WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE ? | Best Jobs and Professions Songs For Kids | # 15 professions |
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: BabyBus - Kids Songs and Cartoons
Views: 8,336,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: job, profession, jobs for kids, learn about jobs, professions for kids, learn jobs, learning about jobs, kids videos, babybus, baby panda, baby bus, kiki and miumiu, panda cartoon, panda, baby cartoon, for kids, kids song, baby songs, nursery rhymes, children songs, kids songs, kindergarten songs, toddler songs, education, children learning, kids video songs, videos for babies, babies songs, babies videos, best kids songs, best kids video
Id: 0vc9OL9ZaP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 24sec (4344 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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