Dr. Barry Black- "Doing What You Can" February 27, 2016

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Lord send your healing for this we know there is a balm in Gilead hallelujah to heal the soul I want to speak this morning or this afternoon on the subject doing what you can doing what you can I want you to turn to a neighbor and say to him or her do what you can turn to another neighbor say to him or her do what you can one of the challenges of raising a child particularly a male child without an adult male role model in the home is that when the young men stand at the golden threshold of puberty and they are now taller than mama and their sisters it can be a very challenging season my mother was doing her best to rear my siblings and me but when I reach the ninth grade I said to my mother I'm a man now and I don't want to go to church school anymore my mother pleaded with me son please you know the sacrifices I make to ensure that you receive a Christian education and I said if you force me to continue in Christian schools I guarantee you I will flunk out I will deliberately bring home D's and F's and under that pressure my mother relented and I went the only year 9th grade that I went to Booker T junior high McCulloh Street in Baltimore Maryland you know when the prodigal leaves home he is up to no good and I went out with the wrong folk even the worldly folk got worried about me you know you know cuz you don't know what you're doing you know you get in the club you're dancing you don't know how to talk you know they tell me you know this is a wonderful fellowship it's a fellowship what is your problem you know they started calling me Church boy you know all right like Peter warming himself by the fire your speech betrays you I came home one evening and I'd come home one morning two in the morning mother would asked when are you coming home I said I'm a man come home when I want to come home this is a man who had matriculated to church school eight more veggie-burger than anybody in here okay I'm a man it was anger about my absentee father really simmering rage about that and that's a part of the pathology of this separation individuation stage of development and came home after in in the club and I passed my mother's room we had three-story tenement and she was on her knees praying and she said lord I don't know where he is I don't know what he's doing Lord you know I'm doing the best I can save my child and I had so much anger and rage at my father I'm not proud of this pastor started but I stood and listen to my mother's passionate prayer and felt nothing I went up to my bedroom I said that poor woman actually thinks that those prayers are going to do something I'm a man I do what I want to do come when I want to come I go when I want to go not too long after that gang fight I was literally lying in my own blood and I felt I can't say it was an audible voice but somebody said to me you want to live or do you want to die because your mother won't stop praying for you the choice is up to you as a song Mack the Knife that talks about a body losing life when you're bleeding that's what it feels like you can feel life leaving you and I told God I wanted to live I didn't just go back to church and go back to church school I ran back and I got the answer to the question that I asked in that hallway to this woman really thinks her prayers are gonna do something Oh sprays and candles prayers do anything God sent somebody here today who's going through a dark night of the soul somebody here who's facing insurmountable challenges to hear this simple word do what you can Matthew 15 the mother of a demon-possessed daughter comes to Jesus this woman is of a different race she's a syrophoenician woman and she comes to Jesus and she says Jesus thou son of David have pity on me they had some church folk down that said send her away she's too loud Jesus jumping up and down and all you know we don't worship like that Jesus we just not we want dignified than that let everything be done decently and in order but before you begin to critique the way I worship you need to know a little something something about the burdens that I left back home because for some of us praise is the only thing that enables us to keep our sanity send her away Jesus she's not worshiping like a good seventh-day Adventist you know with Lord knows we don't worship like that dad that doesn't sound like a him to me Jesus send her away astonishingly Jesus doesn't even speak to the woman the Bible says in Matthew 15 and he answered her not a word Oh beloved it is one thing when God says yes it is one thing when God says no but what do you do when God says nothing have you learned how to deal with the silence of God Robert Ingersoll the noted agnostic at his brother's funeral his brother a former congressman and Ingersoll ended that funeral eulogy with this peroration life is a narrow veil between the cold and barren peaks of to eternity z-- we strive in vain to peer beyond its height we cry aloud and the only answer is the echo of our wailing cry what do you do when you cry out to God and the only answer is the echo of your wailing cry he answered her not a word but the Bible says in Matthew 15 she cried all the louder Jesus thou son of David have pity on me and then jesus said to his disciples you know he disinterred he says to his disciple you all know I am only sent to the lost sheep of the household of Israel in other words is she an Adventist does she know about Ellen why didn't that make up I see on what wait a minute within that wave come you know he you know I'm sent to our people in other words there will be time for the Gentile there will be time for people of a different race Apostle Paul is going to be an apostle to the Gentiles we begin in Jerusalem we start at home we take care of our own the girlfriend said Jesus I was hoping you wouldn't force me to do this but since you ignoring me and since you're not even talking to me but I know you can speak because I can hear you speaking to your disciple you have forced me to praise you you have tossed me to worship you don't make me worship and she fell on her knees Isaiah chapter 22 verse 3 says our God inhabits the praises of his people I dare you to praise him when you lose your job I dare you to praise him when the doctor says we've done all we can I dare you to praise him when you don't have rent money I dare you to praise him when you get a four Clojure notice the woman said you gonna make me praise him daughter demon possess as I probably was that was demonic but err it's a power of the saints James 5:16 the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous of Vail much my mother's prayer seems so feeble Oh Lord cleaver she it cheat there was an impotence to the prize but I've lived long enough and prayed diligently enough to agree with Alfred Lord Tennyson more things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams uh was prayer in the home of Mary when Peter was in jail and these people were praying with limited faith we know that because when Peter knocked on the door and the servant Rhoda went and and didn't team opened the door ran back and said Peters out the door Peter said they said girl you tripping and piano Peter at the door well that's what they were praying for we often pray with a commingling of belief and unbelief lord I believe help my unbelief but you got to do what you can because I have discovered that faith ah the size of a mustard seed that's all you need just a little mustard seed faith can move mountains when you do what you can this worse this woman started worshiping Jesus and then Jesus turned to her and he said something that would have ended it for me bastard jesus said it is not right for me to take two children's food and give it to the dogs I got to be honest that would have ended the time to say thank you gee I had a serious misapprehension see you don't want to be here I don't need to be talking to you anymore but there's something about the way he said it something about the gleam in his eyes and the woman smiled in response to this ostensible insult the greek word for dog was puppy family pet and she said yes Lord I'm a dog but I'm your dog hallelujah to the lamb of God and even the puppies are permitted to eat of the crumbs that fall from their master's table she said in a sense Jesus I don't want to bother you I don't want to be in your way I know you had a messianic mission that's why I gave a messianic designation baoshan updated that's a messianic designation I know you're only sent to your own people but I know what kind of power you have and I just want crumbs not me my daughter needs what you've got find a way to bless me I'm not gonna stop praising you until you find a way to bless me you can be silent all you want to you can insult me all you want to but find a way to bless me with a smile on his face very seldom in the Bible because you don't surprise Jesus you know any time you can predict to Peter before the rooster crows twice you know you're not gonna surprise Jesus said o woman great is your faith we got people with Vecchi burger breasts that don't have faith like that be it unto you even as you desire and the Bible says that woman daughter was healed from that very hour because her mother knew she had to do what she could Oh bless the name of Jesus and so in Mark's Gospel chapter 14 let's pick up at verse 3 while he was in Bethany speaking of Jesus reclining at the table in the home of Simon the leper actually the former leper because Sam it had been healed a woman came with an alabaster jar a very expensive perfume made of pure nard she broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head now number one a woman was not even supposed to be there uninvited unless she was doing some type of culinary thing they didn't want her around but here is this woman touching Jesus pouring perfume and it was very very valuable perfume it cost a year's wages this was an extravagant gesture some of those present Simon is the actual one one of the other Gospels let lets us know that we're saying indignantly to one another why this waste of perfume passer it doesn't take all that this is this is valuable money we don't need to be spending money like that yeah you know their dad they're poor people that we need to be helping and you and you know getting a new sound system you getting all that we don't need all of that one of the primary persons who were saying that was the treasurer of the group help us Jesus Judas Iscariot and the Bible says he was a feet watch out when focus sounded off about what we ought not to be doing with the church's money I guarantee you if you check the tithes and offerings with and that's all I'm gonna say about that ruff they go on to say it could have been sold for more than a year's wages and the money I can see that's the sanctimonious hope this is oh this is so tough praise God hallelujah oh this is terrible and they rebuked her harshly next verse hallelujah leave her alone said Jesus you don't want to get Jesus upset but when you bother one of his children you get him upset when you dis one of his children you get him upset you see he looks at the heart he knows the motive he knows that a widows two mites is more than all of the big spenders who are given to impress leave her alone says Jesus why are you bothering her she has done a beautiful thing to me hallelujah the poor you will always have with you and you can help them any time you want but you will not always have me and one of the gospel says that Simon Says I thought Jesus was a prophet he's not a prophet if he was he wouldn't know what kind of woman is touching him my question to you Simon is how do you know what kind of woman is touching him his hour of Aegeus said it was Simon who first led her into sin this was Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus and Mary had a history of molestation and sexual pathology and yet girlfriend with this checkered pass could sit at the feet remember when Martha was making the mac and cheese and the collard greens and the aqui okay I had to get that one in okay some of you get okay all right - good just the breadfruit okay cheep-cheep said that Mary was at a seat here is Mary with a checkered pass of molestation and sexual pathology sitting for hours at the feet of absolute purity the personification of goodness without any feeling of intimidation any feeling of anxiety at all that's what the church ought to be church is not a museum of finished Christian it's a hospital for crippled and an empty we need the church Jesus then said she did what she could she poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial what are you talking about Lord James and John are trying to get chief seats in a kingdom that is never going to happen because you are not the Lion of the tribe of Judah you are the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 those disciples are jockeying for positions in a temporal Kingdom only Mary who repeatedly listen to your discourses sat at your feet has the theological sophistication to know that you were born to die girlfriend said this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to show him how much I love him so it's got to be extravagant have you ever wanted to show Jesus how much you love to had you ever wanted to give him a once-in-a-lifetime demonstration of how much you love him how extravagant is your love for him you can always tell love because love gives sacrificially there's some pain in love I read two days ago that a chasm between mediocrity and excellence is pain one of the reasons why many of us never Excel is because we stay with mediocrity and we will not bridge that chasm of pain our Blessed Lord gave until it hurt how much do you love me Jesus he stretched himself wide on Calvary they drove nails and his hands and feet she started Kennedy speaking of how our indifference our pedestrian passion affects Jesus cried out in his poem when Jesus came to Birmingham he was referring to Birmingham England said when Jesus came to Golgotha they hanged him on a tree they drove great nails through hands and feet and made a Calvary they pierced him with a crown of pawns read where his wounds and deep for those were crude and cruel days and human flesh was cheap when Jesus came to Birmingham they simply passed him by they would not harm a hair on him they merely watched him die four people had grown more tender and would never cause him pain they merely passed on the street and left him in the rain still Jesus beside Father forgive them for they know not what they do and still it rained a wintry rain that drenched him through and through the crowd went home and left the streets without a soul to see while Jesus crouched against a wall and side for Calvary the indifference the pedestrian Christianity of contemporary humanity brings greater pain to the Son of the Living God than the nails driven through his hands on Golgotha Hebrew 6/6 says we crucified the Son of God afresh and bring him to open shame why is Mary the only one anointing his body for burial truly I tell you Jesus says wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world what she has done and Jesus never said this about anybody else no one else on the planet has Jesus ever said that what wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world what she has done she just did what she could what she has done will also be told in memory of her even at the Church of all the oranges in 2016 they're going to be talking about this precociously spiritual woman because she did what she could how do you do what you can God told me to tell you a church of the oranges first of all you need to cultivate a sensitivity to a heart of Jesus Christ you need to be interested in what Jesus is interested in you need to have a passion for what Jesus has a passion for and what is that Chaplin I'm glad you asked Matthew chapter 25 there are six questions that you should be able to give an affirmative response to six questions that should help you write your personal mission station six questions that should reside within the strategic plan of every Christian Church jesus said your questions did you feed the hungry did you give water to the thirsty Flint could use a little water right now mm-hmm did you clothe the naked did you did you tell people about the robe of the righteousness of Jesus Christ that can cover their wretchedness did you remind them of Ephesians 2:8 and 9 it is by grace they are saved through faith and that not of themselves it is a gift from God not by works lest anyone should boast or did you make sad Venice people who think that if I can just eat enough vegetarian me I've got to make it in are you covering the naked all of our righteousness is as filthy rags talk to me about your prison program Church of the oranges I was in prison did you visit me talk to me about your sick and shut-in program Church of the oranges how often do those who long to have communion how often do they have an opportunity to get that Church of the orange talked to me about how you reach out to the immigrants I was a stranger and you took me in talk to me about the Hispanic program that you are planning and that you're even practicing your Spanish to connect with our Latino brothers and sisters Padre nuestro que estas and los cielos santificado sea tu nombre are you ready Church of the oranges to give an affirmative response are you sensitive to the things that touch the heart of our Blessed Lord the second thing that God told me to tell you if you're going to do what you can is strive to serve she was bathing his feet that was the Greek says Doulos the work of a slave that was the very thing the disciples didn't want to do in the upper room they were too proud to do it in John chapter 13 Jesus had to bathe their feet George Marshall for general of the army former secretary of the state said it is amazing what you can accomplish when no one cares who gets the credit you got some saints who won't do anything unless you put their name on a plaque the practice capacitive mention me your he mentioned them he forgot my name at the last time I'll do anything said you know just unappreciated and that kind of thing on the devil is did you know what I put in it no you're not working for human beings hallelujah to the lamb of God you do what you can for Jesus Christ strive to serve I was selected as the first african-american professor at the Navy chaplain school in Newport Rhode Island my wife was very proud I was very proud children's very proud we moved to Newport and when I got there the job had mysteriously gone away people were blushing and you know how people when they stutter in it well he well you know it's very complicated yeah yeah really it it's a pigmentation thing when I did that Connelly at con Hampton I'm there I'm upset I'm tired I'd been it at sea 75% of the time over the last three years all over Asia and Africa in different places and here I was getting this recognition and suddenly they're telling me it's gone away and the director of the school said but chief the chaplain said anything anything else you want we'll give it to you but but he said this job has gone away and the Holy Spirit said to me ask to be a student in the program I said wait a minute Lord I said I got it I have two doctorates I mean I'm qualified this is unfair God said ask to be a student in the program you see life is three things a test a trust and a temporary assignment okay this was the testing phase okay many times before God elevates you he will give you a test to see if you're ready for elevation Joseph after he interprets the dreams of the butler and the Baker he has to stay in jail 24 more months without murmuring or complaining before he becomes prime minister of Egypt I said okay Lord I said well I said there's only one way mr. director that they can rectify this injustice he said what is that anything you want there he took the Admiral said give you anything when I said let me be a student in the program he said well we can't do that he says everybody knows you know it's all over the core that you were selected to be a professor if we let you be a student they gonna call cry racism they're gonna crash discrimination they go Pew no no no no no I said really what you think you think I said if I'm not qualified to do the job I'd like to expose myself to the tree you know once the Holy Ghost get you going you jump bad you just let me roll myself do this inner eye it up a student in the program modesty will not permit me to tell you who graduated number one in the class but I ended up you mentioned Salva Regina University I ended up getting a master's in management from salvage inna university a catholic university and when i interviewed for the job of the chaplain of the United States Senate more than a decade later 90% of the questions were about management and leadership I was God with loading my quiver with arrow so that I would be able to quote from he trained me to get me ready for something higher but you got to do what you can and you can't be afraid to serve even if I have to be a student if I can just help one somebody as I pass along then my living shall not be in vain and then 3 God told me to tell you if you're gonna do what you can expect it is opposition here's a woman giving something worth a year's wages out of love and the hypocrites I don't mean I don't mean any harm Lord but this is this is not right no no too many poor people in New Jersey for us to beat no no we need to minister to the poverty stricken line but I know it makes you feel good Lord but by the waste expect up David when he wanted to take on Goliath eally Abbas brother for Samuel 17 I know the naughtiness of your heart who's gonna take care of those few sheep David said is there not a cause what have I done now expect opposition when you do what you can and don't just do what Saul wants you don't put on Saul's on us all around six eleven David probably six six or six seven you you you and remember we talked about little David but David killed a lion and a bear with his bare hand this is no lilliputian that you're talking to me look it up when you go all right hallelujah expect opposition our Blessed Lord headed for the cross I've learned that if you want perfume to Linga I was in a shop behind cologne said I want to what what's a lot they said well they said you need with this base it's gonna be they're expensive you know I'm talking $150 bottles and that kind of thing I said the devil is a lawyer but here imagine imagine the lingering effect of that perfume hallelujah to the lamb oka standing before Pilate he's got his garment on but he can smell Mary's perfume all of his disciples have forsaken him and fled but he remembers that Mary knew Mary knows what I'm about she did what she could they said they'd put his clothes back on him and even as he's on his way to Golgotha before these soldiers will will wrestle for that garment of it is it the smell of that expensive nard from the alabaster encourages our Lord because she did what she could all my sisters and brothers when I face the challenges of my work they're people who want to know why don't you get discouraged chaplain how come you always smiling it's because God does not expect me to do what I can't he expects me to do what I can to some he gave five talents to some he gave two talents to sunny gave one Talent and he's not going to expect from you more than he's given four to whom much is given much will be expected but I'm gonna do what I can let the winds blow let the storms rise I'm gonna keep on keepin on let there be pushback let folks say you might as well give up let folks say your child is in the Pigpen but I'm still gonna do what I can and if when you give the best of your service telling the world that a savior has come don't be dismayed if people don't believe you he'll understand and he'll say well done if when you've tried and you failed in your trying your hand saw and scarred from the work you've begun just take up your cross and run swiftly to meet him he'll understand and he'll say well done let me say one more thing Pastor can I say just one more finger oh when I come to the end of my journey we're in a life and the battle is barring us a bearing a bearing but Rosa and the staff of redemption he'll understand and he'll say well Donna I want to hear my master saya well done well done good and faithful servant come on up a little higher you've been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many things uh into now into the joys of your Lord because you did what you could put your hands together give him praise and glory in this place is he all right is he all right Oh bless His Holy Name I want everyone standing everyone standing worthy is the lamb worthy is the lamb I want to make an appeal to two groups of people I want to make an appeal to someone who must admit that like the disciples in our story you have played the hypocrite your backslider you've done things that have brought out what reproach upon the name of Christ and the accuser of the brothers and the sisters the devil like he did with me when I was in the far country reminding you of your transgression but today you want to come back to God you want to be restored to fellowship like the prodigal son you want to run back like I ran back you want to do what you can this is your day and your opportunity to do exactly that the second group I want to appeal to is some man a woman boy or girl who may already be a Christian or the light of God's Sabbath truth has come to you and you want to walk in that light you find it interesting that the one commandment that God says remember is the one that so many people are trying to forget you said after I've studied a little more I want to embrace the Sabbath truth I appeal to you to make that decision as the praise team sings I invite you to backslide are needing to return a person who wants to walk in the additional light of God's Sabbath truth to step out of the aisle to come down give me your hand and give God your heart right now praise God hallelujah god bless you dear let's come to Jesus Oh bless the name of Jesus as a sweet sweet spirit in this place hallelujah yes yes God adds to the church daily such as a being safe god bless you hallelujah this is restoration Sabbath Savior say here you my humble cry hallelujah hallelujah and why oh do not pass me by bow the spring of all my comfort Wow Hey wonderful wonderful god bless you god I've lived long enough I can say he's more more than life to me he's calling you today you know you need to be down here come to Jesus whom have I on earth beside thee thank you lord thank you lord in heaven or a harpy every now and then you oughta just call him you ought to say that's his name he's mighty to save Jana what it is call him Oh bless His Holy Name Oh bless His Holy Name yeah yeah yeah ha ha while on a hearse your calling oh please don't please no please don't pass me by Savior Savior again Savior he's mighty to save he Said's from the government's to the uttermost you ah hum ho my humble cry and why we're going to in this appeal we're going to end this appeal Oh Holy Spirit is said to me there at least three more people who should be down this aisle and you're not here someone said to me once chaplain why do you appeal like this I feel like this because when I was a young preacher in my 20s the last young man who walked down the aisle to accept Jesus was murdered the following Tuesday I delivered the eulogy at his funeral it was not a sad funeral it was a glad general because he walked the aisle and died covered with the role of the righteousness of Jesus Christ here's a young man coming down here right now praise God we're gonna sing one more stand bless your brother you know you need to be down here I appeal to you as a dying man to dying people Jesus is mighty to save don't you come where the other two of you Wow you know who you are today if you hear his voice harden not your heart oh do not pass me Savior Savior just softly and then it's over calling you where are you come to Jesus leave here free free from the shackles hallelujah hallelujah blood that is that is it that is praise God I need you with it please go god bless you god bless you where's that last one it it it is come on come on come on come on praise God praise God let's give God a hand praise let's give God a hand raised let's give God a hand prayed Savior Savior Savior oh we bless your Holy Name why don't you hear hear bye praise God praise God praise God come on praise the Lord heads about I want those who've come forward to join hands with someone as a point of contact we called it touching and agreeing sweet Holy Spirit what a wonder you are you continue to convict the hearts of people and get them ready for your kingdom Lord even as we're praying if there's somebody else who wants to just slip out incognito and come in under the radar while there's still time and hope let them come thank you for this harvest of dear ones who decided today to do what they could they come just as they are without one plea or that your blood was shed for each and that you bid them not Barry black you bid them come to me and they said today old Lamb of God I come I come now Lord I'm going to ask you to do something special for these dear ones I'm asking you dear God for a special anointing of your Holy Spirit on each person who has come forth today Oh Lord I know you give your Holy Spirit to each person who accept you it's Lord but you said in Luke 11:13 if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more is your whole is your heavenly father eager to give his holy spirit to those who had and so we are asking for a special luncheon a special anointing on these dear world may this transformative day be so amazing that they will never be the same Mayday be the beginning of a walk with you let will not in and may these dear ones walk with you one day in white and a land beyond Sun Moon and stars where the days no neither dawn nor darkness let it be dear Lord let it be in the matchless name of Jesus Christ our risen Lord and every blood bought soul said Amen every blood bought soul said praise the Lord every blood bought soul said hallelujah every blood bought soul said thank you Jesus Oh bless His Holy Name give God praise and glory in this way
Channel: The SDA Church of the Oranges
Views: 18,920
Rating: 4.754601 out of 5
Keywords: Religion
Id: fSiF5Gco_xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2016
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