What 3D printing material to use for object inside a car? Temperature test

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hello welcome to my tech farm i'm igor and from time to time i wanted to 3d print something for my car interior nothing special like gopro mount adopter or similar but i wasn't sure which material to use and searching on internet just confused me because there are so many different informations but then i understand that they have to be different because it depends where do you live they cannot be equal to those who live in florida or in siberia for example so i decided to create my own test there will be 10 very hot days now in a row and this test is still in progress you can see some test flows here i will test seven different materials and at the end i will do the test in the oven simulating higher temperatures because i cannot get too high temperatures here i measured the temperatures i even created uh arduino data logger for one day to record the temperature change during the time for temperature values i was always talking in degree of sales use but on screen you can see the value in the fahrenheit so let's see those materials one by one i tested three types of pla and most of them is in white color to exclude effect of the heat absorption because the darker color only three are in different color you will see it later okay so the first one is gimbal pla plus i have both in white color pla and pla plus but i use this version because it's heat deflection temperature is 55 degrees celsius five degree higher than the regular pla printing is very easy i got very nice stride object and i'm marking it so i can identify it later the next one is httpa by 3de hdmi is high temperature and this filament i have only in black color i know it will affect the test but i have to give it a try because on their website they wrote that it can be used at temperatures above 100 degrees celsius where probably only abs and some alternative plastic can be used i know this is just a marketing data but um let's give it a try and size this is the only one in black color i don't have to mark it is different anyway third pillar in this test is poly plus by poly maker its new name now is polylite and on local store it tries that it it can hold up 140 degrees celsius which is ridiculous i know this is against some kind of marketing data but i really like this polymaker brand because i know they have a good quality filaments but according to the datasheet the heat deflection temperature is between 50 and 60 degrees celsius anyway let's give it a try and this filament i have only in green color and this means i don't have to mark it because it will be different from the other materials in this test anyway fourth filament in this test is petg by hertz in white color according to the datasheet heat deflection temperature is is 75 degrees celsius and i like to use petg because it's for me it's very easy to print i was hoping that this material will survive these temperatures in the car fifth filament is abs invite color abs is most common material for car interior but as injection molded object of course heat deflection temperature is well theoretically according to the website 98 degrees celsius but usually it's a little bit above 90. just to read the copy from the website your print phone shows signs of deformation up to 98 degrees celsius abs is hard for printing on open cd printer to avoid wrapping you need enclosure but these objects are very simple so i didn't have any problems with it now six filament is asa in natural but it's almost white color but asa is something like improved abs it has very simple properties it is also always stable over 90 degrees heat deflection temperature but it doesn't suffer from strong shrinking and produced fumes are much less noticeable and yes i also noticed that it's easier for cd printing so this test probe is very easy to print so i didn't have any problems with printing but consider that with larger objects if you don't have enclosure then you may have some troubles with these filaments and also abs well it needs some ventilated room and seventh material is nylon by game bird and i have this only in blue color sticking to bei sheet i saw it with the glue stick but i had a lot of problems with printing because of the moisture i use this pulse right from the packaging and i thought it would be dry but it wasn't if you can hear those short crack sounds those are boiled micro drops i know i should try the filament before use but i got my test probes they are very ugly but uh for this test they will do the job just quick overview of the temperatures to be clear uh with the values i create an arduino based data logger based on ln 35dz temperature sensor i will show this project in a separate video and just summary here the results and i started it at 11.50 and then it recorded the inner temperatures of the car every 10 minutes here you can see the temperatures in degree celsius and here in fahrenheit and this is the graph it's in degree celsius and what can we see from this graph that approximately after a little bit more than one hour temperature inside the car will reach its maximal temperature during my test uh the highest temperature i could measure is 69 degrees celsius you will see that later in the video and i just searched on internet i found very interesting source where you can estimate the inter inner temperature of the car in function of the outer temperature and also i couldn't find a source where it right the temperature is bigger than 80 degrees inside the car so this will be some kind of base for my oven test of course i will go a little bit higher but if material survive this temperature then i can recommend it to use inside a car everything is printed on basic parameters with two perimeters and twenty percent in fear and i glued the test probes to old city case and i placed m10 screw nut to them just simulating some minimal loaded object [Music] [Music] this is the first day approximately 34 degrees celsius outside and uh three out of seven filaments are already failed so only petg abs asa and the nylon are holding correctly so far and all different types of plas are failed already this is the second day also it will be very hot day today i'm on my workplace now usually i'm searching for some shadows here in parking place but now i left it on the stronger sun and in that direction is the south so it forget the hottest sun 33 degree celsius it's noon so 56 degrees celsius so this is the second day all types of pla are sitting straight on the bottom and pat abs asa and nylon are still holding quite tight not sure maybe i can see some minimal stomach on petg but i'm not sure so it's hardly noticeable it's day three absolutely no clouds very hot day and it's one o'clock i'm not leaving yet just checking the temperature the highest temperatures today and it is 65 degrees celsius with open top window it's 4 p.m now it was very hot day today 65 degrees celsius but now it's it's 45 and what i'm very curious that if petg will fail but but it holds correctly so far because from these four filaments this is the order so the ptg is the easiest to print then asa abs and nylon so day three this for us here in the game this is day four no clouds and now the roof shade is covered now i hope it's visible on camera 63 degrees celsius 61 is going down now because i will open the you know it's very hot inside and just very curious about pt ptg eventually is it visible on camera there is a minimal stomach here so maybe it's a little bit too much for pt but but it's it's looks okay and the other yes abs asc they are completely stride so they can handle this temperature so far and of course all types of the pilot they already failed on first day day five sorry because there are very tiny clouds which sometimes cover the sun so 61 degrees celsius inside the car the petg has a little stomach and it's it's a little bit bigger than yesterday so it looks like the petg is not good solution abs asa and nylon are completely straight where is the other p petg let's move this yes definitely there is a stomach on ptg abs completely striped asa also stride an island also ugly print but but it's it's work so it looks like the petg will fail too this is day 6 but i forgot to record the top temperature now it is 30 degrees celsius at 4 pm [Music] so it is was very hot day but no big changes on the test probes it's a day 7. this is my wife's car it's 11 am i'm here with my daughter because we have here the seat for a kid and we will be on the playground approximately two hours it will be very hot day we will see what will happen today with this test probes will be any changes it's 1 pm let's see the temperature oh my god 69 wow outside 34 degrees celsius okay it's not that hot feeling like yesterday but probably because the temperature the thermometer was here on this black this is very very hot so probably here it would be a little bit less but let's analyze the probes most important the petg there are no changes compared to the yesterday 69 degrees celsius oh it's very hot inside out it's still day eight uh i'm in a supermarket there is a parking in the shadow but i'm again i'm leaving my car uh on the strongest sun because of this experiment two more days this is day nine i'm not leaving yet i'm just recording the top temperature because it is 1 30 pm 64 degrees celsius outside 31 or 32 since 3 p.m it's still very hot 62 degrees celsius but now let's see are there any changes on the test probes all right it's a little bit bigger so day 9 now the petg stomach is is it's obvious according to weather forecast this should be the hottest day but there are some tiny clouds so the temperature is only 60 degrees celsius so this is end of the 10th day tomorrow it will be rainy so i will stop this part of the test here it was really torture for my car because usually they are in the garage or parked in the shuttle and i will analyze these test probes now and then continue with the oven test simulating even higher temperatures this is a situation of first seven test blocks and very similar is the situation on the other half so these are those test probes in this order approximately all three types of the pla failed almost equally and now here starts the interesting part petg i can definitely see the deformation on on petg maybe i can illustrate it with the caliper and which are still in game the abs asa and nylon so these are completely strike i cannot see any deformation on it petg abs asa and nylon same here and just to be sure this one test probably different shape but this is resin printed with sla ptg completely filled about 70 degree celsius and abs and asa fed exactly in the same time on above approximately 90 degrees celsius and nylon survive these high temperatures yes ptg very soft even now abs is now already hard seos i believe these two materials are very similar from this aspect and yes nail on hold tightly perfectly stride still and resin also and now the conclusions i'm not surprised with the pla results but i'm very sad that ptg failed too because it's easy to print with and from these three materials asa abs and nylon i will use asa because it is easier for cd printing but for bigger object it's not so simple so you still need an enclosure oh and if you have sla 3d printer then the resin may be solution for you okay that would be it for my side thank you for watching and drive safely and now let's find some shadow finally for my car you
Channel: My Tech Fun
Views: 64,350
Rating: 4.9750481 out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, temperature test, 3d printed object inside car
Id: QdAKd_YbsjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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