I Found the Hidden Energy Vortexes in Sedona

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[Music] you can feel the jolt of the energy it's a sacred land that's why a lot of people come here looking for answers the vortex sites seem to make it easier for people to tap those dimensions beyond of themselves it's an interesting idea this spiritual seeker because we're all spiritual seekers until we find sedona arizona about a two-hour drive north of phoenix this small town is famous for its stunning red rock mountains and unique desert landscape but it's not only the breathtaking views that have put sedona on the map as a hot spot for visitors many flock to sedona for spiritual enlightenment that's because sedona is said to be sacred land holding ancient wisdom according to native american traditions but what seems to attract many new age seekers to the red rock country is the supposed collection of unusual energy fields throughout the land known as the sedona vortexes the scientific definition of a vortex is a mass of whirling fluid or air such as a whirlpool or a whirlwind but in this context a vortex is said to be an area concentrated with powerful spiritual energy making it easier to access altered states of consciousness vortexes are supposedly the intersections of natural electromagnetic earth energy known as ley lines other supposed vortex sites around the world include the great pyramid of giza machu picchu and mount shasta although sedona as a whole is considered a symbolic vortex there are alleged single vortex points throughout sedona atop various mountains and within canyons that are said to be full of powerful and mystical energy after doing some research on the vortexes i had more questions than answers i was getting all sorts of conflicting information about these so-called vortexes but through my research it became apparent that sedona is a fascinating place with a lot of mystery to uncover since i am a new age seeker myself sedona was quite attractive to my spiritual sixth sense i knew it was a place i must visit sedona is also a hot spot for ufo sightings oh but we'll have to save that for another video so i traveled to sedona for one week to investigate the vortex sites and uncover the mysteries of this sacred land through talking to the locals who know it best and visiting several vortex sites to see what might happen are the sedona vortexes a real phenomenon or is this a load of bs and a fabricated fallacy used as a marketing scheme to rip off lost souls looking for answers i was about to find out [Music] let the journey begin into the vortex into the vortex we go standing in the vortex you either get him so emotional that you start to cry you feel every sense of your body feel joy and just have this epiphany of what your life should be or you start to feel connected to the universes or something more out there stepping foot in sedona in that vortex will change you forever whoa guys are you excited now i am [Music] oh my gosh people have said right when you drive in you're gonna feel the feeling our journey began attending a lecture called scientific vortex information led by an mit trained scientist and well-known sedona local named pete sanders he wrote a whole book about this this is the guy to talk to we're in the right place hopefully i could finally get some accurate information about these vortexes and how to find them so what do you most want to get out of your vacation while you're here reducing stress upflow vortexes are the place to go for that upload vortexes are always associated with mountains mesa tops the two key ones in sedona that are accessible are airport mesa and bellow sedona is famous for its vortex meditation sites now vortex is just the latest label we've put on the sites that have been known about for decades does everybody know that before 1979 there were no vortexes in sedona not a single one yeah we had them imported from southern california that's a joke obviously the high energy meditation sites were always here what wasn't here before 1979 the word vortex as the label for the sites the vortexes aren't electric or magnetic that was meant symbolically not literally the simple definition of a vortex is it's a site that makes it easier for people to do prayer meditation mind-body healing or outside the box creative thinking whether that's new mind-body techniques or spiritual techniques or even business insight super strengths physics says everything exists in 10 or more dimensions so for the first time it's not just faith that you're more than this three-dimensional meat it's also science the vortex sites seem to make it easier for people to tap those dimensions beyond of themselves as much as i respected pete's mit degree and dedication to vortex science the smell of stale popcorn had me eager to bust out of this stuffy rec room and start hunting down some vortexes we decided to try out airport mesa vortex one of the most well known in sedona so with our maps in hand we went out to vortex hunt [Music] so we're lost i'm an amateur vortex seeker i don't know what i'm doing i just showed up here with a booklet and some papers the sun is pretty much already gone down and we are not anywhere close to the actual vortex i feel like this is just a fail i did call pete and he said that we're in completely the wrong place we took the wrong trail the one that's apparently the real vortex is right back where we started life is just crumbling through my fingertips much much later the vortex we finally made it and it was here the whole time i don't know i'm sort of like questioning this whole thing like i was already sort of questioning of the whole vortex concept but this is making me even more skeptical and questioning i don't know if like anything's gonna happen but here we are how do you feel i'm feeling the up flow no really like we're literally on top of the world i feel at peace first vortex experience turned off the cameras when we finally got there it was dark by that point how do you guys feel first off i feel incredibly grateful i also feel really light but i also feel super grounded too so it's like superbliss at the moment there's this energetic quality that i felt i just felt uplifted you have to just be there to get it while srivos and alex seemed to easily access the vortex energy i was having a more difficult time all i could think about was john the uber driver's promise of life-changing enlightenment stepping foot in that vortex i wasn't ready to give up yet we realized we would definitely need to seek out proper guides to take us on our next vortex hunts in the meantime we headed to a place called the chocolate tree a popular vegetarian restaurant an organic fair trade chocolate factory where we met the owner radika a well-known sedona local passionate about health and sustainability chocolatree was born from a vision of clean air and pure water for every child that branched into all of what you see here the supplements support health of course the food is all locally sourced all homemade vegetarian i always ask myself this question since 2008 when i opened does this decision support our vision of cleaner and pure water and if every other place was doing this what would the world look like radhika told us that we must visit a place called the divine grace yoga ashram led by a spiritual teacher named swami shankarananda who traveled for more than two years on foot carrying barely any material items so the next morning we headed out at 5 30 am to attend an early morning meditation and meet the swami [Music] so the name i'm giving is swamishankarananda but that's not who i am i suppose is it ashram means place of austerity so it's a simple place it's a simple place to come in order to take a break from oneself from all of the worries and stresses that that we wear it's not easy to come to ashram and it's not easy to be in ashram because it's not so easy to be with ourselves so we're simply here to serve we are not coin operated in any way we have no interest in any worldly gain whatsoever the intention of space really is simply to support people's spiritual paths we say to serve the divine in all the air smells so good oh this is not la air this is some special magical air hey oh nella i'll cuddle up how did you decide on this land to build the astronaut oh it decided on us we wanted to be on one of the rivers and there are two rivers here year round rivers there's oak creek in sedona area and then verde river here there was a day where i came to realize that i knew nothing that i knew absolutely nothing and in a way it was very comforting to know this because it meant that i didn't have to hold on to the notions and beliefs and the way that i was approaching the life what we really want is love what we really crave is love and we don't just want love that is temporal we don't want love for a moment we don't want love that's conditioned on anything we want unconditional love we want love without condition so anyone that comes here we start there we start meeting with love this has been temple land since time immemorial and this is a land where people come for vision quests and healing many doors can open some people see aliens some people see fairies some people see all kinds of things although rukh mini had a lot of interesting things to say i was caught up on her casual mention of the possibility to see some fairies i nearly exploded with excitement and i knew we needed to get on with our next vortex hunt but this time we would need some help luckily we met some very nice locals named nicole and stephen nicole and steven referred us to a mystic name regelio og sedona local well known for his spiritual vortex tours with regelio's guidance i had high hopes for finally accessing the magical vortex energy that everyone kept talking about i think sedona is very popular for a reason it's meant to be a catalyst for people coming to awaken from like a native american point of view there's over 100 power spots here all the mountains are part of the vortex all the mountains that are holding the power native people here were forced to be removed from sedona area 1875. it's believed that mostly the navy people did not live here but on the other side of the interstate 17 the surrounding area was a lot of people then they came in here for ceremonial time and a lot of native people don't want to share their stories information because they protect that so it's hard to get people to talk to you you know some people feel there's too much traffic here now it's becoming commercialized some people may be not happy about the commercialization in sedona for me it's sacred to be in the mountains to be on this land to find a sacred space i'm so thankful to be here i'm so thankful to be on the land and people coming to me are looking for guidance and help and i'm able to do that so what is this map this is a sedona vortex grid map so for instance you see the sixth planet star and the five planets star the junction is the airport vortex so where are we going right now for this ceremony in on this map we are going over here this is kind of among the unknown texas where we're going we would not know about this if it weren't for you we just know of the ones that are you google it's not just the popular spots any of these mountains it's powerful yeah so let's let's head out okay and with that we headed out into the canyon to find the secret vortex spot this is a hidden gem literally in the canyon surrounded by all of the mountains right now i feel so tiny right here feeling this small amongst all these gigantic mountains knowing that also this planet so much bigger than all these mountains and what's beyond this planet is even bigger infinitely bigger i feel like my mind is going into vortex right now but all the endless possibilities of what this really is after quite a trek we were there smack in the middle of the mountains regelio set up to guide me through a healing ceremony i had no idea what to expect but i was ready to surrender to the vortex energy thanks give thanks a great spirit give thanks give thanks give thanks mother earth give thanks to the spirit of mother earth the sacred mountains the circle of life to love and forgive the ignorance of the world to love and forgive yourself may love and beauty flow through you bringing blessings into your life and all your relations [Music] as regelio drummed over me i could actually feel the vibration through every cell of my body it was a powerful physical feeling the beat of the drum pulsing through my veins like a heartbeat about 10 minutes in i started to trip i still don't know exactly what happened in those mountains and i'm not entirely sure how to describe what i was experiencing but i was definitely in an altered state my mind seemed to completely turn off and it's as if my body started melting into the mountain deeper and deeper with every drumbeat i was not asleep but i dropped into some type of trance and i sort of blacked out it was a feeling of nothingness and oneness with the land a deep surrender to the present moment you can feel the jolt of the energy as a sacred land recognizing that the land has power the mountains are temples the earth is a living sentient being everything is a part of collective is a whole consciousness so we are part of the circle of life we feel disconnected and so we're going to make that connection back to the oneness of life [Music] food [Music] feel the silence of the mountain breathing that silence is the soul wisdom within you is in the silence give thanks give thanks for this moment now you're rejuvenating your mind body and soul shifting back to consciousness i started aggressively coughing regelio used an energetic cleansing technique to help me release anything i was letting go of i had been experiencing some congestion that week and i know this is a little gross but it's as if all the mucus was being sucked out of me and it felt like i was releasing a lot of whatever had been making me sick when i finally came back to reality i wasn't totally sure what had happened but i felt pretty damn good oh my god i just opened my eyes and saw the clouds and they look so vivid activated your dreamline so you're dreaming more vividly you should see more color more detail more perception [Laughter] you're a wizard i'm really glad to connect with you guys share this experience with you what's your blessings on the work you're doing here thank you so much for being here with us and for that wow it's amazing on the drum yeah that's why i started doing that a long time ago what would be your message to humanity i'd say find your head in here now many people are in their minds or in hell clearing the garbage out the negative programming we can live a little bit of heaven every day we're surrounded by heaven it's a gift it's a blessing to be here what does consciousness mean to you consciousness is the universe itself is conscious and conscious pervades everything behind the form of everything there is an intelligence and that's also within us we forget that we are one with that universal consciousness so as we begin to become more aligned with the soul then that consciousness begin to reveal itself to us begin to speak to us in the mountains and the wind and the animals begin to speak to us through our dreams the moon is shining through now we are the microcosm in the macrocosm we are one with it we are a reflection of it i see why this place became so popular [Music] a voice in a dream brought me here the voice came again and said you will take nothing with you you can always create something brand new for me sedona has done that on the nth scale i knew i was home what advice would you give to anyone who comes to sedona for seeking if you're seeking then you think that it's outside of you if you have an experience where your heart is touched and you feel connected to the divine to me that's it i personally believe the divine is moving through everything [Music] these are just some of the other incredible people we met during our journey i'm excited to share more of them with you in future videos by now you're probably wondering what my conclusion is about the vortexes so here you go we visited a total of five different vortex sites during our stay in sedona each was magical and sacred in its own way and i did find it easier than normal to drop into meditation and reach a state of peace although i do think that the idea of single vortex points being portals to other dimensions is a little bit of a far-fetched myth there is no denying that the land in sedona is powerful it would probably take a lifetime for me to uncover all its mysteries but what i can tell you for sure is that what makes sedona so magical is not just the mineral rich mountains and the vortex energy it's the people who live there it truly is a place for spiritual growth if you're willing to look beyond the typical tourist attractions and seek out the fascinating humans that sedona seems to attract and as long as you're curious and open enough sedona can be a portal a vortex of adventure and learning i must say that john the uber driver's promise held up we did leave sedona changed forever through connecting with the sacred lands and the beautiful people who were willing to share their wisdom with us if you're still watching thank you so much for coming on this journey with me and remember you have the power to thrive you have the power to live your best life ever i'll see you next the week colors of your eyes [Music] am i just a number or something more life take me away take me away
Channel: Sky Life
Views: 147,478
Rating: 4.926178 out of 5
Keywords: sedona, vortex, arizona, sedona vortexes, sedona vortexes explained, sedona arizona, energy vortex sedona, spirituality, native american, adventure, sedona travel guide, sedona travel vlog, sedona az, vortices explained, sky life, sky cowans, sky buzzfeed, america's energy vortex, vortex meditation sites, vortex sites, sedona nature, sedona views, sedona travel documentary, sedona documentary, sedona vortex documentary, new age, hippies, new age hippie, spiritual seeker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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