What A $100 An Hour Handyman Keeps In His Tool Bag

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hey y'all in today's video i'm going to be giving you a tour of my handyman tool bag this is a tool bag i take with me on every job the main goal of this tool bag is to make sure that i have enough stuff in here that i can do as many jobs as possible without having to go to the van for more tools but i also want to make sure that it's light enough so that it's still manageable to carry i hope you like this video and i hope you'll stick around to see the whole tour all right first things first this is a dewalt tool bag i will have it along with every tool in here linked in the video description if you guys are interested in buying them for yourselves um yeah i love this bag i had a different uh backpack before this in the last about a year and a half this one seems to be a lot more uh quality i used to carry a tool box but i was working a lot downtown so i have to you know walk like two blocks with a ladder and a toolbox and that was annoying so having this on my back freed up an extra hand to carry the ladder so that was nice um first thing i'm gonna start with is this light which is really nice has three different settings that's super cool i thought i didn't even know i had this when i bought it but it is cool and when you open up the tool bag and hit the light it even comes on inside so that's super cool all right let's get into the tools i always keep my drill on me i usually have a one half amp hour battery in the drill and yeah this has been a good drill and uh the chuck froze up once but i unstuck it it got a bunch of water in there because i was drilling through metal fence uh outside like after it rained and some water got in here and it kind of messed up but i fixed that my favorite tool most used tool the impact um love this tool the two amp hour battery on here usually keep a phillips on here and i uh have this uh allen one on here this is like the standard one that a lot of furniture assembly needs so i did a lot of furniture suddenly when i first started so i've always just had one of these along with these along with the phillips on my drill because i need it next up we have all my bits i got this from harbor freight just the extended bits we got a slotted whole bunch of phillips a whole bunch of different sizes of torques and a whole bunch of allens uh i threw the square bit in there because i need those every once in a while frequently enough that i wanted to have one on me at all times because i was trying to go into the van to get one and then we got our most used nut drivers here we got half inch 7 16 3 8 5 16 and a quarter inch and these are magnetic and they're impact rated i i before i got these i blew through a couple regular sockets that i had of the half inch just on an adapter so these have actually lasted a really long time maybe a year and a half or two years and they still fit super snug so yeah got though then we got our drill bits uh i like this dewalt case a lot i uh have you had the ryobi and the milwaukee and they both have different they they have the same style case but this case is different those are just slotted in and they if you put it upside down they all fall out after a while this one's been great they don't fall out they walk in pretty snuggly and uh i don't think i've had to replace any of these drill bits but i always keep i bought a ton of extra eighth inch and a bunch of extra quarter inch ones because i used them up frequently enough so yeah that's been a good taste and here i use my most frequently used hardware just uh two three different types of anchors these are usually for uh concrete these are for small things and drywall these are for big things in drywall these are screws that i use most frequently they come with these two anchors then these are a bunch of just random uh screws a bunch of random nails a bunch random washers a bunch of picture hanging stuff because people always want me to hang their pictures even if they don't book me like they book me for something bigger they're all like hey can you hang this picture while you're here so hang a lot of pictures [Music] and this pouch goes in here i have just a little dust pan for cleaning up these are some more um nut drivers these are all the metric from five inch or five millimeter to twelve millimeter just a little uh ratchet for tight spaces these things that are awful but also like come in handy a lot so i keep this on here i don't even know what brand this is but i know that they make a lot of thumbnails about bad tools is this picture but these things work in a bind for random things then i have a little stubby screwdriver and that's it for in here put these back as we go on to the pouches we have a extension for our screwdriver bits a six in one screwdriver that falls apart sometimes but this is great i used to carry like four different screwdrivers and i was like i should just get one of these and this works great then i have this old stanley [Music] uh i think this is i don't know what i think this is number two but i don't know um but an old stanley and i use this mostly for prying things up or like wedging things but i need that so use that a lot some extra uh phillips bits because they came in a set and i always burn through those uh one of these punches clicks nail set a little mini level stud finder i like this stud finder a lot it works really great for me this is the only one i've ever had uh well i've had like four i think i've had like three of these uh but this is the only model i've ever had and i like it a lot for finding studs got a bendy extension for getting into tighter to reach places regular pliers some of the bigger like channel lock pliers i don't this is a champion brand this is a pittsburgh harbor freight special brand just a regular hammer i think this is a 16 ounce i don't know just a hammer um a rubber mallet i used a black one and then marred up a lot of like white furniture and stuff so i switched to the white one white one's way better i would recommend uh some wire cutters mostly use these for zip ties honestly uh some wire strippers even though i don't really do a lot of electrical some scissors because you always need scissors and a 10 inch uh adjustable wrench all right i think that's everything that i keep in this big pouch do this in a circle so i can always find everything quickly on the outside i keep this uh exacto knife on here i like this one a lot it's i don't know if you can see that but there's extra stored in the back here so i think you can store like five blades in here so then once these are all once this one's done you can pull it out and slide the thing back and the new one comes out so that's nice and it's metal so it never breaks or hasn't broke extra pencil and then uh the fast cap 16 foot tape measure i like this tape measure a lot i used to run a 25 foot but for the extra weight i switched to this one and uh yeah this is nice it tells you all the increments like so you don't have to think uh down to the 16th so yeah it's a good one this bag comes with the one specifically for the technician on this side i keep this headlamp um because i'm going blind not really going blind but i feel like i see less every year so use this a lot that goes in there in the front here i keep a notebook and command strips i didn't know those were in there but they are useful for the front pouch up front i just have blue tape electrical tape plumbing tape all the most useful tapes we have a file a little crowbar small sanding stick electrical tester um some extra blades for the oscillating multi-tool one of these scrapers with some extra blades uh old pencil some little needle nose pliers but i always keep the leatherman on me with the pliers so i pretty much never use those i don't even know if i really need them in my bag anymore maybe i will take them out here we have the metric and standard uh key set a white out marker i use this if i have to mark on something that's dark colored and like i'm you know the marker and the pencil won't work also if you like mix something that's white sometimes i'll just fill this in like real quick like if you uh i don't know if you have to put in like a brad nail and you just won't need to patch it up real fast sometimes i'll just put some white paint on top of the brad nail and that'll work uh the 501 scraper one dollar special at a garage sale uh and then a little magnetic level this is i mostly use this to find studs and an eraser for cleaning up fully done walls and i think that that is everything that i stand and keep in my toolbox i mean my tool bag up here on the top i usually keep some business cards but i took them out so that the creeps would try to text me there she is all buttoned up all right it's a different day but i'm back i realized i forgot to film an outro but before i say goodbye i just wanted to give a little advice to the newbies out there if anyone's thinking about getting into the trades or the handyman thing specifically just some advice on tools a lot of people will tell you that you need to have really expensive tools or you'll think that you need a lot of tools to do this trade and i did not find that to be true when i started this job i had no money and very few tools and i just got started by mostly assembling like ikea furniture and different furniture like that that eventually like hanging pictures uh started mounting tvs i just got started with very few tools and i worked my way up and you know every week maybe i would be able to buy a new tool i'd go to garage sales and estate sales and pawn shops and buy tools for cheap and that is how i built up my tools a lot of these contractors will tell you you need to hide in tools you'll see all their things with all their videos with all their client and all their milwaukee and their nypex and their vera and all this snap-on stuff you don't need that you can get it if you want to get it you can get it there's nothing wrong with having it but you do not need it you can totally do this job with cheap tools as long as you know how to use them i i personally think that a lot of these people showing off their tools do not know how to use tools and they don't make any money with their tools i'm sure there's something i do but i'm sure there's some that do not i use my tools every day that's why i don't care if they look like crap or whatever they get the job done i know how to use them they pay my bills that's literally all i care about that's all i'm looking for in tools is one that gets the job done and pays my bills yes i do have some nicer tools and maybe someday i'll invest in all nice tools but for now these tools do the job for me i like them and they get the job done so there's my rant get the tools you want to get you don't have to get nice ones you can get the cheap ones if you know how to use them and if they break get one that's more expensive and that's pretty much my advice uh thanks for watching the video i hope that it was useful to you in some way and bye oh yeah i forgot to say like comment and subscribe i respond to all the comments um have me on instagram facebook um i also have a tick tock so now you don't miss out on anything and i will respond to all your comments if you leave me one thanks for watching bye you
Channel: Some Skill Studio
Views: 22,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handyman tool bag, handyman tools, what's in my tool bag, handyman business, milwaukee tool bag, handyman, contractors tools, best tool bag, best tool bags, milwaukee tools, contractor tools, tool bag, handmade, tool bags, tools bag, milwaukee bag, tool bag tour, tool bag setup, toolbag, best tool backpack, power tools, tool backpack, must have tools, storage, nail gun, materials, best tools, miles klos, basic tools, vintage tools, milwaukee jobsite backpack
Id: 2VF3WdU6mEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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