What a $400,000 House in Tokyo Japan will Get You

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this is a house in Tokyo you'd get for [Music] $400,000 so in this video I wanted to do something a little different than the usual and I wanted to give you a tour of a $400,000 house in Tokyo Japan that's 60 million yen and I'm going to show you what you really get for this price but first to give you some background the reason I have access to this place is that my real estate friend is is planning on renovating this house but before he does he said I can give you guys a full tour of the place but anyways let me know if you guys like this type of video if you want to see more let me know in the comments that said let's begin this tour I've actually never been here before so let's go check it out now so this is the house a 160 me 4 LDK house with two garages and a backyard sitting on 181 s m plot of land a 44-year-old house with a market value of 60 million yen about $400,000 so this is the actual front door and apparently no one has actually lived in here for the last I think 3 years so it'll be interesting to see what's inside but just looking around they do have this like cool drain system some stuff that's kind of like overgrown right here they have some security like flood lights I guess right here that's quite interesting but anyways let's go inside okay so it's not much warmer in this house so I think I'm just going to leave my jacket on but looking around it kind of doesn't have that typical Japanese Vibe it's kind of more like a blend of like Scandinavian and Tokyo home I guess for you know Japan SATs just like open entrance area is quite roomy looks like the light is actually missing oh wait actually look it's like typical in a Japanese home they actually have like a little Shoe Closet [Music] here as I go through here I'm trying to figure out like what my friend would do to like renovate this place and how he's going to change all of it so let me know in the comments also if you guys have any ideas on what you guys would do yourself let's continue on [Music] on okay so I think this is the main living room area and you can see it's still very very lived in lots of interesting features you got that cool chandelier area right there you have that SEO clock I wonder if it still works maybe put some batteries in there you have these two wide open windows that lead into kind of like this balcony area I mean you can do a lot with that AC there you got these really kind of old curtains um it's still like in Fairly okay condition you see the floors are a little bit soft old TV plugs here here it looks like these cabinets are still pretty cool so you might be able to refurbish them is that the word refurbish maybe not refinish okay so this is the backyard area if I can figure out how to open this door oh here we [Music] go okay so look at this this is actually pretty cool I didn't even realize there's like a little side gate over there there's quite a lot of space for Tokyo yeah there's so much that you could potentially do with this I mean you can just throw hot tub barbecue throw a Jacuzzi maybe a sauna and a cold bath you know I've actually been into that recently so yeah this was my place I could just like clear this out and let Wolfie play and have like a place for him and his friends to come at the end of the day quite a bit of stuff you can do just I think around the corner let's go around this [Music] way just here this is kind of like a cemented area you can put like a little awning sit out here have some tea have a beer just hang out with some friends what a perfect spot and apparently this right here is a Parson tree you know twice a year you probably have some fruits coming in okay so before we move on I thought it' probably be a good idea to explain the housing prices here in Tokyo so in Japan housing properties are evaluated based on the land Value Plus the building value in Tokyo the average land value is about 1.2 million yen 8,110 per square meter while in this area on the outskirts averages about $330 Yen $2,230 per square meter which would value this House's land at around $400,000 but since a house was built in 1980 has been poorly maintained left unrenovated with no one living here for 3 years the house value in Japan is considered close to zero therefore a total valuation of $400,000 interested to see what the kitchen is like it's kind of low definitely not made for tall westerners okay so this this is the kitchen area right here and it's a very typical Japanese Kitchen I love the fact that there's so much space just looking at this area in itself like I'm living in central Tokyo and just feel like this space alone is as big as our apartment you have the stoves you have three burners it even has one of these small Japanese fish grills it's like an old school air conditioning unit right here oh and then you even have some storage in here built-in storage it's not really a refrigerator it keeps things cooler got some interesting sinks right here oh wow look up there in the cabinet area they have some old school alcohol I don't even know if you're able to drink this stuff but 15E malt whiskey Highland Queen fine old scotch whiskey I got some santory old whiskey dude this might actually fetch a good price look at that I love it finding these Little Treasures from the house of santor limited the oldest distillers in Japan okay I guess it's just Sor you know it's probably at least 3 years old for sure would you guys drink this okay let's put this back literally there is so much potential that you can do with this place almost wouldn't mind living here myself if I renovated it anyways let's continue on so what is interesting I think this is a 4 LDK so that means that you have the living the dining and then you have four rooms so we have four more Rooms To Go so let's continue on this light right here keeps bother me just like keeps on flickering but you know what would you expect okay so this is the bath area you got the sink here little outlet for your washer dryer system right here you got some the cabinets got this cool little heater then you got the the breaker here as well this is the tub area kind of like a smaller size bath perfect for the population but it's cool so this here is a you know Japanese style bath just press a button have some coffee or tea and then after like I don't know 15 minutes the bath will be like perfectly heated to what level you want so definitely love that part about Japanese houses and then also you know you Al just take a shower here if you don't want to take a bath even has some side handles here for people that need handles let's keep on going okay and I think just around the corner here is the toilet area nice this toilet has a [Music] fan okay so I think there's one more room over here here so let's go check it out okay so this room here has some cool tatami action going on pretty standard Japanese room so I don't know if I renovated it if I keep it or not maybe some people like it but pretty cool because it like leads out into the backyard area you have a lot of closet space just over here they have some closets from like for futons yeah there's quite a lot of storage space in this house and like per room they have a lot of storage space um man my allergies are starting to kick in so maybe the dust or maybe some pets but who knows I might have to finish the rest of this video with a mask you have I don't even know what that [Music] is oh cool so just right there they have like this old school gas outlet I guess if you wanted to to cook or maybe like just have like na together like eat here like more like traditional Japanese style and then you have the Shi which is pretty typical looks like they have some Tel cabling going on here before I continue I should probably also just mention the location of this place we're actually in Kai city which is kind of like on the outskirts of Tokyo what's kind of interesting is that there's a lot of like cool spots in this area let me just um cut to some buau of this like this area so a 12-minute walk away Kaya train station has many stops and cool restaurants and of course a supermarket also it's about a 20-minute train ride from Shinjuku station this area has a downar relaxing Vibe and my favorite three breweries in the area with just one across the street and at the same distance away kitami station which is a bit smaller than Kaya station but also has everything you need such as a supermarket drugstores and some restaurants okay so let's go upstairs [Music] these steps are pretty fairly steep very typical in the Tokyo standards kind of a balcony area that you can Overlook the entrance right here I like that makes it feel more spacious just having this like open area right here just right here like a separate sink area so I guess people that are sleeping upstairs they might just want to brush their teeth and not go all the way downstairs they can do it here you know get a cup of water or something so that's kind of convenient okay so let's see what's in door number one okay so it's a toilet uh it's pretty standard toilet I guess this one unlike the one downstairs doesn't have the Japanese Bay so I don't know for me I'd probably use the one downstairs at least for now huh interesting that I was like hey what's that and that one actually has a board coming out of the toilet seat so I think it's a heated seat at least so before we continue on I want to give a quick shout out to the sponsor of this video Squarespace if you all don't already know Squarespace is the number one way to build your online presence in fact I use Squarespace for my website Tokyo zebra here are just some of the reasons why I love using Squarespace so much now with fluid engine their next Generation website design system it helps anyone unlock their creativity with reimagined drag and drop technology for desktop or mobile and start with a professional website temp templates but then customize it like I did for my website to fit your own 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outside of the [Music] window open this side right here okay so that's pretty nice it overlooks the yard right here man that yard just has so much potential there's so much stuff that you know I would love to do with it if it were you know my own property and my own [Music] [Music] renovation oops um I just broke the screen right here let's just take get out for now oh okay so this one just looks straight into the other house so probably wouldn't leave this one open you know maybe just to get some fresh Breeze like going through both windows okay so let's just quickly look into this cabinet area you know see how people used to live back in the day well I guess not back in the day it's like 3 years ago there's like Ultraman there's I don't even know what these things are let's see Ultram man have Godzilla there I got like all sorts of stuff you got some Disney characters here you got Donald Duck Bell old school toy cars too familiar with what type of cars these are but yeah little classic cars Oh I thought that was a drink it said rll the unique drink piggy bank of some sort huh interesting anyways let's move on okay so this this room itself is more Western it actually has wooden flooring has another Corner view which is pretty cool has a balcony outside this one has AC so I guess it's kind of like more of a western style have all the cabling there for TV internet I think plenty of closet space so as I mentioned earlier my real estate friend is planning on renovating this place he's actually going to turn it into an Airbnb it does have like a lot of potentials I do like his kind of like business plan about what he's like trying to do with this I'm not actually involved in this project at all but who knows maybe this thing works out I might get involved in the future I just want to see how things go with what he's doing at the end of the day he's given me kind of this opportunity just to film it before he renovates I don't think he has the designs available yet I I think he's still like getting estimates on like renovating this place yeah I can see like definitely a lot of things that he could do um if it were my place there's a lot of things that I would do but you know I think I approached it from if I were actually going to live in this place myself but you know when it's a business I guess it's a little bit different if you guys do want to see kind of like how this place is renovated what the results are let me know in the comments if you guys want me to break down the cost or show you guys actually how it's all done just let me know but anyways let me show you the rest of this place I think there's a few more rooms left oh actually I didn't show you this outdoor section right here see if you can get [Music] outside oh cool it's like a little balcony area then you have the clothes hangers up here which is very typical of Japanese homes sandals here and like little sandals so maybe there's a little kid that used to live here there's even like a little satellite dish right here it's overlooking the yard pretty cool and then I think over there as well it's connected to the other room with probably like the same height as all of the other houses around here they're all twostory houses so you can't like see above it to see more but yeah nonetheless pretty cool so I should probably also say if you guys do want to check out this Airbnb or if you guys want to see what my friend is doing with his Airbnb business um I'll leave a link in the description he know he was kind enough to let me show you guys this house so this room itself I think probably needs the most work out of all the rooms you can see like the carpet torn up probably needs to be redone maybe even the walls need to be redone this one has some of the like old school characteristics that definitely needs to be updated there's actually also two garages um I think they just being used at storage yeah let's go check that out we can go outside but it's pretty much the same as before that was the other room this is the room next to it this is the the front entrance area so okay so the garage itself is actually on the outside it's not connected to the house so you have to go from the front area here and just around this corner okay so this is the garage area you can't actually like fully stand up in it until think about this stage right here it's pretty deep probably feel like a limousine in here it's so long but um it doesn't go anywhere so you just have that one entrance and you have to kind of back out it doesn't like connect to anything okay so there's actually another garage just right there so let's go check it out okay so this second garage just looks like a bunch of storage let's go inside you can see there's just all of this storage space all in here so you can probably fit maybe like a small car or just like bikes in this one or just use it as storage what do you guys think um what would you guys do if you had this place would you move in just as is would you renovate what would you do if you renovated let me know all this in the comments if you guys like this video like always help me out hit that like button if you guys want to help for the channel definitely check out my hot sauce or my merch and if you guys want to see more videos like this or anything related to Japan hit that subscribe button and the bell button I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Paolo fromTOKYO
Views: 555,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paolo, Japan, Japan guide, tokyo, living in japan, life in tokyo, life in japan, tokyo homes, japan real estate, japan house tour, real estate, tokyo house tour, house tour, life in tokyo japan, life in tokyo city, Japan home, Japanese home, Japanese house, Japan house, living in tokyo japan, tokyo homes for sale, Japan real estate, japan real estate investment, japan real estate prices, japan real estate tour, real estate business, japan tokyo house tour, tokyo home tour
Id: O68Ovngpxzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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