What are signs and symptoms of heroin use?

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if you ask any heroin addict who is using if they think notice that they're high they'll say no because even you can be high and you can look yourself look at yourself in the mirror and you'll see the exact same person that you were before you ever did and it's almost like your mind won't allow you to know that you're you're physically your body is physically being drained and you your your mind will allow it the heroin won't allow your mind to pick up on that for any parents that are looking you know maybe suspect or their kids or for friends you know they'd see it in their friends or anything like that the main tall tale sign thing is their eyes I mean one they'll have the dark circles under their eyes but I mean that can be from a lot of things I mean other than drugs um but that the pupils are almost non-existent so if you're outside it's nighttime and your pupils are not dilated at all that's I mean that's heroin that's any opiate really but esperen it's especially your eyes are like pins very very small also your voice will get a little bit raspy yeah definitely raspy the voice gets really raspy so if I were sitting here talking to you my voice would be instead of like this would be like kind of slower and that's also something people don't really pick up on because I mean a lot of things make your voice raspy too you know nodding nodding off which is basically like falling asleep you know especially like at a time where it like doesn't make sense to be conversation with someone one day when my mom first started to pick up on it she was driving me to my friend's house and I was kind of you know nodding out I'm I'm in the passenger seat and you know I said I'm just tired but I mean if you're going over to a friend's house you're not going to be falling asleep on the way over there is a Friday night it's six o'clock at night you know and that was kind of when my mom started to pick up on it she she she knew something was up but she didn't know what I mean she would ask me should it'll be like are you on heroin and I would just be like I would begin something just be like mom hair like who's gonna do why would I you know and that was that and she would believe me because I mean who I mean it's it's you there's such a perceived person of what a hair on that it is and it's almost nine times out of ten it's that exact opposite person of that for the most part kids are going to downtown Chicago you know Chicago to get this day so if you're noticing like you there's kind of miles on your car like you're not really sure where it's coming from because you just think he's driving to school and back and the work around town I mean that's a tall tale sign stuff's missing house is missing money you're very very agitated when your highs well you're very irritable very easily so that's a another one me and a lot of others would do it and actually be more productive one on it so you know I would be home all day getting high my mom would come home and the laundry would be done the everything would be clean everything would be organized like it would and that would be something that would be like she'd come home she'd be like oh thank you so much and that was that also and I mean I wouldn't say rest anything solely on this but um you generally smoke cigarette when you're on dope you like smoke like double time like your throat is pretty much numb so you don't get affected by the smoke like to smoke three four you know cigarettes in a row so the the signs are there but they're really subtle so it's not easy to pick up on but if you're if you're if you're worried that someone's on it and you're looking for it that's that's the giveaway you
Channel: Suburban Heroin
Views: 240,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspy, voice, addiction, heroin, nodding, off, stealing, money, cigarettes, small, pupils, lies, manipulation, mileage, Chicago, lake, county
Id: n-iyFFin_mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2012
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