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hi folks quick little video today just showing you how with some scrap wood I make my poor man's tracks or let's call it four circular saws whether their cordless cord is big small cheap expensive it's a really simple way so stick around and I'll show you how it's done right so we've probably all seen it before it's a very very simple thing to do and every time I change circular saw or even if I'm borrowing a larger saw off someone I will always knock up one of these because it's a really simple way to just do quick cuts and every circular saw has its own kind of offset from the side of the base plate to the saw blade that's the actual curve for the blade so this is something that has been shown endless amount of times in endless video so I won't dwell on it too much but for those who may not have seen it and this for example is the one I use on my old saw and I've made one that's 2.4 meters long or just over fish doing rips down the whole length of a full sheet or this one is just over 1,200 so I can do you know it's a little bit more manageable if I'm just doing cross cuts you can also make a very short one if you're just doing little cross cuts through maybe Joyce or sleepers or something like that then you can just make yourself a little jig I'm going to make up one and I'm actually going to use this bit of laminate flooring no reason other than that it's left over and then I've just got a piece of pine basically it's got a really nice straight piece of wood and you can make it from the same thing so if you had some you know 9 mil and the air for ply you could just cut a strip off like this and then another thin strip and then you can use that but really you need to start with something square what we're then going to do is just set this from back from the edge here slightly enough so I've got a clamping space here doesn't matter about this much as long as when the base plate of the saw is butted up against this piece of pine that the blade is going to actually cut through our base of our track so we need to just move it across a little bit I to about there will say well come in 20 ml from the edge so I would alright now I made a right mess there make sure we set off the same amount course will glue is not going to stick to the laminate particularly well but it's fine [Applause] good so that's really nicely spatial or just pop a few more slowly up the mess so the reason I've left that little section there is if I'm just grinding it down to a piece of wood I can just put one of these clamps on that section and it won't interact with the saw the other reason for having this as thin as possible as long as it's sticker than the base of your saw is that if you were to wanting to cut something thicker quite often saws that the motor sticks out quite a bit and that can if this is you know an inch or 25 mile thick then that would take away from the depth even cut so if we just raise it up enough to clear we're probably I feel lock it off there we're probably only losing about 5 ml of our depth of cut which is plenty you're not going really going to be using this to cut much thicker than maybe a little bit of work at all we're now ready we can take the saw down the other end and we'll make an initial cut or the first cut which is we're going to reference from this board here across to the zero all you need to do is just set the depth there to about ten milks that's all really we need to cut through and just make sure you set to zero to a nice straight cut [Applause] what we've now taken off is just that excess piece so we now I've got our poor man's Trachsel really so we know that every time we pop this on a piece of sheet material and we then stick our saw on there wherever the edge of this board is is going to be our cut line they get if I just lift it up you can see that as I slide along the blade is just kissing that edge all the way along and that shouldn't ever change providing you stick to the same sort so there we go it doesn't get much more simple than that now we can get stuck into our coffee machine cabinet build and this will be the first thing to be used as I start ripping down our sheet goods so that wasn't an attempt to reinvent the wheel these have been around for years doing this sort of jig but it has to be one of the most useful to do and you can use these for running a router along and you can also use them if you're cutting grooves in boards to create sort of a shiplap look and I've got plenty of projects I've done that on up in the loft conversion series so have a search for those if you want to see how I use it for that I hope you enjoyed that thanks for watching remember if you can't do it yourself and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: The Restoration Couple
Views: 100,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: home, renovation, restoration, diy, DIY, Do it yourself, how to, home improvement, restoration couple, old, reclaimed, projects, woodworking, garden, carpentry, reno, victorian, vlog, circular saw, track saw, erbauer ext, circular saw jig, cross cut, rip cut jig, maker, hack, tip, workshop
Id: MGczxJmGJCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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