What Every Son Needs From His Father

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what is it that every son wants and needs from his father it's important to understand the answer to this question it not only helps us fully understand our own father wound reality but it also helps guard us from inflicting this wound on our sons so here's the answer there are five things that are essential for a healthy father-and-son relationship here's the first one time together just time together experiences that build lifelong positive memories time together puts weight into a son's soul that steadies him for life I mean it's stuff like just taking a walk together climbing a mountain together working on a project together or taking a special trip together just me and dad that's what your son is thinking just me and dad and you know what else he's thinking he's thinking dad didn't just love me he really liked me I mean he's supposed to love me but he enjoys being with me kids will grow up in your presence when when they know you truly enjoy them that's what time together does secondly a son needs life skills life skills training must go beyond what he learned from books we must equip our son with practical life skills that will help him succeed so he won't be standing around when the hoods up on the car looking at the motor wondering what it is he'll know where the all stick is and he'll know what to do with it he'll know how to check his tires he'll know how to tie his tie he'll know how to write a thank-you note he'll know proper dinner etiquette well I guess that means that we as dads will have to know proper dinner etiquette - you don't want your son to be fumbling around when he's 18 or even in his 20s having to ask some other guy how to act because that breeds insecurities he'll know how to manage his bank account he'll know how to save money and spend less than he makes he'll know how to set his own alarm and get get up by himself he'll know how to keep his room clean he'll know how to act on a date with a woman he'll know how to share his heart he won't feel like a fool in life because you have trained him up in the way he should go every son needs practical life skills like that from his dad here's a third thing every son needs direction from his dad with solid answers to the why questions of life you see more than just life skills he needs a philosophy from dad for what life is all about and so you need to be talking to your son about what's really important the higher things the noble things having spiritual conversations and your family should be normal your son needs to be comfortable talking to you about deep things not not just hunting sports and cars I mean those discussions are great but by themselves they won't give a son direction in life here's a fourth essential a son needs to establish deep life convictions and much of this comes from his dad's modelling write this down this is an important statement you will leave in your son what you have lived out in your home you see it's not just what you say it's what you do and it's the way you react to situations it's it's the way he sees you make choices when a son sees his dad model godly behavior that is what builds conviction and a certain security about life finally and most of all what every son needs is his dad's heart he needs his dad's heart every son needs to be loved by dad every son needs to be affirmed by dad and every son needs his father's blessing that's how a father gives his heart to his son there really needs to be some marked moments where a father can cast a vision for his son where he can affirm his strengths and gifts and and commit to help him step in to that future vision there's nothing that gives more weight and value to a son than to have his dad put his arm around him at strategic moments and look at him and say son I love you and I am so proud of you every son loves to hear his dad say you're good at something you know God our Father exhibited the importance of a son hearing these three things when he spoke from heaven in Matthew 17:5 he said this is my son whom I love and with him I am well pleased and then he said listen to him you know this is God saying I love you my son I'm proud of you and I'm affirming your teaching skills you really do have a lot of good things to say there's nothing more powerful in a son's life than dad's heart now man those are the essentials if a son doesn't get time with his dad or some life skills or some direction some convictions or some heart then it leaves this huge vacuum and void in his life you
Channel: Tierce Green
Views: 21,924
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: fathers and sons, dads, sons, father-son relationships, parenting, authentic manhood, 33 The Series
Id: 5Q1g1Yt-urQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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