What Do YOU Want TO DO With YOUR LIFE? | Walk & Talk

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hey how's it going everybody Tim here back with another video just out taking a little walk out in nature a much-needed walk out in nature I think it been a couple weeks since I've been out here you know doing any hiking of like any length and I can really tell the difference like my mood was kind of off you know I was kind of down and I was like you know what today I'm gonna get up early and I'm just gonna go out there the snow all on the ground I don't know how the trails are gonna look but I'm gonna walk and as I like to do when I walk occasionally I turned the camera on and talked so here we go as I was walking I was doing a lot of thinking about what I want to do with my life what I want to do in the future and I find it very peaceful to think about that when I'm out in nature nobody else is around I love this time of year out here in Rocky Mountain National Park because no one's here why like all the tourists are gone no one's here even trails like this one that are you know pretty popular nobody's on it this time of year so out in nature by myself just just me and the trees and the snow and and in the in the river you know just for the most part um there are some signs of civilization on this trail but for the most part it's kind of like this here I mean nobody around you know you see some footprints that show that somebody was here a little earlier but nobody to speak of so I find that that's a great time to kind of think about what I want to do with my life in the future going forward because there's no like outside influence telling me anything you know nature doesn't yell at you to do anything and I think it's ironic that you know what I want to do what my life is one of the most important questions we could ever ask ourselves it's probably like the most important question we can ask ourselves what do I want to do with my life what do I want my future to look like the irony is though that it's one of the questions we asked the least we asked ourselves the least um we think we asked ourselves it but we really don't and I think the reason for that is because from the time we're at an age where we really can decide what we want to do with our lives we have influences telling us stuff so you know what you reach kind of you know your teen years maybe preteen you start thinking about at your teen years anytime the the topic comes up of what to do with your life somebody older than you chimes in teacher at school this is what you need to do your parents this is what you need to do like as soon as you are start thinking about oh I I can it's not just up to my parents anymore I can determine what happens to me in my life there's outside influences telling you what you should be doing and we're not even gonna talk about the influence is like TV movies music all that stuff that stuff hits you when you're even younger before you even think about it so from the moment we're thinking of the question what should I do with my life it's kind of already been decided for us or it's already been told to us what we should be doing and for most of us we just fall in line you know no fault of our own these are our these are the people we look up to these are my mentors in life they're saying that I need to be doing this okay that's what I need to do with my life and we just fall in line we just follow along that pattern that society is set and then when we get a little older and we get you know maybe we start to get into those times in our lives like our 20s when we counteract the most what's the word I want to use you know your 20s when that's when you're at the age where you're kind of a little more rebellious against society and that's when you really might be thinking about going your own way the most in life by then most of us already have responsibility so we can't confuse me we've already got bills these this date age we've already got thousands of dollars of debt so once again we're not in control of what we do with our life you know we have may have moments of clarity when we're like oh man I wish I could do this I wish I could do that but immediately the the responsibilities and the burdens and everything is we have come back into play and not saying all these responsibilities are negative a lot of people by their 20s they have kids they've got a job going that maybe they really like so that those things play a factor and what you're gonna do it your life so once again you can't just sit down and clean slate it and be like what do I want to do with my life because you have responsibilities and it just gets worse and worse as you get older once you get into your 30s you know you definitely you're smack dab in responsibility land when you're in your 30s like you know that's that's the sweet spot for not being able to do what you want to do which is why a lot of people come their 40s early 40s have a midlife crisis because like okay I've been I've been doing this so long I have not in control of my life here I'm just gonna I was gonna go crazy and do something crazy just to show that I'm in control of my life here just because for so many years they haven't had control but the funny thing is even when people have midlife crisis a lot of them follow you know the party line they have a midlife crisis that is standard for what society expects them to do you know they go out buy the sports car dump their mate for somebody younger or you know just go on like a coke binge I don't know but basically you know people do these and people in society will look and be like oh that's Larry he's going through a midlife crisis and people like okay we get it once again oh not really in control see now here's a actually a part of this hike I really like see if I can show it to you it's a bridge yeah so a lot of nature then you come across this bridge but I really like bridges so I don't mind it and it's a nice spot to sit and chill you can sit and chill in those rocks and then there's a nice warning sign that tells you if you fall in that water you could die that sign always gives me a chuckle anyway so what were you talking about Oh what do you want to do with your life so for so much of our life and then yeah we're in our 40s we're still following the party line and we're like okay 25 years to retirement 20 years to retirement we're making decisions based on this this time for retirement that other people set for us I was watching a documentary on retirement the other day and it really hit home to me that this idea of retiring in your 60s it's totally just something Society tells us totally there's there's no arbitrary reason why you should wait to your 6065 for your time other than like that's what Social Security kicks in but most people aren't you know like banking on Social Security people under a certain age and but they still are like oh yeah I'll retire at 65 and just like and they're not expecting to retire probably from a company with a pension anything like that but yet and still they still say 65 like it's just number that Society has picked for us and we just go along with it okay yeah 65 that sounds great that's only another 40 years from now yeah that sounds great I'll just stay working here until then because somebody decided that's the number so once again people making decisions not totally in control of their life you know and we just go through life doing this and it's just interesting to me like like I said when I was out walking today and it was just nobody around she me in the mountains and I'll say what I'm gonna do because I'll admit the reason I was thinking about it is because I have been kind of feeling like I said not living the nomad life for a while so had to get a place to rent I've been looking for a car had to go down to the town hall and you know put down a deposit for utilities and been thinking about you know car insurance and all these other bills like I haven't had bills in like going on for years so it's really hitting me getting all these bills and it's actually kind of gotten me down a little bit like me I just hold I don't what I don't mind paying the bills I don't like the responsibility of the bills like when I signed a lease which is only like a seven month lease I don't like the fact that I have to pay rent until May like I have to like it's a legally binding contract I don't like not saying you know it's it's a fairly my excuse me my part of the rent is fairly inexpensive I can afford it it's not it's not a hassle that way I just don't like the responsibility you know and then I'm like oh the power bill I got to pay that every month I don't know what it's gonna be until I get the first bill so you know now it's kind of up in the air what's up how much is power gonna cost me every month like it's just so oh you know all these variables and these bills kind of determine you know what I can do you all know I got these trips I want to I've got planned for 2019 but I'm like I can't really you know me I'm mister just buy the ticket but I'm like I really got to be financially responsible and wait until I get a car and see how much all my bills are gonna be before I foot up you know like $1,000 to go somewhere you know travel overseas or something you know it's just all this all this weight coming down on me and it just got me thinking about like whee whee whee so many decisions in life were made based on all this other stuff and they're not made based on the important thing of what do I want to do with my life you know what is it that is in this world that is either an occupation or hobby or whatever it is you know you know what kind of work what I like to do with my life what kind of hobbies what I like to have what kind of place is what I like to go what kind of person would I like to marry you know weird I want to live all these decisions that we're free to make based solely on ourselves and what we want to do but we don't most of them are based on what society tells us we should be doing or you know we got bills and responsibilities we got to take care of so we got to do this got to do that and it's just it's just stressful you know it's just stressful and it's joy robbing yeah see this part of the hike you're like right by the road what don't really like but whatever couple people tell people driving by look at me like I'm crazy yeah get that mountain air in your lungs yeah but I just you know I've said this before but I just wish we lived in a world where you didn't have all these outside factors on you and it was just a matter of people sitting down and like really taking time to figure out what they want to do and then doing it like really genuinely deciding to live the life they want to live and then doing it you know and just something about being out in nature I think may be the fact because like nature is real like when I'm long dead gone and forgotten about many millennia over these mountains will be here I guarantee this river will still be here on this if we as humanity don't blow it up or something um all this you know the seasons will still come and go there'll be summer they'll be winter all this the trees will still be here you know and all the and all the post-apocalyptic films and either in places that we have already destroyed along the surface a like Chernobyl the trees come back you know the wildlife comes back all that stuff is real that stuff is forever all this man-made stuff do we put all this stock into and think is so super important it's not real like that stuff shouldn't be factoring in into our life decisions we should be worrying about real stuff our friends our family our enjoyment what brings us happiness you know what's gonna make us healthier those are the type of things we need to be worried about when we're pondering you know what do I want to do with my life those are important let me be wondering about the car note or the mortgage which I understand when you have those and sometimes you have to have those that plays a part but I feel like whenever we have things like that we should be working as hard as we can to get rid of them and get back to just the basics of living you know but everybody knows I'm a firm believer in simple living so and and it's just been reaffirmed here lately I mean I think because I've been traveling and living out a couple suitcases it just became second nature to me to be to live simply and so it really wasn't when I first started living simple it was a big deal because like I had to go through these big steps to do it you know so I talked about it a lot more because it was a big deal it kind of became commonplace to me and in the past few years but now that I'm having to go kind of back the other way for good reasons that I've mentioned in other video I'm starting to see the beauty of simple living and I already know as soon as I'm able I'm gonna go back to being you know live an extremely simple again I already know what I can't this this rent and car notes and bills and stuff is not for me Oh like it's just not so what I'm telling when I'm asking myself you know what do I want to do in my future I know you're so from now or whenever the universe Desai's has shown me that's time to get back to living the the nomad life again I'm gonna jump on it because I feel like that's really me um and that's kind of my point of this video I think and that's who's getting hot getting hot um yeah and I think here you know 23 2014 when I kind of started on this journey or started looking into you know living a lifestyle like this I had no clue that you know this was this was the life I wanted to live or it was like the life for me and I feel like a lot of people have lives that are for them or unique for them or order a lifestyle they could lead that would be the best for them they just don't know about it and that needs the fact I think that happened that should factor in when you're saying what do I want to do it my life you may not know exactly right now but if you can identify the things that make you happy right now are the things that you feel that maybe might be something you want to do and you start going after those things the path will slowly be revealed and then they'll don't be some doors open or some opportunities come around that you never thought and you've been oh man and then you're like oh this is me I really like this I mean I know for me like hiking is a huge part of my life right now um just like today when I'm going through something if I can get out and hike it just makes me instantly feel better but here's the thing before I'd never hiked before like 20 I think it might even 2016 like even when I was 1 season at work I wasn't hiking like I just didn't think it was something I would like but through doing other things I discovered hiking and now I know like that something is gonna be a part of my life as long as I'm existing on the earth in this form you know so I just think we need to really think more about you know what makes me happy what do I like to do what I want to do going forward if you can't identify things you definitely want to do we all got things we know we hate doing I was I was in a training course at work last week yeah yeah your boy gets into like training courses now supervisor training kind of a big deal whatever um which I was totally adamant about not going but the man said I had to go so I went but when actually I got there I really enjoyed it the lady who taught the class did a great job of you know you know teaching the class making exciting and she was hot so that helped but anyway um one point for bringing that up was to say that we had to do some exercise and I forget what exactly was call but it was like what would make you happy or what or something what was what does happiness look like to you and one of the ladies in the class said never having to set an alarm clock again and I think that was a great answer um I feel like that's that's definitely something that could cause us you know a great amount of joy never having set an alarm clock again never having you know it's deadlines think you know in the morning having to get up at a certain time I know that's time something I've been thinking about a lot too once again the more of these like real-world bills and responsibilities you have the more you have like things you have to go to and time you have to be in places all my days off you're lately the reason I haven't been able hike is because I've been having to you know go certain places and look into this and do that all this time and deadlines I can't wait to get back to the time when I don't have all that going on but the alarm clock is a big one just I don't think we were meant to have to wake up at a certain time in the warrant you know I think we were meant to Sun comes up you kind of roll out of bed you know sometime around then and you went out and you did your job like I just got to see if y'all can pick up those mountains back there oh oh oh that's nice anyway like that was something she identified she didn't want to do in the future may not totally know you know what's gonna come from that but she knows in the future she wants to have an occupation I would imagine that doesn't make her have to get up at a certain time in the morning she can sleep in as long as she wants but a good starting place was I don't have to set an alarm clock you know and I feel like we all have things you know like that that you can just put down on your list when it comes to what you want to do in the future I don't want to have to do this so I don't want to do this or if you don't know what you want to do put down what you don't want to do and then as you're trying to shape your life but I really feel that like that's a question that really takes long hours days weeks months maybe years of pondering on what I want to do it well I feel like it's a question you can ponder your whole life because you're always moving forward you're always going into the future your whole life you can be asking what I want to do next year you know what hood what I want to do the year after that what I want to do next month or you know just and and figure it out the best you can and do it design you know like I'm always saying design create and then live your own your your dream life your unique life you know a lot you can have a life that's free of the things you don't like in your life now or free of the things you don't like in the world you can but it just takes actively thinking about it for one and then you know putting forth the effort to do it for two but yeah those are my uh rambling meander meandering thoughts for the day I knew this was gonna be kind of a longer video but I felt like making a longer video I've been having a lot of thoughts up in the head here recently like I said I'm kind of going through some ups and downs and when I get in those kind of down moods is when I really start to think about I don't know life from like a deeper oof I disappeared hold on let me get into some sunlight up here I start to think about life in the deeper things like I was I was reading a lot of my stoic stuff recently I've read that you know listen to the impurity and couple times listen to Marcus Aurelius meditations I even started you know kaput was saying about composing some I'm thinking about starting the book that says basically what I'm saying home baby well start in the book I don't know just something about the spot I'm at in life I feel like it might be time to start writing stuff down might be time to get started on the memoirs I don't know anyway yeah I'm gonna go ahead and cut it off here shortly I'm gonna head in and uh I don't know do something therapeutic for the rest of the day but yeah thanks for coming along with me on this walk and talk walking in ramble and yeah think about what I said what do you want to do with your life talk to you later
Channel: Timothy Ward
Views: 16,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walk and talk, timothy ward, motivtional video, inspirational video, timothy ward motivation, what do i want to do with my life, happiness in life, how to find fulfillment in life, planning your life, planning your life goals, rocky mountaion national park, solo hiking, ted talks, get away from it all, create your dream life, design your life, live your dreams, society controls us, live your life
Id: Yt3vI9IdcyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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