What each Christian denomination believes (in under 10 minutes)

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if you're Christian then what denomination are you Christians agree on the vast majority of important things but there's still some things where they disagree and that's why there's different denominations a big disagreement is whether the Bible has more Authority than the church the people that say yes think that God gave us a Bible and the church receives the Bible so the church might have some Authority but it still needs to submit to the Bible because the Bible is the word of God this is what Protestants believe the people that say no think God gave us the church and the church produced the Bible so the Bible has Authority but it's just an extension of the church's Authority so it can't possibly have more Authority than the church the people that think this think there can only be one true church because the church is the ultimate Authority that's why all the non-protestant churches on this side of the debate claim to be the one true church founded by Jesus and the apostles they're all descended from the early church and they all claim to be the original ones but they're different because they've split from each other over the centuries let's start with the Oriental Orthodox Church actually it's a bunch of churches but they're all United by their beliefs all these churches believe Jesus is truly human and he's truly God but the Oriental Orthodox are unique in that they explain that by saying Jesus has one nature what's a nature oh a nature is the thing that makes a thing what it is they think Jesus has one United nature of a divine nature and a human nature so that's how Jesus can be truly human and truly Divine so they emphasize the union of God and man in Jesus however everyone else thinks Jesus has two Natures the most radical two natur's people are the noorans or if you prefer the Assyrian Church of the East they think Jesus has two separate Natures the divine nature is God the Son and the human nature is Jesus Christ is the union of the two Natures so what does this mean well Mary is the mother of Christ's Humanity so we can call her the mother of Jesus or even the mother of Christ but not the mother of God however everyone else thinks we should call Mary the Mother of God because they don't separate the two Natures as much because of this nestorians believe we can can say Jesus died on the cross or Christ died on the cross but we can't say God died on the cross however in recent years there's been debate over whether the Assyrian Church of the East is actually historian or whether they've just been misrepresented the Eastern Orthodox Church believes God's essence or what God is is distinct from God's energies or what God does even though we can refer to both of them as God bro why does this matter it matters because this means you can technically be become god well not really you can't become what God is because the Divine Essence is hidden from us but you can partake of God's energies so you can be transformed by God's energies to basically be divinized this is also why the Eastern Orthodox Church focuses on mystery so much because they think we can't understand what God is in his Essence so they don't like to be too intellectual but we can experience God's energies so they focus on mystical experiences of God the essence energy distinction also means they can say the Holy Spirit only proceeds from the father and not the son even though the holy spirit is both the spirit of the father and the spirit of the son because they say there's a distinction between energetic procession and personal procession this is one of the things they split with the Catholics over because the Catholics do believe the Holy Spirit proceeds from the father and the son partially because they think the godness of God is a singular thing that's shared from father to son to Spirit they also believe that what God is is the same as the things about God and we can understand things about God so we can sort of understand what God is and this gives them a very intellectual approach to religion rather than a more mysterious approach and this means they try to figure out everything about God and make complex systems of theology for example in communion they use classical Greek philosophy to explain how the Bread and Wine change substance into the real literal body and blood of Christ and in general they think the church has the authority to make philosophical judgments not just on theological issues but on social issues as well some people thought the church was overstepping its Authority by doing all of this which is kind of what started the Protestant Reformation the Protestants still agreed with the Catholics and all the essentials about God but they said the Bible is above the church so everything the church believes must be explicitly found in the Bible and that's why all the Protestant churches are on this side of the debate saying the Bible does have more Authority than the church let's start with the Baptists Baptists are unique in that they don't baptize babies the churches that do baptize babies say it's because baptism makes you Christian but Baptists say that baptism is just a symbol of declaring that you've already become Christian so a baby can't be baptized they generally see the rituals of the church as symbolic because they think the only thing that can save you is a born again experience where you go from not Christian to Christian by believing in Jesus Christ and after that is when you should be baptized to Proclaim that you've become Christian the only other group that doesn't baptize babies is Pentecostals but they're very new their thing is they think the charismatic gifts of the Spirit such as speaking in tongues healing and miracles are still active today because the apostles had them at Pentecost and they never ceased they don't baptize babies because they don't think water baptism is a work of Grace they think the Christian life has three works of Grace the first one is when you're born again and you start to believe the second is when you're baptized with the spirit and have all these spiritual gifts and the third is entire sanctification where you improve so much in this life that you can stop sinning altogether but all other Protestants do baptize babies anglicans are unique in that they think the church needs to be run by a hierarchy of Bishops just like the Catholics have anglicans are kind of like the Jack of all trades of Christianity they try to find a balance between a lot of things like a balance between reason tradition and scripture and they also have a balance between Protestant and Catholic even though most anglicans end up leaning one way or the other that's the thing about anglicans there's a lot of diversity of belief so there aren't many uniquely Anglican beliefs but that's kind of the point because what anglicans all do believe is that as long as they're United in the essentials they can agree to disagree on non-essential issues for example some anglicans think communion is physically the body and blood of Christ some anglicans think it's only spiritually the body and blood of Christ but that doesn't stop them from taking the communion together now it's a different story for Lutheran they won't Unite with anyone who doesn't believe communion is the literal body and blood of Christ they believe this because for them church is all about the Forgiveness of sins being given to you through the word and Sacrament and you receive it by faith alone not by works Martin Luther described Faith as the hands of a beggar because there is nothing you can do to earn forgiveness so because of this Lutheran think it's very important to recognize that the sacraments of baptism and communion are objective means of Salvation not just symbols and you can look to them for Assurance that your sins are forgiven because they give you the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross the rest of the Protestant churches think we spiritually receive Jesus in communion because this is what the reformer John Calvin taught however he taught something else that's kind of controversial and methodists generally reject this in favor of free will methodists believe we're Saved By Faith but that Faith needs to be alive and active we need to consciously be staying on the path of Faith at all times and if we're not using our free will to do so we might wander off the path and go astray we need need to constantly strive to reach the end of the path which is entire sanctification where we improve so much we stop sinning that's why methodists think our actions are more important than our beliefs for example serving the poor is more important than reading a theology book so Presbyterians do believe in this predestination thing because they think God's in control of everything if you're saved it's all God's doing and not you're doing at all especially because you don't deserve it we all kind of suck because none of us deserve squat L God is free to choose to save whoever he wants to save above all Presbyterians believe in the freedom of God to do what he Wills God works through the sacraments only when he wants to but God still makes promises and we can trust that for those who have faith in God all things are going to work out for their good last but not least congregationalists believe the same doctrines that Presbyterians do except they believe in the freedom of the individual Church to submit to God rather than submitting to some higher Church Authority and they believe there is Beauty and simplicity when it comes to worship and that's pretty much it this doesn't nearly cover all the beliefs of all these churches but it's meant to show how they're different from one another to understand each other better it's more useful to talk about how we're different than how we're alike and understanding other people's beliefs can help you understand what you believe
Channel: Redeemed Zoomer
Views: 659,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3UDjMGD7P-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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