What Are The Odds That You Exist?

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hey there welcome to life noggin you are one of seven billion people living on earth at this very moment and you are one of the hundred billion Homo sapiens to ever have lived here over the course of history and that my friend is pretty amazing especially because the probability of you existing at all is incredibly incredibly low if you were counting that was too incredibly z' see in most cases in order for you to be alive your parents had to meet assuming that your mother could meet let's say one new person a day during her prime dating years she would have met around 10,000 people which in her time was about 0.00025 percent of the world's population but because of geographical reasons if we limit her available bachelors to about 5% of the world population she had about a 1 in 20,000 chance of meeting your dad not super likely and that's just them meeting to have you the two have to talk to each other of though not necessary go out on a date although not necessary and eventually conceive a child and the chance that that combination of sperm cell and egg turns out to be you is inconceivably small see your mother has about 300,000 eggs left by the time she reaches puberty and will only release around 300 of them furthermore men produce hundreds of billions of sperm cells in their lifetimes any of which could reach that egg feeling pretty rare yet or slightly weirded out and keep in mind you existing doesn't just depend on your parents it also depends on your parents parents and their parents and the parents before that you see where I'm going and even more if you want to get into the physics of life existing it all depends on the finely tuned physical constants like the electric charge the gravitational constant and even the dimension of space-time if any one of these were different incredibly important atoms like carbon would either be too unstable or the electrons would collapse into the nucleus and if there's no carbon macro nutrients like proteins lipids carbohydrates and nucleic acids would not exist and therefore neither would you my friend well isn't that a lovely thought to end on leave me a comment about something you're grateful for along with anything else you want me to talk about all in all you are so lucky to be alive right now take advantage of it and live every day to the fullest and if you want to know when we're all going to die hypothetically of course check out this video and if you're on your mobile device check the link in the description make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video as always I'm black oh this has been life noggin don't forget to keep on thinking
Channel: Life Noggin
Views: 2,466,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: probability that you exist, probability, odds, math, human history, history, dating, love, sex, sperm, eggs, reproduction, puberty, genetics, parenting, life, probability of life, odds of life, atoms, molecules, basics of life, physics, life noggin, science, animation, animated science, blocko
Id: m1o5EA-ALmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2016
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