What are the main differences between GIT and SVN?

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hello friends welcome to get into person series from knowledge powerhouse let's go on to our next question in the series question is what are the main differences between get and S&M so if you are in our nation where s1 is quite popular and they are trying to go towards in grid then you can be asked this question like why do we have to go forget the why not we use just SVM so let's see what is the answer so the main differences between gift and SVN are decentralized complex to learn unable to handle binary files internal directory and user interface let's understand these one by one in detail so get is decentralized whereas esken is a centralized system so in grids you can have a local copy which is a depository in which you can commit so on your own desktop you can create a local copy of a depositing and you can keep committing if you have git installed there and later on you can merge it with the symmetry parsley whereas in SVM you have to always connect to a central repository and then only you can check in the code if you are not connected to the central repo you cannot check in the code effects to learn so it is very useful but it is a bit difficult to learn for some developers it has more concepts and would command to learn whether SVN is much easier to run you are just checking in checking out like it looks very easy when you're using a sphere but although it takes some time to learn but it is very useful so almost all the use cases in a project unable to handle binary files so it is slow when it deals with large binary files that are changing frequently whereas it is not change frequently you can keep on storing them whereas SVM can handle large binary files who very used me so you can use SQL for that kind of a scenario then we have internal directory get creates only dot grid directory whereas the internal directly experience dot XP so but the dot did Elektra is only one directory within the repo where his essence will create that ice injector in each folder like whatever folder you have in your code in each folder you get something like that ice cream and user interface so get currently doesn't have very good UI but still they did online UI is considered quite useful whereas SVN has many good user interfaces but I would say that it is still catching up and with the popularity of grid there are very nice UI is coming up and you can use them so let's reiterate the differences user interface internal directory unable to handle binary files complex to learn descent lines so these are the differences between get them elsewhere
Channel: Knowledge Powerhouse
Views: 60,107
Rating: 4.0173912 out of 5
Keywords: Interview Questions, Interview Preparation, Git interview questions
Id: JpOUbX1psh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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