What Does the BIBLE Say About ALIENS and ET?

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now you said this morning that there's no people  anywhere else but on earth what versus that say   that in the Bible how many of you wondered that  nobody ok well it's it's a that is a very good   question if someone asks you to prove from the  Bible now this is not a rhetorical question this   is a direct flat out you know questioned you if  someone asks you to prove from the Bible how you   know that there's not life on other planets  like human life how many of you would know   where to turn in the Bible hold your hand up  high okay good there's a brave soul good I see   okay three of you so far I'm gonna call you up  in just a minute think about that we are in an a   naturalistic evolutionary world and it's simple  for them to say life evolved everywhere I mean   you know at different speeds different blobs  I mean I just watched the National Geographic   film on the creation of the universe which they  called you know the Big Bang it was fascinating   someone spent a lot of money on that and they  actually went from nothing to an explosion to   the hot to the spin to the the spin off of spins  and all of a sudden it was raining and you know   I mean it was just the most amazing movie I've  ever seen but where would you go in the Bible so   I would like you to think with me about what most  people never think about I mean when people talk   about you know star wars and you know all the  civilizations and aliens and ETS and everything   they're not thinking biblically because and and  these are the verses that that immediately come   to my mind Genesis and just rehearsing the the  creation account the restatement of the creation   account in many places then the very fascinating  description that second Peter gives us and finally   looking at heaven and who is there and those  would be the streams of thought that I would   have so let's just look there let's let's look  for aliens real quickly in Genesis 1 and and   what you have to test yourself about tonight is  do you just believe what it says or do you want   to fall prey to saying well it says that but it  doesn't mean that because as soon as you take what   God's Word says and say that is what it clearly  says but it couldn't mean that now if there's a   compelling reason like in this question you know  when it says you know God cannot be tempted with   evil neither tempteth he any man but then in the  Lord's Prayer it says lead us not into temptation   you would never you would never take a clear  scripture which is in James 1 that God cannot be   tempted with evil if I don't trip up here and he  doesn't tempt anyone that is clear as day I mean   it's just black and white so whenever you have a  clear teaching of the word of God you always will   interpret something you're not sure about so that  is a principle of interpretation but when you have   something clear and it's repeated and repeated and  repeated you can't say it has to mean something   else so in in Genesis 1 in the beginning  God created the heavens and the earth and heavens it defines heavens it says that's where  the Sun and the moon and the stars are so it's   not talking about the sky on a single planet of  many it's talking about a specific place where   there's one planet with one life that's described  and then the heavens and and it goes through that   and by the the elder prayer this morning I  thought something very interesting you notice   in Genesis 1 1 through 5 one of the elders was  praying and saying lord thank you that on this   day you separated the light from the darkness and  and remember in God's way of looking at things the   first day of the week is what day Sunday that's  today this is creation week this is this is the   beginning of everything we know about life and  the calendar and time and everything else this   is the first day this is Sunday was the first  day of creation and that in the evening morning   were the first day and then there's the second  day of the week and God rested on the seventh   day of the week which is Saturday which is where  the Sabbath comes from so it's just fascinating   but that's the Genesis account now look how Paul  restates it so what Genesis says is that God made   the heavens and he defines the heavens as where  the stars and the Sun and the moon are and he   made the earth so he made this everything what we  would call the cosmos the the the solar furnaces   the myriads of galaxies and all that almost I mean  if you read Genesis 1 it's amazing it says he made   the Sun to rule by day and the moon to rule by  night he made the stars also made the Stars also   he gives four words to something that numbers in  the octillion at the least I mean a number beyond   what we can understand of of stars and galaxies of  stars and he only devotes four words to that now   is God saying something there but he talks about  every inch of this place the dirt the water the   the sky for birds to fly through and the in job  he talks about how he laid the foundations and   how he put together all the layers of the earth  and how it's balanced and everything else God   really makes a differentiation he minimizes this  is the the minimum you could say for words and he   makes a maximum emphasis on the earth so that's  the Genesis account now look at Colossians real   quickly and and when you're processing this one  of the fun things to do when you're when you're   trying to biblically answer something is you  look at everything the Bible says about it and   you classify it and find the key points that the  Lord makes and this is this is one of the key ones   starting in Colossians 1 and and this I mentioned  this morning this is from the fundamentals one of   the key verses about creationism but it says  Jesus that's in verse 15 how do we know it's   Jesus because if you if you back up it's the one  that redeemed us by his blood and verse 14 and   in whom we have redemption through his blood the  forgiveness of sin its Christ who so we know it's   Christ from 14 and then it says in verse 15 he the  the Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God   now pause for just a minute the only God you'll  ever see is Jesus have you thought about that   the only God you'll ever see there's one God in  three persons the one you see that's invisible   physical corporeal form a body God doesn't have  a body God the Father doesn't have a body he's an   infinite spirit the Holy Spirit is an infinite  spirit Jesus Christ is an infinite spirit that   became incarnated has a body to just process  that he Jesus is the image of the invisible God   in Hebrews 11 tells us that that he is the exact  representation of God and John 1 tells us that two   and so Jesus is if you want to see God the Father  Jesus said look at me and just take him at his   word because that's who we seen he's the image of  the invisible God so God is invisible and if you   see God it's jesus he is the firstborn over all  creation and and that's fascinating were just as   a side view when Paul talks about Christ being  the head and when he talks about him being the   the proton accosts and all that we do mathematics  different than the Greeks we do mathematics where   you do a number a number a number you draw a line  and this is the sum I'm not doing tic-tac-toe here   by the way if we're adding together we put the  sum where at the bottom but yet when we go to   the summit of a mountain is that at the bottom in  that interesting that that is that is a misnomer   some in Greek mathematics they would have their  lists of things that were being added together   and they put the sum at the top so when it says  that Jesus is the protocol he is the sum the   total the head the heights the highest of all the  creation that he made and he stands over at all   as the firstborn he is the one that God placed  as he became incarnate as the Son of God as the   head over all creation it doesn't mean he was the  first created being that's Jehovah's Witness ISM   and it's false it's heretical but he stands as  the sum Jesus is the sum of all that is he well   look what he defines it right here by him all  things were created that are in heaven and that   are in earth now did you notice what we're kind  of synching with here Jesus so so God Genesis   says God created but Paul clarifies God who God  the Sun is the Creator so Jesus Christ is the   creator and he created the heavens and the earth  and and notice so it's sinking that we're talking   about the same event all things were created that  are in heaven and that are on earth visible and   invisible now the more astrophysics goes we have  found out that more of the universe is invisible   than is visible that's what they call the black  matter and black energy and black holes and all   this stuff most of the mass of the universe you  know they've calculated the mass of the universe   it's 10 to the 36th power or something I don't  know some astronomical unbelievable number but   the majority of it is invisible and look who knew  that you know someone asked me this morning they   said well there's a time when the church thought  that the earth was flat I said yeah the church did   think that but God didn't God never said the earth  is flat he said it's that the Earth rotates hangs   upon nothing and it runs on an axis god says that  in the book of Job it spins on an axis and and   it's in it's a sphere God said the earth was round  he never said it was flat and he never said to the   Sun rotated around the earth medieval church  thought that and and Greeks thought that but   God never States that but notice what God did say  the things that are visible and the things that   are invisible there's all kinds of parts this  universe that that are invisible and now we're   starting to understand that whether Thrones or  dominions or principalities or powers all things   were created through him and for him and by the  way when we get to these Thrones and dominions and   principalities and powers all of a sudden we've  we've lopped over into part of what God made back   here is what we would call the whole angelic realm  I mean we know very little about the angelic realm   it appears if you look at every verse it appears  that there are seven orders you can find seven   orders of bad angels and Paul talks about him he  says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood   but against principalities principalities and  powers and spiritual wickedness in high places   and Jude adds to that he calls them by other names  and so there are seven orders of bad angels and   good angels and you know some of the good ones  there's normal angels and there's Archangels and   there are burning angels serifs and there are  living angels cherubs and and there arc angels   which are high ones like Michael and Archangels  so there are all these types of angels but part   of what Genesis doesn't talk about but Paul adds  is this part the angelic realm the principalities   and powers all things were created through him  and for him and he is before all things before   not only as the initiator but but standing as  head over them because it says this and verse   17 in him all things consist you know if you know  basic basic what you learned in physics class is   that like charges what what are like charges do  there we go we've got a physicist I know the voice   Dale I hear you where yeah there we go we have a  physics teacher here an astrophysicist but they   repel why in the nucleus can you have like charged  particles and they don't explode in the university   of solve well the clearest for us normal people  that don't understand quantum mechanics look what   it says he is before all things and in him all  things hold together now that's Colossians 1   that Jesus made the heavens the earth the angelic  realm and of course part of Earth's totally tied   to earth in fact humans are made initially from  the dust of the stars know what from dirt you   know from from the soil from the ground of that  planet of the truly what God calls the center of   the universe God even positions his throne over  the earth so the reason that the medieval church   said that everything rotated around the earth  was not a statement of the solar system as much   as a reflection that God sits enthroned over  Mount Zion which happens to be in Jerusalem so   actually the earth is the center of the universe  because God's throne is there and Jerusalem is the   center of the center it's a very interesting when  you calculate everything that God talks about but   here is the fascinating portion now look at  2nd Peter with me because I want to show you   something God has a countdown clock going and  second Peter 3 is a fascinating passage first   of all the Lord in second Peter 3 talks about  the the creation of the world the first five   verses for this they willfully forget verse 5  of second Peter 3 that by the Word of God the   heavens were of old and the earth standing out  of water and in water oh-hoh Peter has the same   cosmology the same creation istic viewpoint so  Moses had it Jesus I mean Paul had it of course   Jesus had it because he did it and now Peter has  it so they all agree with this that the heavens   created with only four words actually one word  God said you know come into existence but four   words describe it and the earth it doesn't say and  in all the planets and all the people groups and   all the various binary star they have yellow Suns  so they can have life you know how they're always   the scientists are looking out there and they're  saying yeah there's another one that could support   life really now there's something that did you  know that it's called the anthropic principle   did you know that that there are 21 precise  measurements that make life possible here's   the Sun and here's the earth if the earth was any  closer to the Sun any closer we'd boil off if we   are any further we would freeze it's at the exact  right place if the earth wasn't tilted exactly   the right way the weather here would be worse  than it is okay we would have we'd all live in   Oklahoma okay not just the people in Oklahoma I  mean the speed of our the the orbit of our mean   the rotation of the earth everything even the mix  you know the 78 22 mix of the of the atmosphere   here the proportion of water not to water those  there are actually 21 that astrophysicists have   worked out 25 and throbbing in other words what  that's saying is that that the earth was designed   just for humans by somebody and to find out there  another place that has all of those factors even   the luminosity of the Sun the factor this is a  yellow Sun and not a red not a blue not a white   not a brown you know all the different types of  stars that the Bible talks about by the way the   Bible says they're different there are different  types of stars I mean the Bible is very advanced   in astrophysics and everything else but look what  Peter says he says oh so God made the heavens of   old verse 5 and the earth standing out of water  and in the water now look at verse 6 always tied   to creationism is this global flood and both of  those are disparaged by the majority of people   who say they're Christians biblical creationism is  disparaged by 98 percent of all Christian colleges   in America they don't believe in it and so is the  global flood which by the way God believed in both   because he did it and although all the authors  of Scripture believed in both and Peter says   it right here by which the world that then existed  perished being flooded with water second Peter 3:6   and he continues in verse 7 the heavens in the  earth which are now preserved by the same word   are reserved for fire until the day of judgment  and perdition of ungodly men so what he's saying   is Peter you know affirms the creation account he  adds to it the global flood it's not a local it's   a global the world the whole world not Anatolia  or Mesopotamia or the Black Sea like that fella   that found the Titanic said that the global flood  was just around the Black Sea whatever his name   is because he found evidence he thought of the  global flood I mean of the local flood it's not   local it's global but Peter also says one more  thing notice what he says verse 7 the heavens   in the earth same cosmology the heavens and the  earth he said it before but here it is again the   heavens new earth which are now preserved by the  same word right here he spoke them into existence   a very consistent creation istic cosmology by the  same word the word that Colossians 1:17 Paul says   Jesus Christ holds everything together he by  the word of his power he he just said matter   Klee I you're going to hold together I'm gonna  keep this universe together our held together by   the same word but they're reserved verse seven for  fire they're reserved for fire how long until the   day of judgment that's when the fire is going to  come and perdition of ungodly men now Peter adds   something he says the universe the universe the  cosmos this and this the G us the earth G us and   cosmos these are reserved the universe is waiting  reserved it's waiting for a fiery destruction the   whole thing and I'm going to show it to you in  a second all of it is gonna burn up for a fiery   destruction predicated on one thing this is what  Peter adds mankind those higher intelligences   those images of God that God created and and there  is no room in the scriptures for any other life   forms because if so God is certainly neglecting  them he is focusing everything the cross the work   of the Angels the angels are watching over humans  see anything any other life-forms out there in   the universe there's not any room for them in  the scriptures now of course you can make a lot   of people's theology is from the white spaces  the black spaces are the words that print their   theology is is from the white spaces they insert  here and there but if you really read this Moses   Paul and Peter thought mankind is the center  of God's focus there's the earth which is the   center of the universe from God's perspective and  there's this massive universe around us that God   only devotes for words to but look what's gonna  happen to it it says don't forget this verse 8   this thing that with the Lord one day is as a  thousand years and a thousand years as is one   day what does that mean it means that that God is  standing above he is on a different dimension than   we are we're bound by four dimensions the the  physical dimensions of length and breadth and   depth and then the the the fourth dimension  of time and we can't get out of that I mean   we can fly different places but time is still  it slows down or speeds up depending on your   speed but we're still bound by it by all these  laws of the physical universe God is above that   and it says in the Book of Isaiah that God sees  the end from the beginning he sees all of it at   once for God the physical universe is flat and  it's all it's like a flat-screen TV although I   don't think God would watch television you know  because he's got better things to do but to him   the universe is like a flat-screen TV he sees  everything going on the ending that we're gonna   read about and the beginning which he initiated  he sees it all at the same time and so to him a   day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as  there's a date what does that mean it means time   doesn't impact God at all it doesn't mean that  we can say that one day in Genesis is like two   billion years that's not what it's saying but look  look what he's talking about verse nine the Lord   isn't slack concerning his promises as some count  slackness but he's long-suffering he's waiting   many days many thousands of years not willing  that any should perish but that all should come   to repentance I'm not gonna go into you know the  the two views of that but basically what the Lord   is saying is he's waiting for the full fullness  of those who are going to be saved to be saved and   then look at this here is verse 10 but the day of  the Lord now day of the Lord is code all the way   through the Old Testament day of Lord is code for  what we would call the end of days involving the   second coming involving the tribulation the time  of Jacob's trouble sits the whole book of Joel is   about the day of the Lord's just day of the Lord  daily Lord it's the day of his wrath and all that   but the day of the Lord will come as a thief  in the night remember the movie thief in the   night there it is only that was talking about  the rapture and this is and but the day of the   Lord will come as a thief in the night in which  the heavens will pass away with a great noise   the elements that weren't stoick a speaks about  what we would say the atomic level to the Greek   language it was the smallest the foundational  elements the smallest particles we would call   it the subatomic the atomic and subatomic the the  elements will melt with fervent heat Wow both the   earth and the works in it will be burned up  but but you notice it says the heavens the   universe what what I think happens is the Lord  that's holding everything together Colossians   1:17 pulls the pin goes okay I'm not gonna hold  together anymore and the whole universe dissolves   so if there are other life-forms out there they  have a short life expectancy because only mankind   is redeemed by Christ and only mankind and  the angelic realm and God survive this fiery   destruction because look what it says therefore  since all these things will be dissolved verse   11 what manner of persons ought you to be looking  forward verse 12 in hastening the coming of the   day of God how do we do that we lead people to  the Lord did you know there's like a clicker you know counting off and when the last one that  God has chosen boom you know lead people to the   Lord it'll hasten the coming of the day of God  because of which the heavens will be dissolved   that's the second time it says that that's the  whole universe both the visible and invisible   will be dissolved being on fire and the elements  will melt with fervent heat nevertheless according   to his promise we look for new heavens and a new  earth in which righteousness dwells and you could   go on and on reading that basically Peter has the  same cosmology and Peter says the entire universe   is waiting and just if you want to study this  more it's fascinating Romans 8 Paul adds that the   universe right now is groaning under the bondage  of what we would call the laws of thermodynamics   the the gradual heat death that the universe  is going through you know the second law and   all the laws are keyed to this idea of winding  down and going toward destruction so all of that   is coming but what we're looking for is this new  heaven verse 13 a new earth so let's go there and   let's that's where I'll end and I'm so glad that  you asked this question because you let me think   about it but look at chapter 4 and 5 of Revelation  and the last thing I want to show you is why do we   say that that there is there are no other aliens  out there and other planets in other places where   people are because everything is going to be  destroyed the only thing that's going to last   is there's a heaven that's where God's throne  is and there's a hell which is the member hell   in English comes from the word Gehenna or Gehenna  or the Valley of Hinnom the garbage dump of Hinnom   which is a valley that's on the west side of  Jerusalem and it's where the people in the city   of Jerusalem they were a walled on a hilltop city  and they would take their trash and they'd push   it over the edge and it would tumble down and they  would throw old donkeys that died bloated and you   know rotting they'd push it down there and they'd  push all their junk you know their appliances and   old cars and tires over the walls you know it  was like we do nowadays and they push it all   down there and there was a perpetual fire at the  bottom of the hill it was kind of like smoldering   and and there were also maggots and everything  else can you think all the garbage go in there   and stuff burning I remember weeks ago the dump  when I was little that dump what a you know what   a place to go and that's where everybody  threw their trash and I used to love going   to dump while my dad was unloading the car I was  scampering around looking for treasures you know   and and many treasures would be found you know  one man's junk is somebody else's treasure but   I remember that don't look like hell I mean it was  garbage and things rotting and they were burning   parts and they would bulldoze parts hell is the  garbage dump of the universe that God is going   to send all those who bear His image humans that  rejected their Creator and he's gonna send all it   was originally built for Jesus said the devil and  his angels God by the way never predestined anyone   to help he doesn't say that theology says that  God doesn't say that God predestined no one to   help but when the devil fell in the rebellion he  said I'm creating hell for you so Satan has always   known where he's going and that's why he can't  believe that God is gonna let him loose and and   do what he wants to do through the Antichrist on  earth he's so excited and he's so dumb he thinks   he's gonna win but look who's in heaven when we  get to heaven in Chapter four you've all seen this   the Thrones and and all the voices look at verse  10 there are 24 elders who fall down and and they   say you verse 11 are worthy to receive you created  all things so we get the creation piece in heaven   then you get to chapter 5 and when you look at  chapter 5 look at verse 8 when he took the scroll   that's the title deeds the universe that Satan has  usurped and that he's the god of this world and   Jesus is is God says you're the creator the father  sister got to son you're the creator you're the   rightful owner you can now I have waited thousands  of years you can now take back the universe that   Romans 8 says is groaning awaiting the redemption  the whole universe knows its creator by the way it   says he came unto his own and his own received him  not he came to his own universe which completely   received Christ when Jesus spoke to a tree it  withered when Jesus spoke to the ocean I mean   to the Sea of Galilee when Jesus spoke to the  wind every creature obeyed him except the humans   even the demons obeyed him instantly the universe  knows and it's groaning it's waiting it knows it's   in bondage to sin it's waiting for the time that's  coming but look look who is in heaven when he took   the scroll the four living creatures those are  angelic to twenty-four elders representing humans   how do we know they represent humans because it  says we were redeemed who did Jesus redeem Romans   five tells us he only redeemed the descendants  of Adam that's why you be careful if you're a   theology doesn't have an atom and an Eve if you  have an evolutionary view what where's Adam which   atom which humanoid became Adam that God created  directly I mean in in you know we don't need to   go into that but look what it says in verse nine  they sang a new song that's the redeemed that's   humans you are worthy to take the scroll and to  open it seal for you were slain and look who's in   heaven in heaven is God the angels who did not  rebel and one other group you have redeemed us   to God by your blood out of every tribe not planet  out of every tongue that solar system out of every   people and nation God presents to us that the  earth is the center of his redemptive focus it   the earth is where he's put all of his attention  that Jesus ever lives to intercede for those that   bear the image of God that he created and breathed  the life into and made living spirits and created   them in His image those are the ones he ever lives  to intercede for us who are redeemed and those are   the ones he came to die for and those are who  are in heaven out of every tribe and tongue and   people and nation and you have made us kings and  priests to our God and we shall reign what's the   center of the universe what does it say in verse  10 where shall we reign on the earth see there's   there's gonna be a new in fact now turn to chapter  21 and notice what happens after the big burn   between Revelation 20 and in Revelation 21 between  Revelation 20 and 21 is inserted second Peter 3 it   goes right there that is the great burn of the  universe and then look what happens in verse 21   and I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the  first heaven and the first earth had passed away   and there's no more see what's what's the set  what is God focusing on it's the same thing at   the end as it was at the beginning god says that  in the beginning was God and then God from nothing   created everything heavens which are defying our  I mean at the creation if you've ever been to the   Answers in Genesis creation museum their little  planetarium is one of the most phenomenal things   to sit there and finally understand how big the  universe is they just keep doing these exponential   you know you're in the earth and then you go to  the solar system then you go to our galaxy and   then and all of a sudden you've gone so many  times you say I can't fit all that in my mind   but God not only fit it in his mind he named all  the stars calls them all by name and they obey Him   but he's gonna burn all that up and burn all this  up and he's going to end up with a new heaven and   a new earth not Alderaan you know not wherever  you know the the science fiction people have it   and everyone who is not redeemed who are in heaven  are gonna be in hell for as long as everybody's in   heaven and that's that's the simple cosmology that  God consistently from Genesis 1 to revelation 20:2   presents the same thing that amazing now doesn't  mean that after we're in heaven that God's gonna   make more of whatever in fact I think that that  we already know what's gonna be like in heaven   because in a fallen world this is a pretty neat  place I mean don't you love the taste of food   don't you like the feel of the wind don't you  like the colors the sunset don't you like the   complexity of stuff that grows and at every level  macro and micro it's all beautiful and symmetrical   and first Corinthians 14 orderly God is a God  of order and so I I believe that probably we   will never come to the end of all that he's going  to make and and since God invented eating since   God invented sexual relations can you imagine how  wonderful heavens going to be I mean everything we   experience is fallen cursed under bondage can you  imagine how wonderful you think of the best things   you've ever known in life heaven is better by  far exponentially better we've never experienced   perfection we've seen it in Christ we'd have  never experienced it and and in that moment   when we get there we're gonna be in his image he's  purchased us we're gonna worship Him but a lot of   people are worried in heaven they're all they're  gonna do is play their harp you know and sit on   a cloud that's in the Bible it says we're gonna  be serving him and how did we serve Him on earth   whether therefore you eat or drink or whatever  you do do it to God's glory heavens gonna be like   that whatever we do traveling - you know whatever  God just made a new solar system over there a new   galaxy or another parallel universe you go over  there we serve Him to his glory it's very exciting
Channel: DTBM
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Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, aliens, extraterrestrial life, UFOs, Bible, space, earth, life, humans, real, sky, unknown, bible, answers, questions, pastor, teaching, truth, scary, fate, future, biblical, angels, demons, god, God, savior, save, faith, christian, end world, fire, other life, terrestrial, planets, outer space, worlds, other, alone, not alone, above, heavens, ancient, wisdom, mythology, jesus, christ, discover the book, ministries, dr john, speaking, false, heresy, fear, ending, above us, telescopes, signs of life, universe
Id: -6ulcXYFyyQ
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Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2015
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