Signs Someone Is High On Crystal Meth

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signs that somebody is high on meth what are the warning signs that somebody's high enough and this is not to diagnose anybody this is to protect yourself I am a recovering cocaine and alcoholic addict uh those were my drugs and choices and yes meth every now and then did slip into it it was not my drug of choice but because you snort cocaine guess what a lot of people do snort meth so here are some of the warning signs that somebody's high on meth and if they are my suggestion is get away if you are struggling with meth addiction definitely reach out for help because believe me a sober life is a hell of a lot better life hit the like And subscribe button if you're new to the channel love to have you along for the journey what's up guys my name is Eric and as a recovering cocaine alcoholic addict I like to share about my experiences just to help anybody out there who is struggling because one of the worst things when we're an addict and we decide we want to get sober is that we feel alone and the other thing is too sometimes we hear something out there that just kind of connects with us and we're like dude maybe I am an addict maybe I should get help and maybe for one of you this is that video but here's a couple signs if somebody is actually high on meth because people don't realize sometimes it's so what what's wrong with somebody they see somebody and how they're acting but but what drug are they on and is this maybe meth or is this maybe not who knows here are signs that if somebody is high on meth if you're high on math one your pupils are going to get dilated and you're going to notice that people that are high on meth have very dilated pupils and they're going to be looking around so your vision is all over and it's almost late you become hyper focused and you become this this overwhelming sense of paranoia in almost hallucinations that's one of the reasons that you can almost get those hallucinations in that paranoia is because it's all like you see so much more than what you had before so you'll see these people constantly like looking around and there's a lot of jerking movement because anything that's off in the distance on the sides that's moving your eyes are now jerking to it you'll notice that there's an elevated heart rate and temperature and how do you really know if there are heart rate and temperature is elevated they're going to be sweating they're sweating and they're sweating in when the AC is on they're sweating everywhere and they're also going to be a lot of out of breath it's going to sound like they're constantly running and yeah yeah I know I'm doing good and that's because their heart rate is just going at a million miles a minute you're also going to see it grinding of teeth you end up getting dry mouth when you're high on meth and one of the things is is you get like this lock jaw and so those are sitting there grinding their teeth out of breath looking all over the place I mean it looks like somebody is literally like what the hell is wrong with you well odds are they're probably high on meth or iron amphetamine of some sort uh they're very alert and they're very Physically Active too so they're alert to all the sounds all the movement because of these people dilated pupils and you almost get hyper focused on different tasks because it does freak you out to a sense so they'll they'll find one task and they will all of a sudden just focus on it and a lot of people actually do cleaning because they'll notice something and they become obsessed almost with having to remove this one spot or clean this one area but it's a physical activity that kind of gets their body moving and it almost masks uh what they're going through and that high that they're experiencing they're never going to be any they're never going to be hungry that's why you see a lot of people that do uh struggle with meth addiction they're going to be very skinny because you're not going to eat amphetamines just do not give you um that hunger at all and the other one is you're going to see big mood swings and outbursts um there you can't regulate your emotions so somebody somebody's high and low high and low they're not bipolar they're not none of that's going on if you see all these combined and they're outbursts are there and they get very angry and paranoid odds are they're probably on meth and I mean meth is a common drug that a lot of people use when somebody starts using meth you don't notice right away that they are actually using meth um you don't realize that this is a drug that all of a sudden they're going down that route and I mean for anybody who's struggling with meth addiction I got a link down below to n a reach out tell everybody that you need help because believe me they already know that you're an addict but reach out and ask for help I mean I try to get sober from 23 to 36 that's how long it took me to get sober from alcohol and cocaine and if I can do it you can do it we've been we've all been through a lot we're all struggled with a lot I mean I'm diagnosed with ADHD PTSD Gad MDD I have self-harm scars I lost a wife and a father to Suicide I've attempted suicide I can tell you this and I've made it through all of this so can you and that's the whole thing is you can make it through this too just don't give up and that's the whole thing is just never giving up and going one day at a time hit the like And subscribe button comment down below love to hear your comments and just know that you're not alone
Channel: Eric B Zink
Views: 422,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eric b zink, the mr impulsive, mr impulsive, mr impulsive tiktok, mr impulsive tik tok, crystal, crystal meth, meth, meth addiction, crystal meth addiction, signs some is high on crystal meth, snorting meth, snorting crystal meth, using crystal meth, crystal meth addict, meth addict, what is meth, what is crystal meth, crystal meth explained, crystal meth addict interview, high on meth, high on crystal meth, shooting up crystal meth, smoking meth, smoking crystal meth
Id: r0DBibUNaKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 27sec (267 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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