LIKE FATHER LIKE SON - A Tribute to Fathers

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[Applause] my college career was over I got offered a job to become a hospital administrator two year program $75,000 job and right before I took the job my daddy called me on the phone let me tell you about my daddy when I was a little boy my daddy would always pick me up when he came home from work he picked me up when he saw me in the nursery after church he picked me up no matter how long he works no matter how tired he was my daddy would always pick me up so when I had my kids I would always pick up my kids when I got home sometimes I was tired they have a Bible in one hand and they just lift it up the other hand and they knew what daddy was supposed to do my job was to pick them [Applause] this is a spiritual interaction will you pick up a child it is a spiritual transaction will you pick up a child you changed their perspective will you pick up a child all of a sudden they can see the world the way you see it I don't care what your children have done there is nothing they can do for you to stop picking them up what my daughter's a drug addict I don't care pick her [Music] my son messes up I don't care pick him up I don't care you pick them up that is your job mama that is your job daddy that is a drought grandma that is your job granddad your number one job is to pick them up and change their perspective my sad is day one day my daddy looked at me said boy you too big I can't pick you up anymore [Music] but when he couldn't pick me up physically he would pick me up emotionally he would pick me up spiritually I had a great dad because he would always pick me up he would always change my perspective so my daddy called me on the phone he asked me a question he said Sonny had a tough year what's next I said dad I'm gonna be a hospital administrator he said not bad but let me ask you a question son do you believe you're an NBA player you cannot produce yourself down there son you don't think so ho take the job but if you believe you're an NBA player go for it my dad had the self-control of discipline and waited for my answer and my answer was yes you're right there I can walk the rest of my life a plane in the NBA is a dream I've had ever since I was a little boy he said go for his son I looked back into my coach's office with the cast of my foot I said coach what do I need to do to play in the NBA I asked that question four years of the row with tears in his eyes he said son what I've encouraged you I heard you was a mama's boy but I'm gonna tell you you just like your daddy but what what do I need to do to play in the NBA he said do two things you've been playing in the a little 20 pounds or shoots a three-point shot with range you complain in there I think you should be a motivational speaker son but if you lose 20 pounds through the three-point shot with range you can play in the NBA I lost 20 pounds and everyday I was to 500 sides today every single day I got invited to training camp with the Dallas Mavericks and I only did I make the team I became the first ever I'm Drive they're working for engine and the history of the Dallas Mavericks just start over tonight I got you the arena and they did the lights and they put the spotlight right on me right through the spotlight I saw my mom my dad and all my brothers and sisters they surprised me at the game when I saw my dad [Music] I'll just pop my fist then he pumped his fist and tears stream down my face thank you for all those timeouts thank you for making shrubs always home when the street lights came on thank you for making sure I could always hear your voice thank you for always changing my perspective I don't know what it feels like to sit on a I know what it feels like to get knocked down I know what it feels like to have a hope of the dream and nobody believes in it but a few people go for your dreams don't live life with regrets go for your dreams don't live life with regrets go for your dreams don't live life with regrets I could always have my daddy's voice you have children you have grandchildren can your children and grandchildren hear your voice I could always hit my daddy's voice he would say go out have a good time play with your friends but don't let the streetlights beat you home when I started my motivational speaking business I called my dad and said daddy I'm gonna be a motivational speaker he said son II think you can be successful at it I said yes sir you think you can make a lot of money out of that said yes sir he says go for it that's all my daddy said to me what's go fired so when I think about life when I think about my clothes one thing he did for me as a father does it make sure I was always where I was supposed to be he would have me write my goals down and he would check in periodically basically asking me Walter where are you supposed to be five hours do you realize how powerful that is if you ask that question that the kids what are your goals what are your future who do you want to be when you grow up and every now and then check in by asking a simple question where are you supposed to be the bell is ringing and I came to ring your bell then ask you the question father where are you supposed to be and ask that question to you where are you suppose and don't you quit until you're number one [Music]
Channel: Walter Bond
Views: 52,650
Rating: 4.9644299 out of 5
Keywords: LIKE FATHER LIKE SON, A Tribute to Fathers, fathers day, motivation, motivational, speech, motivational speech, best motivational speech, walter bond, walter bond motivation, walter bond motivational, motiversity, like father like son motivation, walter bond speech, pick them up, pick them up motivation, fathers day 2019, fathers motivation, motivation for fathers, motivation for dads, tribute, father, dad, walter bond father, tribute to dad
Id: Ce3kd538GB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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