Every HERESY explained part 2!

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a heresy isn't just a belief that's wrong a heresy is a belief that's so wrong it destroys the true Faith so what counts as heresy a heresy is when someone disagrees with myomin guys cut it out no a heresy is either a belief that redefines God or a belief that redefines the gospel Prosperity Gospel is what a lot of those televangelists teach which is that if you have enough faith God is going to reward you with health and wealth this is heresy because it redefines the gospel that is not what the gospel promises the gospel says that because Jesus died and rose from the dead those who have faith are promised Union with Christ forgiveness of sins and eternal life but the gospel does not promise physical health worldly success or escape from suffering in fact the gospel is often all about suffering Jesus said if anyone wants to follow him they need to be willing to suffer and most most of the 12 apostles died horrible deaths for the gospel this is similar to The Word of Faith movement which is also taught by a lot of those televangelists and it says you can speak things into existence for example let's say you want a good job you don't need to just pray for a good job you can actually claim it and it will happen this is very influenced by new age beliefs such as the Law of Attraction and here's why these are heretical Christians believe in a Creator creature distinction but but Law of Attraction and Word of Faith blur this distinction and make us co-creators with God meaning we can govern the universe just like God does and this is literally what Satan tempted Adam and Eve with being like God so that's why Word of Faith is heresy word of faith comes from the New Apostolic Reformation which is a recent movement of people thinking there are new Apostles or prophets of God preaching today here's the problem with this why does the Bible have authority it's because it's the words of the prophets and the apostles but if you think there are apostles today then that means they have the same Authority as the Bible and the Bible can't be used to correct them if you're Catholic then you believe your churches have Apostolic Authority so if someone teaches heresy you can just say that contradicts Church teaching and if you're Protestant you believe the Bible is the only Apostolic Authority today so if someone preaches heresy you could just say that contradicts the scriptures but if you're in a New Apostolic Church there's no way for you to question someone who says they are an apostle now we have feminist theology this doesn't just mean a Christian who is also a feminist this means reinterpreting all of Christianity through a feminist lens that means questioning the Bible's Authority because a lot of it is seen as sexist and patriarchal it also means redefining God through a feminist lens often referring to God with female pronouns despite the fact fact that the Bible refers to God as he seriously liberals will respect everyone's pronouns except Gods this is part of a liberal tendency to define God as whatever sounds good to them in classical theology there are strict definitions for the Divine Essence as being all powerful all knowing unchanging Etc but in feminist theology since they Define God however they want there isn't a clear definition of what God even is feminist theology often comes from Liberation theology which defines the gospel as Earthly social justice it was invented by a Catholic priest from Peru who was right in saying the gospels about the kingdom of God transforming the world but he went too far because he cared more about Earthly Redemption than spiritual Redemption question which photo is more Christian now the obvious answer might be this church family but according to Liberation theology you know they're upholding traditional oppressive white social norms and probably oppressing minority groups without knowing it whereas this group is fighting for justice so they are following Jesus more even if they're not explicitly Christian now this often discards much of the Bible because it is seen as oppressive so truth according to Liberation theology isn't what the Bible says necessarily but whatever leads to Liberation the problem with Liberation theology is that Jesus was not a social justice activist he didn't even condemn slavery and he didn't condemn the Roman Empire that was oppressing his people so if Jesus's mission was just immediate Liberation from Earthly oppression then he failed but if his mission was Liberation from sin then he succeeded process theology says God changes and improves over time but traditionally God was defined as unchanging because he's perfect and infinite you can't get better if you're already perfect but because process theology says God changes they don't think God is perfect or infinite so these are two different gods so that's why process theology is heresy the judaizers were people in the early church who said you need to be Jewish to be Christian cuz Christianity does come from the Jewish Community but all the other ethnicities were grafted in as well because the gospel is for all nations of the Earth but the judaizers denied this they said the gospel is only really for the Jews so to be Christian you have to become Jewish you have to be circumcised you have to follow all the Jewish food laws and you have to follow all the Jewish holidays but St Paul said that these Jewish Customs were just meant to foreshadow Christ but now that Christ has come they're no longer necessary marianismo angry and vengeful but the New Testament God revealed in Jesus as all nice happy and peaceful now this is not accurate at all because the Old Testament barely talks about hell whereas the New Testament especially Jesus talks about hell all the time most marianites today are liberals such as the liberal Eastern Orthodox Universalist David Bentley Hart as well as a lot of liberal Mainline Protestant churches but the churches that sided with the Nazis were also marcionite they wanted to get rid of the Old Testament due to it being too Jewish or whatever but no matter what the motivation is because they think it isn't biblical Unitarianism was very common among early US presidents because they lived during the Enlightenment where everyone wanted to be rational and they didn't think the Trinity made sense they claimed they were just trying to follow the Bible which they thought didn't teach the Trinity but that clearly isn't true because Unitarianism evolved into by far the most liberal religious group in the world more liberal than any Mainline Protestants even donatism basically says sacraments only work if they're by a true Christian let's say you were baptized and then later you find out that the pastor who baptized you was a false believer donatists would say you need to get re-baptized but that's a heresy because the sacraments depend on God they don't depend on the Minister doing them so a baptism done by a false believer is still effective monism is an early church heresy that relies too much on personal spiritual experience for example they value spiritual ecstasy over an under understanding of the faith they said there were modernday prophets and they tend to Value personal Revelations over what the Bible says dotism is another early church heresy that denies the humanity of Christ it says Jesus wasn't really human he just appeared to be human now first of all humanity is not bad because God created humanity and wants to redeem humanity and also as St Gregory the Theologian says Jesus needs to become everything we are to heal what we are so that's why we say Jesus is truly human and truly God now why should we care so much about heresy well to understand what Christianity is we need to understand what Christianity isn't if there's no distinction between true and false Christianity it's impossible to know what Christianity is if there are no wrong answers then there are no right answers either but the answer is that Jesus is God he died for your sins and he rose from the dead and he will give eternal life to everyone who believes in him
Channel: Redeemed Zoomer
Views: 304,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bZfkVvcyrQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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