What Did Your School Waste Money On That Everyone Hated? | AskReddit

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what did your school waste money on that everyone hated TV s like just random TV s in the hallway that showed slid a shells and [ __ ] tens of thousands of dollars when we cold just put up bulletin boards so back when I was still in schools we had a combined lunch of seventh and eighth ninth and tenth and eleventh and twelfth graders sharing lunch times the school thought it would be wise to spend a ton of money on fake mashed potatoes instead of actual mashed potatoes this was a huge issue because the old mashed potatoes actually weren't that horrible but some idiot helicopter mom thought her poor [ __ ] was getting too many starches during school and raised hell it was this unholy abomination combo of water and powdered I don't know something the kids were understandably furious because they were forced to ingest this gruel that they wouldn't feed actual prisoners either way it looked like mashed potatoes in a way but it was slimy and would stick to the tables floor or sometimes walls the school started to notice kids were taking spoonfuls of mashed potatoes and flinging it at the wall making it stick this ended up in a lot of kids getting in trouble the janitorial staff bless them having to clean up a ton of what looked like Satan's [ __ ] dripping off the walls and ceilings and finally a school-wide ban on eating mashed potatoes with spoons yeah like we are going to eat mashed potatoes with forks like some basic [ __ ] we absolutely hated the school's decision but for a few days it worked silence across the cafeteria but there was a palpable anger for the rest of the administration that's when it happened I decided that enough was enough and the school needed to bring back the good mashed potatoes I hatched a plan with a few of the tables we were going to all by three to four cardboard bowls of this Newtonian concoction and we were all going to have a huge food fight everyone was in on it the school had to break out a backup 20 gallon drum of this sewer sludge and scoop it onto our plates kids buying this [ __ ] by the handful we were gearing up like it was our final march into the depths of Hell to return to Satan personally his excess baby fluid the attack was scheduled to begin with a simple battle cry when the clock struck twelve oh one I sounded the call to arms with a bellowing for mashed potatoes I held the first onslaught directly into the air like a scene from a movie the potatoes flew across the air in slow motion my aim was true might reject a relined up as if it was fired from a cannon I hid my mark directly on the back of the vice-principal before he could even turn around it began screams of sheer terror by the janitorial staff as they drove behind trash bins and army crawled out of the door potato everywhere an absolute bloodbath we gave the intro to Saving Private Ryan a run for its money it was pure chaos kids getting slammed in the face with this white mush people ducking behind chairs and under tables launching this gunk directly in the air without a target in sight and yet still managing to find a mark each and every time it was glorious I was so proud as I stood there in the middle of it arms raised out gazing upon my hellish landscape I'll never forget it the stories of that day still get passed down from new student to new student a day that would live in infamy the great tattoo war of 2006 after having shitty computers that kept breaking down the school received a grant they could spend the money on whatever they wanted they installed these fingerprint machines in the food halls so that you could top up an account with money you would go to the Machine with the money scan your print and then go to the food place and scan your print again to pay this was because they claimed that it would stop kids bullying each other and stealing their money you still had to bring the money in to put it on your account so it made zero difference we never did get new computers we had chairs that you could sit on while you were waiting outside the classroom for class to start people [ __ ] around with the mallet and they were trashed so our awesome journey to volunteered to make new ones by himself to reduce costs so the school funded the material cost they were really nice but they got [ __ ] immediately so the school ended up having to buy new ones anyway we didn't deserve it our high school expanded by building another campus just off site rather than build a second school completely separate which was needed a school had over 3,000 students they built half of a school about a quarter-mile away all a new freshmen had courses in the second campus but many sophomores and juniors had classes at both you'd often see kids running from one end of campus to the other because they had eight minutes to go from one side to the other [ __ ] you if you had to go to the bathroom or stop at your locker oh and it was a topper Hill so it wasn't just a casual stroll to the other campus it was a hike administrators tried to give students a little extra time but as you can imagine high school kids took advantage of that and would show up to class twenty minutes late every day so they cut that out the school enacted a policy where if you had three tardies in a week you got lunch detention after three lunch detentions over any period of time you got saturday detention which was six hours sitting in the gym on Saturday with a pissed-off teacher trying to keep everyone quiet what they should have done was keep the separate campus two freshmen only it was big enough to contain the 700 to 800 freshmen at our school but they [ __ ] it up our physics teacher he clearly knew nothing about what he was talking about so over his career he developed three distinct techniques to make it seem like Lee wasn't a failure HHH mr. P one he would use the word govern as much as possible as in the frequency of a swinging pendulum is governed by the mass of the object swinging the thing is he would say it as if it were a word that nobody else knew how to use he'd put a particular emphasis on it and look you straight in the eye as he said it governed so he would always look for an excuse to tell you about his old Ford that would rattle when he reached a particular speed that he would always say was the resonant frequency of my ford and of course it's a great example but it was the only real-life example he could ever give of anything he taught us three if those two techniques failed to convince us of his scientific prowess he would change the subject to his failed career in ball it'll boiled down to a single cuff injury that according to him ended his career as a professional footballer before it had begun that is I got this my school held some huge fundraiser to essentially extend the size of our school they raised a lot of money and got one of our three main buildings built they had a spare 100 K left over so they had two options by air conditioning for the library and one of the other buildings or by one of the main execs of our school and you BMW said three they ended up buying the car for this bloke a few years later rid was discovered he was embezzling funds from the school worried about traffic on a main road through campus they blocked it off and made it into a sort of concrete pleasure it had a lot of steps and railings but nowhere to actually sit there was no shade at all so it was too hot in the summer and in the winter the wind whistled between the buildings on either side and buried the plaza in snow no one ever used it in fact out of curiosity I just checked google maps and it's a road again law here's two every time I had to weave through the narrow back roads between buildings to get from one side to the other I was really looking forward to my second year of Speech and Debate - which was competition debate class time was spent practicing for the six or small competitions we participated in small school graduating class just shy of 100 a few weeks before the trimester started I was told I needed to adjust my schedule due to a class being dropped the speech class had been removed due to budget our budget was only $200 and we already paid nearly every expense out-of-pocket no chance to have a fundraiser nothing just dropped the class that spring they started construction of our new four million-dollar gym our existing gym was structurally fine and never run out of room for any occasion this was the year after they spent close to a million classing up the football field [ __ ] me for thinking academics was more important than sports go team a mac lab in my high school it was meant to be for video editing Photoshop and creative projects in general it was supposed to be for the media students only but in the end everyone was banned from using it because somebody stole a mouse from one of the computers the amount of money that we spent on it could have been used to field the school's first ice hockey team which we had wanted for more than one grad party a year didn't have one due to lack of funds or just to D ghettoize the school in general it's not all bad though for one the year after they got the hockey team going and had a grad party the hockey team lost all 20 or so games that year the party was apparently lame and to this day the school still remains ghetto I am sure that many of the schools mentioned here have indeed misused funds but I feel that there's been something largely overlooked that's worth mentioning it's incredibly common for a school public elementary school private research institution or anything in between to receive donations or grant money for very specific things that money cannot legally be spent on anything else if for instance a particularly pitifully funded school needs to purchase new textbooks for a classroom that receives a large donation from a well-meaning local to build a shiny new pool facility they must legally build a shiny new pool facility it does not matter that the money was all he needed elsewhere the school's administration usually has no power to rear propria tons the goddamn outdoor classroom incoming rant in grade 7 the principal spent $10,000 on ugly rocks and [ __ ] and these dumb bus grassy mounds so kids could learn outside the school had less than 200 kids so $10,000 was a lot of the budget all this little piece of trash did was rot while taking up a school yard plot twist the stupid grass mounds had baby rabbits in them that were murdered by the grubby elementary school kids and they're grabbing [ __ ] hands plot twist to electric boogaloo half of the rocks were on the neighboring church's property the principal spent even more money building a giant ass fence around the church so the school felt even more like a prison and cut half of the playground we'd had for the past nine years I hope that principal ran the school into the ground after that because she she ruined might their rent I might need help my college had a couple things that students continually bitched about the flowers it was rumored that the flower budget was around $100,000 dollars a year private school private budget and it was pretty believable because every two weeks new flowers were going in even in the wintertime the clock this big ass ugly clock was erected right in front of our dining hall and while I realize it was probably a gift sponsored by a donor that money could / should have been allocated to something else it even had the IIIi instead of I've at four o'clock which was irritating the auditorium was renovated and they installed ridiculously expensive Italian marble in the foyer it looked fantastic but considering we were a sports heavy school with a small handful of artsy kids it was a big waste I'm in a small all-boys private school and recently they employed a business manager who is on pounds 45 K and us nothing but by unnecessary things for instance just last month I bought 80 iPad minis so that we can sign in when we arrive and leave school which is totally not necessary and just a waste of time and money I thought a business manager was there to budget and to manage the school's financial spending if they get rid of him they could be saving plenty my district had to build a bigger high school because the one we already had was too small and it was changed into a middle school for 7/8 graders they hired a new company that didn't specialize in building schools to build a new high school which was their first ever project the school was supposed to be three storeys in the shape of a square they messed up the ground level and the second and third floors were in the shape of a u to recap the school was supposed to be three floors in the shape of a square the ground floor is a square and the second and third floors are u shaped the reason everyone hated it was because it was harder to get to your classes if you were on the other side of the school a new building they paid about 75 million pounds for Stephen hull to design an absolutely awful boxy echo chamber that has more circulation than studio space then their old building which was considered the best bill in the UK for the past 250 years burned down it's absolutely hilarious how much of a [ __ ] my university was but that's what you get for going to art school though I studied architecture the entire school my high school was originally incorporated and built in the 1950s and was built in the trendsetting open campus model every classroom led outdoors and the gym / auditorium was a completely separate building it was the school my father graduated from by the time I got there in 2000 it was dripping with character quite literally from every faucet hole in the ceiling and guys are spurting up from the floor in the math wing but [ __ ] did we love that school we had complete run of it murals everywhere freedom encouragement actually to go outside between classes we were encouraged to use the outside paths because the hallway was too crowded and it was literally impossible to get to one end of the school to the other in the six minutes allotted between classes eat your lunch outside in the courtyard because there's not enough tables and seats in the cafeteria but we own that school but looming behind was a 51 million dollar state-of-the-art facility that opened up my junior year it really was beautiful Olympic sized pool full court Fieldhouse with indoor track 32 inch TV in every classroom brand new football fields et Cie etc and we hated it we weren't allowed outside there was a fully enclosed courtyard that we weren't allowed out in for security reasons we weren't even allowed to have bottled water outside of the cafeteria for fear of messing up the brand-new 51 million dollar state-of-the-art facility the custodians were actually instructed to go through classroom trash beams and report any food wrappers I had a teacher who would take his home in his briefcase my fellow class officers and I fought administration tooth and nail to be allowed to have our graduation on the football fields as had always been tradition to deaf ears because it would ruin the field at the end of that first year during the senior class night they showed the senior documentary and at one point they showed footage of the old school and all the students cheered and then booed the next frame when they showed the new school my mom who had actually served on the building committee was livid at how ungrateful we were but how do you explain that to a sad new both the old school meant freedom while the new school felt like a very fancy prison in any case it was only my class and the ones surrounding that ever knew my sister and her class never knew any different and [ __ ] the freshmen there now weren't even alive when the old school was still standing
Channel: Humor Studios
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Id: pbb4ttZPEks
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Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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