"What Can Be Done?" - Dr Barry Black

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there's nothing like hearing a great sermon especially one that incorporates humor rhetorical devices as well as emphasis of a major theme care with throughout the entire message message we have you this week does exactly that it's from 1990 we can annual evangelism kellton and it's by dr. Barry black who is currently serving as the 62nd chaplain of the United States City I know you're gonna be blessed by this sermon from acts 27 entitled what can be done I'm looking forward to seeing you this year in December on the campus of Oakland University for the 40th anniversary the pastoral evangelism and Leadership Council where the theme is e-40 evangelism remembered reimagined and we I enjoyed this message by dr. Barry black what can be done I'll see you soon god bless I'm going to be talking about pastoral counseling and alternative method and the umbrella topic that I will be using is what can be done what can be done as I listened to all of the great messages that have been delivered as I've had the privilege of attending many fine workshops I started thinking about that farmer down in Mississippi who wanted to travel but he couldn't and he was reading the classified ads in the paper and he came across a job that was being advertised director of public relations in New York City the individual applying for the job should have the following qualifications one he or she should have at least to earn PhD degrees he or she should have at least several master's degrees in related areas he or she should have authored at least 12 books seven of which had been translated into a foreign language he or she should have be a member of at least two honors societies and the recipient of at least three international awards the farmer read that ad once he read it twice he read it three times and then he put down the paper and he went outside and he tied up his mule he came back in the house and he put on a clean pair of coveralls he put a straw hat on his head and got in the pickup truck and went down to the train station and bought a ticket the train whisked him to New York City never been away from home he looked around at the skyscrapers got off the grand central stations got got in a cab and the cabbie whisked him to the address that was in the air towering building the farmer got out of the cab and entered the building got on the elevator which quickly took him up to the 90th floor [Music] he got off and he walked through the bronze doors and the secretary who was seated there she looked up and she was startled by the presence of this gentleman and when she composed herself she said to him may I help you and he said Yasim he said to her is y'all the people who put this ad in the paper and she said yes matter of fact we are he said does y'all really specs to find somebody like this secretary responded well we're looking and the farmer said well I read about the job down Mississippi and I've come all the way to New York to tell y'all don't pend on me [Applause] so I don't know I don't know what you've heard about Barry black but I've stopped by here they say don't pend on me [Applause] now for those of you my brethren who have permitted your Bibles to come with you today I invite you to turn to the 27th chapter of Acts the 20th verse I'm going to be talking about the necessity of pastoral counseling the ethics of pastoral counseling and the rationale for pastoral counseling what can be done verse 20 of x27 States and when neither Sun nor stars in many days appeared and no small tempest lay on us all hope that we should be saved was then taken away and when neither Sun nor stars in many days appear and no small tempest lay on us all hope that we should be saved was then taken away what can be done you of course recall that the words of our text were spoken by the crew who had sailed in spite of the warning of the man of God that they should not sail and here they are now having not seen Sun or stars for many days the wind whistles the ropes strained the waves Buffett that tiny craft and I'm a Navy man and I can tell you that one day in a storm even on giant crafts carriers is bad enough but this vessel was no more than 45 feet long and they had been in that storm for two weeks half a month in those days people seldom failed after September and after November it was considered foolhardy but the Centurion who was the individual who had been given the responsibility of making the decision as to whether or not to sail he decided to get a little pastoral counseling about whether or not he should set off from the port of Fairhaven and so he went to dr. Paul and he said Paul shall I sail or shall I not sail and Paul said to the Centurion if you say there will probably be great loss of life if you sail the ship will probably be lost well the Centurion didn't like that response and so he said well I'm going to go to the expert I'm going to go to the man who has been the school and studied navigation I'm going to go to the man who has been trained to look at the heavens and to know how to make certain decisions and so he went to the helmsman the oarsmen the owner of the ship and he said I went to the preacher the passenger the prisoner Paul and he said not to sail what do you say and the expert said well there's a soft wind blowing from the south I have a lot of experience in things like this and I believe if you take off right now we can reach finish near Crete and everything will be all right it was a disastrous decision now the cataclysmic fury of the storm is upon them and they don't know what to do they're huddled on the deck clinging in terror two mast or spa or stanchion drench by the storm and these 276 people with the exception of Paul are convinced that that they are looking in the face of death you recall that they have put forth great effort to save the ship they threw over valuable cargo they tried to undergird the ship but when they had reached the limits of human creativity and human ingenuity this pessimistic and gloomy text is given and when neither Sun nor stars had appeared for many days and no small tempest lay on us oh of being saved had been taken away we have wrestled with the problem we have done everything we've been trained to do as sailors we have lost our valuables we have labored and we have worked and yet we have not seen Sun or stars for many days and no small tempest lay upon us and all hope that we should be saved has been taken away I believe my sisters and my brothers that this describes the predicament of so many who are desperately in need of pastoral care today yeah and I believe that some of our pastors need pastoral counseling I'm talking about from the GC level all the way down to the local level there was a time when I was growing up that I thought when you entered the GC God gave you something special you were above the slings and arrows that afflict normal waters but you know in my military responsibilities I'm in and out of Washington and and sometimes because of chaplaincy duties Adventist chaplaincy Association and National Service Association I'm in and out I've had an opportunity to get to know some of our brethren and I say to you that it's Elijah at one point was borderline suicidal wouldn't he if Elijah was at one time but Lord take me that that's just that's just a half step away from well maybe I want to help you Lord if Elijah was borderline suicidal then even those at the highest rung on the highest rung of the denominational ladder can be buffeted by the winds of depression and burner now it takes a while to get to know some people and it's very very difficult for many of them to drop their official facade at times but when the black suit is off and white tie is gone in the midnight hour sometimes during moments of transparent parents even top leaders will confide about strains and stresses on the marriage because of the frequency away from home even top leaders will talk about the difficulty of rearing teenage children even top leaders will talk about being buffeted by the winds of theological death even top leaders will talk about being disenchanted by political infighting by misplaced priorities by financial mismanagement and sometimes when the ecclesiastical habiliment are gone and they in their jogging suits they will consign to you we have not seen Sun nor stars for many day [Applause] and no small tempest lay upon us of being saved has been taken away some of our pastors we get together here we come in we're looking good and we're smiling and everything is supposed to be fine but we struggle and if you will if you will if you will study the history of this conference the most effective presentations that have been given have not been the presentations where folks are talking about all of the strengths and all of the power that we have as pastors and are setting up these idealistic goals the most deceptive presentations through the years have been presentations that have attempted to reach hurting men and women that's why last year when Alvin kibble talked about when ministry is not meaningful it clicked because all of us have known the experience of bowing before the people to lift up the Word of God knowing that even as we were lifting it I want you to speak God says but they will not hear and I can identify with that and you can identify with that because we're hurting many of us some of us because of the pressure are about to be sweep from our foundations you know serving the Lord talks about some of us are so so so self-sufficient that we we we don't want to admit that we need counseling in fact fourth volume of the testimonies page 5 5 57 states many institutional leaders are too independent and self-sufficient to seek counsel from others the implication being they need it but they won't seek it and many times because we are pastors we feel I can't seek counsel from others but we have problems too some pastors battle debilitating habits some will tell you about sexual indiscretions pray for me in the midnight hour I'm talking about pray for me I'm battling something some will just say it's a request that I don't want to articulate but pray for me anyhow pray for me I need some power and after all of the fanfare is over and after all of the sermons are over and some who have struggled will say I'm glad I was there because the truth is before I came I had not seen Sun or star for many days and all hope was gone many of our female pastors are made to feel like second-class citizens and we who who African Americans who ought to know what it is like to be excluded we ought to be more sensitive to the plight of female pastors than ever before and yet and yet you know it's their problem as it were and many of our female pastors will tell you that they have not seen Sun or star for many days many of our Bible workers know the fury of the storm many times in spite of their assiduous Labor's all glory and honor goes to the pastor or the Evangelist It was as if he did it all by himself demands are made upon Bible workers sometimes without any thought that they have families to when I say go you go like that in the military people are lured and if the truth were told many of them would tell you we have not seen Sun or stars for many days and no small tempest lay upon us and all hope of being saved has been taken away and then Lord help our members many of them are sailing in leaky boats of self-righteousness and the sad fact is that many of them have purchased these vessels from us i sat through an evangelistic meeting and the brother barely mentioned Jesus the whole meeting talking about laws now I know that law and gospel is important and we ought to be teaching a balanced diet but many of our members don't know the joy of having their sins forgiven I preached a sermon called it is finished and the Saints at the end of that sermon many times shake my hands with tears in that and sometimes all they say and can't even tell me thank the Lord for using you they just shake their hand with tears running down saying thank God it is finished pasta it's as if they didn't even know that enough grace was shed on Calvary to save the whole world because we're not telling it and so I remembers sailing in these ships in spite of the admonition of Scripture are trying to keep those little boats afloat and effort to do so it can I let you a little bit this morning to do so they they say well we gotta under guard it with more works let me pray more let me raise more in gather let me come to church more there's got to be a way to make myself right with God but when you ask them if you should die tonight are you certain that you will be saved you know what many of them will tell you I've asked that question you know what many of them will tell you they will tell you pastor although I work in the church although I know that Jesus died for me I have not seen Sun or star so many days and no small tempest lay upon me I don't have the security of knowing it is well with my soul and sometimes faster to be honest all hope of being saved has been taken away and so in this lecture that I'm giving today [Applause] I I'm simply trying to ask the question what can be done what can be done well my sisters and my brothers the first thing that can be done is we must free ourselves from over dependence upon the experts you know the people would have never been in that Jam if they had listened to the man of God in the first place and it's not surprising that they would want to listen to an expert most of us would have done the same thing this man trained in navigation but events proved that in many instances problems that we think only the experts can solve can be met even more efficaciously by the men and the women of God in fact desire of Ages page 354 says we shouldn't seek counsel of those not guided by the Spirit of God and yet because we don't have a masters or a doctorate in counseling we feel I'm in over my head I need to get some training I wouldn't dare try to help you with this problem let me refer you to dr. so-and-so let me let my fingers do the walking let me send you to an expert darling and he can help you with the problem and I've been to the universities and I've listened to what the experts are saying psychology is based upon scientific materialism which rejects any need for God and when you're sending them out more often to secular counselors more often than not you're sending them to someone who is not guided by the Spirit of God I counseled with a couple three weeks ago the young lady came to me after going to one of the experts and she said to me that dr. so-and-so a PhD in my town in psychology he told me that the best way to keep my marriage together was to go out and have an affair it'll make my husband appreciate you more appreciate me more we shouldn't see counsel of those not guided by the Spirit of God desire baby-faced 3:54 I counseled with another sister a single woman and she said she went to a psychiatrist MB and she the psychiatrist for a female said what your problem is is your libidinal urges are too great for you to handle now let me prescribe some birth control pills for you because even though you're single protect yourself make sure they use protection but the way to handle your difficulty is to go out and engage in sensual living and those are the kind of people we're gonna send our members to what can be done we must cease being overly dependent upon the expert there are some of us who are timid where we are we are hesitated almost cloud in the silence when we think about counseling skills not realizing that the kingdom of God may already be within you when I was coming up through pine forge and oak wood many times folk would come to me and they'd say Barry I got a problem and having been reared in church school I would just try to think of some biblical principle for the prom we talked about it and explore it together and they seem to be helped but after I graduated from Oakwood I had only taken one pastoral counseling class I said well when I get to Andrews I'll get more but when I got to Andrews there was only one pastoral counseling class and when I got out I said well I'm gonna study counseling so that I can learn how to counsel the people because even though I'm just using the word of God and trying to give them basic biblical principles and that seems to be helping I want to be the best that I can be and so I did a master's in counseling and I studied vulpes reciprocal inhibition I studied Albert Ellis is rational emotive therapy I studied Victor Frankel's logotherapy a the man who quotes Nietzsche people can take any half if you'll only give them a while I studied Freudian psychoanalysis and even had to be involved in psychoanalysis on the doctoral level I studied William glasses reality therapy responsibility and all that he's talking about I studied Rogerian psychology and the non directive approach although there's no such thing as non direction in counseling because the questions that you asked are directing people and what you choose to reflect that is a form of direction and you know as I started applying all of my great knowledge and all of the great learning that I had acquired in the secular institutions you know folk didn't seem to be getting as much help as it was when I was applying for [Applause] I try a little logo therapy you know the Saints will let you know when you've swung and missed hey thank you Pastor but uh I still got my problem try a little William Glasser same thing and so I had to go back to square one and learn that all Scripture is given by inspiration and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that men and women of God may be perfect [Applause] and so is our lecture today [Applause] as I lecture on this important subject I'm asking the question what can be done what can be done the second thing that can be done well let me give you because we ought to be little scientific a seminar is actually where the facilitator sensibly has done some research and it's giving you the result of his or her research and then fielding questions from the audience but I am convinced beloved that we have forsaken the fountain of living waters and we have Hume for ourselves broken systems that hold no water you've got right now what you need to counsel your people now this is not an attack on all of secular psychology because there are some problems chemical imbalances organic brain disorders where people need a physician there are biological problems bipolar disorder peligro psychosis Parkinson's disease general dystonia general priestess and on and on and on where where people need a physician but most of our people will never have those problems true act and Mitchell have pointed out quote there is no evidence that the usual traditional graduate training program has any positive value in producing therapists who are more helpful than non professionals just let me get some graduate training and I'll be ready and true at and Mitchell psychologists themselves in their work psychotherapy training and the outcome say they say there is no evidence that the usual traditional graduate training program has any positive value in producing therapists who are more helpful than non professionals George Albee past president of the American Psychological Association wrote in his book the madness establishment quote it is clear that out of the tens of millions of individuals whom the National Institute of Mental Health officials and others estimate need psychiatric care only a tiny minority suffer from problems that most authorities would agree constitute mental disease those biological disorders that I was talking about only a tiny minority so you can with confidence get your weapon and help the saints of God what do we do anyhow before Freud the woman who came to the well was in need of pastoral care and Jesus who had no formal training in counseling had not been to the great universities they said in Nazareth or winds hath this man wisdom isn't this the carpenter's boy Jesus said to her in an attempt to get her to get rid of some sin in a life you see we must be at times confrontational but there's a way to be confrontational and Jesus models that way and instead of saying woman I know you're shacked up and you got to get rid of that thereby alienating her Jesus with his skill and psychology said woman go home and get your husband for hallelujah you you go home and get your husband well doc Jesus I I don't have any hood and now darling I'm so glad you said that that's counseling what about it my friend [Applause] you got what you need one of the reasons why I tried to punch certain academic ticket because if I preach this without any kind of tickets punch they'd say are you did you know Fox and the sour grapes youuuu preachers talking about it cuz you don't have it and can't get it well I got it [Applause] and I've stopped by here to tell you that what you need is the sword of the Word of God [Applause] somebody somebody said but but but but you know there are I hope this lecture is getting through this [Applause] they told me there they said we ban you you won't be preaching this time you just be giving a lecture I said all right off I'll come in lecture just a lecture [Applause] my friends I want to leave here knowing that when God laid his hands on you he equipped you I mean those guys you know God he will he will do things for you that that no degree will ever do for you Ananias and Sapphira came and said here's the money dr. Peter and Peter said why you wanna lie to the Holy Ghost God will give us something beloved God will give us a power to direct our people what we need is the wisdom and the Spirit of God it's not by might nor by power we must we must we must learn this we must have confidence in what God will do for us William Kilpatrick wrote in his book psychological seduction and it's a wonderful book I have a selected bibliography and that book is on their psychological seduction he writes if you are looking for new worlds to explore you have best had best look beyond psychology it has the illusion of depth but then so do facing mirrors and I am afraid psychology is very much like one of those Hall of Mirrors you find in an amusement park you get to see different facets and reflections of yourself but that is all you see a Hall of Mirrors is in reality only a room and sooner or later you will want to find your way out you will want to find the door what can we do what can we do we must not only cease to be dependent upon the experts but we must be practical some of us are so otherworldly in our approach that we are of no earthly good but Paul was very practical first of all he was practical you'll recall because he said don't sail at the first first way he was practical then after they sailed anyhow Paul said in verse 21 then as they had eaten nothing for a long time Paul came forward into their midst and said men you should have listened to me and should not have put to sea from Crete and brought on this disaster and harm and misery and loss you've got to remind people tactfully and diplomatically and practically about the sins in their lives because sin brings about maladjustment and more psychological problems are caused by sin the word that you're not gonna hear fraud talking about a lot more caused by sin than anything else and they're not only that in verse 30 and 31 and as the sailors were trying to escape secretly from the ship and we're lowering the small boat into the sea pretending that they were going to lay out anchors from the bow we're gonna get off this ship let's get to the tooter let's get in the lifeboat we just lay in the anchor let's get in the lifeboat Paul was practical enough to say I see what they're up to and in verse 31 Paul said to the Centurion and the soldiers unless these men remain in the ship they cannot be saved my friends we need to be practical like Paul keep them from going or they're going to lose their lives Paul was practical and then in verse 33 while they waited until it should become day Paul and treated them all to take some food saying this is the 14th day that you have been continually in suspense and on on the alert without food having eaten nothing y'all better eat Paul said because the journey is going to be rough the journey is going to be difficult and then he was practical enough to realize his elder dog it was saying that we need to model what ought to be done it's one thing to tell folk to eat it's another thing to model what they ought to do Paul said eat eat but then in verse 34 the Bible says so I urge warn you to take some food it will give you strength for not a hair is to perish from the head of anyone verse 35 having said these words he took bread and gave thanks to God before them all he broke it and began to eat and when they saw him eating is that we might as well eat too we ought to model my friends the kind of behavior we want to see in our clients we need to be practical we need to be practical I had a mother call me the other day a pregnant mother two children husband in the Persian Gulf and she said I don't know how I'm gonna get to the hospital I don't have anybody to take care of my children I'm 8 months pregnant my great anxiety is if if I have to go there's nobody to take me I said where do you live she lived right up the street from me it doesn't take a rocket scientist to solve that problem let's be practical I said here's my office number here's my home number here's my beeper number here's the beeper number of my associate here's his office number here's his home number if you need us call us we will take you to the hospital and we would make sure that the children are cared for we need to be practical James 2:14 and onward said what is it profit my brother brethren though a man say he have faith and have not works can faith save him or her if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily bread and one of you say to them depart in peace be warmed and be feel notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body what does it profit we need to be practical what can be done we need to be practical what can be done we need to encourage others by sharing with them what God has done for us you know many times you can help people with a problem simply by remembering how God helped you out of difficulty you know that's that's a beautiful gift that's what the 2nd Corinthians 1 3 & 4 is talking about when Paul wrote blessed be God even the father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and the God of all comfort who coveted us in all our tribulations that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted by the be and now when I meet those who are going through similar situations I am able by God's grace to comfort them with the comfort wherewith I have been comforted hallelujah just tell them what God has done for you Paul stood up and said I know your friend and I know you haven't seen Sun or star for half a month but I want you to know something a man stood by me in the night season and he told me that there will be no loss of life aboard this ship our Saints need to hear that because of the blood of Calvary there will be no loss of life [Applause] the way we preach it we act like gods trying to kill us all no wonder they've seen Sun no star char you on probation when your name comes up in that investigative judgment you better be right child oh my sister my brother your name may be up right now he that is unjust let him be unjust he'll and somebody needs to tell them that God has stood by me in the night sees in the season of my struggle in the season of my travail when I wondered whether or not I could make it through he stood behind me and told me there will be no loss of any man's life [Applause] aboard this ship I just want to get this let you over with here there'll be no loss there'll be no loss no loss of life no loss I hope the next time you have me back elder you let me preach but I'm gonna lecture the lecture this time [Applause] so we must encourage we must encourage others in the same way that we have been encouraged and there's some very practical ways of doing that one of the things you need to avoid distractions of any kind when you're counseling with someone it's discouraging when you're counseling with someone too phone rings and you picking it up and you're on the phone for ten minutes or so no distractions you need to make sure what we call attending behavior that you're attending behavior is in order and there is an interesting acrostic for attending behavior Sola s all l ER and many psychologists they talk about that first you ought to have us you ought to have they face them squarely a lot of Warsaw you know when we counseling like this tell me about it you face them squarely yes yes the O is an open stance which communicates I'm ready to receive whatever you have to tell me this is a clothes these these are clothes stances it communicates the wrong thing non-verbally the L stands for lean form let them know that you're attentive you have my undivided attention that will encourage someone the east fans will help some out of contact with looking at their hands and then the R stands for reflecting the feeling most of us as preachers do too much talking when we counsel the person hasn't had an opportunity to talk about what they want to talk about and to get it off of that chest and we already well sister turn with me in your Bible don't work that way in fact your response your response if you're going to be encouraging people your response should be limited to one or two sentences at the most reflecting back to them what what they say making sure you understand the problem and then you need a strategy you need a strategy a problem management strategy many times all you'll be able to do is help the person manage the problem but at least they ought to go away better than they were when they came one of the models that is very popular and very effective number one Boyle the problem down no matter what they're talking about let's you're in your back of your mind you're trying to say what is the problem what is the problem here let's boil it down someone said a problem defined is half solved a problem understood is half saw step two once you know what the problem is have them talk about goals they have for the situation what what I know your marriage is not what it ought to be I know that your disillusion with the actions of your spouse now tell me this what do you for this relationship if God could give you what you want what would you ask him for by by challenging them to set goals you are taking them away from the negative preoccupation with the problem to the proactive I can do something I can set goal even if it's just a short-term goal of starting to take a little course at the Community College because she said I always wanted to be a nurse and and and I want to do that one day concentrate on goals and then after you concentrate on goals the third thing is talk about the resources that are available the support systems that are available to help reach that goal and then do some number four do some brainstorming I'm talking about encouraging people do some brainstorm looking at other alternatives if you can't get through the front door sometimes you can go around to the back do some brainstorming and then try some of the things that you all have been able to come up with and come back to the drawing board if necessary revives and start again but we must encourage people and be upbeat in the counseling that we do what can be done what can be done we must my friends I say it with with everything that is within me we must depend upon the Word of God Paul shared with those people what God had given him in the night season and the word is so inexhaustible it will meet any problem in a mental and emotional nature that your people will encounter if they come to you with anxieties and worries you can tell them that Philippians 4 says be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God I don't know what Freud said but my Bible says the peace of God which passeth all understanding will keep your heart and mind safe in Christ Jesus if there be read you can tell them when my father and my mother forsake me says the 27th song I've been the Lord will bear me up [Applause] Thank You Olaf thank you [Applause] [Applause] begin begin to memorize scripture hide the Word of God in your heart so that you will not sin against him and then finally remember you're gonna get caught you're gonna get caught or God is a liar you're gonna get caught my Bible says be sure your sins will sign you out you gonna get caught people through the years that believe that they wouldn't get caught Cain saw the blood on the ground and he said I got away with it but he got caught Rebecca and Jacob thought they had deceived that the deception was complete but they got caught Joseph's brothers as he sold to the band of Ishmaelites now the deed is done daddy he is here's the cold a beast has killed him but they got caught moses thought he had hidden his sin in the sands of Egypt but he got caught Achan thought it's under the tent here nobody will know about it but he got caught Saul said Samuel will never know about these few animals but he got caught David said what I do behind closed doors is my own business and nobody seemed to know about it until elder Nathan knocked on to go how will you get caught you may get caught because she tails first day preacher in my town got up and preached a powerful sermon and made an appeal and one of the sisters got up and confess that she was having an affair with the feature she might tell you might tell because of the burden of guilt or you might tell because you get so comfortable because you had gotten away with it for the season that you get bold like Jimmy Swaggart did you get caught and like Samson power gone you go out shaking yourself and say I'll go out like I've always gone out and the power was going I love to hear the preaching of Jimmy Swaggart love it but my friends his power is going now and many of our great ones and you know all about you know the great ones power god stay faithful stay faithful and one of these days it's gonna be a long white throne and brethren it this may be my last time so I'm gonna tell it it made it gonna be a long way and I expect to see Bible workers and ministers there and I expect for Jesus in that great workers meeting to call some people forward and he's gonna call I believe elder Bradford forward that intrepid giant and he's gonna say old grad foot I've got one thing to say to you well done good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things I'm gonna make you rule over many enter now into the joys of that Lord I believe he's gonna call pastor high that Williams for price too high that up and say well done good and faithful servant you've been faithful over a few things I'll make you rule over I believe he's gonna call this giant up elder Cleveland and say well but I expect for him to say to me the same thing I may have never been president of North American division I may have never done something but I expect for him to say the same thing because he wants me to be faithful and then I'm gonna ask him can I let you up here yes I am judge the judge rejected just let me have a storefront some way in heaven to tell the story of what you've done for me [Applause] hallelujah when it came to our attention that we could get Barry for anything I said for anything except singing one of us committee members said to him I don't care what you got the reason being that as long as I've known him he's never fired a blank as a matter of fact he's never fired anything that begins with a B as a matter of fact whether you heard it give him a hand [Applause]
Channel: Jesse Wilson
Views: 6,756
Rating: 4.8681316 out of 5
Keywords: BarryBlack, Dr. Barry, SDA
Id: dtE5Z5EMjHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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