What and Who is The Anti-Christ?

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Church listen today is an absolutely different day and I'll tear the reason why you can tell by the stage set and maybe for some of you who are somewhat new you've never been here for what we do on a on a basis as needed we dive into we reserve the right at any time to dive into a message that falls under the get ready series the get ready series has been something that we've been doing I think for about 11 years as opportunities as situations in the world dictate and so today in next Sunday will be one of those times and I encourage you to bring someone next Sunday as it would be a message for sure that will invite them to know the Lord Jesus Christ but with all that's going on in the world it's a new year that's in front of us it would be well it would be good for us to take some of the current events that are happening and the light of the fact that we have a new year before us and really with the spirit as Christians how should we be living in these days that are before us and I'm gonna I'm gonna ask you to allow me to erect two bookends because it's impossible to cover everything and even a series of messages and that is that today we're gonna be talking about the Antichrist who is he what is he and on the other end of the book and next Sunday we're gonna be talking about the real Christ Jesus Christ and who is he what is he so in this get ready series I'm gonna ask you to be a little bit bold and to invite people to come next Sunday just tell them just come on so you know those people that you have in your life that you've been invited into church they always say no do this tell them next week come with me to church and I'll never invite you back to church again no serious tell them that and then don't ever invite them again but if they come I mean that is if they come if they come great but tell them if you come bribe them in the name of Jesus tell them you come next week to church and I won't bother you again why because they're gonna hear the gospel and you can leave them with the gospel to God okay but you would have done your part we would have done our part together and they would have had opportunity to make a decision yes or no for Jesus why why the urgency to all this because we're living in an amazing time so today we're gonna be looking at a message entitled this what and who is the Antichrist write that down if you would he said pastor who cares well we care as believers even though we will not be meeting this guy according to the Bible you know that according to the Bible you will not know who he is according and you'll see this in a moment according to the Bible you and I will be out of here out of this world taken out of here by God before this guy is revealed to mankind so then you might say today justifiably what are we needed and study this number one answer he's in the Bible he's in the Old Testament and he's in the New Testament number two we can use it this way we can tell people what's coming and we can also I guess if I add a third thing to that we can also detect and share with others and be warned of ourselves that the spirit of Antichrist is already in this world in which you and I live in so who is he and what is he well the launch point turned in your Bibles if you would to second Thessalonians chapter 2 second Thessalonians chapter 2 and while you're turning there Church you are going I pray for you I'm sorry I pity you today because you are gonna get rolled over by Bible verses if I've ever talked fast before I'm gonna talk fast faster now I'm gonna pick up the speed because we got to cover some grounds but I feel for you because you're gonna be like a like a fire hose given information so I need you to all take a deep breath and to be ready and if you need an extra shot of coffee then I don't know what but we need to hear this and it's vitally important second Thessalonians chapter 2 by the way Bible scholar students remember this simple thing 1st thessalonians number 1 thessalonians deals with the rapture of the church and the church itself second number 2 thessalonians was written by paul about a year and a half later and he wrote regarding the events of the second coming and the revelation of the Antichrist of the tribulation period if you're in a theology course that's your outline right there very simple first deals with a rapture second Thessalonians deals with the second coming the physical return to Christ chapter 2 verse 1 Paul writes to them and he says now brethren concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him because they had been told that they had missed the rapture we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirit of my word or by letter as if from us as though the day of Christ had come heythis alone ian's you didn't miss a thing don't listen to weirdos don't turn into the Discovery Channel and be led astray verse 3 let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin you ought to mark that that's a title of the Antichrist is revealed the son of perdition that's another title who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he sits as God interesting in the temple of God there is no temple in Jerusalem yet so that would mean a temples got to be built showing himself that He is God verse 5 do you not remember them when I was still with you I told you these things and now you know what is restraining something is holding this guy back that he may be revealed in his own time for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he now noticed church scholars the restrainer is a person and he's referred to as a he only he who now restrains will do so that's what he's doing right now the Holy Spirit in the world until he steps aside or is taken out of the way then the lawless one that's another title of the Antichrist will be revealed whom the Lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and the brightness and destroy with the brightness of his coming that's awesome the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs and lying wonders or deceiving miracles verse 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who are perishing because listen everyone please listen because they did not receive the love of the truth that means they had an opportunity to receive the truth that they might be saved and for this reason God will send them who is the vehm those who had an opportunity to receive the love of the truth God will send them strong delusion they will be condemned to their belief just like when Noah got in the Ark who closed the door on the ark God did there's gonna be a moment of time in our church generation when the church is done preaching the gospel you're done with your witness a trumpet blast blows and that generation is lifted from the earth those who knew the gospel and didn't receive it God will send them strong delusion so that they will believe the Bible says V lie verse 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness boy let me tell you if you know the gospel today if you can tell me if you can tell those around you the Bible says Jesus Christ is Lord died on the cross for sins rose again from the dead he's the way the truth and the life if you know that and if you're not a lover and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ if the rapture happened tomorrow Saints would go up and you would be here and not only would you be stuck here but according to the Bible God would judge you with delusions so that you would believe the lie of the coming Antichrist the doors going to shut again on a generation and the Bible tells us very clearly that as a church we need to be knowing like the sons of Issachar in the old testament they were commended because the sons of Issachar they discerned the times and the seasons it said and they knew what israel should do next and as pastors and as churches we are to be warning the churches and we're to be warning christians and preparing them and we are to be a Clarion cry to the generation of non-believers as well very serious situation so listen before we go through this speed study today I'm going to ask you to write this verse down in Luke chapter 21 verse 28 jesus said this luke 21:28 he says now when these things begin to happen when you begin to see the slightest most faint hint of indication he says look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near that's the mandate to the Christian how many of your Christians today raise your hands okay have you noticed outside the the winter rains have come and the spring green is covering the hills already you see that velvety green looks like the Shire in Chino Hills right but did you notice the about two weeks ago there was a faint little green hue to that brown Hill and then now all of a sudden it's gloriously velvety green that's the word that Jesus said right here when you begin to see the slightest blossom or bloom of green or when the fig tree just begins to put forth its leaves know that it's near and Jesus said look up because your redemption draws near there's a reason why he said that we're gonna be looking at that today it's the church's responsibility to understand that there's a great difference an eternal difference between the Antichrist and the Jesus Christ and you need to know the difference the Bible tells us that the Antichrist listen up everybody if you don't know that the Antichrist is a person the Bible says that those who had hereto false doctrine they are antichrists plural and then thirdly the Bible also tells us that there is the spirit of Antichrist that is in the world and I'll give you those verses right now if you care first John 2:18 first John 2:18 says little children John's talking to believers it is the last hour I like him he's not waiting around about last days he says this the last hour he looked at the sundial on his wrist and said man we're down to the last hour and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming wow that means the first century church knew that even now many Antichrist plural have come by which we know that it is the last hour next first John to verse 22 who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist who denies the father and the son that's a great statement is it the cults they deny Jesus as Christ the Bible says there of the spirit of the Antichrist people who say hey I believe in Jesus but he's a great prophet our Muslim friends believe that they do not believe he's Jesus Christ they believe that he's a great prophet that's the spirit of Antichrist my Jewish friends who are watching right now in Israel I'll get an email from them momentarily my Jewish friends they're blind to the fact that Jesus is the Christ they deny that and the Bible says that they're under the sway of the Antichrist or that Antichrist spirit even to this day now does God want all to come out of that spiritual stupor and be saved of course but know this you can't have the father unless you have the son remember that and then listen finally the Bible tells us in 1st John 4 verse 3 that every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh that is the incarnation of God is not of God and this is the spirit of the Antichrist which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world so a church here we go how does this apply to us right now new year 21st century what's up when we talk about the Antichrist I'm gonna give you some characteristics about him it's limited time is short for us I think time is short for us I have 44 minutes and 28 seconds to give you this message left but you know what the rapture could happen any moment now I may not finish this message today the Bible teaches this we can get more into that detail next time but understand this who's the Antichrist what is he number one writer down he's a politician he's a part I thought that'd be great to throw in just after the elections he's a politician the Bible makes it very clear that he's a politician parks a lot he's the ultimate politician we read the Old Testament this character comes up in the Old Testament greatly and of course in the New Testament he is the quintessential politician he is the personification of what everyone wants in a politician now listen to this in Matthew chapter 24 verse 3 beginning there Jesus put it this way it's the Olivet discourse the disciples have gathered to with Jesus on the Mount of Olives and the disciples came to him privately and they asked him this question because Jesus had just told them you guys see the temple he hasn't it beautiful it's awesome Jesus said yeah you see it it's all gonna come tumbling down not one stones gonna be left on another if you're Jewish that freaks you out because God would never allow that to happen to his temple that's what they think and so they're really bothered by this and so it says in verse three that they came to him and notice real carefully in your Bibles that they asked him a three-part question at the latter end of that sentence he they they said they asked number one tell us when were these things be Jesus when in the world is this endtime stuff going to happen number two they asked him what would be the sign of your return you're coming you're coming back what's gonna be the sign of that happening and thirdly and when will the world end great questions questions people are asking today every time there's a ripple in the earth or something happens with war you know the the media's always ask is this the end of the world just the end of the world is this Armageddon so people people are curious the disciples were curious was awesome as Jesus's answer we all need to take a warning away from this and in verse four jesus answered and said to them this is the funny or odd answer they're asking when and he says take heed that nobody deceives you is that interesting when when when this is people don't people fall for that I'll tell you when Jesus is coming back I'm gonna write a book I'll tell you the day that Christ is going to return when when when Jesus says forget that Jesus says watch out that you're not deceived listen there's bozos book all over the place there's spiritual bozos announcing that Jesus the end of the world is going to happen this month did you know that they're out doing it again they said it last January and now they're saying it again why because people want to hear that kind of shenanigans they want to hear that kind of hype well it's not gonna happen the end of the world is not going to happen in January it's not going to happen for at least a thousand and seven years because the seven-year tribulation is still ahead and the millennial reign of Christ still has to take place think of that but Jesus could come back for the church today any moment now a great difference we'll know more about that next week together but this man is going to be the ultimate politician and Jesus says in verse five for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and will deceive many and jesus said to his disciples look at verse 11 then many false prophets will arise and deceive many therefore when you see the abomination look at verse 15 when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the Holy Place that's interesting because that means there has to be a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem for there to be a quote holy place the Bible there says whoever reads let him understand he's going to be the politician ultimate he's going to bring in to the world ideas political ideas he's got peace treaty ideas we'll see this in a moment he's got economic ideas he knows how to deal with Israel and their neighbors he knows how to deal with the nations of the world and this man is going to be demonically satanic Lee possessed and he's going to have answers imagine today you know you can um you can get answers from Google you can aunt you can get your answers from all kinds of things so quick you know we're now our cars we drive around in our cars and our cars tell us the weather and all this kind of stuff and it's just boom boom boom boom and imagine this guy he's going to come on the scene he's gonna really impress people he's going to be answers instead of saying Alexa what's the temperature is it Alexa Alexa with an A or what is it I don't I don't have it I don't intend to have that thing in my house even though she's probably already in my house right weird world we live in your phone is listening to you right now did you know that it's telling people what you're doing right now this guy's going to be the ultimate he's gonna have the answers and people love having somebody tell them the answers but the key to all this and the timing of it all and all the indicators Jesus gave us a great hint in Matthew chapter 24 verse 32 regarding the last days and are we near to the scene of this politician jesus said now learned this parable from the fig tree that when that's a time statement that's a time stamp when you see its branches they're already tender and begin and put forth leaves you know that summer is near in other words be sensitive verse 33 so you also when you see all these things know that it is near even at the doors Christians are supposed to be biblically carefully without conspiracy and without sensationalism with Bible open you are you and I are to be discerning what we see in the news and what we hear and match it against the Bible we're we're to look at everything through this filter of the Bible of what's going on in the world you fail to do that friend and you're gonna really get into some trouble a moment ago you raised your hand indicating that you're a Christian but does this book rule your life is this the governor is the Holy Spirit that uses this Bible the lord of your life that separates listen the real from the false and Jesus said this Antichrist and that his cohorts and his ilk of false prophets and false teachers they're gonna deceive many in the world and we have many false prophets and false teachers today in the world and I tell you what be prepared it's really going to get intense and so you need to be rooted you need to be grounded we'll see how so it in a moment number one regarding this ultimate politician he's a peace broker he's going to bring peace into the Middle East the Bible says the Bible tells us in Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 that he's going to confirm a covenant many for one week you can go ahead and read that chapter in totality the chapter will tell you that when the Antichrist comes on the scene it says in Daniel 9 that he's going to take the Jew and Israel and its neighbors around them and he's going to craft a peace treaty with Israel I think that's awesome think about a Book of Daniel almost 3,000 years ago Book of Daniel it says Israel and its neighbors it's not Canada in its neighbors it doesn't say Peru it's it's it doesn't say California it says Israel and this guy's going to craft a seven-year peace treaty with those angry neighbors around Israel by the way every US president since 1948 excuse me has attempted to craft a peace treaty between Israel and its neighbors you know that in fact it's one of the big driving ego forces of a presidency well this president bring peace to the Middle East Truman on it goes you name him and they've all done it Reagan tried to do it Bush tried to do it Clinton tried to do it Carter tried to do it Who am I missing Obama tried to do it Trump's talking about it now I miss Johnson did I miss anybody Nixon you name it it's a driving Iko that whoever a political leader is in the world that can bring peace to the Middle East and Israel is the centerpiece they will be the man of the year the man of the decade may be the man of the world are you with me it's the it's the determination of every president and nothing's changed about that well this guy that's coming is going to succeed in all of that the Bible says interestingly enough he's going to destroy or deceive or gain power by this thing of peace Daniel 8:25 Daniel 8:25 says and through his policies he will cause deception the word is craft or intrigue to prosper he will be a master deceiver you and I have no idea what that is none of us we would be suckers for this if it wasn't for the Holy Spirit if if we were exposed to such deception that this man will put forth and he shall magnify himself in his heart isn't that a great definition of a politician right there he will destroy many through peace and he shall also stand up against the Prince of Peace but he himself shall be destroyed without human hands somebody say amen to that God's gonna deal with him it's a very interesting thing keep in mind he's gonna bring peace number two he's gonna bring prosperity the Bible says the Antichrist will bring ultimate prosperity to the world because it will lead to their deception peace will deceive them and prosperity will deceive them it's interesting you look at Daniel chapter eight again we just read at a moment when I mentioned that word deception or craft it says he will deceive by prospering there'll be a prospering he touches will seem to turn to that proverbial gold and the world wants a leader like that people look we're Americans here right now let's be honest we're Americans we only care about America we have this this thing about us as Americans it's famous by the way it's world-famous they'll tell you you go to some other country they'll say you Americans you only care about America I can't can I in a way yeah it's true by the way the rest of the world they care about America they all want to move here think of it even the people that are cursing us out and hating us there's there's so much envy look God's been good to us as a country let's understand that right now but what's going on in the world around us look you and I I don't know who you are exactly but I'm just curious do you own a business raise your hand you own a business okay if you own a business it's probably doing pretty good right now how many of you are employed raise your hand that's it what's wrong with the rest of you listen unemployment's at an all-time low we've got more job openings than we have people to fill it and if you have a job you're probably doing pretty good if you're not get out of that job and go get a different one look the economy's doing tremendous even than last week's dip in the stock market no one's crying we're doing pretty good and the world is watching and they're looking at us but enjoy it it's all gonna evaporate but listen on the outside the world is hurting economies of the world are struggling and to you and I this message seems almost silly to give that this man's gonna come on the scene and promised peace listen look you and I we're at war right now but how much skin is off your back there's soldiers laying down their lives right now US soldiers but did that keep up you keep you up last night you're in peace what about Prosperity the Bible says this man's gonna bring it and people are suckers for peace just leave me alone and let me have what I want Satan knows this and he's going to use this man the Antichrist to prosper the world and he's gonna do it I believe with technologies of course he's not gonna go backwards he's not gonna rub sticks together to create fire he's going to use technology and I'll prove a deal and you know on top of the fact you and I live in a weird world as it is very strange things are going too fast by the way the Book of Daniel tells us that in the last days knowledge will increase you know the word exponentially that comes out of the Book of Daniel chapter 12 knowledge is going to explode in the last days the Bible says is knowledge exploding in the last days yes it is I think somebody said more most recently now knowledge is doubling every 18 months wow it's pretty remarkable technologies are powerful and it's even a problem so how do you how do you put an end to some of these problems we've got human trafficking drug border issues we've got security what's the word cyberattacks on your bank accounts and all this how do we stop it it's easy you know the solution is easy out of you know that or not everybody knows this no one's just got the guts to say it we need to rally everybody up and we need to chip them you need to get a chip in your right hand or on your forehead what do you say no for your dogs and cats got a chip in them you didn't have problem with that there's no problem with some countries in Europe chipping their newborn children now so they're not stolen out of the nursery US Special Forces over 3,000 of our special operators are chipped even the back of the neck or in the hand why because it's perfect for monitoring physiology or the location of somebody or someone's health records everything's in the chip you can program the chip you can delete you can do everything with this chip it's fantastic you want to stop you in trafficking bring in the chip dry up the world how do you do that jack how do you do that because when you bring in the chip then you're removing any need for dollars and you draw up the black market of everything it's brilliant SATA not stupid it's a brilliant idea that's why the barcode now Israel doesn't even lean on the barcode anymore Israel or me know this or not but Israel rather than the barcode has a a fiber it's an electronic fiber that's woven into clothing or or boxes or materials or can be placed in the human skin and it's ten times great or a hundred times greater than what you can put on a barcode technology reduced to nothing in the way of size Revelation chapter 13 verse 16 revelation 13:16 says this he who the Antichrist causes all this is future both small and great small and great rich or poor free and slave let's all be the same let's all be one world let's be one people to receive a mark on listen either their right hand not left it's got to be right hand by the way this physiological difference is from the right hand to the left hand if doctors in this room will know this listen Bible says right hand not left out right hand well what happens you don't ever write in well if you don't have a right hand and you care it's because you still have a forehead it says or on their foreheads you got it yeah so who would put something on their forehead you know I mean I don't know some people are into tattoos you know whatever I don't think anybody put a big tattoo in their forehead it's possible maybe it's gonna be so cool to follow this guy for the tribulation people that they want a big 666 on their head I don't think so I think people are do fame for that I think it's gonna be like under the skin and it can be like detected you know with like a scanner you know like when you go to the airport and some of the upgrades now for Global Entry some of these things or century when you stick your face in the screen anybody have a new iPhone yeah the new satanic iPhone yeah you hold up the iPhone down and you know how do you how do you unlock your phone now yeah you hold it up in front of your face and it unlocks your phone facial recognition England masters facial recognition England is scanning the populace of going up and down the streets looking for bad people listen the Bible says that this guy is going to implement this either a right hand or forehead and verse 17 and that no one may buy or sell no one buys no one sells economies except one has you have an option the mark we don't know what that is is it a logo is it a symbol is it something cool or the name we don't know what that is either we don't know what the name of the Beast is what else what's that what's your third option you give three options that better I mean you don't I'm talking to Christians right now you don't get the option non-christians they get the option or they get the number of his name the Bible says here's a wisdom let him who understands calculate the number of the name of the beast the number is the num man in the number is 666 every time you hear that number hmm six six six you ever see cars driving around six six six you ever buy something at the store net six daughters is 66 cents and you reach for gum and say here change that pink that number ha don't worry about the number the number is the symbol of man six is the number of man when you put three sixes together its man trying to make himself to be God the number listen the number of God is the number seven seven seven seven is the completeness of God eight eight eight is the Eternity infinity eternity the number of God biblical numerology it's you can push it too far the point is this number six is the number of man Nebuchadnezzar's Nebuchadnezzar's image remember you erected that image and if you read the if you read it carefully and study that well it's an image of a man for six on a platform that turns out to be so many cubits tall when you transfer and do the math and transfer the cubits to feet guess how many feet it is it's 66 feet high 66 feet high with a man representing the number six as Daniels vision of Nebuchadnezzar statue 666 the Bible tells us that is number is 666 in the last days simply this that it's a prefix you know like you have a zip code not a zip code what do you have on your phone area code you have an area code you have you have a number you have you have your social security number this guy's going to come along and basically say hey keep your number that's all fine keep your number we want you have to keep your number just accept this prefix in front of it this is how you log on into our system if you put it in 666 and the rest of your number now you're on the team we got you and here you go now now you can buy or sell and you think he's gonna come on the scene like this I'm the Antichrist uh mister 666 see my tail and look at my fork and you're gonna fry you're gonna burn if you don't accept my number no he's gonna come on the scene and say you know what this is awesome you guys are fantastic and look there's so much crime in the world and there's so much wrong happening you guys want peace yes we want peace and you want prosperity I got an idea we're gonna use a number we're gonna give everybody a number we can track them by satellites all over the world and we're gonna know the bad people are you want to listen do you want to relinquish some of your rights so we can start the bad people yeah sign me up all right just go to this website WWE were Satan calm and a download or stick your hand in front of the screen or whatever it is and there'll be a downloaded pulse that goes through you who knows and people are gonna line up to do it except those known as the tribulation Saints the believers who come to faith in Christ during the Tribulation Period they're not the church they are tribulation Saints by the way they must die for their faith in Christ the Bible says they will either be killed or most likely it says beheaded for their belief in Jesus Wow I thought you would have said Wow about that but anyway the next thing he'll do is unify he's gonna unify the world religions isn't that what's listen I'm being sarcastic right now isn't that what's wrong with the world religion that's what people say no what's wrong with the world by the way is atheism more people have been killed by atheists than all religious wars combined go study that one communism and socialism has killed more human beings than any religious war or all of them combined I just thought I throw that out there to ruin your Sunday afternoon he's going to bring a unification to religions in the world look I don't want upset some of you but some of you need to hear it and I got a letter the other day from a Catholic couple who are now viewing these services in a remote state and they said we're disillusioned were hurt and we're so upset with the Catholic Church and we found your teaching on online and we've learned more in the last three months than we have in forty five years of being Catholics and that's great here's the thing Catholics have every right to bail out on the Catholic Church because the Catholic Church have certainly bailed out on you it's in us it's in a massive state of destruction and spiraling down into nothingness but the big push is now with this pope is to unify the religions of the world he's good with everybody he doesn't believe you have to be born again to come to the kingdom of God he doesn't believe that Jesus is the only way the truth and the life now I'm not saying the Pope's the Antichrist by no means but I'm saying that man is prepared to have this idea of a unified religious system and the Bible talks about that by the way if you lie if you ask Alexa what what are the religions the chief religions of Europe now we have to pick on Europe because the Bible I don't have time to get into it but the Bible is very clear that Europe will be the place where the Antichrist rises I'll tell you more about that in a moment it has to be Europe if you ask Alexa what's the religions of Europe this mission to tell you the largest religion in Europe is Christianity but ear religion and practical secularism are strong three countries in southeastern Europe have Muslim majorities ancient European religions included venerations of deities such as Zeus these are all on the rise by the way did you know the worship of Zeus can you answer me did you know the worship of Zeus and Titan and Athena and those ancient gods are coming back in Europe it's a big deal they have they have massive outdoor gatherings and somewhat in the fashion of anybody heard a Burning Man those kinds of gatherings in Europe the opening of the Eurotunnel when that happened was very pagan they've just done some new construction and various connecting some of the European countries together bye-bye tunnels for cars and they had a very very very pagan celebration it was all about ancient mythological guy you say well that's really weird I know but yeah you and I think it's weird but let's make this very clear Christianity in Europe wasn't much time you been to Europe you should go and you Penn you better you better hang on your seat because Europe is DOA on Christianity it's over but they're very spiritual people all they want all kinds of spirit stuff but the Bible says this guy's going to come along as a global religious unifier he's going to be one who presides over the Bible says he actually starts small and he gets big an influence this isn't the European mindset and for them right now what is really ruling their culture is a demigod spiritus type of existence I'm gonna show you a couple of pictures kind of get this in your head it's hard for us to understand this we don't we don't live like this we pull open our currency and we've got Ben Franklin on it we got we got George Washington on it you you open up European currency and for the example this is from Greece and to the top left hand at about 10 o'clock 11 o'clock you see that's that's Europe or Europa Europa is the woman on top of the beast she's a woman riding the Beast you ever heard that before the woman riding the beast existed before the book of Revelation mentions it that's why the book of Revelation mentions it the ancients 2,000 years ago would have understood exactly what the Bible was talking about see you and I are westernized and we're in the 21st century we need to get back to the truth the Bible says in the last days this Antichrist and his cohorts are gonna ride are they're gonna carry Europa they're gonna carry this woman on his back the Beast if you ask any European that is here today or watching online or by TV right now if you ask a European who was grew up with this who's the Beast they're gonna yell they can only give you a one or two names they can only give you one or two names the to name one good name is Greek and the other name is Roman regarding the same God if it's Greek it's Zeus this is Zeus carrying Europa by the way he's captured her she's a virgin he's taking her away and he's going to he's going to conquer her that's that's Greek mythology by the way all of these demigod half animal half man things that conquer human women and the like all of that interaction bizarro stuff Greek mythology been around for millennia Zeus goes by the other name Roman name the Romans called him Jupiter Jupiter is that God and so I want to give you a few slides next slide this is cool because you see this is from a website but I have the privilege of actually owning that exact coin I have that five-year-old coin from 1996 this is from Belgium but this is the this is the beast a little bit there's something added to this this is more accurate there's the woman with robes riding on the back of the beast notice what he's running on anybody the sea the sea and Zeus is taking her because he's going to take her and he's going to conquer the world that's what the sea means the nation's quite fascinating and how many stars are on there anybody know 12 can somebody tell me why your stars what correlation does twelve stars have with your answer zero go to the European website regarding its image for the European Union they cannot tell you why they pick twelve stars it's a good number twelve might I remind you that the book of Revelation talks about that the Queen of Heaven Book of Jeremiah in the connection of twelve stars go search that out on your own if that generates interest in you next slide Europe's new order you see Angela Merkel in the back just like like Hitler she's got her little military outfit on they they pushed her to the shadows a new man has come on the scene now he said he's got his hands full today I mean as we speak his hands are full but this guy is the new European the new European leader and he's a man of the future and he's the new order we're done with his old stuff we're done with the judeo-christian European influence were pressing onto something else the red fine print is a special report on macarons France when McMahon Emmanuel macron Emmanuel hello McCrone came into power he was he was the Obama of France he was young nobody had heard of him before he speaks really good he's handsome let's vote for him because that's about the depth of our requirements next slide Europe's Savior Emmanuel macron they look to him to not only say France but to save the European Union he turns around and says I am NOT the president of France I and the president of Europe and he's in he's not content with that he's introducing himself he has a global agenda am I saying McCrone Makran is the Antichrist no I'm not I'm saying this paves the way people get used to it are you with me anybody care about this okay next slide this is true watch this Emmanuel macron wanted to rule like Jupiter he said it he said in the speech I'm quoting I want to rule like a Roman god that's what he said go look it up later he said he wanted a rule like Jupiter but recently in the last year he's had some troubles so the the article says he's quickly come down to earth I want you to see that Europe is being groomed for this thinking of one guy can be our answer we don't want Jesus Christ we want in a replacement Christ anti anti means against and instead of and this is what Europe is embracing and you shouldn't be surprised Europe has been a sucker for tapping one individual to rule them and Hitler knew that or the demons that operated Hitler knew that muzzle Eenie on it goes but the Bible tells us this man's gonna exalt himself and one of the things that he's going to do is exalt himself to the point there's an that is in line with his the the forerunner of who the Antichrist was originally the the original Antichrist as a person goes is a guy by the name we make fun of his name now we say to people with that goof up we say what a Nimrod Nimrod Nimrod was the first Antichrist the Bible says in Genesis chapter 10 and chapter 11 and I'll paraphrase you can look at it later I'll give you a portion of it though the Bible says in Genesis chapter 10 verse eight that he Nimrod began to be a mighty one on the earth by the way you go look at it research it it's unusual might verse nine he was mighty he was a mighty hunter before the Lord circled a word before the word means facing or against the Lord Nimrod was a mighty hunter who aligned himself against God it is therefore said like nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord verse ten and the beginning of his kingdom was babel so babel what would you remember what Genesis 11 talks about that Nimrod gathered people the Bible says that all the earth spoke one language how cool how much could you get done if everybody spoke the same language first of all as a man I really would love to have that happen Lisa and I both speak English but we've been married 40 years and I still don't get it sometimes you know I'm saying guys say man guys if you know I'm time out it's like what you say the Bible says that at the time of the building of the Tower of Babel everybody spoke the same language you can get a lot done if you're on the same page and so I want to show you sleight okay so this is a painting you can get this you can see this at the National Gallery in Washington DC and it's a renaissance medieval representation of the Tower of Babel the Bible gives you by the way very great descriptions about what was made out of and who was involved but you say well what's wrong with that there's nothing wrong with that until you read Genesis ten and eleven when it says that the intent was to to mount that tower and do and Nimrod was - was going to confront God face to face and shoot God down out of the heavens he's the first Antichrist next picture I took this picture in Frankfurt Germany I in about 2002 I think it was maybe a little maybe a year or two earlier and so I want you look at this carefully it's it's it's a poster in an airport just look at it what's what is the building would you say that the building is a tower it's certainly a mimic of the photo of the painting you saw a moment ago bottom right-hand corner Europe : many tongues one voice that's a statement of unification okay how many stars do you count just 12 stars again nobody knows why twelve stars bottom right-hand corner in the yellow box twelve stars look up if you gave your kid assignment to make stars in the sky around a tower are those are those stars exactly those are not stars those are pentagrams a star you're a star looks like that's not start I'm not being a conspiracy person I would just flunk the kid in the second grade for making such a stupid picture because who paints stars upside down weird you're at many tongues one voice but you know what's great though Europe Scott overall that they would never even think about building a tower as a place of shooting God down out of the sky right so let's take a look at the final slide for this hmm that's the European Union headquarters it's called the tower and out in front they have the European flag which I don't have here for you you can look it up it's that blue flag with circles or with a circle how many star any stars in the circle 12 nobody can tell you why nobody tell you why but the Queen of Heaven has 12 stars around her head in the Book of Jeremiah and she's pagan think of it interesting do they know this I don't know if they know this or not we could go on and on with this but the next thing that we that he'll do church is persecution he will persecute the Jewish people he signs the peace treaty and the Bible says three and a half years into the peace treaty he breaks the deal he declares himself to be God in the newly rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem second Thessalonians chapter 2 and he persecutes the Jews question to all of you I said what I said so quick a moment ago did you get it he's gonna stand in the temple in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God you would think in your mind pastor you're a bozo there is no temple in Jerusalem and I would come back to you and say correct but there are blueprints already approved for a new temple number 2 the Sanhedrin has been formed in fact the Sanhedrin for the new temple that's coming have been meeting with international leaders regarding a new temple 3 the artifacts and instruments to be used based upon the Book of Leviticus are on display in Jerusalem under armed guard and protective glass of the coming temple there are people there that will take you on a tour they're very excited about the coming temple problem they have yet problem listen to the problem the problem is there's no one yet with the authority to grant us the green light to do it all the Bible says this man will do and when he breaks the deal with them three and a half years into the Tribulation Period the Bible says they will flee he'll kill most of them but there'll be a remnant that flees next cleansing he's going to purge the earth cleansing there's gonna be a cleansing the Bible says in revelation 17 verse 9 I saw the false religious system of the last days the the woman and the beast drunk with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus tribulation Christians will die for following Jesus Christian stay the course if you're not a Christian today you better you should make your decision now because you're not gonna have a chance later it's easier to live for Jesus now because you'll have to die for him then think of that just like God shut the door on that Ark the door of opportunity is going to shut on you only God knows that moment don't say no to Jesus but there'll be a cleansing also this under this point there's an agenda of power the Bible tells us that he will in Daniel chapter 7 verse 25 he will speak pompous words against the Most High that's God and shall persecute the Saints of the Most High that's the Tribulation believers and shall enter an NCL intend to change times and seasons he will exercise power to the point that he will change the way things are done from tradition point number 2 and we'll go fast I have a few moments left so we're gonna go quick on this he'll be a master deceiver Church please listen to this he'll be a master deceiver Jesus said in John 5:43 I have come in my father's name and you did not receive me if one comes in his own name that's a reference of the Antichrist to come him you will receive jesus said in Matthew 24 verse 11 then many false prophets will arise and deceive many friends listen church family listen the the master deceiver is coming and you might say even today listen he's not in power now he may be alive somewhere on the earth we don't know who he is but Church right now all around and what is even called Church there's tremendous deception taking place right now and let me just jump to the punchline on this one how do you know that you would not be deceived even now with some charlatans that shows up down across town say it again louder the Word of God yeah exactly those two combos they're inseparable the Holy Spirit will use the Word of God that you put inside of you please listen everybody if you don't get anything out of this get this these are the days of deception and they're increasing we all know people who have been deceived by charlatans it's gonna increase but without the Holy Spirit using and he'll only use the Holy Spirit can only use the word that you put within you thy word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you Oh God that's why we pound weekly read your Bible read your Bible read your Bible that's why we have Bible studies because the Holy Spirit will embed it in your heart that's the only way that you will not be deceived if you're not putting the word in your heart you're going to be deceived I don't care if you call yourself a Christian or not a real Christian will hide this word in this heart watch what happens case in point so let's say your daughter god forbid has cancer you find out your daughter has cancer and she's gonna die in three months but down the street there's a big tent thousands of people are gathering together people are flocking to this guy he's extremely charismatic he's extremely amazing and people the music spectacular that his voice his message oh you gotta go you gotta go and you go and something about you it's just this is the law something's wrong are you with me can't put your finger on it something's wrong and then you hear and say something like church friends gathering Jesus is Lord right oh yes Jesus is Lord and we're the sons of God right we're children of God oh yes for the children of God well you know what oh then we're like Lords too we're like we're like Lords well if we're sons of God and we inherit everything Jesus well then we're like we're like Lords also and and half the crowd goes amen still have to crowd this thinking are you with me and you're saying that's wrong but you have with you your daughter that's battling cancer who's gonna die in three months and he puts his hand out and he touches the lady down the aisle from you and she's healed of cancer right in front of you what are you gonna do what do you do if your wife if your kids got cancer and this guy whose doctrines off just did a miracle in front of you number one are you not desperate you're desperate if you don't have this word hidden in you you're gonna go with an emotionally based theology you're gonna dump this word cuz you just saw sign and Wonder and by accepting that sign and Wonder you're taking God got staples onto you that doctrine of that man that's exactly how it's going to happen and that's how it's happening today if someone promises you something but there are doctrines a little bit off about Jesus is deity but you need that healing you're gonna go over there and you're gonna do it unless the Word of God your anchor this day's coming it may already be here in some parts of the world an agenda he's a deceiver he's gonna tell lies something to destroy people by telling lies the Bible makes it very clear about that the next thing look we're gonna go quick he's listened the Bible says listen very few people study this part the Bible says that the Antichrist is gonna survive death did you know that the Bible says he's gonna survive an attack upon his life the Bible tells us that Zechariah eleven seventeen says woe to the worthless Shepherd who leaves the flock a sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye his arm shall be completely withered and his right eye shall be totally blinded revelation 13:3 answer zechariah 11 17 and i saw one of its heads daniel see and this are john cena's monster of the endtime display as if it had a mortal wound and his deadly wound was healed and all the world marveled and followed the Beast so they worshipped the dragon who gave authority to the Beast and they worshipped the Beast saying who is like the Beast and who was able to make war with him and he was given a mouth to speak great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months or one hundred 1260 days this is the Antichrist is going to be somehow wounded he's going to appear to be dead and other portions of Scripture it says that he when he's healed the world will marvel it's a mock resurrection it would be a mock resurrection listen you've got Satan you've got the false prophet and you have the Antichrist and unholy trinity it's a mockery we're almost done really I'm not kidding we're almost done he's gonna fool the world into submission he's gonna fool the world into submission and then finally he's the coming world leader and that's exactly what the world wants we are ready for it Church the world is ready for it when I say the coming world later it's inhuman it's in the human heart didn't Israel ask God to give him a king listen when Barack Obama was campaigning what qualifications did he literally have to be a president I'm not being mean I'm just being honest he had officially never had a 40-hour paycheck work week literally in his life never he's never had he's never he'd never had it doesn't matter what qualifications here's the deal he didn't have to have any qualifications because he offered the world change and no one's stuff to ask what kind of change they just want to change the Belgian Prime Minister Paul Henry spec said and I quote we do not want another committee we have too many already what we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of old people and to lift us out of the economic Meraz into which we are sinking send us such a man and be he God or devil we will receive him that's radical he's gonna arise he's going to deny Jesus as Lord he's going to attack the world I'll show you our final two slides the spirit is in the world many of you who recognize this in closing you'll recognize this picture first slide up guys at the end because somebody mode that is it's the Dome of the rock mosque in Jerusalem that was established by Islam in what I say in recent history compared to biblical history when they captured Jerusalem next slide the Bible said earlier today you can you close your Bible worldone the Bible said earlier today if you deny that Jesus is the Christ that if you deny that Jesus is the Son of God the Bible says this the spirit of Antichrist did you hear that today now I know there's people in this room right here right now who speak Arabic who read Arabic around the Dome of the rock Mosque is an Arabic saying all the way around the Dome of the rock and I'm gonna read it to you you ready it says God is not begotten nor does God have a son written all the way around it why they're interesting because it's the spirit of Antichrist the last days are being set up be careful Christian that they are set up and you don't notice them Jesus is watching be ready for you do not know when the hour is but the moment is for us to end we'll pick it up next week invite a friend they'll have an opportunity to meet the real Jesus not the fake Jesus that's advancing in the world today father we thank you for your truth we thank you for your word and God we pray right now that all of us would pick up your Bible read it and let it speak to us Lord we praise you that Jesus Christ died on the cross rose again from the dead that through him and him alone is eternal life it's not some man you are some God to come to us and to get inside and to possess human physics in a body that was fashioned for you to feel what we feel to to be tempted like we're tempted to feel hot and cold rejection and pain joy and laughter that you might turn to us and say come to me all you who are burdened and heavy laden and I will give you rest Lord today may we trust Jesus now more than ever as we see the Day approaching and all God's people said amen god bless you let's stand together church as we closed in worship god bless you okay thanks for watching real life youtube channel and if this message has been a blessing to you then just click the subscribe button cuz we'd love to keep you up to date on what we're teaching on and what's coming next and if you'd like to help us increase our reach in getting out these messages to a greater audience then you can help support us by becoming a partner by simply clicking on the link in the description box below so listen we want to thank you for helping us get the Word of God out to the ends of the earth
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 127,027
Rating: 4.9032922 out of 5
Keywords: end of the world, end times, last days, bible prophecy, news, prophecy, jesus christ, god, revelation, rapture, jack hibbs, bible, church, anti-christ, Israel, Jerusalem, Trump, Temple Mount, pope, Je
Id: Nei3V8HtozI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 11sec (3851 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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