3D Printing Our First Car Parts!

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what filament was used to withstand the heatgun?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ShallowPog 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey what's up guys welcome back to another episode of beers for build today's episode is gonna be really fun it's something new that we haven't done before 3d printing so we're brand new to this whole think reality sent us an awesome huge 3d printer to print car parts and the goal is to print our first car part 3d print our first car part stay tuned so first things first we got unbox is set up our 3d printer this company Cree a latina hooked us up with this 3d printer they sent it to us to do a review on it's the CR 10 Maxx it has a 450 by 450 millimeter printing surface which is huge so it's really great for us to be able print really large car parts so let's get it on boxed and get it set up huge tanks decree a link will be in the description and I'm going to say this ahead of time the lighting in this room is pretty rough and we're gonna work on it [Music] all right guys we got the 3d printer set up and we actually went ahead and I kind of cat it out a little like demo piece and we tried to get started and actually what happened was is huge failures the the printer motor was going over here or the the head was going over here and like skipping off the gears and stuff and I could tell that that the printer really couldn't tell where this piece was oriented Matthew what's that called come on so so well yeah that leads to the the problem that we found is actually the printer either with us setting it up or somewhere in the shipping piece the the limit switch actually got broken so you can see over here it's it's a little hard to see in here but you can see that we have a limit switch right there that kind of clicks it lets the lets the motors know when it's reached its limit so as this comes over here it's gonna want to click and tell it that it's at its limit but the switch was broken and I thought we were really screwed so I called Matthew from design prototype test and asked him if he happened to have a switch because I really wanted to get this working tonight and if he could come by and just kind of show us around and show us how to operate the printer so Matthew actually contacted me a long time ago told me about his channel told me that he wanted to help us out getting started with 3d printing I told him that we definitely wanted to start 3d printing car parts then he hooked me up with somebody else who then hooked me up with Cree ality that who sent us this printer which is really great so thank you for that and and and so now we're getting started so Matthew has a great channel which I'm gonna link in the description below design prototype test where does all sorts of great stuff so if you like nerding out about this type of stuff or you want to learn where to get started maybe what printer is best for you all those things guys go check out his channel he's been a great help to me and he will be a good help to you so now what we're gonna go ahead and do is we're gonna go ahead and disassemble this piece install our new switch and see if we have any better luck [Music] [Music] alright we've got a bad switch out who's this one right here see how it's broken see how this one on the end has a little switch click thing so we go ahead and screw that back down into that feed the motor back through there bolt it all back together and we should be able to start running some software [Music] it's done we did it made our first 3d print how cool is that alright guys it's a new day it's the next morning and I'm just like so excited to keep working with this printer I'm having a really fun time now that we got it hooked up I mean I just feel like the possibilities are endless so I'm I'm in that zone where I'm really excited about learning on stuff so we need to continue testing different things so the next thing that we need to test is the material that we're gonna use for car parts so this is a high temp what's in that box is a high temp PLA so it's a plastic that can withstand higher temperatures because if you're a car interior and it gets in the Sun that's high temperatures exterior direct Sun that side temperatures engine bay high temperatures so we need to get used to doing this and now one thing that I find when I'm learning a new programming language when I'm learning new software learning new anything is that having fun and being creative can really help drive your learning process a little bit so I feel sitting with cars man building a rat rod or something that's not so you know high stakes can be a lot of fun so Chelsea drew this out on a piece of paper and it's a it's a shirt tie and she wanted a Mickey Mouse shirt I wear huge Disney fans like the biggest we have annual passes and everything and she wanted a Mickey Mouse shirt tile so she got the dimensions down kind of how she wanted it so I brought a ruler I brought that over into my 3d software and then I modeled this shirt tie how she wanted it and then I jumped it into the slicing software and we created a sliced file with all of our printer settings over here it's everything's basically default everything's pretty much on the default so now what I'm gonna go ahead and do is I'm gonna load the printer up with our high temp ela I'm gonna save the file onto our disk throw it into our printer and we'll print it away [Music] so this is my first little Mickey print and you can see that I had a lot of little like stringiness and and stopping points and marks and and just like weird globs of plastic on here that weren't looking good the back so okay but didn't really clean up too well also the scale was like way off so the next model I went ahead and scaled up and you can see I got something that kind of actually works I wanted it a little bit bigger in the end but it started to work and and you can see the infill had a little bit of like depressions in the ears so we got version 1 then we moved on to version 2 and then I found out something kind of funny this whole time we were printing with what I thought was a point eight millimeter fluid tip some more plastic coming out the whole time so that's what you tell the software to do so it tries to jam more plastic out it was actually a point four millimeter fluid tip and that's why on some of this bridging areas you could see the like weird slouching and stuff like that doesn't look good so now those are called infill anyways now that I told it that it was 0.4 actually you can see the quality is so much better than the definition everything it looks really really good now so I'm happy with that result so I've made something cool for Chelsea and brought that home after that I printed some Mickey ears that were pretty cool and then after that I actually printed out replicas of Hogwarts which was pretty cool but that led to our first print failure which is probably due to running the printer at too fast of a speed so we're starting to learn how fast we can go to speed different calibrations and different things like that then I printed a spoon to test out support so spoon being a shape like this printing on a flat surface like this we had to learn about supports and how to print stuff up in the air that has overhangs [Music] [Music] we did okay with supports on our first try and I ended up with a 3d printed spoon this piece I made right here is actually a truly cozy and it says B is for be careful these things are so tasty but this is actually made out of high-temperature polyurethane and we did a test on it it's hard to see it's kind of shiny right here where we hit it with a heat gun for like two minutes at over five or six hundred degrees and it didn't melt on us so we know that this is great for exhaust bushings the material not the koozie and after getting all the fun stuff out of the way and testing out printing different speeds different materials using supports and not sports and different things like that it's time to build the vent that goes over the wide body kit on the Huracan it's a massive piece it's gonna be pretty fun and we got to figure out how to get it from 3d model space all theoretical into you know fusion 360 and then in the slicing program and actually bring it into here so we're starting here in 3d studio max where the original models actually made my friend Kaiser Salim design this model and he designed these vents to go on the Lamborghini over fenders so I'm isolating one of the vents and I'm pretty simply just exporting that into fusion 360 once we're here in fusion 360 what we're doing is we're setting the scale to the actual real-world dimensions of the vent and to do that I took the dimensions of our over fender and then set the vent to the correct dimensions comparative to that next we're putting it down on a ground plane and then I'm slicing it in half I'm slicing it in half because it's too big to print all at once so we have to slice it in half and print it as two separate pieces then we bring it over into what's called the slicer software actually which programs out each line that the 3d printer needs to print so then that saves it as a g-code file and we're sending it over to the printer [Music] [Music] [Music] well unfortunately I came back this morning and looks like we had quite a print failure so we had this big old blob of stuff this is you know kind of what it tends to look like when you have a print player but unfortunately we got this thing going on too which ain't good you can see our BL touch sensor is very badly bent and it looks like there's yeah a lot a lot of components covered so I'm gonna go ahead and heat this thing up try and dig into it see if I can you know find a fix and try and start fixing this thing if I can bring it back to life it looks like see that we had a belt looks like we got a belt snap man this is bad it's a bummer because it means we're gonna definitely have to order some parts from crowd e to fix this guy back up and it's gonna put us out of service for a while [Music] well guys really good news thanks to Matthew shooting me a couple tips you guys remember the guy that helped me set this whole thing up shot me a couple tips about the repair told me you know the belt is not a one-piece built it actually clips in on the bottom there which is fantastic news so I didn't need a new belt just clip that thing in pulled all that plastic gunk off cleaned it off and then I went to do another test print and I was watching it very closely and what I saw was I'm gonna try and move the bed over here it's probably gonna be very hard to show you guys this but if you're in the printing world you know what's going on that filament are the the PLA then the material is not squished down to the board well enough so it's pretty easy to it's pretty easy to get it off the board it's more of a round shape than kind of a flat shape and the thing wants to squirt it out flat so what that's an indication of as my nozzle wasn't close enough to the bed so I jumped into my settings on the printer and I found out that my z-axis variable was for some reason moved up a tenth of a millimeter which will actually do a lot when you're only printing like 0.3 millimeters so I took it up like 30% off for some weird reason mm-hmm so that is probably why our last print failed it completely it peeled off of here I watched the time lapse you guys already saw the time loss and like threw it all over the place this is really fun stuff though you know it's guessin check it's very low investment you know a whole roll of this stuff cost about 13 bucks there's a little bit of a power bill luckily we didn't break anything and we're you know we're back to the races so I'm gonna go ahead and adjust my z-axis distance we won't get back to printing [Music] all right so as you guys just saw we've managed to get a good print of our second piece so if we have this piece right here and then we have the other piece right here they connect up we can you know do a little bit of work to basically plastic weld them together and we would have our vents so what I did was I took these two things kind of paired them up went over to our over fender and made sure they fit on well and they fit on really really well which is super awesome because that means that our model in 3d space is extremely close to what we built in physical space just kind of off the top of our heads which is great so these actually fit so then I started thinking about okay well how are we going to mount these things to the car it's a vent it's gonna have a lot of air coming in here I don't want it ripping off of the car etc etc and it got me thinking that we probably need to build something into the inside of these and there's a couple ways we could do it I could print some supports and then kind of plastic weld them onto here or carbon-fiber them on here resin them on here but I thought since we're only this far I mean yes this is basically two days worth of printing to get here and one mistake which made it about four days but it's not too far to go back and kind of start from scratch so these were really good tests because it you know taught us that our shape is dead-on perfect and now it's time to build onto here make sure that you know we can actually turn it into a car part not just something cool to look at so I'm gonna jump into the 3d modeling software and I'm going to take this model and I'm gonna build this edge out to be nice and thick and then what we'll be able to do with that is screw into it from the underside of the wide body kit so we'll be able to you know make lines cut our vent hole and then put a bunch of screws into this thing so we can attach it to the car nice and strong so a lot of printing now [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys real quick gonna interrupt this episode before I forget I want to give you guys some great news so you guys know that we're you know build crunch time we're going to SEMA it's a really really fun thing at SEMA every year there's a thing called battle of the builders people can enter their cars to be a part of battle of the builders and their cars are judged and the best build wins within that competition there is a group a section or a class if you will for people that are aged 27 and under it's opposed so it's battle of the builders is the competition and it's called the young guns part of the competition last year I was really honored to be asked to be a judge and I had a great time judging the Battle of the builders young guns I had so much fun meeting all the people and learning about all their builds and stuff like that and I'm super happy to announce that I've been asked to come back and be a judge as well this year so it's a really really cool thing myself and Rob Dom are kind of the team captains and there's some other people that are gonna be judging with us in each team and we're gonna judge all of the young guns battle of the builders builds so not only am i doing that very happy to announce that but you guys can also have some influence on that and how that's gonna go down as well because there's like one last golden ticket basically that goes to an online vote so I'm gonna put a link in the description if you guys click that link you guys can vote and whoever wins that vote will get a ticket and their car will go to SEMA they will go to SEMA and they will be part of the young guns battle of the builders so go down there and vote I know my audience I know that there are several different cars in there that you guys are gonna love and there's a lot of cool unique stuff so go check it out go vote on the one that you think is gonna be there and follow me on Instagram if you're not already to get all that coverage you can also see some of my past coverage from young guns battle of the builders it's a great time I have so much fun doing it and I can't wait to share with all you guys so keep a lookout for that all right back to 3d printing [Music] we just finished the print on both of the vent pieces with the new kind of thicker railing so today what I'm going to be doing is kind of finalizing these now these printed with scaffolding or supports and that's that's basically some temporary stuff that comes in on the inside and then we have to chip it out but we we actually printed this with a different type of material it's called peat EEG it's harder plastic and it's really really hard to get the supports off of here so I think I'm gonna have to resort to using a sander Kyle was using our are kind of super dangerous sharpened tool where we were chipping this out and he actually hit his hand and gouged his hand really badly so f2 Kyle in the chat I'm gonna but my job today is to clean these up so we get our finished surface and then I'm actually going to be connecting them to I'm going to use a 3d printer pen and kind of like seam weld these things together so I'm gonna go ahead and start separating these off that's a really good example of what the supports look like you can just see that line right there that's all support and where that sorry that's all support and then that's the piece I gotta get all that support off of here [Music] okay I apologize the lighting in here is pretty rough but we got both the pieces nice and kind of cleaned up and and sanded down using the kind of cutoff wheel with the sand the flap disc on it was a lot safer than using that metal tool so that came out nicely and I think that these are sanded up well enough that I don't I don't have any like real serious texture to the touch I don't think it's gonna get any better than that and I don't think that the carbon fiber will show anything through that's the game plan these are gonna get wrapped in carbon fiber but first I got to join them together so on the advice of Matthew who got us all set up I went and bought one of these little it's like a $30 like 3d printing pen and it takes the the same filament that we used to create the thing runs out through the back heats up the tip and works kind of like a welder so he said you know prep your piece like you would a weld so we're gonna bevel the edges here to create a gap that the that the filament can can fill and then I'll go ahead and kind of tack it on all the corners make sure that it's in the right position that I want and then I'll go ahead and fill that bevel in connecting these two pieces [Music] all right that took a little bit longer than I would have liked I'm learning a couple things there's a so when you print your first layer is actually not as tall as the other layers so when we have this layer right here that actually made this piece kind of not as tall as this piece but with enough sanding and everything I kind of got it to be a nice you know even even surface with no imperfections or anything so next time I print these I might print them in a little bit of a different way that way we have it more uniform when we do the attaching so the attachment it feels nice and strong but you know with you know these things are pretty cool because the fibers go different ways and overlap and stuff so it makes it really really strong this will be obviously a weak point but this piece is gonna get wrapped in carbon fiber which will make it really really strong so we don't have to worry about it all so it's just an air vent so it's not like it needs to be like ballistic level of strength so let's go ahead and show you guys it on the car okay so I'm gonna give you guys a little bit of behind-the-scenes this is our carbon fiber wide-body over fender we're in the middle of the resin and sanding process so you can see it's kind of got a bit of a bumpy face to it but anyways it'll be it's good to size up so you could see that it fits on here really nicely and we have its touching in all four corners but you got a little bit of extra height right here in this corner where it would want to get sanded down but I'm gonna do all that final fitting once this piece is finished so we don't have like any you know in case there's any changes in surface but we're really talking about like what was that two millimeters or something like that other than that it's looking really good so I'm pretty happy we finally done it we built our first car piece our first automotive piece with the 3d printer a very unique shape very hard to get shape they came right out of my friend Keisel Salim's brain onto a computer and through a rendering and then back out of that computer in real life to go onto our wide body kit I'm really proud of that so now we just need a mirror one and print the mirrored version for the other side and then we can get to wrapping these in carbon fiber hope you guys enjoyed watching I hope you could tell my excitement behind 3d printing it's my favorite new tool in the shop by far I'm addicted to it it's been running every single night we've been printing something rather since we got it and on that topic Crowley did send me that printer for free to be used in this video to review and stuff like that and tell people how we like it I love it I recommend it a ton and Matthews did tell me that you know the parts that are on there the main functioning parts that build that machine are very good high quality genuine parts that are on that machine so he gave it a good review as far as the parts to build the machine and I will say as far as the software and the functionality and having it running and everything that it's been working flawlessly so yeah I recommend it I think it's a great printer and if you're looking to get one check out the link in description other than that guys that's the end of this episode thank you so much for watching we're gonna be back in a couple days with the exhaust episode so stay tuned for that hit subscribe so you don't miss it and I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: B is for Build
Views: 1,006,079
Rating: 4.8429971 out of 5
Keywords: acura, aston martin, audi, bentley, bmw, Buick, cadillac, chevrolet, dodge, ferrari, fiat, ford, gm, gmc, honda, hyundai, infinity, jaguar, jeep, kia, lamborghini, land rover, lexus, maserati, mazda, mclaren, mercedes, mini, mitsubishi, nissan, porsche, ram, rolls royce, subaru, tesla, toyota, volkswagen, volvo, b is for build, 3d printing, creality, cr10-max, huracan, vent
Id: QchiA_Q-1kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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