"What Ever Happened To Cousin Charlotte?" Audio Book | Bette Davis | Joan Crawford | Henry Farrell

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Charlotte knew the moment she heard the sound of the bulldozer bearing down on Hollis house that the battle was at hand she woke up and saw a roaring rending futuristic monster of grouse unremitting steal a huge wrecking machine approaching the ornate and imposing precincts of the old Hollis place it clawed its way forward from a dully esque landscape of torn earth and mangled vegetation hurling dust disorder and ruined before it in all directions its intended victim the Hollis house itself a fanciful two-story structure girded with wide verandas and balconies stood as a decaying relic of a southern way of life now extinct in its present state of neglect however the house seemed a poor match indeed for the remorseless machine that fact becoming apparent as Charlotte watched from the vantage point of one of the crumbling balconies as it met a long abandoned outbuilding at the outer boundary of the Rose Garden and toppled it with neither ceremony or hesitation leaving it behind a splintered flattened matchbox but Charlotte knew that the spirit of the Hollis house was made of considerably more resilient stuff than was in its crumbling masonry indeed it embodied the strength of the frail but determined person of Charlotte Hollis herself heir owner and protector of all the now embattled Hollis property Charlotte though no longer young had always been and remained a most arresting woman for there blazed in her the dedicated zeal of the fanatic harboring a long cherished heed a fix once strikingly pretty there was still about her traces of the aura of a lively beauty that in the distant year of her coming out made her one of the most celebrated debutantes in the country and perhaps even the world also from the volatility of her manner one could well imagine that she might once have been the catalyst for both passion and scandal and yes even tragedy this last characteristic was at that moment in vivid ascendancy as her fine well-bred features melded into a crush of passion as she carried her father's old hunting rifle swiftly through the upper hallway and out into the glare of the balcony where she appeared precipitously before the rising clouds of dust as a vengeful fury lofting the rifle so as to take reckless aim on the monster machine and its operator she pitted her voice vainly though stridently against the thunderous noise get back from my land she screamed get that thing out of here and away from my father's house or god help you I'll shoot that's when Velma suddenly appeared in the doorway behind Charlotte wearing a solid makeshift uniform the badge of her status of a day nurse distinguishing her from the more degrading position of cleaning woman but she also appeared as a thin nosed slattern who embodied all the worst traits that were usually attributed to southern white trash Velma observed the melodramatic scene before her not with alarm but with a kind of wry boneless indolence with your eyesight you could hurt somebody with that thing but accustomed to ignoring Velma Charlotte only tried to take more careful aim below the operator intent on his job remained unaware but then the foreman who was busy directing the cleanup crew happened to look up and see Charlotte leveling the rifle toward them with a cry of warning he hurled himself forward toward the machine it was in this same moment that Charlotte knowing her command had been disregarded fired the shot struck with a smart cracking sound against the flank of the wrecker and ricocheted carelessly into the distance on the balcony a bit of the crumbling masonry beneath the heavy stone earned decorating one of the corners fell away the operator startled brought the machine to an idling stop and looking around at the foreman followed his gaze up toward the house the balcony and Charlotte Charlotte herself had been momentarily distracted by the falling stone but her gaze went back to the scene below as the foreman made incautious by anger strode forward across the lawn and up to the terrace Charlotte Hollis he yelled up at her now you got yourself into real trouble doing a thing like that I'm going directly to the law who cares where you go Charlotte yelled back so long as you go and take that machine with you and those men this is my land no more it ain't this land belongs to the county all of it and you know it Charlotte was totally deaf to this argument I'm telling you to get off she yelled back and you better mind the foremen who had started away turned back I got more right here and for you Charlotte continued almost as if this were a contest between children you supposed to clear out of here three months ago you had your orders from the distance the operator saw that the stone urn undermined had begun to list and now it was his turn to call out a warning the foreman hearing the call and seeing the urn quickly moved back and away as the urn listing still further toppled and smashed down upon the stone floor of the terrace the foreman and Charlotte in the backwash of silence exchanged glances he one of frustration and increased anger she one of faint amusement then the foreman seizing the excuse to make a retreat turned on his heel and stalked off signaling to the operator to stop his machine and leave he slammed into his pickup truck and drove furiously away Charlotte her triumph complete turned handed Velma the rifle and swept into the house becoming for a moment the youthful Southern beauty of the past in all her glory Velma unable to refuse the rifle cast her a spiteful glance now you really got yourself in a fix when Charlotte didn't bother to answer she followed after her think I'd be satisfied just having folks throwing rocks at the house to drive you out Charlotte still ignoring her went into her room but Velma not so easily put off followed after her for one parting shot they're beginning to call me names too just for working for a woman like you they say you'll have to move off and let them build the project only for me coming out here to do for you at last Charlotte turned to face the woman and with a look of utmost scorn slammed the door shatteringly in her face Velma stood there with the gun in a state of total rage just wishing she had the nerve to use it that evening the old Hollis place bathed in the light of a witches moon stood as a hulking Palace of terror against the night at least it seemed that way to the small boy of nine or ten who edged toward the house from the unkempt protection of the shadows come on the windows open they're easy as pie but if she catches me you want to be a chariot here like me and buz then you get in there and get what you're supposed to the boy considered it and nodded in frightened determination and turned back toward the terrace and French windows as one of his companions hissed it's got to be something she touched with her own hands nodding again and trying hard to swallow down his terror the boy moved slowly up the steps then thinking he heard something he stopped and looked back in bleak longing toward the hedge then to the house which seemed to tower over him with a physical threat committed now he forced himself to the open window looked inside hesitated and climbed in and entered the foreboding darkness of the house he made his way through the room of formidable shadows and clutter into the hallway peering at whatever object came to his attention uncertain about taking anything he paused and looked out into the hallway unwilling to press any further than he needed hearing a rustling sound of movement he whirled about I torn wide with terror but there was nothing he peered into another room and for a moment he thought he saw someone standing there staring at him but then he saw that it was only a large portrait and moved on to another doorway and looked in to be confronted with a profusion of images of himself in mirrored panels but then before him on a table bathed in moonlight he saw the tea service for one obviously the remains of an afternoon tea he crossed carefully on tiptoe and hooked his finger through the handle of a delicate tea cup pausing to look around everything was still so holding his breath against his own fright he started back the way he came making his way to the hallway and into the room where he entered he moved rapidly now anxious to be out of the house and headed for the open window but it was just at that last moment as success seemed assured that a wraithlike figure rose up in bright moonlight before him a fierce creature with glittering murderous eyes and outstretched Talon like hands with a strangled cry of terror the boy lept through the window still clinging tenaciously to the cup and raced across the terrace and downstairs to the hedges where he tripped and fell landing at the feet of his companions the precious teacup smashed to bits before him inside the house Charlotte still standing in the flood of moonlight looked after the departed figure and grinned a good-natured grin that's when she heard a chorus of childish voices singing faintly in the night oh sweet Charlotte my sweet Charlotte with your sweet sweetening ways I counted your graces you numbered my days I gave you my heart so I can't understand why you whacked off my head not to mention my hands with that the smile faded from her face for a moment a look of sadness threatened but then it disappeared as one of prideful determination possessed her features thieves she shrieked suddenly into the night get away before I set the dogs on you the next day the Commissioner accompanied no doubt for protection by the foreman approached the broad front terrace of the old house they were hesitant but dogged knowing that they had a job to do Charlotte observing their approach from inside the house motioned Velma down the stairs to hold them off at the landing she paused to listen at the ready to get her gun if need be were here to talk to miss Charlotte said the Commissioner with strained forcefulness well Thelma drawled blank-faced you can't she told me to say she's sick in bed she can't see nobody Velma Cruthers the foreman said you know good and well that ain't so velma shrugged she said to say meanwhile Charlotte was creeping down the stairs to hear better but could be glimpsed through the open door by the commissioner she drew back hastily out of sight but the Commissioner given a way out made the pronouncement he'd come to make assured Charlotte would hear it well then you just give Miss Charlotte a message from me and this is official what she did yesterday changed this from a civil matter to a criminal one if we so choose to bring suit against her now we don't want to do that but she was supposed to vacate here more than a month ago and we've given in to her all were going to her waving a gun at people is one thing but firing it is something else it's coming to a weekend so that's in her favour so she's got until Tuesday morning to vacate in person and another day to remove her effects after I'll have no choice be forced to take action whether I want to or not Thelma took all of this in with some amusement she liked excitement especially the kind could still catch Miss Charlotte at a disadvantage woo-ee she commented I don't know how she's going to take that maybe she'd like a stretch in the county jail the Commissioner said loudly enough to be sure Charlotte heard you can tell her that - Velma nodded okay she's gonna have a fit that's your problem the foreman intruded stepping toward Velma you want to work for her the Commissioner put out a hand to stop him motioning him to move away come on Bob they turned and left but not without an apprehensive backward glance from the Commissioner slyly amused Velma went into the house and closed the door at a groan from the direction of the stairs she looked up to see Charlotte collapsed on the landing clutching her side with no perceptible change of expression Velma went up to help her Oh God moaned Charlotte the persecution it'll never end till they put me in my grave I expect not Velma said dragging Charlotte roughly to her feet for all of her helplessness Charlotte shook herself free of Velma slapping her hands away and as if it weren't enough she snarled furiously come left with you a white trash tears of vast self-pity formed in her eyes I need my own people my own kind my own kin I'm alone alone call dr. Bayliss come on go on do it well go she watched furiously as Velma imperturbable as ever moved off down the stairs tell him I want Miriam she yelled after her tell him I won't hurt come back a country taxi made its way along the road with no great haste its passenger Miriam Hollis looked out at the passing scene with a kind of wry impassiveness Miriam was a woman of achieved chic which is to say that she was noticeably smart compellingly turned out commandingly beautiful a kind of woman to be seen in all the smart restaurants clubs and hotels in all the great cities of the world she seemed entirely out of place in her present surroundings the view from the taxi window for the moment was one of calm and quiet rusticity the road lined with trees was warm lush and deep after all it was the deep south Miriam's eyes were caught by a pair of large stone gate posts the entryway she could not doubt - a sprawling southern plantation metal plaques on the posts rather ostentatiously announced the name Mayhew Miriam leaned forward just a bit to peer into the drive but she drew back again and made her face impervious when she noticed that she was being observed by the driver soon the taxi reached the area of clearing and she could see that this was the beginning of a major new project the taxi continued on to the drive of Hollis Place which marked the end of the clearance for the new buildings Miriam observed the house and the grounds with the quickness and interest of one who observes changes after a long absence from a once familiar if not beloved scene as the taxi entered the curve of the drive Miriam noticed that on the front balcony there was what appeared to be a frazzled nightgown dray 'the brandishing a gun miriam with a lift of her eyebrows got out of the taxi and paid the driver charlotte from the balcony turned the full force of her present fury to the taxi leveling the gun in that direction and you too she shrieked get back in that car and go away this is prime crowd get off my land Miriam looked up in alarm Charlotte she cried Charlotte stop that and go inside it's Miriam blessed relief flooded over Charlotte as she lowered her gun and peered more closely down in Miriam's Direction suddenly realizing that she needed to dress she rushed inside at the same time Hugh Bayless came out of the house and headed rapidly down the steps to take Miriam's bags he was sorry he wasn't able to meet Miriam at the airport he had an emergency for a moment they stood looking at each other a moment when the memories of the past collided with the realities of the present you've changed Hugh said smiling at last you've become more beautiful more beautiful than ever Miriam did not respond to his warmth you've changed too she said bluntly and then after the briefest pause she nodded up toward the balcony is she quite mad Hugh shook his head honestly I don't know but mad or not she's clever even more clever than you may remember more deceptive you mean Miriam said flatly if we're speaking of how I remember her I suppose it's difficult for you coming back here after all these years under the circumstances Miriam strode ahead of him up the steps and into the house empathic with the air of one who had arrived to take charge inside she was greeted by Velma who stood in a slouch at the foot of the stairs a living affront to everything Miriam herself stood for miss Charlotte says to show you where your rooms gonna be she nodded up the stairs up there next to hers she'll be fixed up to see you pretty soon Hugh arrived to make hasty introductions which Miriam briefly acknowledged with a look that implied her temp to assist belief of the appellation day nurse for this sorry creature the three of them proceeded up the stairs and as they passed Charlotte's room the door hurled open and Charlotte far from dressed a custard them so you're here she threw the words at Miriam almost as an accusation I must say I'm surprised after the way you left here how long has it been 20 years Miriam observed her coolly she and Hugh entered the room Hugh signalling Velma to take Miriam's bags to her room at the end of the hall Charlotte looked at Miriam with sharp speculation Hugh kept after me - have you come here he seems to think I need some sort of keeper God knows that white trash out there her words faded into silence as she looked at Miriam more sharply what are you thinking looking at me like that I never could tell what you were thinking Charlotte laughed Oh even if you were thinking let me remove your doubt I'm thinking I was a fool after nearly 20 years to fly 3,000 miles to come here to help just to have you insult me you're so easily insulted yes I am more easily than I once was and if you really don't want me here then I can go just as quickly as I came miriam moved angrily out the door and down the hallway in pursuit - Velma but Charlotte rushed to the door and called down the hall after her they're all after me it's jewel she never lets up she's got them all after me to tear down daddy's house there were tears in her eyes they're not even laying a finger - jewels place they're all after me Miriam Miriam stopped and turned back recognizing Charlotte's despair her expression softened you've been alone too long she observed Hugh touched Charlotte's hand you go on with your dress and and let Miriam gets settled why don't you Charlotte looked at him with a flash of annoyance then back at Miriam who do you think of him being my doctor he is a dr. Miriam said with an instantaneous return to coolness and you are ill Charlotte's eyes narrowed and he does need the trade Hugh looked at her with a quick repressed anger now Charlotte he said I'll get dressed Charlotte snapped ignoring him and we'll have a nice tea won't we add in a garden like we used to then she remembered the garden was no longer presentable or somewhere or somewhere Miriam echoed and watched impassively as Charlotte smiling now stepped back into her room and closed the door any professional opinions Hugh asked as Miriam walked with him downstairs to the front door Miriam shook her head I don't know where is the dividing line between madness and quaint down south eccentricity you tell me she paused to look at the old house at its moldering grandeur its proliferation of furnishings you will get someone to sort and pack all this stuff yes Hugh agreed he went to a table in the hallway opened a drawer and took out a revolver Miriam frowned as he held it out to her you may need it he told her feelings are pretty high all the old trouble has been stirred up again all the old feelings and now with the way she's actin they burned down one of the outbuildings last week the whole house could have gone Miriam took the gun it's all so melodramatic just in case Velma's only here during the day moors the blessing from the look of her everything will be all right don't worry at the door Hugh stopped turned back Myriam ever since that awful night when we said goodbye goodbye Hugh Miriam said firmly I'll call you tomorrow sadly Hugh turned and left the house that evening Miriam and Charlotte were finishing dinner in the oppressive shadows of the old dining room and walked out onto the terrace for liquor some air and some talk think what wonderful days we had here when we were girls Charlotte recalled did we Miriam asked you did I'm sure Charlotte looked at her in astonishment you were not happy here but surely after after where I came from replied Miriam at least I wasn't a charity case and often given shelter from the storm Charlotte considered this you were always ambitious I sensed it even then and you've done very well traveling around the world mingling with all the famous people you're a survivor you've done well yes Miriam said hoping to leave it at that yes I have and she thought and I mean to continue to do well how is it by the way that Hugh has become your doctor in a way I suppose Charlotte replied as if it were a question she expected I felt I owed it to him he might have done very well if if it hadn't happened the way it did but there's another way to look at it he hitched his wagon to the wrong star to me Miriam said that was something of a trailer hitch wasn't it if he couldn't get the heiress he could get the orphan cousin but then he got unhitched fast enough when things went wrong he used to plan what it would be like when he had his Society practice and we used to you were right to leave him Charlotte interrupted Miriam smiled very dryly that's probably the most tactful remark you've ever made in your entire life this upload is made by the concluding chapter of Crawford the talk turned quickly to the matter of Charlotte leaving the house and moving out and Charlotte and the ghosts of the past were momentarily forgotten they'll never drive me out never not jewel Mayhew not any of them I don't care what they do they mean to start by tearing down the house they've given me notice and they brought in these frightful machines but I stood there right up there on that balcony and I declared to all of them that I would not move even if they killed me Miriam observed the performance without visible warmth it must have been an electrifying moment for everyone I promised daddy that I'd stay right here and face them down and face jewel down until they cleared my name do you think that's going to happen by Tuesday morning Miriam asked Charlotte turned on her furious threatening for a moment - - the bit of liquor in her glass in Miriam's face you're in this with them aren't you she demanded to know you want to see them win over me after all these years I want to see you stop wasting your life though heaven knows why I should care you haven't cared in all these years you haven't come back to see me once you only came to see him and after all daddy did for you deserting me and a survivor Miriam said calmly you said it yourself you never did like me accused Charlotte not with any overwhelming affection no but we were very young then replied Miriam her voice like icy steel and I didn't like you Charlotte stormed back I didn't like you at all Charlotte tore off into the house and up the stairs Miriam followed her for a moment but just to the balcony then turning away she went to the drawing-room door and looked inside the slanting light from the doorway picked up the portrait of Charlotte painted in the year of her coming out she was very pretty in what might then have been called a high-strung sort of way Miriam closed the door and thinking she might have heard something from outside she made her way to the terrace but there was nothing she picked up the tray with the glasses and started back inside when a bottle with a sudden explosive crash smashed against the wall thrown from somewhere out into the night she whirled about and then frightened moved quickly inside and closed and locked the door she stood for a moment collecting her wits and then as the house and the night outside remained silent she moved down the hallway to the table where Hugh had shown her the gun miriam removed the gun slowly and with a new determination carried it upstairs the next day Miriam had set Velma at the task of packing bric-a-brac and other light movable objects around the house totally against Velma's will Velma asked sullenly does Miss Charlotte know you got me doing this no replied Miriam she's going to raise righteous time when she finds out Velma snarled she's going to have a proper cat fit she may said Miriam but it's got to get done all the same she ain't never going to leave this house Velma said darkly and if you like to hear me say it or not I reckon she's got her own reasons besides her promise to her daddy and I'm not the only one to think so evidently you're not said Miriam and you can take down Charlotte's portrait from over the mantel in full rebellion Velma banged back no sir I ain't going to lay a hand on to that picture not with her in the house I'm not I seen her she talks to that picture like she was talking to a whole nother person about what happened back then like she's trying to explain it away to somebody I ain't supposed to do this kind of heavy work when I come here it was just a nursemaid her and to do a little like cooking that was the understanding Velma continued to rant Hugh arrived at the moment of impasse and took over Velma's packing together he and Miriam removed the portrait discussing how to get Charlotte to leave the house suddenly Miriam lost her hold on the picture and it fell to the floor damaging the frame but sparing the picture itself Miriam surveyed the scene with a kind of unemotional detachment and said about carrying the portrait into the hall when they heard Charlotte's scream from the balcony upstairs you put that back you hear you put it back on the wall where it belongs and the ranting continued as Hugh and Miriam rushed to her just as she collapsed Hugh put her to bed and gave her a sedative to keep the peace for the moment they put the portrait back on the wall from behind them Hugh and Miriam heard Velma soft voiced and just loud enough for them to hear you ask me she ought to be put away in a nuthouse Hugh left the room as Miriam stood in thoughtful silence Charlotte was settled and left in the care of Velma as Hugh drove Miriam into town where she said about the business of getting help to dismantle and pack the things in the house as she rushed down the street she saw none other than jewel Mayhew for a moment she was not certain it was jewel she was so changed since she last saw her grown old and looking sickly but then jewel saw Miriam and seemed close to collapse in shock and surprise and then she quickly turned and walked in a different direction poor jewel Hugh remarked she'd been in poor health for a long time now I didn't know said Miriam as Miriam went about the town shopping for necessary supplies she noticed the coldness of the locals they obviously recognized her but turned away as she approached deliberately snubbing her when she returned to the car she found on the seat a copy of a cheap tabloid and their emblazoned on the and was a picture of the Hollis house and of Charlotte as she was as a girl at the time of her coming out overlaid by the figure of a ghost a male figure without a head or hands the Hollis house mystery blazed the headline and in smaller letters it continued about to be raised what is hidden within those walls as Miriam started to hurl the paper from her in disgust a young man approached the car giving Miriam a start hi I'm Paul Sylvan I am on assignment from a paper up north he was brash quick and too sharply dressed and certainly without a way with the ladies I left that there for you I thought you might want to see it Miriam's eyes flashed with anger you were quite wrong don't she made a move to start the car but Paul put his hand through the car window to stop her I think you ought to hear what I have to say miss Hollis my paper is now magazine you've heard of it I suppose I've heard of it Miriam replied then you must know that we're not like that rag pointing to the tabloid we are much more reserved shall I say in our approach you could hardly be less true exactly but we are their closest competitors I simply wanted to show you and Miss Charlotte what they were doing the kind of consideration or lack of consideration you can expect but of course they don't bother to research their subjects they don't trouble themselves with the expense and inconvenience of seeking interviews but you do true exactly now I'll tell you frankly what I've been sent here for is a picture of your cousin preferably a picture of her leaving the house you may have a considerable weight but she will have to leave eventually and in the meantime you have your expense account snapped Miriam yes and a goodly amount of patience but the point is you can expect a much more sympathetic coverage from my publication than you're getting from the competition in consideration for what Paul laughed disconcerted by Miriam's directness well yes first of all I'd like an interview with Charlotte Hollis a personal interview also an exclusive photo of her leaving the house an exclusive photo tip off before she leaves that's all a little phone call not a big phone call just a little one Miriam's gaze moved to an elderly portly gentleman who had evidently been eavesdropping hovering discreetly nearby we can make an arrangement there's the expense account I'm allowed certain expenditures for contacts then why don't you go make some replied Miriam you don't understand I do understand so please step away from the car at this point the elderly gentleman Waldo hopper came forward and catching Miriam's eye smiled and when he spoke to Miriam surprise it was with a pronounced English accent forgive me he said as he smiled if I may intrude why should you be different true exactly replied Waldo in the direction and in a direct imitation of Paul Miriam smiled but I only wanted to suggest that this young man here has a point he is after all doing his job whether you intercede for him with your cousin or not his publication will still do a story and feeling and opinion is against her in her way which is almost entirely negative she is an international celebrity of long-standing it's popular to regard her as an untried murderess if this young man can help offset this opinion with a sympathetic piece well then it might be wise to consider his offer but Miriam began I couldn't possibly of course you can't accept payment for an interview with your cousin and you are plainly not that kind of person I couldn't guarantee an interview Miriam stated flatly and in any case I have very little influence with Charlotte I'm sorry to hear that I was hoping you might have oh yes continued Waldo you see I was rather hoping to speak to her myself you're a reporter too asked Miriam oh no it's nothing commercial may I give you my card as Miriam read the card she saw that Waldo was an amateur criminologist associated with the society in London then you're an investigator quite unofficially yes as this was my favorite case almost as famous as Lizzie Borden and far more interesting a missing lover a severed hand but a body never discovered an heiress and a bloodied gown I was elected to come and make a report on it I must tell you that I've wanted to meet your cousin since I can remember I can remember the excitement I felt when I heard the Hollis house was to be razed I was in a state of terror that I wouldn't get here on time but you did congratulations just what do you expect them to find in that house if you'll recall there were rumors just after my cousin sailed for Europe just after the murder that she was seen throwing a mysterious parcel overboard oh I know all about that I've talked to nearly everyone who was on board who were around and still alive it was just poppycock nothing more but that was nearly 20 years ago yes I know he smiled again you're thinking I must be some sort of mad eccentric aren't you yes I am but Waldo asked do you think I'm dangerous no not dangerous then you will ask your cousin to see me and this young man Miriam hesitated and then said perhaps but I don't think it will do any good as long as you ask I have to go now Miriam said bringing the matter to an emphatic end goodbye so nice meeting you said Waldo and you're even more beautiful than they ever reported in any of the crime journals Miriam started the car and setting it in motion lifted a brow thank you I suppose and with that she drove off Charlotte was in a state as she handed Miriam the copy of the tabloid she had received in the morning mail this is Jules work cried Charlotte hurling the paper from her she'll never be satisfied until she drives me out I saw her in town Charlotte said Miriam she's old and sick I don't think she had anything to do with it just because she couldn't hang on to her husband Charlotte rented she blames me if she'd just taken an interest in him if she just bothered to recognize his talent his music just because he needed some sort of beauty and youth and understanding in his life that's all done with interrupted Miriam it has been four years now Oh has it railed Charlotte she drew forth another envelope from the morning mail and handed it to Miriam just take a look at this Miriam took out a single sheet of paper on which was scrawled a single word murderess I don't even bother to open the mail anymore said Charlotte I know what's in it how long has this been going on asked Miriam I've had one of those every week every Monday morning for the last 18 years she sends them but that's incredible who else could have sent them asked Charlotte it's her guilty conscience that makes her do it Oh Charlotte why have you stayed here like this all these years why have you thrown your life away it wouldn't have been any different anywhere else I tried to Europe and they hounded me there and I promised daddy you must leave now Miriam interrupted there are people coming to pack you mustn't interfere I won't leave not while she's still here not as long as they call me a murderess I will not leave you've no choice you must understand that then they'll have to carry me out that may well be the case if you don't behave yourself leaving Charlotte Miriam went downstairs where Hugh was waiting she'll never listen to reason never Miriam told him I don't know what she thinks she's protecting here the helpers arrived that afternoon and Miriam set them to work they approached the old rooms unwillingly almost with a kind of superstitious fear Charlotte saw them as she stood on the landing and then turned and went back into her room and locked the door Miriam cast her eyes heavenward in exasperation that night as Miriam lay in bed she was awakened by the sound of music of a piano being played downstairs getting up and slipping on her negligee she went out into the hallway and saw that Charlotte's door was open and in the lower hallway the shine of moonlight came from the open door of the ballroom she looked back in the direction of the bedroom and the revolver lying on the bedside table but left it there and started down the stairs there in the ballroom was Charlotte sitting at the piano and playing the song John Mayhew had written for her the song that children now chant the accusing words to only now Charlotte was playing the song as written by John a song of love for her her voice was wistful and almost young Miriam hesitated loath to intrude but then she heard a crash of chords from the piano a gasp and then the sound of sobbing miriam ran into the room which was flooded with moonlight coming in the French windows which comprised the entire far wall of the room and reflected in mirrored panels decorating the walls Charlotte was huddled on the floor beside the piano in mute terror too frightened evidently to make even a sound as she stared at something on the keyboard of the piano miriam hastened to Charlotte trying to coax words from her but Charlotte could only sob as her gaze remained fastened in the direction of the keyboard miriam followed her stare and suddenly froze in shock there on the keyboard was a tapered severed hand as soon as she recovered from the first revulsion of the sight miriam pulled Charlotte's face away got her to her feet and helped her up the stairs once she had calmed Charlotte she returned to the ballroom paused for a moment in the doorway and reluctantly entered the room she found the light switch and turned on the large overhead chandelier bringing the room into vivid aliveness at first she thought she saw another hand before realizing it was only a workman's glove left on one of the gilt chairs that lined the room hesitantly she made her way to the piano forcing herself to look at the keyboard she stopped in limp relief the hand or whatever it was that was there was gone after a moment she crossed to the French window and started to close it when she heard a sound from outside she looked out into the darkness to see a figure moving hastily out of sight and away beyond the shadows of the hedges thoughtfully she pulled the window firmly closed and locked it the next day the workers returned to continue the packing as they worked they made speculations among themselves through the previous day's familiarity the house had become less menacing to them my mama said one of the women she always claimed that if it wasn't for her daddy paying everybody off she'd have come up for try sure as sin she was the last one to see John Mayhew alive out there in that cabin and they say she had a temper like a wild cat when she got going she still got that all right stealing another woman's husband and she was pretty enough in them days she could have had any young bachelor in the county when I heard her daddy had to get her out of town it wasn't just to keep her from coming to trial he shipped her off to Europe there was another reason you reckon that so but her cutting him up that way they found one of his hands right here on this property so it stands to reason that the rest of hims likely to be around here someplace he gives you that creeps her here in this house all these years where'd you suppose you got to hide something like that ahead of somebody ain't nobody going to do a thing like that not even her oh yeah then how come they found that one hand the woman picking up the drapery suddenly uncovered another workman's glove the other woman saw it and let out a scream they all laughed at her that old hand could be just about anywhere inside this house the woman turned and pointed to the boxes stacked around in there and there or she turned her attention to a large ornately carved box or it might just happened to be in this little coffin box here coffin the other woman gasped oh no don't you open that just then Charlotte suddenly appeared no she said with controlled fury don't put your grubby hands on that don't you dare she regarded them with eyes filled with blazing hatred get out she picked up a nearby candlestick and hurled it blindly at them get out the lot of you Miriam appeared and tried to get Charlotte back under control but it was too late neither Charlotte nor the workers could be reconciled the workers hadn't wanted to come there to that house anyway Charlotte took the carved box and headed back upstairs in heavy retreat must have something mighty private in there to carry on that away one of the workers grumbled picking up her things to leave as bad as it was to lose the workers Miriam's day was made even worse when Hugh arrived to announce that old judge granny was on his way out to talk to Charlotte the judge had been a friend of Charlotte's father and had been prevailed upon by the Commissioner and others to come and talk reason to Charlotte Miriam was close to throwing up her hands as she told Hugh the whole situation is impossible Charlotte is quite mad and should be committed then why not discuss that with the judge Charlotte is in no condition to talk to him Charlotte it just so happened was a witness to the judges arrival when he came to the house hours later below Hugh and Miriam welcomed the judge but explained that Charlotte was too ill to see him the judge a very old man seemed to have forgotten the purpose of his visit the sight of the house excited all sorts of reminiscences in him of the good times they had there and the tragedy that had occurred it seemed impossible to get him to discuss the matter of Charlotte and getting her out of the house Charlotte the old judge finally said it's a terrible thing how they have crucified their poor child frightful frightful you'd think they'd be satisfied they drove her poor mama and her poor daddy into their graves with grief and scandal yes of course said Miriam that's why someone must persuade her to leave here at this point Charlotte fully dressed now in her finest and every bit the vivacious southern debutante of forty years ago swept into the room what judge granny she exclaimed posing Krita lee in the doorway I just heard you talkin just the least sound of your voice up there in my room and right away I knew it was you miss Charlotte how long when was the last time you were in this house incredibly Charlotte and the judge began to create a scene from the past acting out what happened Charlotte playing the young southern belle to the judges fatherly old man Miriam and Hugh watched incredulously the judge it was obvious was senile and of no help to them at all Charlotte in the end talked of her daddy and how he made her promise to stay in the house and to never give in to the town and the people she began to weep so overcome with grief that Hugh had to help her upstairs to her room the judge far from accomplishing his purpose of persuading Charlotte that she must leave was eased out of the house by Miriam still in a fury against the town meddlers who had bullied that poor helpless little thing that evening Hugh drove Miriam into town to see the Commissioner to ask him for an extension of time for the demolition crews to take over the house at first he refused what are you going to do asked Miriam she may be ill and she seems to be deranged are you going to march in there and throw her out bodily well I could hardly take the responsibility for that kind of action and you can't simply tear the house down with her in it no I will do my best to get her out as soon as possible perhaps if you weren't here if there wasn't anyone to help her you tried that before I came back and it didn't work and she is my only living relative the only one left and there is the danger that someone might harm her I have to stay the commissioner countered but if we bring a criminal charge against her it will only delay and make matters worse Miriam fired back I'll be responsible for her at least to see that doesn't shoot anyone you'll simply have to give me a little time in the end the Commissioner agreed to give Miriam another week as she went to the car Miriam was met by Paul Selvan who tipped his hat and smiled I don't like to make a nuisance of myself he said but I did want to inquire if you'd had the chance to speak to your cousin I've had the chance replied Miriam but I haven't had the nerve perhaps if I were to just drop in Miriam shrugged why shouldn't you everyone else in town has tomorrow then Paul asked if you don't care what you do with your time there's every chance that Charlotte will refuse to see you but then perhaps you'll keep me company yourself Miriam laughed got into the car with Hugh and they drove away the night was warm and muggy Miriam slept lightly and fitfully further down the hallway Charlotte rose from her bed and looked out into the Evergreen hedges was there a figure there or was it a trick of light and her imagination John Charlotte whispered she stood a moment longer in indecision and then moved back into the house emerging into the hallway Charlotte paused took a silent step or two in the direction of Miriam's half opened doorway and listened hearing nothing she turned and hastened down the stairs at the foot of the stairs she stopped the silhouette of a man seemed to loom against the window and then it moved back and forth to become the shadow of a shrub she opened the front door and found nothing more than the night and a breeze she turned and went back into the house she paused at the door of the drawing-room and looked in she started inside but a face loomed suddenly out of the darkness she stopped her heart pounding as she realized that it was her own youthful face caught in a patch of moonlight stare from the portrait then hearing what she thought was a bit of music she started toward the ballroom the door usually kept closed was ajar there seems to be a moving figure again this time within the oblong of light shining from the doorway she started forward and stopped a little afraid and uncertain and then thinking she heard the music again moved slowly down the length of the hallway to the door and shoved it open upstairs miriam moved restlessly in half sleep on the nightstand was the revolver perfectly visible in the soft glow of the safety light she too heard the music a soft tinkle from the piano being played as before the sound continued for a moment before she sat upright into full consciousness for a moment she listened and then rousing herself she got up from the bed put on her negligee and left the room out in the hallway she stopped peering downward to listen to the music she turned back to look toward the bedroom but was drawn back sharply by a cry from below she rushed back to the bedroom and snatched up the gun as she headed for the stairs she heard the sound of smashing glass which came again and again with shrill keening which continued as she rushed to the now closed door of the ballroom for a moment she was unable to get the door to open but then open it flew nearly hurling her backward the room seemed madly a glitter with moonlight although the French windows were closed she heard sobs coming from somewhere at the center of the dimness she switched on the lights and then looked around in mutes to perfection all the mirrored panels in the room had been smashed the floor littered with bright shards Charlotte stood at the center of the room crying clutching her arm with her hand at her feet lay one of the hammers the workers were using when packing the furniture Miriam hurried across to Charlotte Charlotte are you all right what have you done why Charlotte why Charlotte the question poured out almost on reflex Charlotte could only sob and shake her head and when she took her hand away from her arm blood oozed through her fingers and down the length of her arm you did this didn't you Miriam demanded to know Charlotte shook her head and finally got out the single word no then who did it you were here you saw who did it Charlotte looked back in the direction of the closed French doors John she finally managed to breathe he's angry at me go along Miriam demanded go on up to your room I'll come in and fix your arm in a minute this upload is made by the concluding chapter of Crawford as Miriam went to test the French windows to make sure they were locked she found one unsecured she opened it and looked out and for a moment thought she saw a moving figure out there but the light made it uncertain the next day Miriam showed Hugh and Velma the room which Velma complaining all the while had been sent to cleaning up it ain't the sort of thing anybody in their right mind would do Velma proclaimed busting up a place like this at miss Charlotte Miriam interrupted no one said my cousin did it nevertheless Hugh put in whoever did it was in a violent state of mind one way or the other Charlotte's got to be made to leave before anything else happens I know Miriam said that's why I called you I wanted you to be here when I talked to her if need be I think we should give her a strong sedative if you agree to that of course we'll see Hugh replied as they left the room Velma straightened up from her work and then slowly leaving enough time so that she wouldn't be observed by them followed silently after to watch and listen much to their surprise Hugh and Miriam found Charlotte packing getting her things ready apparently to leave what are you doing Miriam asked in disbelief I must go said Charlotte in an oddly quiet way I realize now I'm so glad Miriam said I felt certain you would sooner or later yes said Charlotte and then looked away so Hugh and Miriam could not see her expression she added I should have seen it before but I didn't know Miriam gave Hugh a quick glance you didn't know what that John wanted me to but now after last night Miriam stared at Hugh disbelievingly this seemed to be proof that Charlotte most certainly was mad downstairs Velma who had been eavesdropping went to the phone to tell Paul selvan who had paid her to do so that Charlotte had finally decided to leave the house Miriam and Hugh were engaged in a hasty discussion as Charlotte left the room was Charlotte up to something or had she really decided to leave they would simply have to wait and see but I won't leave in the daylight for them all to stare and crow over me Charlotte said vehemently they're not the ones who are making me leave it's because of joule tonight I'll go when it's dark when they won't see I'll just vanish she turned to Miriam you'll drive me won't you yes of course Miriam said where do you want to go where it's sunny where it's warm remember that little town down on the Gulf where grandma used to live I was never there how worried you never mind we'll find I know said Hugh Sutter voiced I know where she means miriam looked back at charlotte and smiled we'll leave tonight then after supper yes echoed charlotte after supper I'll just vanish I'll just leave this place as it is to the Jackals I suppose said Miriam worriedly I'd better pack my bags that evening as they sat down to the dinner that Velma had left for them Miriam watched Charlotte nervously uncertain as to whether she would change her mind again or not since the food that Velma left was poor she went to the kitchen found her way to the wine cellar and returned with a bottle of champagne Miriam had always had champagne tastes and Charlotte in her deepening depression could use some cheering up Miriam opened the bottle and took it out to Charlotte on the terrace I never did have a good head for liquor said Charlotte don't you remember just a little won't hurt Miriam suggested besides this cause to celebrate as they finished the bottle Charlotte became visibly tipsy Miriam saw and urged her to just eat a bite or two Charlotte left the table and went back into the house for a moment she stood looking down the length of the hallway then not so very gracefully spilling a little of her wine she did a deep curtsy how nice she said in a light girlish voice how nice of you all to come to my little party Charlotte Miriam called entering from the terrace Oh said Charlotte smiling back at her I'm just funnin don't you worry about me I had better go get things ready Miriam said with a quizzical glance at Charlotte she went on up the stairs in the hallway Charlotte gave a little laugh and offered her hand and to some imaginary Swain then she meandered room-to-room reliving moments from the past at first the happy ones in which she was the pretty daughter of adoring parents she stopped long enough to enact with her father just enough to give a hint of a kind of conversational incest she could always get anything she wanted from a man or so she had been led to believe and she could get any man John she murmured the name and world about It was as if he was there before her she reached out and took his hand if anyone sees you she said in girlish delight if jewel should find out she acts so nicely nice and ladylike but you know how she is married to her Charlotte ran along the hallway as if leading John drawing him into the shadowed shallows of the music room oh if anyone knew if daddy knew oh I hate to think no no you mustn't kiss me here anybody might come along if they do you go straight over to the piano and stop playing like that was what you came in here for she smiled softly to herself oh you're so silly coming here this way for the help to see but I'm glad glad Oh John I don't care anything about any of those silly silly boys that come around when I see them and then I look at you you're handsome handsome face and your beautiful hands she stopped suddenly her hands outstretched as if to take his and then as some other vision Rose before her she groaned and covered her face as she whirled out of the room on the upper landing miriam appeared hastily having carried out some boxes from Charlotte's room she called down to her but heedless and crying now Charlotte was only intent upon fleeing the terrible vision that confronted her there in the ballroom she hurried toward the big front door desperate now to be away and out of the house again Miriam called her name but Charlotte was too upset to hear tugging at the door Charlotte rushed outside as she started across the wide front veranda a figure loomed monstrously and suddenly before her she cried out and there was a terrible blinding flash of light before her in the black wake of the flash pall Selvan came forward smug now at having gotten his picture miss Hollis he said I'm sorry if i frightened you sobbing in terrible panic aware of some other flashing lights on the drive Charlotte ran back inside the house slamming and bolting the door before leaning against it too terrified for the moment to move Miriam a box clutched in her arms came awkwardly to the top of the stairs Charlotte she cried what happened outside the flashing lights in the drive proved to be the headlights of Hugh's car he came to a stop and having witnessed the hasty drama at the door got out and went immediately to Paul cutting him off from escape and struggling with him Hugh took and smashed his camera inside Miriam continued to stare down at Charlotte Charlotte she said please Charlotte turned from the door trying to control her sobs and looked up at Miriam she tried to speak to say what happened but she was unable to form the words all right all right said Miriam she started to put down the box but it slipped and as she made a grab for it the lid the box now turns to its side fell open Charlotte looked up at the opened box and it's exposed contents and her sobs were stilled by a new and even worse terror for there before her grinning down from the top of the stairs was a horrible severed head as she stared unable in her terror either to move or to make any sound the head tumbled from the box and fell to the stairs and descended a ghastly jouncing descent to the bottom of the steps across the floor to her very feet then sucking in a deep convulsive breath Charlotte gave vent to a deafening scream from above Miriam looked down in frightened horror and crying Charlotte's name hurled the box from her and started running down the stairs as Charlotte woke up in her darkened bedroom she felt an instantaneous sense of panic of half memory of the shocking experience she had downstairs don't be frightened a voice said and she looked around and saw Miriam sitting beside the bed in the dim lamplight and then her gaze moved past and beyond Miriam and fastened on something else in the deeper shadows she rose up in the bed in terror for the severed head seemed to be here on the bureau grinning back at her Miriam realizing what was frightening her hastened to assure her no no she said it's all right as she reached behind her and brought the head into the light as it materialized as an old hat form this is all it is Charlotte I know how it must have frightened you Charlotte turned her head to the pillow crying softly it was that idiot exploding that flashbulb in your face you couldn't be sure of anything Miriam took a pill from a bottle and along with some water from a glass offered it to Charlotte at first Charlotte refused but when Miriam insisted that Hughes said for her to take it if she woke up she hesitantly swallowed it down Charlotte looked at Miriam with a curious expression as if seeing her for the first time and then giving up the struggle to stay awake drifted off into sleep again Miriam making sure that Charlotte was resting comfortably left the room and went back to her own room took out the gun from the nightstand thoughtfully checked it to make certain it was loaded in the morning Charlotte was awakened by Miriam coming into the room with her breakfast tray at first she unquestionably allowed Miriam to arrange her position in the bed and put the tray out for her then finally now fully awake she asked didn't fail McComb this morning I called her and told her not to last night Miriam told her and at her questioning glance added if it hadn't been for her that reporter wouldn't have been here last night and you wouldn't be in this condition this morning Charlotte watched Miriam with a curious kind of thoughtfulness and then when Miriam started to leave called out to stop her Miriam called Charlotte and in her indisputable look of illness was a new kind of softness I know you weren't happy in this house I wasn't very kind to you you were very wrapped up with yourself and all your bows replied Miriam yes I believed all the things daddy told me about how beautiful I was and charming you were beautiful said Miriam yes and charming too but not quite legendary I know I did terrible wicked things stealing another woman's husband undoubtedly he wanted to be stolen yes yes I suppose so still I was wrong but I've paid for it it's been my sense of guilt that's kept me here so much as anything guilt questioned Miriam for causing it all you mustn't think about it not now but Miriam I didn't do it I've never said that to anyone before not to any other living soul I started to say it to Daddy but he wouldn't let me he said I mustn't say it and I mustn't let them drive me off but now started Miriam but now it's all gone we're old all of us grown old jewel in me but you you escaped Iran said Miriam it's a very good policy I've learned to run when your life's threatened for a moment the two women were silent looking at each other finally Charlotte held out her hand I'm trying to say I'm sorry Miriam she said Miriam nodded yes I know you won't leave me here alone will you Miriam shook her head no I won't do that Charlotte smiled rather 1ly and turned to her breakfast you'll see everything differently Miriam said once you're away from here Hugh visited Charlotte later that day and gave her another shot to help her rest coming into the room to speak to Miriam there is no question about it he said she's very affected by what's happened she is in very deep shock I was so certain she was going to leave Miriam said with resignation Charlotte in the grip of the sedative babbled about the past talked to John and spoke of her love for him all that day in the evening she was roused by Miriam to take some soup and then was left alone as Miriam went on to her own bedroom late in the night Charlotte woke up hearing the music the song that John wrote for her at first confident that she was dreaming she only smiled but then becoming more awake the music still sounding dimly against her awareness she boosted herself up in bed her door was open and there was a faint light outside the music seemed to be getting louder still dazed with drugged sleep Charlotte managed to get herself out of bed half fearfully she made her way toward the open doorway and looked out the music was still playing somewhere below but as she moved out to the landing it stopped she started to move away but the music started again Charlotte looked back in the direction of Miriam's room saw the lamp burning beside the bed and moved toward it she went to the room and softly called Miriam's name but the room was empty she started away and then seeing the gun in the circle of light beneath the lamp she stood staring at it seeing it as a glittering and a marvelous thing slowly she went across to the bedside table and picked up the gun she stood for a moment longer looking at it and then hearing the music again from downstairs she carried it with her forgotten in her hand from the room and out in the direction of the stairs in the moment after she left Miriam appeared in the doorway of the adjoining baths looked into the room and seeing nothing and hearing nothing went back inside as Charlotte descended the stairs she seemed to do so in a haze of confused fantasy her nightmares swirling around her she seemed almost to become younger with every step only the revolver in her hand robbed the scene of an atmosphere of almost playful innocence the music seemed to come from inside the drawing-room as she stood there she saw a soft rectangle of light falling across the floor containing an indefinite silhouette one of a man as she moved toward the doorway the light fell away and as she entered the room the music stopped she stood there for a moment listening John she whispered but there was no answer she heard the music once more this time from somewhere else she went back to the hallway and decided the music was coming from the library the door was shut but there seemed to be a light shining under it broken by the movement of a shadow from inside she hastened to the door hurled it open the music momentarily became a bit louder then stopped the room was dark and deserted John she whispered again and again there was no answer as Charlotte moved into the deeper shadows at the rear of the hallway there seemed to be honest shadows everywhere she thought she saw the severed hand there on top of another packing box or was it another glove was that a severed head there in the shadows or was it just a hat beckoned by the music and the moving shadows while calling out John's name intermittently she moved from room to room was she merely doped into a state of delusion or was she really mad in a small sunroom Charlotte found her carved Bock standing in a flood of moonlight on the table and at last she found the source of the music or had she she was hesitant as she approached the box and touched its lid she stood there for a long while the music tinkling him probably from the closed box and then with a sudden resolution she hurled back the lid there was only the scene painted inside with flowers and birds the music maddeningly stopped a shadow moved quietly behind her as she whirled around the doorway behind her stood black and vacant she stood now shivering with fright not certain of what she was really afraid at last she moved forward determined to return to the protection of her room but vacant silent darkness loomed before her as she started toward the stairs upstairs Miriam returned to bed never looking toward the table or noticing the gun was missing she lay down and closed her eyes below Charlotte had reached the foot of the stairs when she heard the music once more very very softly from somewhere be find her she turned the light now seemed to come from beneath the ballroom doors and there were broken darting shadows to suggest people silently dancing inside blinking hard she tried to clear her mind and perhaps her sight as well as she was irresistibly drawn back in that direction at the door she stopped in the grip of some faintly realized warning then she heard a voice very faintly whispering her name Charlotte she put out her hand to the door turned the latch and opened it as before moonlight flooded the room reflecting from the glittering remains of the mirrors as the open French window welcomed the balmy summer night this upload is made by the concluding chapter of Crawford John Charlotte whispered a bit more loudly than before and in answer the music swelled for a moment Charlotte stood there caught up in the beauty of the moment growing younger younger and hearing the far-off laughter of her coming-out ball remembering slowly she began to sway to the music first this way and that smiling softly and then she held out her hands as if to a favored partner and with the gun dangling incongruously from her hand she began to dance she was very graceful and very young and as the music swelled about her her smile of pleasure widened and her eyes grew bright as she whirled around the ballroom floor she saw other ghost figures dancing about her suddenly the mirrors became whole again and the room bright and real just as it was when she had her first ball there there was laughter and joy and the fulsome music of the orchestra but as she dipped and glided the room dimmed and returned to moonlight the mirrors returned to shattered fragments and the music faded to the tinkling sound of the music box then Charlotte caught a glimpse of someone or what appeared to be someone standing in one of the open French windows Charlotte stopped dancing but still with a small laugh of gaiety and greeting but the laugh broke off and her face grew stiff with horror she found herself facing not the French windows but one of the shattered mirrored panels but unmistakably outlined in its interrupted surface was the figure of a man a headless figure as Charlotte stood transfixed with horror the figure raised its arms to her as if in invitation to the now broken dance and she saw that he had no hands Charlotte screamed and her scream echoed into the night the figure moved toward her and out of the moonlight in automatic defense Charlotte grasped the gun with both hands and pointed it in the direction of the approaching figure with a sob she fired upstairs aroused by the deafening sound Miriam rose up sharply in her bed and threw back the covers at the same time several more shots came resoundingly from the floor below miriam turned to the nightstand saw that the revolver was missing and getting up swiftly hurried from the room running down the hall she glanced into Charlotte's room briefly just long enough to know that Charlotte was not there and then she ran down the stairs Charlotte she cried Charlotte and when there was no answer she hurried on headlong down the hall stopping she looked wildly around and seeing the doors of the ballroom ajar she ran toward them as she entered the room she saw Charlotte silhouetted against the flood of moonlight quite still and silent when Miriam called out to her Charlotte made no move to answer miriam switched on the lights and saw that charlotte was standing over a fallen figure what have you done Miriam demanded as she ran forward Charlotte too deeply in shock to respond simply stood there staring down at the figure Miriam looked down to see the man had fallen so his face was hidden she looked at Charlotte who is it she demanded to know but Charlotte still made no move or sound reluctantly Miriam knelt down to touch the man's shoulder and forcing herself turned him over slowly the bloodied head of hue was revealed hue miriam screamed looking up at charlotte but why Charlotte began to moan dropping the gun she covered her face with her hands and turned away Miriam looked at her for a moment in stunned disbelief I have to call the police she said as she started from the room but then she hesitated and forcefully headed to the phone again she stopped and looked toward the ballroom should she go back and look after Charlotte before making the call Charlotte Swift suddenly like a wraith appeared from the ballroom came to Miriam and stopped her hand as she dialed the phone you can't call them Charlotte babbled breathlessly you can't do it Miriam Oh Miriam if you've got any feeling at all for me if you've got any feeling don't Oh don't but I have to miriam replied there isn't anything else I can do but it will be like it was then they'll all come and ask all sorts of terrible personal questions why do you think I've stayed alone here all these years I can't stand it they shamed me they killed daddy and Mama you can't let them kill me - Charlotte please stop no listen listen I didn't mean to do it I didn't know I didn't know it was Hugh why would I he was just about the only one to pay me any mind all these last few years I was so scared it was dark and when I looked and saw him there it was just like just like what like a dream a dream I've had over and over again for years and years ever since that night when daddy came here into this house and told me ever since they found John's poor hand Oh Miriam Miriam I can't stand it I can't but what can we do take him away take him back to his own place and leave him there where they'll find him and take care of him do what needs to be done Oh Charlotte what good will it do what good for them to come here Miriam I beg you take him away I didn't mean it I'd had all those pills and everything seemed strange for a moment Miriam stared at her and in the excitement of the moment seemed convinced you'll have to help me said Miriam we'll have to get him into the car and you'll have to help Charlotte nodded all right then you wait here Miriam told her while I get the car must I must I stay go inside then Miriam told her and come out when you hear the car I'll be just a minute Miriam hurried off into the darkness as Charlotte went back into the hall crying softly when Miriam arrived back with the car she was forced to go to get Charlotte together Charlotte weeping and frightened they managed to get Hugh's body into the back seat of the car and to cover him with a blanket can't I go now Charlotte asked in her frightened little girl's voice we have to get him out again Miriam said firmly and forced Charlotte into the car beside her I must be mad to be doing this for you for me Charlotte said seeming more than a little disoriented but then very gracefully she continued yes for me and I've been wicked so awfully wicked Miriam they drove through the night at first with their lights out so as not to attract attention and then when they got into the back roads with them on Charlotte in a state of extreme shock and dazed hysteria continued to babble and then to rave I wouldn't hurt him I wouldn't you know that I wouldn't Miriam finally was forced to stop the car and slap Charlotte hard across the face to bring her back in control you've got to be quiet Miriam told her but before they could move on they looked around to find that they were parked almost directly next to a car in which a couple was necking they drove away just as the couple only now noticing their presence looked after them finally they pulled off the road into a place near a shallow ravine Miriam forced Charlotte to leave the car to Charlotte getting out into the darkness every shadow branch and leaf became a menace with an averted gaze she helped take hold of Hughes body as Miriam gave her instructions as they dragged you across to the ravine we must cover him with leaves said Miriam as Charlotte began to sob and babble so much death so much death babbled Charlotte come Miriam said to her we have to get back she led Charlotte back to the car and they drove away they entered the drive with their lights out and approached the silent dark house Miriam stepped out to help Charlotte out of the car in front of the veranda you go in I'll put the car away go straight to your room don't turn on any lights yes said Charlotte in a faraway voice straight to my room Miriam drove away and Charlotte stood there looking after her as the house loomed in front of Charlotte she seemed paralysed but remember Miriam's words clinging to her instructions she made her way to the door shoved it open and entered the house she started to the stairs and then noticed a light coming from under the ballroom doors where there wasn't any only a moment before uncertain she made her way in that direction at the door of the room she stopped afraid to look in not wanting to see the terrible stain of blood on the floor but she threw open the doors and looked in there was nothing there the floor where Huw bled out his life was quite clean and unmarked somehow this was even more shattering to Charlotte than if some new horror had been waiting for her there the senseless impossibility of it struck her like a physical blow she turned about and ran down the hall and up the stairs so concentrated was Charlotte on her headlong flight that she was unaware of the light coming on just at the landing not until she was full upon it did she see it in horrifying view was the bloodied figure of Hugh she very nearly collided with the figure and then seeing it unheard a piercing scream and fell back just managing to catch herself against the railing she clung sobbing gibbering madly as she collapsed slowly to the steps holding her face in her hands shielding it from the view of the terrible impossible thing there above her only a few feet away miriam hearing charlotte scream ran into the house through the ballroom along the lower balcony and up the stairs to where charlotte had collapsed along the railing charlotte could only hold her hand out as if in defense of something at the head of the stairs as Miriam looked in that direction she saw that the landing was quite deserted dragging Charlotte to her feet Miriam forced her up the steps and down the hallway to her room miriam helped charlotte into bed and waited for her to fall sleeeeep it will all be better tomorrow she told Charlotte tomorrow we will go away from here and never never come back yes Charlotte managed to breathe as she drifted off to sleep yes Miriam got up very wearily left the room and locked the door Miriam went to her room and changed into her negligee but instead of going to bed she came out of her room turned out the hallway light and made her way down to the ballroom across it and out onto the terrace she stood there looking out into the night the wash of moonlight to cross the drowsy landscape from behind Miriam appeared a man's figure hues hearing a sound Miriam turned saw him and smiled he handed her a drink for a difficult night's work he said difficult and unpleasant as much as I have hated her all these years her and her whole monstrous family Miriam shrugged it had to be done oh no Hugh replied you do feel sorry for her when you think how life might have been for her it's too bad jewel ran out of money murder can be very expensive said Miriam when observed by such an expensive witness added hue miriam nodded in agreement yes and I am expensive very expensive I think you'd better keep that in mind from now on oh I will replied Hugh I don't expect much a decent allowance but don't get any fancy notions I fell out of love with you years ago your life with me isn't going to be easy it's going to be hell with Charlotte's money and you Hugh lifted his glass he is to us he is to you Miriam corrected him and to me they drank you are beautiful said Hugh he moved toward to touch her yes said Miriam and as Hugh started to kiss her she added and expensive remember and to Charlotte Hugh added above Charlotte stood on the balcony looking down on them there were tears in her eyes not tears of terror now but of great sadness she looked down on them as they embraced and a tear fell from her eye she reached out to the remaining stone urn that stood in it smoldering base Miriam allowing Hugh to kiss her was nonetheless observant enough to notice the droplet that had unaccountably splashed to the stone floor of the terrace for a moment she couldn't think what it meant and then as it dawned on her she shoved Hugh from her and cast her gaze upward at that moment the stone urn toppled from its base and came crashing down upon them from above Charlotte looked at the ruined earn and the ruined figures below then she sank to her knees and the tears flowed freely the next morning the crowd had gathered at the front of the old Hollis place the news of the tragedy having spread through the town among those gathered being held back by the local police were the reporter paul sylvan and his new friend waldo hopper i just knew if those kids didn't stop pestering her around out here somebody'd get hurt said one woman throwing things at the house and deviling that old woman and then to have it happen to the other two they say she was in her nightgown a hush fell over the crowd as front door of the old house open and Charlotte being helped by the old judge came out of the house she was dressed in all her finest finery after all Charlotte was not a poor woman and she would soon be still richer from the settlement of her property she leaned on the judges arm as he led her toward his car which was waiting in the drive Paul Selvin and Waldo hopper started forward Paul got ready to take a picture and Charlotte seeing him far from ducking away paused to give him her best angle as she moved on to the car and got inside Waldo came up to the car the police moved in to block him but Charlotte raised her hand and they let him through I have it on good authority that jewel Mayhew suffered another attack this morning when she heard the news a paralytic attack this time perhaps you'd be interested to know poor poor Chua said Charlotte I do really feel sorry for her Sariah I daresay then your cousin Miriam did a certain quickness came into Charlotte's face which caused Waldo to smile I've had reason to speculate since our last meeting on the identity of that witness and where he or she might have been all this time the only thing that might have kept them silent I would judge would be blackmail would you agree with that miss Hollis Charlotte was not able to answer for at that moment the car pulled away as it drove into the distance Charlotte looked out the window at Waldo and very faintly she smiled you
Channel: TheConcludingChapterofCrawford
Views: 7,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Cousin Charlotte, What Ever Happened to, Baby Jane, Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, 1964, Film, Robert Aldrich, Henry Farrell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 47sec (6047 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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