What Are Electric Plasma Jet Engines?

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I wonder when the posts here will start to be “we did it” instead of “oh man we’re gonna do it. Definitely possibly maybe, idk, in the future. But we sure are gonna do it.”

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/RyanPWM 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

We can't even run a fusion reactor properly WITH superconductors...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/UltraHawk_DnB 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hope something interesting happens in my lifetime but I doubt it. Rich c$bst trying to escape to the moon because they fu led this planet up so badly isn’t it either.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Quicklyquigly 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

How is fusion going to power a flying machine? Are they going to somehow skip the steam engine step?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RikerT_USS_Lolipop 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Is this method avoiding the use of magnets and therefore superconductors then? Also the physicist mentions that the air must first be compressed but is that not what is happening when the diameter of the tube is reduced?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/surfintheinternetz 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2022 🗫︎ replies

Congratulations, you have found a way to turn electricity into thrust. Its probably worse than the usual technique of a motor and a propeller. If you had a magical source of unlimited electricity, this would work. But given a magical source of unlimited electricity, all sorts of other tech would work. Given fusion, fusion produces heat. You don't want to turn your heat into electricity and then back into heat.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/donaldhobson 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2022 🗫︎ replies
Imagine a shiny modern airliner  crisscrossing the globe powered   exclusively by clean electricity and  fresh air. That’s the grand vision of   a new generation of jet thrusters making big  noise in engineering labs around the world. But is this technology the solution  to runaway climate change and fossil   fuel dependency – or just a load of hot air? Join us today as we take a metaphorical test  flight with the electric plasma jet engine. Before we get stuck into the nitty gritty of  electric plasma jet engines – they truly are   just as exciting as the name implies – let’s look  at how conventional jet engines actually work. Jet fuel, which is usually a  kerosene-based petroleum mixture,   gets mixed up with compressed air and  ignited. This resulting gas heats rapidly,   which in turn expands with explosive force.  This force is then harnessed to power fans,   or blasted directly out of the back of the  engine demonstrating classic jet thrust. Electric plasma jet engines, on the other hand,  forego any smelly toxic hydrocarbons. Instead,   they generate that crucial propulsive  expansion of gas with the help of hot plasma. Plasma, since you ask, is just another state of  matter, like solid, liquid or gas. Plasma occurs   under quite specific circumstances, like at the  burning heart of a star, or in the air surrounding   highly charged phenomena such as lightning bolts.  If plasma can be artificially superheated, the   theory goes, an engine powered by it’s expansion  could generate enough thrust to fly an aircraft. This essential premise has been experimentally  explored by labs in the US and Berlin.   But the most promising recent breakthrough  happened in, of all places, Wuhan, China. Professor Jau Tang, a polymath who has  worked at Caltech and Bell Labs across   various fields from nanotechnology  to artificial photosynthesis,   was investigating the use of microwaves  in synthetic diamond production. In a moment of inspiration,   Tang wondered whether a similar technology  could be used to generate thrust. To this end he, and his team at the Institute  of Technological Sciences at Wuhan University,   developed a device which ionizes compressed  air by running it past electrodes then forcing   it along a specially-designed quartz tube. This  produces, for starters, a low-temperature plasma. Here comes the clever bit. The tube containing  this plasma intersects with a waveguide. That   waveguide – a pipe, essentially – is carrying  magnotron-generated microwaves. That pipe   ingeniously gets narrower as it approaches  the quartz tube. So the microwaves meet the   low-temperature plasma at the narrowest  point, at their greatest intensity. When that happens, the focussed microwaves  cause charged particles in the plasma to   oscillate wildly, releasing energy and  a quite dazzling 1000 degrees C of heat.   This in turn creates – ta-dah!  – that all-important thrust. Although still in its early stages of development,   Tang is optimistic that within a couple of  years his newfangled device might be ready   to power drones, before hopefully  progressing to manned aircraft. So, can we stop drilling for oil already? Not quite yet. One fundamental drawback Tang and his team have  yet to overcome is that positively Hadean 1,000   degree burn temperature. Which is far too hot  for any aviation-grade engine housing to endure,   not without substantial and probably  quite deadly so-called ‘plasma erosion’. There’s also the not insubstantial question  of scale. Under laboratory conditions   Tang’s microwave-powered thruster was  able to lift a rattly 1kg steel ball   over a 24mm diameter tube. In terms of  simple force this could, hypothetically,   be directly scaled up to power a usable jet  engine. But the airflows would need to be scaled   up by a factor of about 15,000. In the world  of engineering, what works on the small scale   rarely if ever works on the grand  dimensions of a commercial jet airliner. More intractable than any of those minor gripes  however, is the snag of how to electrically   power the device in flight, without access  to the power grid. Conventional jet fuel,   for all its many failings, carries far more energy  than batteries can manage at the same weight.   As much as 43 times more energy indeed. And weight  is a huge deal when you need to get airborne. Tang’s experiment created about 28  Newtons of thrust per kilowatt of power. The engines on the Airbus A320, for perspective,  produce about 220,000 Newtons of thrust. That means any comparably-roomy aircraft  powered by Tang Jets would burn more than   7,800 kilowatt of juice. Let’s say we’re  using currently available battery technology.   You’d need some 570 Tesla Powerwall 2 units, for  just one hour’s flight.. Which isn’t very helpful   anyway, considering an Airbus A320 can only carry  about a third of that many Powerwall’s as payload. Tang, like other researchers in the plasma jet  field, are waiting on improvements in batteries,   or compact fusion nuclear reactors, to  get their brainchild onto the runway. Incidentally, the idea of using small,  conventional nuclear fission reactors – such   as Russian KLT-40s – has been mooted. Although the  problem of how to radioactively shield passengers,   not to mention the catastrophic cost of any  crash, makes this plan shall we say, unlikely. Oh, and even if enough power  could be harnessed on a plane,   analysts reckon the cabling required  to carry all that juice to the plasma   engines would be prohibitively heavy,  using current technology anyway. Despite lofty claims from the Wuhan team,  many analysts believe the technology is   inherently flawed potentially even  if the power issues are resolved. Steven Barret , an MIT professor  of aerospace engineering,   was positively scathing when asked to comment  on the research on Twitter last summer. “This is wrong in terms of the  physics and measurements,’ he   thundered after reading about the  Wuhan team’s steel ball experiment. ‘What they've essentially done is  like heating a stove top pressure   cooker until the valve rattles  and called the result thrust.’ 'But pressure cookers don't fly’ He went on to suggest that adding  heat, by microwave or any other method,   only works if you compress the air first like a  jet engine, requiring mammoth amounts of power. ‘Otherwise jet engines would not have compressors,  and you could just ignite a candle and get thrust. ‘Candles don't fly around either.’ Still, the technology isn’t wholly useless. NASA has been using electric plasma  engines for some years now In space,   without the friction of atmospheric pressure to  overcome, they work just fine energising xenon   plasma. Even with such little oomph, thanks to  months and years of constant acceleration in   the gulf of space they can reach high enough  speeds to complete interplanetary missions. Some futurologists have tantalisingly suggested  we might see a coming generation of ‘hybrid’   planes, that use plasma jets for  cruising in the high atmosphere,   after fossil fuels do all the  heavy lifting on take off. 
Still, suffice to say it’ll  be a good while before this   promising green technology gets off the ground. What do you think? Can you imagine  jetting on holiday on an electric   plasma-powered aircraft any time  soon? Let us know in the comments,   and don’t forget to subscribe for  more high-concept tech content.
Channel: Tech Vision
Views: 1,187,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plasma jet engine, plasma, jet engine, engines, airplanes, airplane engine, engine, technology, jet, rockets, aviation, electric engine, electric jet engine, electric plasma jet engine, plasma jet, plasma jet engine breakthrough, electric plasma engine, china plasma jet engine, electric aircrafts, Plasma propulsion engine, plasma propulsion
Id: hiXuHjyxW14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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