see but what if we keep going [Music] that is so satisfying the flat spotted tires caught on the same spot and wore through the canvas till they're both just popped now that's what we want to see and it's pretty safe to say we have a new damage champion acc [Music] this is auto mobilista 2 which begs the question there was an automobilista one but never mind that this is an amg gt3 and approaching at about 50 kilometers per hour is a wall well it's not the worst result we've had from the 50 kilometer per hour impact and it's resulted in the usual bad bit of steering but otherwise the car is fine let's double the speed [Music] nice bounce up as we impact the wall there and the car is a little bit shorter than it was before but as is usual for these low speeds the car's a little bit wobbly but that race is fine 200 it is that's a much bigger impact visually though not much has changed when driving the crumpled bonnet is taking up a bit of the view but just get a look at that steering angle that's all sorts of events but again if you can live with that then you can complete a race no problem i'm starting to wonder about these snowflake racing drivers who abandon their cars after minor 200 kilometer per hour and packs into walls [Music] as for breaking in tires it's a usual lack of flat spots and invincible tyres all of which means to say acc remains at the top well with an in-car view like that how could this be anything other than our factor ii the game i paid full price for at launch than had to pay full price for again when the developers decided to change the way you access the game not that i'm bitter about that but not at all here we are coming in at 50. riveting stuff wow okay 100 then yeah that's literally all that happens let's check the replay it doesn't seem like there's any damage but i can't tell either because the car is dead it's game over from there moving on let's see if anything changes at 200 then don't know about you but the way the car just comes to a dead stop i find hilarious still not seeing any evidence of damage though at least visual damage let's see if we can change that there we go look at that it's missing a wheel and all though somehow the wheel came off while the rest of the car is completely fine let's just call this damage model a work in progress i mean we have to give them time they've only been working on this game for one and a half decades onto tyre wearing flat spots now and you know the story no amount of sliming on the brakes can cause flat spots and their tyres are invincible to certain types of damage acc remains the chair project cars 2 steps up to the plate but i know what you're thinking project cars 3 is out yes it is anyway it's a usual story into the wall at 50. [Music] and the usual result a little damage to the front but nothing else at 100 things are a little more interesting there is visual damage to the front and windshield and of course the go-to damage model of developers makes an appearance banned steering it makes the car a little tricky but it's still raceable impacting at 200 throws a car into an awesome spin but we've got bigger issues spiders have infested the car and put cobwebs all over the windshield and i don't know the button for the wipers what's more bent steering makes the driving really tricky the car is dancing about all over the place under braking as for the tyres it's like all developers copy from exactly the same playbook there is the same satisfying lockup and smoke but no flat spots or punches to be found here the champ remains all right let's throw a curve ball nobody said we need to stick to tarmac meet dirt 2.0 the current king of serious rally games crashing and rally go hand in hand so let's see what dirt 2.0 offers at least at 50 kilometers per hour gotta say i'm disappointed with that one it's about the same as in all other racing games same loose bodywork and not much else all let's see what doubling the speed can bring to the table yeah now we're talking turning it up to 100 did the trick look at that pen body work and take a look at all that smoke that's more smoke than one of my mates barbecues we're still able to drive away though so time to turn it up to max 60 as you can see this car is going nowhere we didn't quite make 200 kilometers per hour but we did get this beautiful slow-mo as a reward just beautiful stuff and finally we have a car that's just going nowhere it's dead but it'd be a shame to leave it there what is this damage model really capable of there's only one way to find out [Music] there goes the front left and with this we have killed it nice we still need to check the tyres for destruction through wear and for that we did a lot of circle work before deciding nope we can smash off a tire but we're not going to do anything to harm them via tyre wear so where does that leave us with acc the reigning champ stepping into the ring comes the great blue hope gran turismo sport arriving in at 50 kilometers per hour and filmed by the drunkest cameraman who just can't find the focus it's a pathetic little hit as we have come to expect from the first 50 kilometer per hour runs as for damage it's possible there's a scratch there if you look hard enough but my side certainly isn't good enough to find it it does pull a little bit to the left after but nothing major at 100 kilometers per hour we are watching the same thing just in fast forward same drunk cameraman but we have some visual damage now same story driving also the car pulls to the right and the wheel shakes a bit when turning 200 then and i have to say all we have done is bounce a little higher the damage might even be better on the 100 kilometer per hour impact and as you can see the car drives fine even if i can't find the apex all that he's left for gts is tire damage the car locks up very nicely just like in acc but apart from some brief hot spots on the tyres not much else is happening and we certainly can't get a flat spot or really damage the tyres by locking up let's do some circle work there after exactly one billion years of steering right with the accelerator pin there is a gone and have been replaced with ice i don't think it needs to be said the champ remains [Music] what about open wheels then you can't breathe on those cars without bits flying off so let's throw an f1 car against the wall in f1 2020 and bits indeed did fly and yeah i'd call that a lot of wing damage the impact on the driving is pretty obvious uh total loss of downforce on the front is making me run wide everywhere and lock up though that is my usual style but in this case i'm pretty sure it's the wing let's go with that and throw this one into the wall at double the speed well that looks identical to me and we have identical damage with entirely predictable identical impact on driving it's double or nothing time for 200 kilometers per hour are you okay that was a nasty hit turn the engine off and wait for the marshals well i didn't expect that one again it's identical damage but they aren't going to let me play with their nice f1 car anymore i get the feeling though that these front impacts aren't showing off the game at its best let's fix that you might notice some strangeness with the right rear tire after some creative driving it has a puncture and we're just about to throw it into the wall to see what this damage model can do and look at that bits flying everywhere the wheel comes off this guy plows into us but the replay stops however you can see what this damage model does it's pretty cool let's see if this translates into tire damage [Music] man those brakes are weak let's try again a little better but no flat spots and not much in the way of taiwan considering how we're treating them let's treat them worse then this is 100 tile where we even have the nasty exclamation marks to prove it and take a look at that you can watch the tire pop in real time that's awesome check out the lower left corner you can see the exact moment the tire hits 100 and the tire pops it's really cool stuff but cool enough to knock acc off its mantle yeah i don't think so something needs to be done and if you want something right you call it professional rear right is punctured the rear right tyre has a puncture puncture puncture box now this is rek fest and that right there is a wall the problem with this game is that the cars are bangers they're beaten up to begin with and also strengthened but it looks pretty bent out of shape from that impact to tell the truth i think the wall came off second best [Music] that looks like it hurts and again that wall has just been savaged in fact i think we've taken a piece as a trophy let's see if we can get rid of it [Music] nice at this stage the car is driving fine i don't know how but it is 200 it is then oh 166. there's only so much power this guy has [Music] oh savage what an impact man you can really feel it and i think we've left half our car by the barrier just there and where did the front wheel go that engine though still in one piece along with the gearbox it's not destroyed yet so let's take it for a spin [Music] well technically this car does drive but i don't think we can call it raceable so i'll win for the 200 kilometer per hour impact there as a race car this car is dead [Music] so it's a win for visual damage but does rek fest account for tyre damage no not if the wheels are still attached to the car anyway does it beat acc it's a tough call and it comes down to this does a better mechanical and visual damage model make up for the lack of tire damage no it doesn't so acc is the winner right best image model of all that is what you expect me to say and i also know what you're going to be mashing into your keyboard right now if i do bmmg well smart guy here's bmmg the final challenger heading into the wall at 50 kilometers per hour well that's a little more eventful than i was expecting the back coming up really high but what's the damage ah that looks fair for a low speed i've got the exhaust ripped off and all somehow still drives fire we're coming in hot at 100. man i can feel that one bonnet is crumpled up like a chip packet and what's more the front wheels are pushed up into the engine bay just a little bit i've ended up beached [Music] look at the bits off the car everywhere i think we can call it car destroyed at 100. on to the 200 run and we can't quite get there without damaging the car over the bumps but we are going to hit it at about 170 head man i think we jump straight into that wall even the roll cage is crushed there are car organs spilt all over the pavement it's just a horror show needless to say we aren't driving this one anywhere i mean that's a smashing success let's test tire damage by making the car dry hump the road and don't ask me what's going on with that front tire it looks like the matrix is attacking it yeah no time for that now though because the engine is making more smoke than the rear wheels in a beautiful touch of realism we have cooked the engine by revving the hell out of it while going nowhere everything's kicking off there is smoke coming from everywhere and now rear brakes are screaming from the torture of doing a line lock without actually having a line lock installed and then we're dead you know it had a good run can't complain so does bmg take the crown it has no tire flat spots in as far as i can tell no tyre wear at all can it still be king of course it can we have a winner for now bmg you
Channel: Formula Digital
Views: 1,248,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sim, racing, sim racing, iracing, gran turismo, gt sport, acc, assetto corsa competizione, rfactor 2, f1 2020, project cars 2, dirt rally 2.0, wreckfest, beamng drive, tyre model, tyre wear, damage, damage model
Id: GJ3Ahg9vpx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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