What Does The Bible Say About Business?

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hey guys one of my favorite things to do is to share what i call bible success secrets with people um because the bible is the ultimate like business hack and what i mean by that is it's there's there are things that if you will apply them they will change your life forever and i'm talking about from a practical perspective and so in this video i want to share with you why business is a good idea because business is a god idea [Music] oh yeah this most people think that somehow or another business is this evil thing but that that that ideology and that philosophy wasn't made popular until the 1970s when hollywood decided to make business and entrepreneurship the evil villain of the world right and but the reality is business is a concept that god created when he created everything so that humans could like be productive and express their god-likeness and serve other people and so when i think about business i think about the fact that you know when you have a business then you sell things and you create solutions for people they pay you money and you have all this money and and i believe that the more money a business generates that's doing moral legal and ethical things it's just as a demonstration of how well they've served people and and and what a high level they've served people at and so there's a verse in ecclesiastes by the way king solomon dude had serious business jam like he like he really had his business game was strong and in the book of ecclesiastes it says in ecclesiastes chapter five verse number three it says a dream cometh through a multitude of business so if you think about that we've all heard the story about dream come true dream come true dream come true how do you make your dream come true you wake up and you go to work in your own business that's how you make your dream come true not by waking up and getting in traffic and sitting in traffic and looking at the bumper of the same car every single day for the rest of your life you you make your dreams come true by building a business and so um instead of a dream come through a multitude of business and um a fool is known by the multitude of words and so when if if if god inspired solomon to write that a dream comes through a multitude of business then i need to have a mod i need to do a multitude of business that's why we have different products that we sell within our business and and it's really made our dreams come true like i can remember when i used to drive a trash truck for six dollars and 25 cents an hour and now like our business generates hundreds of thousands of dollars a month and we we give people great uh opportunities to be a part of our team and we get to support families and it's really an amazing amazing thing but a lot of people will say yeah but myron that's old testament that's not new testament the old testament old testament talks about business but the new testament just talks about heaven no no new testament talks about like life on earth too so let me give you a new testament a couple of new testament verses that talk about business um one is um first thessalonians first thessalonians chapter 4 verses 11 and 12 and it says and that you study to be quiet and to do your own business ah there it is your own business right working with your hands as we commanded you why that you may walk honestly toward them that are without that's pay your bills on time right walk honestly toward them they're without and that you may have this is the last one lack of nothing so the scripture says god ordained his plan for his people is to is to study to be quiet to do their own business pay their bills so they can pay their bills on time and lack nothing god's plan of prosperity for his people is to have a business and have that business serve people and have people pay you for the service that you render it's really interesting also in um ephesians ephesians chapter ephesians chapter 5 and verse number 16. i think it is verse number 16. it might be verse number 20. but i'm pretty sure it's verse number 16. it says see that you walk circumspec circumspectly that's supposed to be a sex okay 16. so so not as fools and then it says redeeming redeeming yeah redeeming redeeming the time because the days are evil now here's what's really interesting about this verse this is one of those passages of scripture that you don't you can't understand until you do word studies so when it says redeeming the time and i'm going to separate this a little bit so so that i can um have a little bit more space there so when it says redeeming the time so because the days are evil redeem in that verse like when you do a word study on here's what you'll find you'll find the word redeem means to number one rescue i mean i'm sorry number one means to buy back so you have to buy back your time that's what i said when it says redeeming the time the word redeemed means buy back your time two rescue from loss rescue from loss and then number three is improve opportunity wow so the bible say you should buy back your time rescue it from lost and improve your opportunity why because the days are evil it does not mean evil like the devil is evil when it says the days are evil it literally means that the la difficult it means the days are difficult in nature so so what does that mean difficult in nature so in nature what it means is the scripture is saying look start a business buy back your time rescue it from loss improve your opportunity why because life is hard wow this is what the scripture says hey do you realize one of the reasons i like to teach people the bible is because like i think what people are looking for they're looking for peace and they're looking for prosperity but they're really looking for freedom and when i say freedom i don't necessarily being freedom from everything obviously i don't mean freedom from rules like freedom can only exist inside boundaries right if you have no boundaries you have no freedom you only have chaos but i believe that people are looking for freedom in life like they want to be free in their relationships and they want to be free in their finances they want to be free in the health that they have in their body and so they want to be they want to be free enough to make an impact on the world and the scripture says well jesus was talking to some folks in in john chapter 8 and it says and he said to those believing jews that believed on him he said if you continue in my words then are you my disciples in deed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so the more we know about the truth in any aspect of our lives the more that aspect of our lives is made free and when we begin to do a deep dive and understand god's plan for his people is to have businesses that provide value so that they can take care of themselves and other people ah the whole world opens up to us do you remember the patriarch of the faith who was it it was abraham and the scripture tells us in in um in genesis chapter number 12 the lord called unto abraham and he said i want you to go leave your father's house leave the land of your kindred leave your country and go to a land that i will show you now when we read that we just kind of read through it but here's what god's saying i want you to leave the place that's familiar i want you to leave the land of familiarity why i think partly because i don't think abra the people that abraham was around would allow him to live up to his potential because of how they saw him but also abraham's father wasn't i mean he was he came from a family of idol worshipers right and and god said here's what i want you to do i want you to leave your father's house his name was abram what does abram mean it means high father what was abram's problem he couldn't have any children so every time somebody said abram's name it made abram feel shame because he's the high father that can't have children right and so like when people know something about you when they know what you're not they sometimes won't let you live that down sometimes you have to leave just so you can learn how to be more than everybody you who you used to know thought you were so he said i want you to get out of here abram left and here's what it says in the very next oh by the way he said if you'll leave he said i'm going to i'm going to i'm going to give you something you can't get yourself i'm going to bless you in ways you can't bless yourself i'm going to take the source of your shame and make it the source of your fame and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed that's genesis chapter 12 genesis chapter 13 here's what he says it's what it says and abram was very rich in cattle and silver and in gold that sounds like business to me cattle and silver and gold abram was a businessman job was a businessman abraham isaac jacob they were all businessmen solomon was a businessman even though he was a king there and i'm gonna i'm gonna end with this one if you go read matthew chapter 13 i think you'll be blown away and you've probably never seen this before but over and over and over again in matthew chapter number 13 jesus himself compared the kingdom of heaven to a business multiple times you won't find any place in there where he compared it to a church what am i saying i'm not saying that businesses should replace churches by obviously i'm not saying that i'm just saying business is god's idea for god's people to be taken care of so business is a good idea because business is a god idea and if you will start one and apply the word like the bible to your business then you might experience what i've experienced and that's this what it says in proverbs chapter 10 verse number 22 i think the blessing of the lord it maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow with it business is a good idea because business is a god idea if you like this video comment below if you have questions about anything i said write me i'll do a video on it and i'll do my best to answer your question if i don't know the answer i'll just be honest and say i don't know the answer to that one but like it share it comment on it and ask any questions you might have and i look forward to seeing you on the next video you
Channel: Myron Golden
Views: 47,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Business, Businessman, Speaker, Bible, Success
Id: OmtZAEYiXm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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