What Does John 10:10 Really Mean? — Rick Renner

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my name is Rick Renner and today I'm in Park pagoda in Russian that means Victory Park this is a massive park which was constructed in memory of World War 2 World War 2 was such an atrocious event for the people of the Soviet Union and this park is dedicated to people of all nationalities who fought in World War two and not just to those who fought but it's also dedicated to those who perished in the war and behind me is a special memorial which was built in honor of the Jews who died in World War two and as you know millions of Jews were slaughtered in World War two by Nazi forces they were cremated they were shot they were killed I've been to concentration camps it is just unthinkable what happened to the Jewish people but they survived but the devil didn't come just to harm them the devil's intention was to liquidate them when you studied John chapter 10 verse 10 Jesus says the thief comes to kill to steal and to destroy that word destroy really means to undo to completely destroy to liquidate that's what the devil would like to do to you he doesn't just want to hurt you he wants to ruin you he wants to destroy you or as this Greek word could be translated the devil really would like to liquidate you and slurp you up but you do not have to be a victim and even if he's already attacking your life there's a way to push him back across the line you can survive the Jews survived World War 2 and today they are thriving you can survive any attack and in fact do more than survive you can flourish and you can thrive and that's what I want to talk to you about today stay tuned for it you can trust a message that will inspire strengthen and equip you with vital insight and understanding word of god here's Rick like I told you in today's introduction today I'm gonna really focus on John 10 verse 10 now before we can go to John 10:10 we're going to review everything we've covered this week in first Peter chapter 5 and verse 8 but when we get to John 10:10 you are going to be shocked there's so much more in that verse than you ever understood I always thought I understood John 10:10 it says the thief comes to steal to kill and to destroy to steal to kill and to destroy so I thought that's what it meant the thief comes to kill to steal and to destroy but when I opened my Greek New Testament and begin to look at those three words kill still destroy I was pretty stunned I was just almost disarmed by what I saw because there's a lot more in those three words than meets the eye so stay with me today you're going to get a revelation from the Bible that is simply going to be amazing to you but first I want to remind you so right now I'm offering you my series called how to keep the devil out of your life I know you want to keep the devil out of your life it's a 10 part series which comes with a wonderful study guide and in the study guide or all the Greek words which I use in my programs I take you through all the principles and point-by-point the teaching which we covered so far it is just outstanding for your personal life or for you to share with a study group the back of the binder says how to build a wall of protection around your life in this series we cover what does it mean to be vigilant how the devil seeks to take you down what does John 10:10 really mean how to construct a wall of defense what to do if the devil's already gotten in and how to seal the cracks in your life this is really a lifesaver you need this and with it we're also offering my little book called spiritual weapons to defeat the enemy yesterday in the program I read quite a bit from this little book about the name devil and all the names and all the phrases used throughout the Bible to this bribe the devil there are 17 names and phrases used to describe the different activities of the devil and all of them are evil wicked foul vile just horrible when you see how the Bible describes the devil in 17 different ways then you understand why Peter tells us we need to be vigilant about keeping him out of our lives and that leads us back to 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 8 that's where we've been all week and before we move on to John 10:10 I want to review the elements that we've already covered this week so let's go there first Peter chapter 5 verse 8 Peter again a seasoned elderly leader is speaking to the church like the churches his congregation with a pastoral heart he's telling the people what they need to know in order to live a victorious life and Peter knows the devil wants to take them down so Peter says to them in 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 8 be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour now we've already covered the word sober we've covered the word vigilant we've covered the word adversary and we've covered the word devil and devour today for a review very quickly we're going to move through all of these words I want to begin at the end of the verse with the word devour the word devour as we've seen is the Greek word P no it does not mean to devour as to eat something but it means to slurp or to drink when you read the whole verse Peter says the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour so there's this mental image of a lion who has victimized an animal and you kind of mentally see the lion eating the meat of that beast that has been victimized but that's not what the Greek says the word devour does not mean to eat the meat it's a Greek word Pina which means to drink or to slurp which means the victim has been so totally consumed there is no meat left all that is left is juice just the juices of that dead animal and now the lion is so committed to consuming and devouring that victim that the lion is hovering over the juices and is slurping up the juices that remain that is the word Peter uses to describe what the devil would like to do to you to me and to those whom we love and know he wants to victimize maul maim eat devour until there's nothing left but the juices of that person and then he is so totally dedicated to their destruction to their annihilation that he wants to slurp up everything that's left until there's nothing left of them whatsoever that is how vile and sinister the enemy is and that's why Peter begins at the first of the verse by saying be sober that word sober the Greek word nifo means think straight not like a silly drunk well a drunk will let his guard down and when he lets his guard down he permits things he would not normally permit he may say things he would normally say and do things he wouldn't normally do a drunk does things that are not sensible he's not careful he's not sober this word sober the Greek word nifo also means to be serious and by using this word Peter begins by alerting us to the fact that we need to be serious minded we can't let our guard down we've got to keep our head on straight one expositor says you could translate it things straight not like a silly drunk and then he continues to say be vigilant the word vigilant as we've already seen it's a Greek word gregorio if your name is Greg or Gregory that's where your name comes from it comes from this Greek word Gregorio and the word Gregorio was primarily used when there was a sinister force on the outside trying to find its way on the inside of your private affairs well if you know there's an enemy out there then one to harm you if you know there's an enemy who wants to victimize you devour you and slurp you up what are you gonna do are you just going to sit there and say oh don't know what to do I guess we'll deal with it when the attack takes place of course not that would be totally irresponsible I use the illustration of the alarm system on your car why do you have an alarm system to protect your car so a thief can get into your car why do you have an alarm system in your house is it because you're afraid no not necessarily but you want to be sure that a thief doesn't break into your house and the alarm system will keep him out and it will alert you if he's trying to find his way on the inside it gives you peace of mind to have an alarm system it's preventative action and now Peter uses this word Gregorio here translated be vigilant which means there's an enemy out there who wants to get inside therefore you need to be on high alert you need to be on guard you need to be constructing some kind of wall or a barricade to keep that evil force on the outside and if you'll take preventive action then you can live life more peacefully because you'll know the enemy is not going to get inside then he continues to tell us how the devil gets on the inside he says be sober be vigilant because your adversary this word adversary the Greek word ante dicas which is the Greek word for a prosecutor in a court of law a prosecutor who prosecutes a victim how does he prosecute he looks for some area where that person has violated the law then he uses that violation to charge them with a crime he finds a loophole something in their behavior that was wrong and through that loophole he begins to work to charge them to prosecute them and to take them down and ultimately imprison so you could actually translate the verse like this be sober be vigilant now listen because the devil like a prosecuting attorney is searching for some loophole in your life some place of spiritual violation where you have broken the spiritual law and like a prosecuting attorney he will try to use that evidence to legally prosecute you and take you down hmm if you're living right then he can't take you down if you've got a wall of defense if you're living a holy life a consecrated life a sanctified life there's little he can do to take you down but if you're doing something wrong if there's a violation if you've broken a principle if you broken the Word of God if you're living in disobedience then those acts create a gaping hole through which the enemy can enter in to bring his destructive work you know years ago here in Moscow first of all we have a seminary we train people for the work of the ministry but years ago we had two girls who were attending our school wonderful girls they were involved in every area of the ministry they had come from Siberia to Moscow to attend our seminary and we just loved these girls they were involved in every year of the ministry always smiling always joyful but one day something tragic happened and they were killed they were going home after seminary one late night and rather than walk across the bridge which was legal they decided that they would save some time so instead of going to cross the bridge which is the way the law required them to cross the railroad tracks they decided they would crawl through a hole in the fence below the bridge and they would quickly walk across the railroad tracks themselves rather than on the bridge which goes over the tracks and provide safety it would have just taken them seconds more to go across the bridge but for some reason they decided to go through a hole in the fence those girls went through that hole not realizing the train was coming two sisters the train came so quickly that the girls tried to move out of the way but it was too late the train hit them and by the time the train had moved beyond there was nothing left of those girls but fragments our team had to go to the railroad tracks to pick up the pieces of those girls it was tragic we hated to call their parents and tell them what took place and people immediately said wow how did the devil have so much authority to destroy those girls well as much as I loved those girls the answer is very simple they violated a law they jeopardized their lives by going through a hole in the fence rather than taking the footbridge which would have safe and taken them to the other side of the railroad tracks it was very simple they violated something very serious and it resulted in their death now that's a very dramatic illustration but if you look at your own life you'll find most of the places where the devil has attacked you it's been areas of your life where you fail to do something you should have done or you didn't deal right with a relationship you didn't handle your money right you didn't take care of your body you didn't eat right you did something wrong a violation that's where the prosecuting attorney comes the devil Peter tells us so clearly he is a prosecutor he looks and looks and looks for some area where you're doing wrong and then he uses it as a loophole to enter in an attack so we need to be careful that we don't give him any area to use against us so I'm gonna read this for you again it could be translated be sober be vigilant because the devil like a prosecuting attorney is searching for some loophole in your life some place of spiritual violation where you have broken a spiritual law and like a prosecuting attorney he will try to use that evidence to legally prosecute you and take you down now Peter also calls him a devil there were devil the Greek word diabolos a compound of two greek words the word iya carries the idea of penetration the word ballast is from Bala which means I throw like I throw a ball I throw a rock or I throw something but when you can pound the two words together diabolos it is one that's throwing or one that is assaulting or one that is striking again and again and again with Dia the intention of penetration so the name devil is not just a name it describes the devil's mode of operation he strikes and strikes and strikes and strikes and strikes until finally dia he penetrates this tells us that the devil is unrelenting in his activities to attack us and to victimize us well that's true then that's why Peter said you need to be vigilant you need to put up a wall of defense well nobody knew the devil better than Jesus so I wanted to see what Jesus had to say about the devil in John chapter 10 and verse 10 this very familiar famous verse which says and I'm speaking from my notes the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy and then Jesus concluded by saying I am come that they might have life and they might have it more abundantly we're gonna be looking at both parts of this verse in the first part of the verse Jesus says the thief he's talking about the devil no one knew the devil better then Jesus Jesus had known the devil since the time the devil was first created and jesus knew from the very beginning of time the devil had been a thief he had always been a thief read the story in the Old Testament the devil wanted the throne of God he wanted to take it he wanted the adoration of the Angels he wanted to take God's throne he even wanted the geographical location of God's throne on the sides of the north he wanted to take take take take he was always a thief and Jesus said from the very beginning he was a thief when we first see the devil working in the Garden of Eden what is he doing he's stealing he wants Adams position he wants the garden he wants Adams authority he is a thief and the word thief that is used is the greek word CLEP dace maybe you hear another word CLEP days it's where we get the term for a kleptomaniac and by using this word CLEP days Jesus says he can't help himself he's flawed he's defective from the very beginning of time he was always a thief he's always been a thief something in him is bound and determined that he's got to take whatever belongs to someone else he can't constrain himself he's just flawed and defective Jesus says the devil is a kleptomaniac that's literally what it means he's always been a thief he'll always be a thief that's just his nature and then Jesus continues to say the thief comes but for to steal to kill and to destroy when Jesus says steal is a Greek word klepto which is the active form of the word CLEP days you could actually translate it the kleptomaniac when he shows up will begin to behave like a kleptomaniac he can't restrain himself he'll steal steal steal just because it is his nature to steal it's really maybe not even about you he just wants what you have because that's his nature he is a kleptomaniac it is nature to take what belongs to someone else if you're healthy he wants your health if you're married he wants your marriage if you've got a good job he wants your job if you got kids he wants your kids it doesn't even matter what it is he just wants whatever is yours because Jesus says he is a kleptomaniac and the verse literally means and the thief this word CLEP days which describes listen to this a bandit a thief or a scam artist it is one so artful in the way he steal that his exploits of thievery are nearly undetectable a pickpocket and again it is where we get the word kleptomaniac so the verse literally means the kleptomaniac when he shows up will begin to act like a kleptomaniac he'll begin taking everything very artfully very seductively taking whatever you have again he doesn't really care about you he does once what belongs to everybody else and then Jesus continues to say the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill that word kill I always saw slaughter Massacre bloodshed murder but then I looked at in the Greek it is the Greek word sOooo sOooo the word Thor doesn't mean to murder in fact the word fool is a religious word a religious word it means to make a religious sacrifice to make a religious sacrifice let me read to you from my notes it doesn't mean to kill as in murder but it means to sacrifice to surrender to give up something that is precious and beer it was the same word that would have been used among the Greeks or among the Jews when you sacrificed something to God and in this word we find that Jesus teaches us that the devil can disguise himself to sound very religious first he comes as a kleptomaniac and what does he do he tries to clean us out take us to the cleaners wipe us out literally take everything that we've got he's a kleptomaniac he wants to clean us out if we've got anything left over after his stealing then he may try to speak to us in religious terms and say you know what there's no hope of recovery why I believe just laid on the altar just give it up just sacrifice it and walk away from it there's no way you'll ever be able to restore what you've lost just lay it on the altar may even disguise his voice to sound as if it is God telling you to lay everything on the altar and then Jesus goes on to say he comes to steal kill and destroy that were destroyers from the Greek word up alumi the word up alumi is the same root word that is used in Matthew chapter 3 when John the Baptist speaking of Jesus and he says of Jesus I'm not worthy to untie his shoes unloose his shoes that's the same word which here is translated destroy well what would have happened if you had unloosed someone's shoes their shoes would have become so loose unraveled that they would have fallen apart that is the idea here in this word which is translated destroy the greek word apple lumi it describes something that is ruined something that has become unraveled something that is undone devastated trashed destroyed or completely liquidated now when you put all of this together here is the way I would personally translate the first part of John chapter 10 verse 10 listen very carefully this is really a revelation the thief wants to get his hands into every good thing in your life in fact this pickpocket is looking for any opportunity to wiggle his way so deeply into your personal affairs that he can walk off with everything you hold precious and dear and that's not all when he's finished stealing all your goods and possessions he'll take his plan to rob you blind to the next level by creating conditions and situations so horrible that you'll see no way to solve the problems except to sacrifice everything that remains from previous attacks the goal of this thief is to totally devastate your life if nothing stops him he'll leave you insolvent flat broke cleaned out in every area of your life you'll end up feeling as if you're finished and out of business make no mistake the enemy's ultimate is to obliterate you Wow but Jesus said on the contrary I'm come that you might have life and have it more abundant that's the will of God Jesus wants you to have life and have life more abundant the devil wants to take everything and that's why you've got to build a wall of defense and that's what we're going to talk about when we come back in the next program I'll be back in just a moment do you feel like you're under attack in your relationships your finances your health the Bible says the devil comes to steal kill and destroy but Jesus came to give life and made life more abundant you can have victory in your relationships your finances and your health by learning how to keep the devil out of your life in Rick's 10-part teaching series how to keep the devil out of your life you'll learn that our lives are under constant assault by the enemy and he is always looking for a way in but you can have victory over the devil by learning how to build a spiritual wall of defense around you and those you love available in digital or physical formats starting at just $20 you'll learn how to guard against the attacks of the enemy and fight back when you choose to believe God and commit to his word in addition to the teaching series you can also get spiritual weapons to defeat the enemy this book gives you a fresh understanding of the armor of God the spiritual weapons of war and how you can defeat every lie of the devil and live in victory every day available for just $10 this powerful resource will give you the tools you need to go on offense against the enemy don't miss this special offer how to keep the devil out of your life and/or the companion book spiritual weapons to defeat the enemy call now today we've been looking at John 10:10 where Jesus said the thief comes to steal to kill and to destroy we've covered that the second part of the verse says but I'm come that you might have a life and have it more abundantly listen that word abundantly is a Greek word which means abundantly excessively exceedingly extraordinary something that abounds in an extraordinary measure so profuse that it can be likened to a river overflowing and flooding beyond its banks overflowing plentiful or even super abundant and you can actually translate the end of the verse like this I came that they might embrace an unrivaled unequaled matchless incomparable richly loaded overflowing maximum life that's what Jesus came to bring which is so different from what the enemy comes to do he comes to steal to kill and to destroy but he doesn't have to steal kill and destroy in your life anymore because you can build a wall of defense to keep him out and that's why I'm offering you this series called how to keep the devil out of your life it's how to build a wall of protection around your life and we're offering it with my book called spiritual weapons to defeat the enemy order it today let me pray for you father in the name of Jesus we thank you that Jesus came to give us a loaded life a life that is filled with maximum joy and we rebuke the work of the enemy to steal to kill and destroy we rebuke it in Jesus name and father we call upon that divine life of God to be released in us in Jesus name wow thank you for being with me today remember Ecclesiastes 8 for where the word of a king is there's power but God's Word release its power in your life today I'll see you in the next program thank you for joining Rick Renner today for more information about Rick Renner history's and product resources visit renard o RG and connect with us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram [Music] you
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Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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