What does a MTA IT Product Director do?

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I'm very much fascinated in learning and keeping myself up to date with the latest technologies. MTA IT provides me a lot of opportunities as well as I'm providing valuable service to our New York citizens. I'm Kandavel Sethumadhavan I'm a Product Director for the Employee Experience Group at MTA IT Product Management. CAROLYN: A Product Director is typically responsible for one or more product lines, and they may have one or more delivery teams. So, for example, in our HR space, we have a recruitment product line. We have also a benefits product line, and we also have a timekeeping product line. Timekeeping is a massive effort here for 75,000 people. Day-to-day my responsibilities mainly work with my teams and find out what are the bottlenecks and what are the impediments they are facing in delivering our products. Once I understand the impediments, I just helped them out to resolve those impediments and meet the deadlines and requirements on time. In MTA IT we use all the latest technologies. The teams get a direct opportunity to understand the latest products available and they get an opportunity to work directly with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Leading Agile, Slack and other organizations and bring in support and training to our team members. We have lots of training opportunities here. There's room for growth from the Product Specialist to the Scrum Master to a Product Director and so on. So lots of opportunity to grow if you're willing to invest. In the last one-and-a-half years of my experience in MTA IT, there are a lot of situations wherein we have to give a quick turnaround. It could be a very simple solution or it could be sometimes it is really challenging and complex solutions, but providing this quick turnaround innovative solution gives me a lot of pride. I've worked for big tech companies. I've worked in the financial industry and I've also worked for government. For me, in government, I am able to see directly how my efforts and the efforts of my team really have an impact on the lives of everyday people. So I find just a deeper connection to the type of work that we deliver and how it impacts people in the community.
Channel: mtainfo
Views: 2,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mta, nyc, ny, transit, bus, train, railroad, bridges, tunnels, transportation
Id: uJfbyMBzVs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 27sec (147 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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