An Inside Look: 68m SUPERYACHT Engine Room Tour!

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hi everyone welcome back uh this week we've got a highly requested video and one that we have taken our time in filming and making sure that it is perfect for you guys it is our engine room tour with chief engineer Alex it's uh you know down below shows you behind the scenes behind the behind the scenes on what keeps the yacht running every single day so if you're new to the channel we're normally focusing on destinations luxury places and you know a bit more of what we do on deck and in the bridge but this week we're taking you right down into the belly of the yacht and we're going to show you how she works so stick around and I'll catch you at the end of the video awesome oh hi everyone uh I'm Alex I'm chief engineer I'm alone and uh this is Dom it's a second engineer and today we've finally been allowed to come onto camera through the camera many many many comments from the captain uh talking about us learning to speak which clearly is an issue and if you saw the live stream coming into Bonifacio a few days ago he was said we were working on our pronunciation of course I think he means pronunciation Captain I'm so gonna pay for that later today we've been invited to a tree around the engine room and talk a little bit about what we actually do on board so this is our second engineer as you see he looks a little bit uh more ready he's been in an engine room than I am actually do some work you'll pay for that one mate uh so at the moment we're in the ECR um this is mostly where we'll work from so around us we have the manuals we have our power management system an alarm monitoring system right here and from this we can control our generators so we have our three generators have two generators of 270 kilowatts to around 360 horsepower each and one generator of around 200 kilowatts which is about 270 horsepower those uh generators we can operate all at the same time individually together one generator is usually enough to operate the whole ship under normal conditions uh when we have guests on board we usually operate on two during the day this sort of covers the extra extra loads from The Galley from the Hydraulics from the uh Stern doors thing like this and then when we're coming into Port we use three generators which will also cover the extra power from the bow thruster which is um when it's at 100 that's 300 kilowatts extra power used looking very happy they're done got that all right yeah Alex tell me a bit about what you guys do on the daily here what do engineers actually do so on the day-to-day our job is to maintain all equipment in a safe efficient and reliable manner everything has to work at all times so we usually get ahead of the game we'll do what we call plan maintenance we have a whole series of plan maintenance tasks we run off the computer here so this will tell us when something's due up whether that's a generator service or something as simple as cleaning deducting on the laundry on the dryers or everything really it covers from the tenders to the satellites to the navigation equipment to our main engines everything really this will cover and on a day-to-day basis other than when we're fixing things so the deck boys break you know that's mostly what we do so we try and plan ahead everyone have everything fix it before it's broken situation when you're on a yacht you have to have everything super super reliable there's no way we can have anything breaking with the guests on board we want to be everything is available to them at all times it sounds good that sounds good and then one last thing while you guys are both here tell me about your qualifications because I know that you both have some pretty hard qualifications oh let Dominic go on this one yeah so I've got my second engineer unlimited license which um so first of all you've got to do like a three-year Cadet ship a maritime school to get your officer to watch uh engineering license and then you've got to do another year at sea and then you can go and set your second engine unlimited license which isn't quite as high as uh no there's no slight of my my Cadet ship were 2007 and then from there I did I did a year and a half at six it's about three years from there then I went to do my class two same as dumb now has and then three more years after that I went on to do my chief engineer unlimited which covers me to be chief engineer on any size vessel now um so so glad I got that done really young and now I sit back drink tea as we do the big dog no all right go to the edge do some work okay epic I think uh let's take a walk around the engine room and see what we've got yeah absolutely yes so before we go into the end room um just want to talk a little bit more about what we're using here so from this power management system we also have complete alarm monitoring systems so here we're monitoring our generators our power consumption our fuel levels our water levels and Main engines as well although we do most of this locally so we're actually eyes on the engines but from here we also get alarms if there's anything wrong if there's any bills levels come up any high temperatures low pressures this will all come to here it'll also alarm on the bridge in the crew mess and in our cabins so if we're ever trying to sleep and we get these alarms we'll get woken up from there so from here we actually have our switchboard um our generator controls here as well as short paddle management here and then we have what's called preferential tripping so if we our loads are getting too high or the captain's going a bit too heavy on the barrel Thruster instead of him losing anything like propulsion we'll drop things like the galley and the laundry anything that could be dropped and not impact safety and as well as that when the guy's tripping too much stuff we also have all of our Breakers so if they overpower the Hydraulics or anything like this we have this available just reset and check what they're doing awesome all right let's try hey let's go in the engine room oh it's never been so quiet scary I don't like it that's it straight away as you can see we have a small Workshop up here so we can do all of our small pieces when we're working in here so we don't have to go anywhere it's a bit more messy this is where we're working okay let's go for it ah so right here on my left we have our air conditioning plan which as you can see it's uh it's quite quite enormous really so this is a series of compressors condensers and then these are cooling down the entire ship which actually takes an extreme amount of high loads as you'll see they are more or less the length of the engines and the gearbox combined okay all right here we got our MTU 4000 series uh V engines and each one of these is producing around 1 850 kilowatts which is just under 2500 horsepower per side foreign which also comes with a pretty large exhaust system wow and then right behind me um we haven't spoken about this yet is the vision plants these walking fridges he's walking freezers and even the galley fridge and freezer they're small ones that they open it's all controlled from these uh condenser plants right here and far more importantly than that one of these it's whole purpose is just the air conditioning for that engine control room and the AV room so it keeps us Engineers nice and cool most important AC on the boat that's it that's it yeah sometimes the coffee gets cold because it's so cold so starboard side here same engine right here as you can see behind me these cylinders here this is our water heaters and we're heating it up to around 60 degrees Celsius that's around 140 Fahrenheit I think um these are controlled with this circulating heating circuits from these here so the actual heaters are right here this is just holding the hot water what are these big fans up here so these are our supply and exhaust fans uh when these engines are running they use a lot of air so the more air you can get to them and they need to be supplied to get what's called stoichiometric combustion where all the air and all the fuel is being used to be the most efficient um so you get less products of combustion which we then come out of the exhaust that's one of the most complicated systems on board um and for me it's definitely one of the most interesting is to stabilizer systems so on board we have these stabilizers which will face two fins one other side of the boat as the boat is in motion they will automatically detect the amplitude of this motion the speed of this motion the gradient and they will try to correct the boat by one of them operating up one down this is the hydraulic system for this so these are the ones that are moving it yeah and then in a far far tighter space yep I would say here you'll see the well this is the Quantum stabilizer we have one on each side and these are operated hydraulically and as is picking up on the wave it will actually work against it so this would be kind of like a horizontal Rudder instead so as the water hits it saves can be like this it will move like this this will push this side down move like this pushes this side up and the other side will be doing the exact opposite and this will level the boat out and it makes a huge amount of difference for the guests makes it a lot more comfortable and passive and then when you hit those rough Seas it makes it a lot more calm for us and uh what's this up here it's all right here because that's a very good question because it's a very noisy in here usually so there's a lot of noise and we can't necessarily hear an alarm we can't hear the telephone when people are trying to contact us so we have What's called the traffic light system which will tell us when we have an engine room alarm or if the phone is ringing or in a worst case scenario if there is a fire we get a visual representation of this which means we know then we can act accordingly cool what's uh what's next so right here we got our HDM hydroelectric Marine water makers we use these which are reverse osmosis so we use these when we're away from Port we're undergoing and we'll make around 18 000 liters per day per watermaker and we have the two of them and that's not bad considering our total capacity of fresh water I think it's about 45 000 liters which is around 12 000 gallons more or less wow and then from here just to be absolutely sure that we have the best possible Quality Water we can have we then have further treatments so what Blair is now looking at there we have some silver sterilizing so silver iron sterilizing so this is actually a very old method from what I've heard it's been going very long time you've never used the transfer for killing any kind of bacterias so from here we keep a 0.1 PPM residual to the tanks of silver ion which should be enough to kill everything but further to that we also have UV sterilization which if anything ever got through that gives instant instant disinfection and then we also have further filters carbon filters and again mineralizing filters awesome how much water do we use on a regular day of Charter on a regular day of Charter like that'll all depend if the uh again those deck boys have been a bit hose happy which they love to be yeah if they're doing a full wash done I'll see them sitting there with their hoses yes if it's one of those we can use anywhere up to around 15 000 liters of water in one day sometimes more so we're usually combating this always trying to make as much water as we can and this on top also keeps the boat a little bit heavier Keeps Us steady in the water as well which is always a big advantage I know coming into this we have our fuel transfer uh treatment and bunkering system so we tried to Bunker just a few times I think we bunkered maybe um four weeks ago and at that point we took 125 000 liters and that's around about 52 000 gallons so that's I think that's correct but if it's not we can put the corrections in not very good with the gallons and so from here we have all of these um storage tanks it's not just one big fuel tank on here and on from here we don't take directly from these tanks go straight to the engines we'll have it clean first so we use what's called settling time so from our storage tanks we move the fuel to the settling tank we look on here we have our fuel tanks here so we can monitor while we're here for a transfer and then a little bit more interesting from this we have the daily service tanks which are just above here this is what we feed the engines from so this has to be the best fuel with no contaminants no water so to make sure that happens we have to put a fuel purifier foreign just spin really really fast they're using centrifugal force to take out anything heavy such as water impurities and make up your clean as possible so from that settling tank I was just speaking about the fuel is constantly circulating from this to those two daily tanks and they overflow back into the settling tank so we're constantly feeling constantly polishing that fuel okay here we go what's the next space well there we go it gets a bit tighter in here but we get some trolleys thanks [Music] come on in here we go [Music] all right do you guys do this every day yes we do but I'm still hitting my head on everything I do uh so behind me we actually have a sewage treatment pump uh this treatment plant is an aerobic type it's a four stage aerobic type which means what's coming out of this is so clean that you could basically drink it I mean I wouldn't recommend it especially since we actually dose a little bit with chlorine together to kill any bacteria so we're not putting anything particularly harmful anywhere from here we actually put pumper out to a tank um an apple and holding tank and then from there we can either pump it out one with Forest C so we're not going to disturb anything especially in these lovely ports that we go to I don't think they'd be appreciating that in a lighter Monaco or Portofino so we hold on to that and then we'll pump it out we'll pump sure whenever we get the opportunity awesome easier anywhere so I'm gonna hit my head as well Blair is having the best time down here right now he's got a big smile on his face got brakes about himself all right we'll get back to Plumbing stay behind me now we have a hydraulic system so these Hydraulics will operate things like the stern door um as well as the Pastoral and sideboarding ladders this is our air compressors called general service air compressors and for this boat particularly these are very important and have to be reliable all the time as these compressors they are producing air for keeping bolts open or closed which if we lost our air we could start losing some systems so our generator exhaust for example the exhaust actually go down to the water line and these are held open by compressed air so if we lost the air these valves close and cause problems on the generators potentially black us out that that's it just a couple computer fans that's all it is it's Jessica fuhan so this these actually are interesting um so when we're on Shore power normally we run a 400 volts 50 hertz three phase so if we're going into the port um that maybe doesn't run with that normally these will convert anything from about 275 volts up to our 400 if it's operated operating on 60 hertz these convert down to 50 hertz so we're always getting the power that we need for this boat awesome thanks Alex coach we move to the generator room and try and do a bit there let's go to the generator right now okay so we're going to have a look in the generator room now uh while we're there you definitely will not hear Blair or me so fold out suspension what we have so they are Scania engines uh that are operating right now about 200 kilowatts we have one generator running and the other two on standby if at some point that increases by only another 15 kilowatts a second generator will start automatically and they will level out and share the loads the same thing will happen if the generator drops then it will drop down back to one generator so let's go and have a look and uh make less sweat it's going to be hard so I can just tell [Music] [Applause] uh so we've just come out of the engine room behind me here we're now in the lower crew Corridor on the very lowest deck on the boat uh right next to me here is the office of Jose he is our ETA avit officer on board I'm just going to say hello uh his role on board is to maintain all the network systems on board constantly monitoring um as well as assisting us with any electrical work keeping all our electrical systems operational at all times so let's go say hello sweet problem welcome to my office so I'm yoso Jason what do we have here what do you have uh here we do have uh it and AV and equipment so my role to it my role is to monitor to ensure that all of the equipment works fine and to monitor internet and AV traffic yeah just to make sure that I have to make sure yeah to make sure that you have good internet otherwise at all when it doesn't annoy players I don't know Joseph at all when players they're stealing all the internet for these live streams yeah so she's more than happy about that is true and of course to make sure that guests are happy with the internet and stuff and of course the crew as well otherwise probably I will end up in the water yeah do you have very good internet on board thank you sir our internet is very good don't like it's certainly not good with less deals at all for his live streams and he has to turn off the entire crew internet so you guys can feel so lucky for this no nobody gets upset with this we're all happy suppose the Sunday uploads for the YouTube videos they take a lot so yeah yeah never enough Never Enough get back to work uh sort of moment we're going to go and have a look at the valve for us to space and see the bow thruster so the battle first run here is around 300 kilowatts and that will move us up to about four to seven knots going ahead or a Stern the battle first of all still have some effect after that it's all on those propellers so uh let's go and have a look well first we'll see what Paige is up to oh jeez a little bit of engineering going on here for uvg yeah in the fourth angel you're in you're in but anyway I got on here that's it that's what you have to be to work on Lee so she could be fourth engineer she's going to be navigational officer soon as well doing the docking full docking with Paige that's it geez what can't you do so we're about to go down into the bar first of space you can pretty much see it all from directly above us um so it's a huge electrical load on this so we have further equivalent of this we have it's called um harmonic filters uh so this is makes it all run a lot smoother but everything down here it's a lot of noise it's a lot of heat and again always needs to be reliable let's have a look okay so right now the last foot is sitting on top of the Valparaiso motor they're just about just about tell the size of this and then the filter systems and then we've got inverter systems behind us here so this will operate so we can run at various speeds and loads again really lovely place to get down to but there's no trolleys down here sorry Blair yeah that's okay that's okay cool so um what's next on our list so I think next let's go up and have a look at those generator and emergency switchboard so here we are some a little bit of sunshine fresh air don't get this it's natural light it's not good for an engineer's eyes on those stairs I don't know how you guys do it we're gonna have to cut this back yeah so mean someone fit Yeah Yeah my two favorite things on board throughout our styling panels Starling maritime beautiful pieces of artwork right there that is what gets us up on YouTube every Sunday so from this we actually have the two Starling Maritime but also right here behind us we have the RV Maritime so usually with guests on board this is what's going to give the crew their internet so we give the we guess the absolute most and the only exception to that is behind that camera right now sorry [Laughter] okay so now behind me we're going to look at the emergency generator and emergency switchboard oh should I make you get in here yeah come on why not come on in this generator is um it's rated to 96 kilowatts and as I say this should operate through our emergency switchboard so if for any reason we were to black out again doesn't happen won't happen but if this did happen we this would operate automatically it was startup it has to be within 45 seconds and this is so that we can keep the steering gear functional so if we're maneuvering to avoid any dangerous situation this will fire up straight away automatically put itself on load and it will operate that steering gear it will also operate fire pumps um we have the high fog system operating from this we have a fuel transfer pump we have and comms and navigation it's all fed from this so we don't lose any of that we also have some service batteries and emergency batteries so in that interim things like navigation and comms equipment we don't lose power at all this will just keep on going through a UPS uninterruptable power supply here it is should we jump out of here hey yeah we can I'm sure you're loving being in there oh that was elegant that was very elegant wow I'm glad I finally got to show everybody the engine room the captain's been trying so hard to keep us hidden but thanks to all those comments constantly asking he had to give in and take me out of that engine room I mean he suggested hiring an actor to play me but we go around it here I am okay that's enough we're gonna keep him hidden from their eyes yeah all jokes are sad um thank you so much for showing us all of your spaces on board I know it's something that never ever gets seen by guests never gets seen by anybody so this is definitely a first for for us on YouTube and probably yachting as a whole there's not many engine room tours going around so it's awesome to see some of the work that these Engineers do and obviously we haven't gotten to mention everything I mean literally these guys will go from fixing these Radars above me to fixing the the dishwasher downstairs and helping crew with their laptops or you know fixing navigational equipment on the bridge they honestly come of it every single piece of equipment and Machinery on this boat and we are very thankful to have them on board like finally we see what you do yeah it's a pretty pleasure I know yes working on it yacht we do cover a lot of bases we do have to know a lot of things um but it's a fantastic way to way to come into engineering so we do cover a lot of bases and we all love it you know we're working down in the dark there but with a big smile on our faces that's it um we haven't covered everything if you wanted to see more especially coming up this year we'll have a refit section so if that's something anyone wants to see for sure there'll be a lot of befores and afters so it'll be uh as you see the engine room you can maybe do a bit of cleaning up a little bit of paint work so but after that should be just right definitely definitely a big Shipyard period coming up in Fort Lauderdale um in the area yeah West Palm somewhere there so we'll be heading over there in about October and yeah lots to come so thank you so much thanks guys cool thanks Alex boom thank you Alex for such an in-depth tour down there so many places I didn't even know existed so I'm gonna have to go down there and check them out myself but good to see that the engine room is nice and clean and everything seems to be running so uh guys if you think Alex did a great job and you want to see more from the engineers uh Dominic yozo Alex and all the rotational Partners drop us a comment down below we're going to try and do a few more engine roomy sort of technical videos or maybe just little pieces within a bigger video so if there's anything that maybe Alex missed or you want to explain more please drop us that comment down below or just tell us how Alex did I mean we were surprised that they were able to put full sentences together so uh which is pretty impressive for a bunch of Engineers uh up on Deck I mean you know we see we talk all day long but Engineers are normally just there with their spanners uh anyway guys that's pretty much wraps up this week's video so uh please if you haven't already give us that thumbs up give us that subscribe uh come back next week we're doing Charter video number five blur yep Charter video number five in uh the Sardinia south of France area and then also head on over to Instagram guys we're so close to that 100K where as we're filming this we're at like 95 96 000 followers so please shoot over to Instagram for our daily stories and updates of what we're up to uh every single day besides that guys been a great video looking forward to seeing you next week thank you [Music] hello hello uh jump yeah you up and down up and down at this views little ones I mean come on guys it's not much of a beer no wonder they're about a track yeah we won't be taking it here this isn't this is a nice sailboat this is beautiful
Channel: Motor Yacht Loon
Views: 55,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biggest yachts, boat, loon, luxury yacht, mega yacht, mega yacht tour, millionaire yacht, most expensive yachts, nautistyles, power yacht, super yacht, super yacht walkthrough, superyacht, superyachting, yacht addiction, yacht loon, yachting lifestlye, charter yacht, charter, italy, france, Sardinia, capri, Positano, yachts, yachting
Id: MvnFNkpeHi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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