What Does the Mafia Even Do Anymore?

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I’m guessing you guys thought the Italian-American  mafia was a thing of the past. You thought we were   like the dinosaurs, creatures that walked the  Earth and preyed on guys like you, and then just   went extinct. You should have known better...We  never went anywhere. We just became ghosts,   ghouls, wise guys that you once wrote stories  about, guys you made famous in the movies. But   “This Thing of Ours”, it never stopped, we just  went underground, and got much better at avoiding   detection. We kinda realized that bloodied bodies  splattered on the streets was bad for business.   We quit beefing with each other all the  time and said “"fuggedaboutit” a lot.   The wise guys got wiser, and you my good  friends, were none the wiser…and then…and then   it all went to hell. The once extinct dinosaurs  became hidden in plain sight. Let me explain.  My name is James “Jimmy” Ardizzone, and on  account of me being blind in one eye after   a fight with some schmuck in a bar, I got the  nickname, “One-eyed Jimmy.” I had that fight   before I joined the mafia, but I caught up with  the guy later. He’s now resting at the bottom   of the Hudson in a pair of cement shoes. You don’t think that still happens? Oh,   if you only knew how many missing persons  were people whose location we know all about.  I was born in the late 90s on Arthur Avenue in  the Bronx. That’s New York City to all you guys   on the other side of the world. There was  nothing special about my childhood. My ma   worked part-time in a local bakery, and my  pa did double shifts as a warehouse packer.  In the great scheme of things we were poor,  but not dirt poor. My folks are good people,   they’re honest, down to Earth, hard working  citizens. But night shifts and calloused hands,   for what, to pay the rent and pay  off debts, that wasn’t for me.  I first heard about mafia stuff during that “Pizza  Connection" thing that happened back in the late   80s, you know, when a bunch of our guys got done  for selling huge amounts of heroin and cocaine   from pizza parlors. My pa told me all about  it. He even knew guys that were involved in it.  You know what, those damned  feds had hundreds of wiretap   conversations. Wise guys acting like shmucks,  talking on the phone about trafficking and murder   like we’d talk about our kids’ birthdays. Wire taps…try that now, and see where you get.  When I was coming up in the 2000s, when  we did business, we did it face to face.   We even covered our mouths at times just in  case any cameras were on us and someone might   try and read our lips. We were careful, very  careful, but like I said, it all went to hell.  Let me tell you about that, and then I’ll tell  you something about the work I currently do.  You see, in 2019, we lost our boss, and I mean  the real boss, the head of the Gambino crime   family. That was one Francesco "Franky  Boy" Cali. He was the man, the main man,   and he was what you might call the mainline  to Italy’s Sicilian mafia.The guy had blood   ties over there, and that was good for business. Seeing our guys dead on the streets had become a   thing of the past before that happened, long gone  were the days we slit guys’ throats in a barber’s   chair or we riddled cars with bullets. The thing is guys, we really stuck to   that peace agreement for the most part…we remained  ghosts…but then when Franky Boy’s body was found   with seven bullet holes in him outside his Staten  island home, we kind of came into focus again.  At first everyone thought this had to be us,  whacking a boss. That’s not a small thing,   as you know, and since business was good,  why would anyone want to clip the big man?  We had no idea who'd done it. Had word been sent  from Italy? Was it another New York family? Was   it the Russians? It made no sense, we had  good business with all organized crime and   taking out a crime boss would cause a war. A boss  hadn’t been clipped since the 80s for God’s sake.  It turned out the hitmen was just some kid, a  jamook (idiot) from Staten Island who thought   Franky Boy was somehow involved with that thing  called the Deep State. That’s a term for the   alleged invisible hands behind the government. The  kid thought killing Franky would somehow save the   President from this secret cabal of powerful  people. Can you get any more crazy than that?  Before they knew it was the jabroni that did the  hit, the media started shooting off its mouth,   asking if the Five Families were once  again at war. So-called experts on   organized crime said there were rifts  between Franky and the Gotti family,   the previous bosses of the Gambino crime family. Experts…experts telling tall stories, that’s all   they were. At least some cops said a hit like that  is not how the Mafia does things. Outside a boss’s   house, c’mon, we have more respect than that. We’ve been in the spotlight since then,   and that means I’ve had to be extra careful. That  damn lunatic kid has caused us a lot of trouble.  I’d been working occasionally with the Mexicans,  mostly getting cocaine and babania, heroin to you,   and moving it in the U.S. or abroad.  That’s the thing with the drug business,   it doesn’t dry up. Americans are avid  consumers and there’s always a market here.  I’ve always wondered why such a  developed nation wants so badly   to get out of it all the time. Pursuit of  happiness…pursuit of High-ness more like.  The war on drugs can set you back a bit, but never  for long. We call it the War on Schmucks, because   once they’re locked up we can still get the  stuff to them. Ok, they got El Chapo locked up,   and look what happened after that. That’s  what they call a “Pyrrhic victory”… look   that up if you don’t know what it means. So, there are about 3,000 of us in the   U.S. or thereabouts, and a lot of us  are in New York. As one writer said,   all Mafia activity leads back to New York. No longer is our “bread and butter” just   murder and racketeering, but we still do the odd  bit of extortion. Our other main enterprises are   illegal gambling and loan-sharking…and  like I said, feeding people’s insatiable   appetite for drugs, mainly heroin, but a  bit of coke and at times ice and ecstasy.  Sure, we’ve got old school ventures, like  running strip clubs, but we’ve got modern, too.  That illegal gambling we do, the operations are  all online and we keep our money off-shore in   shell companies like all the rich folks do.  To make sure our gambling websites aren’t   closed down, we operate them from countries  where they are legal, such as Costa Rica.  The bets are made in the U.S….we use multiple  servers in Costa Rica, and then cash goes   off-shore. FEDs, stick that up your culo. We’ve used Craigslist, too, to find young   women who we then trafficked into  various states to work as prostitutes.  I’ve actually done something like this in New  York. I recruited a pretty woman, and then I put   an ad on Craigslist. When she got the message,  I took her to her client. I kept half the cash,   of course. If you think because personal  ads were banned we can no longer do this,   think again, there are ways of getting those ads  on the site. Anyway, that kind of thing isn’t   really a big earner, it’s more like a hobbie. Yep, that doesn’t sound quite as grand as   what happened in the Godfather, but  sometimes you gotta make ends meet.  We can still do things like offer  protection, but it’s not like we go   into places guns-blazing anymore. I’ll give you an example.  Let’s say we’ve got a guy running a  heroin business out of a pizza parlor   – you didn’t think we’d just stop all  that, did you – and then some wannabe   street gangsters clean the guy out one day. Well, we then tell the guy that on top of the   cost of the drugs, there’s a protection cost,  too. Hey, maybe we paid those gangsters to do   him over. The outcome is he won’t get his  stuff taken again and we get more money.  The same goes for regular folks. Let’s say  their store keeps getting held up, and or   their factories somehow seem to keep getting  broken into, their trucks stolen, etc. Well,   we can make that stop, because we were ones  doing it in the first place. That’s what   you might call protection-extortion. We make  those guys an offer they simply can’t refuse.  Then we’ve still got some of the construction  unions. We get involved in the unions,   and then start making money by controlling  the materials the construction company needs.   We’ll start our own union if one doesn’t exist. We can then start siphoning off funds,   or create benefits schemes and then defraud  benefit fund assets. It’s a sweet deal,   but to be honest, this is one area  where the authorities have won the war.  Saying that, every time you see a building  going up in New York city, bear in mind we   might have sub-contractors on that job or have a  union behind the workers. We get huge kickbacks   from these massive construction projects. But what do we do with all our ill-gotten gains?   Well, as I said, we keep our money off-shore, but  we also buy real estate through third-parties,   and we’ve even done our bit for the environment  in Europe. Ever heard of the “Eco-Mafia’?  You see, wind energy is all the rage in Europe,  but the industry is not that regulated. Thanks   to our beloved deceased boss, Franky Boy, and his  connections in Italy, we’ve been able to launder   money into the wind energy industry in Europe. We’ve even muscled out our competition in Europe,   and taken over a good chunk of the industry.  Not bad eh, for a bunch of guys that used   to shoot each other over squabbles  and talk business on the telephone.  We’ve also been able to launder cash and make cash  through Italy since those Sicilians own hundreds   and hundreds of restaurants and bars and cafes in  Europe. Make no mistake, those wise guys in Sicily   still have a lot of power. Ok, back to basics.  We might not do hits in the street anymore,  but mark my words, if you have the cash and   you want someone gone, we can make them  go missing, at a cost of course. We might   take out a knucklehead who’s been getting in  the way of our drugs business, or we might   secretly take out one of our own affiliates  if he’s not doing what he’s been told to do.  We work with other organized crime, such  as the Japanese Yakuza, the Russian mafia,   the Albanian mafia, and Chinese Triads, and for  the most part things run smoothly. Then you’ve got   disorganized crime, what you might call street  gangs, and we try our best not to get involved.  Talking about my main job, let’s say I want some  opioids on the streets, maybe some Fentanyl.   Well, through my connections with the Chinese  Triads I can get that from China to the USA.  If you want ecstasy, well, I’ve got my man  in Amsterdam. Take out one Sammy the Bull,   and there’s a man very happy to take  his place and there are millions of   American ravers waiting with open hands. You could say I am in charge of operations.   And the drugs operation is one of our biggest  money-spinners. I don’t need Mexicans for all   my drug business, far from it. This is how it goes:  Some of the raw opium is produced in Pakistan  and Turkey or parts of SouthEast Asia. It’s   then refined into morphine in countries where  corruption is rife. Local politicians, police,   the army, you name it, all take a cut. Just look  at what that Thai politician said, the one who   was arrested for heroin trafficking back in the  day, he said he’d been working with soldiers.  So, I use these corrupt countries and then the  Sicilian Mafia can get it over to America where   I will collect and distribute. I get involved  with the cocaine trade, but heroin and other   opioids are my bread and butter. There are just  too many hands in the cocaine business. Plus,   being connected to gangs such as the Mexican  Mafia or MS-13 is just not our style.  We did for a while do deals with the Mexicans, and  traffic cocaine back to the Sicilians for European   consumption, but since Franky Boy, the darling  of the Sicilians, was taken out by that paranoid   bonehead, that’s kinda fallen flat on its back. We are not animals, we are highly organized now,   in spite of what you might have seen on the  Sopranos. Like the Russians, or the Chinese,   we keep our heads down. If violence has to happen,  it will, but we’ll try and make people go missing   rather than leave blood on the streets. Ok, so we made a mess of a prison cell   when we took out the grass James “Whitey”  Bulger but that only goes to show we stand   by our code of conduct and we’ll get you  if you cross us. If snitches get stitches   inside prison, for us, rats get splattered. As one of my colleagues, a captain in New York,   said recently in an interview, “In this  life there are three choices: you can rat,   you can go to jail, or you can die. That’s the  only way you get out. There is no quitting.”  That says it all, really, we haven’t gone  anywhere because when you get into this life   there’s no getting out. We just don’t make the  headlines because we eke away in the background,   trying to keep things friendly and usually staying  away from the violence that comes with crime.  I know we’re still under the radar, but when  you look at what’s happening down at the border,   we think the authorities have  got much bigger fish to fry.  Now we think you need to have a look at the  era when the mafia ruled the underworld,   in this fascinating video, “Most  Horrific Crimes - The Italian Mafia.”   Maybe you’re not in the mood for  that, so have a look at this…   either way click one now before we  make you an offer you can’t refuse.
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 863,605
Rating: 4.9080815 out of 5
Keywords: mafia, the mafia, mob, gangster, gansters, the italian mafia, italian mafia, mob boss, crime, criminals, mafia 2021, the infographics show, infographics, animated, true crime, cement shoes, wise guys, history, educational, new york, new york city
Id: bxXn43vyGGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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