What Happens To Your Body When You Fall Into a Volcano?

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Kazuya is just Kazuya though. Hopefully if I train hard enough, I can survive magma like kazuya

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bmierror πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He's a devil worshiper.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/I_AMOP πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Um, the video explained that. Clearly the volcano Kazuya was thrown into had natrocarbonatit lava.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/my-name-is-puddles πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

hanashi ni naran na

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/workernetGB πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
We've all heard stories of far-off primitive tribes hurling virgins into the mouth of a fiery volcano in their attempt to appease some particularly capricious God. What is that unfortunate girl's fate though as she falls to her fiery death? What is it like to die inside a burning pit of lava and sulfur? Hello and welcome to another episode of The Infographics Show- today we're taking a look at what happens to your body when you fall into a volcano. Falling into a volcano is not going to be a pleasant fate for anyone, yet in 2007 a Maasai porter fell into the rim of an active volcano and managed to survive, albeit with some severe burns. Fortunately for that porter, the reason he survived is that the particular volcano he fell into has what's known as natrocarbonatite lava, which is rich in sodium and potassium carbonate minerals, and nyerereite, which is a unique combination that makes the laval cool very quickly when coming in contact with air. This laval burns at around 510 degrees Celcius, or half the temperature of normal lava, and because the porter fell near the lava, and not directly on it, he was able to survive. But what happens to our sacrificed virgin as she's hurled into a fiery mouth of doom like an unwitting Gollum trying to save his Precious? First it's likely that as she falls through the air she'll quickly suffocate from the noxious gases produced by the volcano. If not immediately suffocated however she'll likely completely sear her lungs as she inhales the superheated gas amidst her desperate screaming. With lungs burnt to a crisp and noxious gas coursing through her bloodstream, our sacrificed virgin will be near death already before even hitting the lava below. Depending on the type of volcano and the shape of the rim she's hurled into, her body will next likely burst into flames as she approaches the lava, but before she physically hits it. That's because radiant heat can superheat the air above and around the volcano mouth, making it reach temperatures so high that human flesh immediately ignites. Just seconds after being hurled into the mouth of a volcano, our sacrificed virgin has turned into a fiery human comet, though the worst is unfortunately still to come. Despite what you've seen in the movies, most lava is incredibly dense- anywhere from two to three times as dense as water. This is after all, liquid rock we're talking about. That means that a human body is going to float on its surface, and because lava is also anywhere from thousands to millions of times more viscous than water, a human body impacting the surface is unlikely to deform it enough to sink beneath the surface. Our virgin, if she's miraculously still alive, is then going to impact the surface lava with so much force that she will break most bones in her body, and remain 'stuck' on the surface- although variations in lava and temperature across different volcanoes may possibly see her sink a few inches below. If she hadn't burst into flames from the radiant heat during her fall, she certainly will now as she rests on the lava itself. With temperatures reaching up to 2200 degrees Fahrenheit (1204 Celsius), she will immediately burst into flames hot enough to reduce her body to ash within seconds. For anyone hoping to recover any remains for a proper burial, there'll be nothing left but ash floating in the wind to collect. Any metal fillings, jewelry, or medical implants will also be incinerated- although a titanium medical implant may possibly survive, given titanium's melting point of 3,034 degrees fahrenheit (1688 Celsius). So if you hurled your aging Aunt May into the mouth of a volcano, you might have her hip implant left to remember her by. It's clear after our investigation that movies like Terminator 2 and Lord of the Rings lied to us. A fall into a fiery volcano won't mean a dramatic, emotional goodbye, but rather result in an instant fireball and a smattering of ashes moments later, with just your bones burning for a minute or so after that. What other places, and what would they do to your body, would you like to know about? Also, be sure to check out our other video called Spend A Billion in 24 hours or lose it all challange! Thanks for watching, and, as always, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe. See you next time!”
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 3,368,688
Rating: 4.8617072 out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, pg, kid friendly, family friendly, animated, what if, animation, what will happen, lava lake, 2d animation, stepping on lava, volcanic eruptions, what if you fell into a volcano, volcano eruption, cartoons for kids, cartoon movies, animated short film, 2019, animated short films, animated shorts, computer animation, short animated films, short film animation, animation short film, volcano, fall into, vulcano, what happens, body, your body, education
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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