What BULLSH*T propaganda did you used to believe in?

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what propaganda did you totally buy into only to realize later it was bullcrap edit tons of people haven't covered 19 is bullcrap propaganda so that's horrifying that I need a creative career to be happy it breaks my heart to admit I spent years grinding for a chance at an interest in career and didn't get very far and worse I was okay with being underpaid for the experience now I kinda wish I took on a regular well-paying job and used my free time to travel and pursue my own passion projects indestructible dog toys I watched one dogs hear a Kevlar toy like a baboon ripping into an orange he's a sweetheart but all toys around him are disposable the money-hungry lady suing McDonald's for millions for spilling coffee on herself story that most people achieve success in their lives during their twenties this is bullcrap in the grander scheme of things lots of super talented people end up becoming successful in their late thirties forties and even 50s the same goes for the concept of if you want to get good at something you have to start super young which does sometimes work but a lot of people can actually get good at a skill in older ages you can learn the piano in your 30s and get really good at it but you're not going to be doing concerts or anything but it doesn't mean that you're not good slash great slash exceptional at it that carrots give you exceptional night vision I later found out that that particular belief became widely accepted due to a British propaganda campaign from World War two designed to hide the invention of radar from the Germans they claimed that the reason their Air Force pilots were so effective at night was due to them being fed carrots to increase their night vision it was so effective that people still tout that particular benefit of carrots years after the war ended edit a couple corrections while carrots are rich in vitamin A which helps prevent your eyesight from deteriorating they still do not give superhuman vision like the propaganda claimed myth isms that they are good for year eyesight it is an exaggeration of how effective they actually are also I was incorrect when I said that the British were trying to cover-up the invention of radar they were in actuality trying to cover-up an an advancement in radar technology that they didn't want the Germans finding out about I paid for EM you are eyelid would that shame every moment of my life read it is an interesting website where you can share your thoughts and opinions that the only way to achieve success in life is to study hard get top grades and go to university and study something like law or medicine plenty of people I know have achieved success and happiness without top university education I also believe the idea that the career you study for is for life edit to add I meant that you don't need to have to have a top degree from a top university lots of people choose TAFE like I did I think it's called Technical College in the u.s. study something you enjoy as long as you can still make a living from it I was all set to study all myself but I realized that I wasn't that passionate about it I took some time off to figure out what I wanted to do auntie backs at one point I was completely sold on the whole how can you inject infants with dangerous chemicals crap then I read up on the actual science and realized how uninformed I was trivial but I bought into the lie that the more you cut hair the more it grows I've been shaving my beard for years hoping to get a nice thick Bush to no avail I just have to accept that nature played me and deal with my patchy faced hair the Patriot Act's or rather the notion of the nothing to hide nothing to fear approach to privacy rights that I need to look young forever women are sold so many skin care products and cosmetic procedures to stay looking young then I realized it's not really affecting my health if I just aged naturally so I can just not give a crap and live my life unafraid of wrinkles if I want to GMOs are dangerous for your health when my mom says that I can tell her anything and should see her as a friend and when I finally confide in her it turns into a lecture the Maple Leafs will win a Stanley Cup in the next few years the different sections of the tongue are responsible for sensing different flavors Conny 2012 the anti-drug campaigns we all had to listen to as a kid okay in kindergarten the teachers at my school literally dressed us up as Pilgrims and Indians and made us sing all these songs about the feast and how we all got along with one another so imagine my shock when I learned about the Trail of Tears and other atrocities later in life Canada is real I can't believe I thought there was a mass above the US I almost fell for a pyramid scheme twice I bought into the abstinence until marriage crap in middle school when they made you sign all the fancy pamphlets about why it's the right thing to do really felt it would stop my fellow classmates from having sex until marriage my belief in that fell apart in high school a team mate on my football team would tell stories in the pregame time for JV games about how he had banged some girl the other week I can still remember three specific stories one of which was how he had sex while wearing as it looked baby instead of a condom chiropractic as health care this was a side effect of growing up with my auntie vac Samar Iraq had WMDs a wine Rand objectivism colleges required to be successful absolutely untrue free and fair elections in American politics I totally bought into that ridiculous Denver Airport conspiracy for a few months after a friend showed me it in high school there chrétien ism science was my worst subject in high school and beyond my weakest science and while I grew up and still am presbyterian the Christian groups at both my high school and college were deeply angelical learn their arguments without hearing the actual evidence then I met an actual scientist and tried to tell him this crap set me straight pretty quick American exceptionalism 911 conspiracy crap while I wouldn't be surprised if good evidence was revealed the government had a hand in it and unconfident the government's perpetual war in response to it as immoral and money driven I don't really think there is reliable enough evidence to make a claim on it being a full slag or not when I was a teenager I thought that everyone over 30 years old and doesn't understand me I was a freaking idiot Santa Claus ultimate communist propaganda work your ass off year-round until you're made to hand-deliver product to anyone who believes in the system I totally feel for the whole communism as a concept isn't a bad idea bullcrap when I was in school then I realized that something wasn't adding up when you consider why it has been tried so many times and never succeeded that was when I finally understood the true reason communism always fails people are [ __ ] and communism can't work if even a single person is anything other than completely selfless that's just not in human nature sorry maybe heaven is communist but not earth that my mom won't get mad at me if I tell the truth mission trips are for helping others really it's just a huge ego boost for many people who want to exploit people's needs to feel better about themselves plus the whole part where it might actually be more harmful than helpful I spent the majority of my team's watching Fox News with my parents Latrell propaganda I used to be begin to conspiracy Alex Jones was right Clintons are actually alien lizard people and all sorts of crazy stuff I even believed Obama was a secret agent Muslim going to install martial law and kill all non-muslims it got to the point I was even considering grabbing guns I even thought about a fire tacked a mosque that I could help stop the Muslim takeover it took so long to get my mind straight it's a slippery slope and it's not something I want anyone to go down that I was responsible to support my mother emotionally like it was my job my whole family got in on this and let me be the emotional punching bag I wished up a 25 which start a whole other crazy rollercoaster but it was amazing to realize that no I'm not required to prop up another emotionally for a little bit there I was listening to ben shapiro and got wrapped up in all those men ship Carruth hug life compilations on YouTube where he owned social justice warriors then one day I realized that Ben's just a fast-talking rich kid who speaks from a position of privilege who is he to judge these college kids he jumped from high school to college to Harvard to Goodwin Proctor he's never had to struggle financially like so many in this country have what the Frick does he know about the real world there is a normal and everyone around you is normal this normal makes them happy but it's blissful ignorance turns out normal doesn't exist everyone's just hiding everything because they want to fit in with all the normal people trying to be an Instagram model specifically putting my energy into looking a certain way and gaining massive amounts of followers as a recent college graduate I have realized how dumb it is to try to conform to this trend that is imposed on young girls I'd much rather focus my energy on more fulfilling things most of the anti-japan crap online I listen to when I was a kid but now I realize that most of that crap wasn't true edit I'm from America but I grew up around others who were very racist again stations mostly Japan because they saw their culture as backwards compared to America the propaganda online isn't as common today but it was more common when I was little sorry for the lack of inflow I didn't expect this to get that much attention Tumblr feminism I spent my childhood on the Internet and I think it led me to believe in a lot of crappy things it's easy to say oh it's just sick people online unfortunately modern society has leaned towards them now that the popular jock speak at high school the most popular jocks in my class have successful careers with high-paying jobs built stable families and have overall comfortable good lives they have done better for themselves than the Jakes of the class that voting third party in 2016 was a good idea because if the votes hit some type of threshold it would help us move away from the two-party system in the future worst parties is that not only did I fall for it and voted Gary Johnson but now I also see that same bullcrap going around this year with one of the Green Party candidates American exceptionalism I've come to believe it is not absolute yes we are exceptional but so are a lot of other countries being a card-carrying liberal basically being hard poor no exceptions Democrat it's all I grew up with when I was older I realized my dad was literally the liberal version of the common caricature of a conservative small-minded hateful of ideas that don't mesh with his angry condescending etc it made me realize it's a problem on both sides of the aisle gettin so enmeshed in your ideas that you can't think logically anymore because it doesn't jive with what your team thinks I no longer hate conversa tees and I don't hate liberals because of this either I just try to take it issue by issue that communism was the solution to all ills I had a teacher in high school who said things like America took 250 years to become a developed country while Russia roli took 70 China went communist and became rich in 50 60 years while in der isms convinced most of us that communism was the only way to solve all the problems except that India had actually been under heavy severe influenza and had tried the planned economy and communism model it was ugly government buildings shortages import substitution poverty people dying brain drain and no enterprise or industry other than from people related to war friendly with the people in power this model failed in 1991 as a side-effect of the Gulf War and we had to open up our economy within a decade even with really basic reforms the pace at which people came out of poverty was staggering this teacher was telling us this in 1999 the same year the Indian software made a huge killing from fixing y2k and moved a lot of people who were living paycheck to paycheck to the upper-middle class just a few years ago it had been impossible to even get computers as an entrepreneur because there were so many expensive taxes and no local manufacturers that there is a meaningful difference between the two American political parties they have different messaging and they'll fight over whatever bullcrap but at the end of the day it's all just a unified bipartisan effort to transfer wealth upwards the weird rules of Islam the religion doesn't allow us to do so many things only to realize that it's bullcrap Orient's fanny-pack was actually ourian's belt effing uncle steve other team console wars that marriage is a requirement for having a life partner most of these comments are about carlson stuff but from my understanding of propaganda which is basically ads to get you to do something I totally bought the play this inappropriate game for free and then asked for my credit card info I fell for this quite a few times sadly to realize that's bullcrap for anything that says for free if zeitgeist bedrocks all they did was lay around total ripoff material goods are unimportant and meaningless if it's one thing lockdowns have taught me it's that all those little things grabbing a coffee going to a museum are actually what makes day-to-day life worth living it's not only ok to care about that stuff you're supposed to care about it they're a part of your experience and a reflection of your personality that the only way I would be able to succeed in life is if I had a college degree I had good jobs that I loved and made ecent money to live comfortably and take care of my daughter my sisters are both in nursing but I got married and became a mom at 20 my mother hounded me for years and years to get a degree that I needed to set a good example to my daughter and go back to college my husband wanted me to be happy I was at the time as a travel agent but my mother would not drop it then during the recession I lost my job and was at home my mom picked me up one day for lunch and we ended up in the admissions office of the local Brown Mackie College I ended up two years later with a vet tech degree and $30 0 zero zero in debt can't get a job bc of new expensive qualifications that i need to go with said degree i now am an assistant manager of a back restaurant making about $6 more per hour than if i was a vet tech i'm now 40 my daughter is up and out and is very proud of me when i was growing up as a kid in the united states of america i really did believe that the united states was flawless and the absolute best country in the world now i'm realizing that the united states has many issues many flaws and it's actually difficult to argue it as the best country in the world i upvoted a guy on ask reddit only because it was his cakeday christian purity culture it tries to masquerade as protecting your heart and other such bullcrap but it really just perpetuates so much harmful crap examples telling girls to cover up so they don't tempt the boys as if seeing a bra strap gives a guy the right to do or say anything ignoring the fact that girls have a sex drive and basically teaching them that their natural desires are on making it difficult for them to communicate what they want even if they are married targeting girls with most of the know sex before marriage talk because if you give away all your flower petals you won't have anything special to give your husband on your wedding night course that's how banks work most of the bull capri is directed at women but it ends up being harmful to everyone when I was 14 I read Atlas Shrugged and swallow that libertarian crap like fresh peen how embarrassing 100% believed in the whole the Bible is entirely literal thing and other casts like propaganda such as gays are evil which is funny considering I'm a lesbian ik now being Mormon law masturbator reactions in front of a crowd of chickens helps release a fear of talking to a cow walker one on one never tried it in front of a live crowd only chicken farm pictures on the internet I still don't have the confidence of talking fo Michael workers oh this is dangerous on reddit Lal da re everyone on my political spectrum are all good and everyone on the other side are terrible people who have absolutely nothing to offer in a discussion and no valid opinions in middle school they made us take political party quizzes to see what we would vote it became this whole US vs some atmosphere this only became worse when my parents would be talking about the other side like they were all idiots I firmly believe growing up that anyone opposite to me on the political spectrum are evil dumb people and any points that may align with them are bad I believed you had to be all or nothing I was very closed-minded that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia I was a communist for like a year communism is an ideology that only works on paper an ideology that thinks that people that have been killing each other for hundreds of years will come together and work for a common purpose it's an ideology that only works in a world where everyone is lawful good and selfless not to mention the historical revisionism and cult of personality around people who committed genocides Stalin Mao tutto et Cie thankfully through the research I started to slowly chip away at it and realize the truth CNN carrots improve your eyesight everyone knows this right bullcrap British propaganda in ww2 when the British started using radar all of a sudden they started downing enemy planes like crazy especially in the night radar was the reason that frickin carrots was the excuse they spread that crap like crazy in newspapers scientific journals radio TV you name it carrots give you improved sight and I bet you your parents told still believe it it's pretty much common knowledge to everyone I bring it up too but the truth is carrots are no better for your eyesight than any other vegetable that there is a map of taste buds on your tongue that tastes sweet salty and sour I may or may not have taught this to a class of third-grade as many many years ago that soda rotten rotting your teeth is a myth I read it when I was in the fourth grade waiting in the school's office in a science magazine where a scientist had submerged baby teeth in soda for over a month and they were perfectly fine it's needless to say that my elementary school had a lot of soda machines my government says we are a democracy but we are actually a one-party system and our leaders are morons who spend millions on parades bTW I'm not from China or North Korea or Russia The Consumerist bubble we are born into in America that the Republican Party was a massively Christian based group and cared only about the best interests of the American people and that Democrats were evil communists that were the cause of the division in our country yeah funny thing was the more I enveloped myself into Christianity the more I realized how full of crap the people around me were and how much they were twisting the Bible to fit their own opinions that they were relying on everyone else's lack of knowledge of the Bible ended up leaving my church and denouncing the Republican Party ever since trickle-down economics freak that every penny that makes it to the top gets hoarded there in high school I bought into the idea that all the problems in the world were caused by billionaires and capitalism Dan was I wrong law that capitalism is the ultimate economic system and that it works very well all the time every time and is self-regulating as well as being more ethical than any other economic system in good universities you'll receive a good education hell yeah my hair turned white due to stress Congrats I study at one of the prestigious unis in my country and how they deal with corona and online courses should not be experienced by anyone do payday loans count Obama Australia it's a hoax I used to be an alt writer thankfully I realized how disturbing this ideology was and I stopped believing in it completely I'm still ashamed of having ever thought that for example homosexuality is a sickness edit I explicitly said that I'm no longer an alt writer and I hate it that feminists are these extreme delusional and crazy people I used to love those at vids of ppl owning feminists SJW idiots found it so entertaining I almost got sucked into that entire skeptic alt-right side of the Internet luckily I came to my senses after a short while and realized that one majority of feminists are just regular people who want equal rights and treatment for genders and to falling down a rabbit hole of extremism is easier than I thought especially if you're an impressionable teenager with too much free time and a boner for justice xxx Democrats good Republicans but now I realize that they're both just two sides of the same crappy coin Clinton 2016 fell for a lot of Republican propaganda and later eventually bordered on becoming all trite from further than Republican propaganda and had some somewhat racist sexist views not to an extreme but somewhat questionable needless to say my views have drastically changed over time I was about 13 14 at the time that I had those views definitely glad I've changed wouldn't have been able to meet a lot of the people I know and adore today if I stayed in that narrow frame of mine number believable women the war on drugs I've been always against any drug while ofc drinking my liver out like the perfect anti-drug stereotype I've never felt so stupid and ignorant once I smoked weed for the first time and started reading actual studies with hard data and then I learned about the Ehrlichman quote disgusting trickle-down economics the Democratic Party the Democratic Party [Music] [Music]
Channel: AskReddify
Views: 47,405
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Id: 7ay17X_BdJM
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Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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