What’s the Sound of your Life? | Louise Nuss | June 20, 2021

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so good morning church and welcome to sunday heritage to face so glad you could be part of today's service it's pastor lee and chloe here for your announcements as usual to let you know what's going on the life of the church well don't forget guys next saturday the 26th we have the men's breakfast so if you haven't put your name down yet make sure you get it down because today is the last day that you can register so on the information desk or online pop your name down it's only 15 but if you can't afford it we'd love to bless you we have a few spots left so make sure you let us know at the information desk if you need a spot to be blessed to you excellent i'm looking forward to a great morning and a great bit of food there heritage men it doesn't stop there your next thrive group is on wednesday the 30th at 10 30 a.m to see gordy for more details this is a great way to get to know other men in the church so if you're new to church see gordon and he will be able to tell you where we're meeting together it's a great time of fellowship over coffee and just being men together and next sunday we have our deeper in hymn worship night so it's at 5 pm come back and see us for a night of healing and worship come along and spend some time with the lord and just really focus on that relationship you have with him excellent and church question we ask every now and then are you new here but have you let us know that you're new to the church we would love to be able to connect with you we'd love to be able to get your details so we can get any information about the church and we can send information about registration the programs we have and we can get getting you involved in the life of the church one thing people i've had questions asking me recently is do we have a kids program yes we have an amazing kids program there's three different classes there's uh the adventure kids which is primary school and then we have the impact youth which is high school and we even have uh the ark which is for the babies there so there's different age ranges and that just jump on the website we can send you that information if you tell us who you are and that you're part of this church so if you're new go and see the info desk or see one of the pastoral care team and they'll be able to let us know that you're part of the church and then we can send that information anyway church it's time for pray to worship why don't you stand the feet to your feet as we hand over to the team yeah thank you lord a scripture that lord laid on my heart during the week it's from psalm 13 and it's verse 5 and 6 in the king james version and this is david speaking to god and he says i have trusted in thy mercy my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation i will sing unto the lord because he has dealt bountifully with me and that word bountifully just really stood out to me and it means to treat a person well to do good toward to recompense repay to reward god is such a loving heavenly father that he wants to deal bountifully with us amen hallelujah let's pray father we come before you in the name of jesus lord we thank you for your goodness we thank you for your grace we thank you for your mercy towards us father we thank you lord that you are so loving towards us lord lord you deal with us bountifully and lord we just want to lift up our hearts to you this morning lord we fix our eyes our focus on you lord we say lord give us ease to hear eyes to see and a heart to receive everything that you want to show us this morning in jesus name amen of what they think you're like but i've heard a whisper of love you're a good [Music] it's who i am now i've seen many searching for answers [Music] [Music] just [Music] who you are who i am [Music] [Music] to [Music] perfect in all of your ways [Music] [Music] peace unexplainable that i can hardly think as you call me deeper still as you call me deeper still as you call me deeper still into love love you're a good good father it's who you [Music] you're a are good father it's who you are [Music] [Music] [Music] you in are perfect your ways [Music] perfect and all [Music] lord i just thank you for your presence in this place lord come wash over this place your hand upon the people lord right now [Music] just give us that freedom to enter into worship with you father no distractions nothing that's going to cause that distraction we can come humbly to worship [Music] we thank you right your now upon each and every person in this place that your will will be done here forever you're worthy to be praised [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh just thank you that peace resting over this place in jesus name [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] fearless [Music] i'm living with a fire inside of me i'm living for the savior jesus eternally with all that i am lord i give you my heart so let the flame shine brighter let your crazy louder in a moment in a moment [Music] i could feel the darkness [Music] inside of me i'm living for the savior jesus eternally with all that i am lord i give you my heart so let the flame shine brighter let jesus eternally with all that i am lord i'd give you my heart so let the flame shine brighter let your praise sing louder hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] louder stand against this plot of glory his promise is sure jesus decides my story no darkness can't stand against this brighter glory his promise is sure jesus decides my story no darkness can't stand i guess it's brighter glory his promise is sure jesus decides my story no darkness can't stand against this bride of glory his promise is sure jesus decides my story [Music] i'm living with a fire learning inside of me i'm living for the savior jesus eternally with all that i am lord i give you my heart so let the flame shine brighter let your praise sing louder i'm living with a fire burning inside of me i'm living for the savior jesus eternally with all that i am lord i give you my heart so let the plane shine brighter [Music] jesus eternally with all that i am god i'd give you my heart just let the plane shine brighter let your praise say louder no darkness can't stand against his bride of glory his promise his show jesus decides my story no darkness can't stand against this brighter glory his promise is sure jesus decides the story let's sing i'm living come on i'm living with a fire burning inside of me i'm living for the savior jesus eternally [Music] [Music] heart jesus let the flame shine brighter let your praise say louder so let the plane shine brighter let your praise sing louder so let the plane shine brighter let your praise say louder so let the plane shine brighter let your praise say louder thank you lord [Applause] [Music] burning but what happens to stop the fire coming in you put fire breaks to stop it moving towards the house but a house that's in fire from the inside it doesn't take long for that house to catch a light and everything starts burning and being consumed if the holy ghost lives in you oh come on if the holy ghost is inside of you there should be a fire that's burning so quickly so fast there's no fire breaks around you it's contagious fire starts jumping from this building to that building to that building to that building it starts moving around come on i think we got to declare that again i wasn't so convinced i wasn't so convinced that this is a room full of holy ghost-filled fire faith-filled people is there anyone with the holy ghost inside them is there anybody that believes jesus saved them from eternity in hell is there any reason for us to rejoice with a step and a faith and a shout and a declaration come on come on i want to declare that one more time come on burning inside of me i'm living with the savior jesus eternally with all that i am lord [Music] [Music] [Music] shine brighter inside of me i'm living for the savior jesus eternally with all that i am lord i give you my heart so let the plane shine brighter let your praise sing louder to let your brain sing louder so let the flames shine brighter let your brains sing louder your praise sing louder oh father we thank you right now oh jesus have fire burns in us that fire burns [Music] just thank you for your goodness towards [Music] us lord jesus [Music] all my [Music] of the goodness [Music] other goodness [Music] darkest night darkest night [Music] [Music] know my life [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] you have been faithful [Music] god [Music] is [Music] [Music] life laid is i surrender now i give you everything your goodness is running after me for my life you have been faithful all my life you have been [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] are the goodness of god [Music] jesus [Music] foreign [Music] i saw the love [Music] i saw the lord [Music] i saw the lord seated on the throne [Music] he was closed in [Music] his captioning [Music] fill the temple [Music] and the angel circled around him [Music] and cried [Music] you are you [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] clothing glory [Music] fill the temple [Music] and [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] said we're surrounded master we're surrounded and elisha turned and he said master god almighty open up his eyes that he may see open up the eyes of his understanding that he may see into the spirit realm for the gift that the lord has given us you and me his visions dreams imaginations he said this is the language that you will be able to see into the spirit realm with and when you have dreams and visions you'll be able to see what i'm showing you and when you read my word and you try to tie up those visions and dreams you'll begin to see into the spirit realm like gahazia when his eyes were opened and he saw the angels and he saw the the chariots and he saw the fire and he saw the armies that were going to defeat the enemy and and as you begin to open up and and begin to use the gifts that god has given you you'll be able to see what god has in store for you and has the angels surrounded the throne and jesus sat on the throne and the beauty of the glory and what you see in the spirit realm begins to take place and angels cry out holy holy holy for the lord god is holy and when you see that in your mind's eye and when you see them in your spiritual eye and when you begin to sing to the glory and connect heaven and earth then you enter into that spiritual plane says the lord [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] there are more with you there are more surrounding your there more behind you there are more in front of you if you will open up your eyes and you will see and you will feel the thrust of the spirit you will feel the thrust of the spirit taking you to that next level taking you to that next place for you not alone you're not doing it in your own strength but you do it by the strength and the power of the anointing of the holy one of israel so don't look left don't look right keep your eyes fixed upon him fixed upon him fixed upon him for he sees that which you don't see but open your eyes open your eyes open your eyes too hardly so hardly soon so hardly come here quickly quick quick quick no read the front down front come come come come come as pastor gave that that word as pastor gave that word i saw you i saw you and the lord says you don't be lifted high for that which you've done you think you've done in private you think you've done in secret but i have seen says the lord and you to receive that anointing to go to that next level in jesus name in jesus name [Music] come on church begin to lift up the name of jesus come on he's holy coming he's not to be treated familiar don't become complacent with him don't become complacent with worship don't become complacent with praise don't become complacent coming to church come on he's holy we serve a living god he's alive and well he knows you by name he knows every hair on your head he loves you he'll never leave you never forsake you come on he's with you the angels the hosts of heaven are encamped around you he goes before you to prepare a place come on he straightens the crooked paws but you've got to step your foot forward and you've got to walk in that part come on declare it again church [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] holy [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] so wonderful such an awesome god so selfless so generous so faithfully [Music] such an awesome god so selfless so generous so faithful you are [Music] let's sing this together [Music] oh you are holy lord of all [Music] foreign [Music] come on declare the church [Music] you are [Music] yes [Music] lord let us never never forget that that you're not some religion you're not some theology put on pages wrapped in a cover and sold to make people feel better but you are a living god that has written us a love letter that has written us a covenant that has given us a blueprint to live a victorious life but let us never forget that you are holy above all things that your things are holy that this worship and praise is holy to you [Music] our tithes and offerings are holy to you our fellowship and gathering together as the saints as the body is holy unto you lord we love you lord we thank you holy spirit that you help us help us never ever ever to move you from the center of our lives of our churches of our families of our cities of our nation because you are holy you're all powerful i want to clear that one more time to him he's holy [Music] thank you lord jesus we give you praise we give you praise is this somebody else with behind your left eye or something there's a severe pain like it's agony and if it's a meager or something but behind one of your eyes who am i talking to if i'm talking to you i believe god wants to heal your right day thank you father right now whoever they are lord maybe by live stream but whoever they are right now i thank you that you would touch them touch that eye lord whatever the problem is you know the problem heal it heal it right now jesus name jesus name [Music] while we in this state could ask the ushers to hand our communion and pray with these prayer requests shortly just keep your hearts and your eyes fixed on jesus [Music] thank you [Music] i really believe somebody here right now that i feel like the lord removing a religious scale it's not a bad thing it's just you never knew him as a person as an individual that loves you but you always knew him as theology or religion or something we do because that's what we do and i really believe god is revealing and pulling back a scale and the person of jesus is becoming made real to you right now because he is a person amen thank you lord lord we thank you we thank you i actually want to read you something in luke chapter 10 it says this in verse 18 [Music] and he said to them i saw satan fall like lightning from heaven behold i gave you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by no means harm you nevertheless everyone say nevertheless do not rejoice in this that the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven come on we we we can have authority we we we can get a bit of you know pentecostals can get a bit egotistical about the authority which we have right but never ever forget the reason this blood is that we have our names written in heaven we have our names written in the lamb's book of life come on church and now one day when we go to be with the lord guess what happens we have eternity with him in his presence and so yes we live a victorious life yes we have authority yes we can have victory in this life but let us never ever forget the reason we do this the reason we come together is about eternity it's about eternity so right now father as we eat of your body we thank you lord your body broken lord that in that day ours would be resurrected with you into glory and we just give you praise for that in jesus name [Music] and lord we thank you for your blood that washes us cleanses us old things passed away all things become new doesn't matter what happened yesterday doesn't matter what happened five minutes ago your blood covers and it doesn't matter what we have to walk through tomorrow your blood has already made the way and paved it so we just rest covered knowing that we are protected washed cleansed by your blood we thank you for that jesus name praise god i want to share this testimony we've been praying for donna's grand grandson grandchild jude uh for seven months now of the operation it was been going on for about seven months right and um it was about to connect the the bell to flow correctly the procedure went very well and the child is on the way to recovery come on god is faithful god is faithful amen and that's why we can lift up these next prayer requests right now for sonia we're praying for healing for a husband in the spine he's been off work out of hospital struggling to work [Music] we pray for god's love to touch him [Music] and vladmir believing for a house come on we sang the song god's goodness following and chasing us down come on so lord i thank you right now you are the god that heals and i thank you over their spinal issue i decree and declare healing supernatural acceleration lord in that recovery we thank you doctors can do so much and we thank you for doctors but dr jesus came and paid a price that we can rest in healing and wholeness and thank you holy spirit that you accelerated and we thank you lord you said you delight in the prosperity of your servant lord is a house too much you ask for somebody is a house too much to ask god would say to enlarge your 10 picks he's able to do far over and above all that you could ask or think so right now we set ourselves in agreement lord and we thank you we thank you for that house according to their faith it shall be so in jesus name amen amen amen hallelujah thank you [Music] we just love you lord we thank you for your presence here [Music] we thank you for your faithfulness lord your people have a reverence towards you right now in this moment hearts are open hearts are hungry thank you that you're just healing and working through people right now i give you praise for that lord in jesus name amen come on why don't you give somebody a holy ghost high five in the house amen [Music] sorry i was just told that we had another prayer request can we stand in agreement with this one as well for gabby for a husband peter is in hospital with respiratory condition come on we just believe right now father that those lungs would open up right now there's no distance in prayer so i thank you in the name of jesus lord the doctors say they're operating 30 percent but i declare in the name of jesus they operating 100 in jesus name i thank you holy spirit right now you breathe breathe right now into that situation and into their hospital room in jesus name amen thank you for that amen oh praise god who's excited to be in the house come on well i got i got um just two two or three quick thing please remember if if you want to be at the men's breakfast next week i want to encourage you we're always blessed and for those of you that do like bacon and beans they may have so i want to encourage you come on come on boston's excited about the baked beans because because there's no woman allowed hash browns all right sorry listen this is evidence you can move from the spirit to the flesh in a twinkling of an eye but you can also get back into the spirit amen ah praise god hallelujah where was i i want to encourage you next weekend deeper night our deeper nights we we're doing quarterly deeper nice this year i want to really encourage you i don't know about you but you can never get enough of worshiping and getting into the presence of god and it's more of a a prophetic worship night just the flow of the spirit and see where god takes us we don't come with a we we've got an idea what god wants to do but we have no plan but god has the plan he knows what he wants to do and i want to encourage you man come on if you want to touch from god if you want your life to go to a new level you know what god showed me in worship yet today worship has nothing to do with the instruments or what's happening on you it's got to do with your heart you could stop all the instruments and have somebody with just a voice up here if your hearts are postured to respond to god glory will fall in the building because there were two or more standing agreement expecting and that's why i'm encouraged i want to encourage you come along amen i bet if you come with a heart of expectancy god will meet you there he'll meet you wherever you are believing amen hallelujah and i have one more announcement um uncle donnie davies everyone known kadani for those of you don't know he was the one that used to run around the building there he is there he graduated to go be with the lord this past week amen and we're going to be having a memorial celebration service yeah on thursday uh two o'clock it is 2 p.m and i know uncle donnie for those of you knew him would have loved for you to come and join him and celebrate and rejoice amen so i want to encourage you if you if you can be available we're going to be having it yeah at the church 2 p.m on thursday come and rejoice and celebrate somebody you know what he he did for my life when i saw him at the hospital the last week i never ever heard one negative thing come out of his mouth i never ever heard him set himself in agreement with what the doctors say all he said is pastor hold my hand and pray i want to go home [Music] faith to the last moment so i want to encourage you amen well this morning i'm excited sorry oh yes we gotta do our yeah i'm past the run sheet trust me i know all of you are so excited that was actually a test i actually wanted to see how many would remind me they don't want to miss a day and an opportunity to bring their ties and offerings to god you all passed the test hallelujah what are we going to do lord [Music] ah thank you jesus i'm not going to use my notes i just want to encourage you the greatest investment you can ever make is investing in the kingdom of god amen ecclesiastes talks about it you know it talks about never being growing weary and doing good it talks about you know those that consider the weather shall not sow do you know what the amazing thing is about the most uh talented and wealthy investors stock investors trading investors around the world like warren buffets in it they are never moved by the noise what's happening they move by analyzing what they believe is the right thing as a believer as we sow into the kingdom we can't be moved what's happening around us we have to be moved by what we know is the right thing and there's one thing the world's economies can go up and down but here's one thing guess what here it comes god's economy keeps on going up and up and up and up it's not moved by the world system it's not moved by inflation it's not moved by by markets crashing it's not moved by recessions depressions whatever name you want to give it come on it's moved by god's economy that says you bless coming in blessed going out and so i would encourage you this morning for those of you watching my live stream there's ways you can give text to give online giving those of you that love to present and bring your ties we're going to have buckets in the front so i want to encourage you right now whatever you do you release by faith knowing you're releasing in good soil you take your words and you water that seed every day and you say thank you lord i declare harvest thank you lord because i love you i declare harvest amen so right now why don't you present your ties and offerings if you feel free you're welcome to come on up like i said text to give online giving you're welcome thank you once again for passing an amazing test this morning you guys are awesome i i i wrote this quote down you take care of the sowing and god will take care of the growing i'm going to say again you take care of the sowing god will take care of the growing amen as long as you don't grow weary as you don't as long as you don't let negative words come out your mouth to kill the seed you put in the ground [Music] father i thank you right now for every faithful cheerful prompted you excited giver lord i thank you that you would bless them lord increase bring back to them good measure press down shaken together running over and i thank you for us as a leadership you give us wisdom to manage and steward your finances in jesus name amen amen god bless well let's try that again i'm excited this morning come on louise come and share the word come on make her feel loved and welcome [Music] for those who don't know louise she's the one that's up there every sunday i mean praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord there's some sound thank you jesus oh god is so good i want to say this to you this morning first i want to say thank you pastor ian meggs pastor ian pastor tony for the opportunity to talk to you amazing bunch thank you very much i want to say this to you this morning god cannot stay away thank you craig ah we love you you're such a blessing to us god cannot stay away from a sound that's made in his honor he cannot stay away from a sound that's made in his honor when we started singing holy just now did you feel the presence of god increase it's like whoa here's the presence here's the manifest presence there's measures of the manifestation of his presence amen one thing i want to say from the beginning you've got to know once you're born again you're sealed by the holy spirit forever you're his child amen so you're carrying his presence everywhere you go but there's a greater measure of his presence his manifest shekinah miracle working power amen josh let's have psalm 22 up on the board oh my goodness i am so full of what the lord wants to say to us as a church the wisdom that i need is to know exactly what to say this morning and last night holy spirit said to me start at the end start with the end first because the way we finish the the service today is really important but you know what we've already stepped into it this morning i don't know if it was just different because i'm down there and not up here because it there's a certain role that you stand in when you're leading people in worship and the ultimate worship leader is holy spirit he's the one he knows how to direct us to god amen to help us to worship um but i could feel exactly what the lord wants us to move into as a church is happening here this morning amen so psalm 22 verse 3 says but you are holy enthroned on the praises of israel or we could say like this another translation says you inhabit the praises of israel so we could say you sit down and stay in the praise of your people you are present in the praise of your people amen when we praise him god's goodness and power sits down in our lives and he remains amen so say it again god always responds to sounds made in his honor say your honor lord amen you know there's a sound and this is the end part that i'm now putting at the beginning can i have a little bit of the voice in the wedges here is that possible there's a sound in a song that is outside the bounds of what is man-made i'll say it again there's a sound and a song that is outside the bounds of what is man-made god wants to take us out beyond the songs the instruments we're going to talk about musical instruments and all of that today but he wants to take us out beyond that so that we draw on the well that's on the inside we draw it up and out so that it doesn't matter where you are what's going on you know it's so close to the surface your praise life rests so close to the to the surface because of the reason of use you praise him daily you know you take a coffee break you take a tea break you take a praise break you say to the family you want to sit down and watch a movie before we watch the movie we're going to praise the lord together we're going to pull we're going to draw up from the well that's on the inside and honor the lord before we do those other things amen thank you jesus i'm talking about giving god miracle working access into our lives well that excited me that excites me because this is what the lord has shown me that in our praise we are literally giving him access we're giving him access into whatever the scenario whatever the challenge whatever the situation you're giving him access amen thank you jesus kenneth copeland this morning did you hear that um preaching in in bogota colombia he said this is the year of the local church the local church is the most powerful thing on the face of the earth and that's where the move of god is taking place so i'm here today talking to you because we're family this is us this is my local church this is where god's moving this is where my heart is this is what i'm praying into this is what i'm seeing on the inside where we want to go so this message is for us it may not be for anyone else but we want to be a church that does this god's way not man's way you know on the day of pentecost when they were gathered in the upper room and the tongues of fire came upon every head the church was born supernaturally super naturally now that was the beginning of the church dispensation where we're walking right now so we should be a supernatural people a supernatural people thank you father god um i love it andrew womack says if you're not supernatural you're superficial it's the truth it's the truth why would we want to live like our neighbor lives who doesn't believe our houses should have smoke and fire pouring out the top because of what's going on on the inside amen supernatural not tethered to the ground but tethered to the heavens amen where are you seated right now your physical body is here where are you seated spiritually in heavenly places so everything that we do we're anchored to the spirit realm heavenly places seated far above we're crucified with christ and raised together with him to sit in in heavenly places amen thank you jesus we are in the days of the latter rain where in the days of the latter rain glory to god the last of the last days so i tell you what the church should look something dynamic if that is the time and the season that we are in amen i'm going to tell you quickly a dream that i had quite some time ago i'll make it real quick um i dreamt that i was in a resort and i was there was some stairs leading up to something else and i'm sitting there talking to a young man that i've known back through the the time and in my dream what he represented was um sound vision uh media very technical technical young man that's what he's all about so because things rep people and and things have very strong representation in dreams you have to say okay why would that person be in my dream um and i was talking to him and i was feeling grieved and frustrated in my spirit i'm like oh something's not right here yet i knew that i'd be talking about something to do with worship and that but it just wasn't right the next minute lance are you in here lance he's upstairs we love lance he's so beautiful and he said to me hey let's go upstairs so to me lance in this church represents our heart and how we feel about technical things which is that we want freedom amen we're not after performance we're not after man-made confines and boundaries we want raw holy ghost fire amen so lance said let's go upstairs so we walked upstairs and i'm like yeah i'm feeling better i'm feeling much better and i come up to this where this resort there's this big pool and um there's people throwing um beach balls and laughing and having the best time really enjoying and so for me i immediately knew that water was holy spirit that was the presence of the lord represented there was joy there was a wonderful time being had and pastor kathy was in my dream now she's the mama bear of the mama bear right so she for me is representative of this house okay of heritage of faith and i said hey kathy what are you all talking about what's going on in this pool what's the theme that's right that's i forgot that bit what's the theme and you said enthrone him and throw in him enthrone him that's what she said and i woke up from that dream and that's exactly what we're to do we are to enthrone him and that's easy that's not complicated that's not hard god's never asked his people to do anything that's too hard for them to do just enthrone him and that's what we were doing with that song this morning you are holy you are holy you are worthy that's what they're singing in heaven so you know we pray lord your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven well if we want on earth what's going on in heaven then we should probably do what's going on in heaven amen thank you jesus i'm talking about taking charge of the atmosphere through sounds of adoration and praise yes i'll say it again i'm talking about taking charge of the atmosphere through sounds of adoration and praise see all of us have an atmosphere around us we carry something everywhere we go there's an atmosphere in here right now anybody ever been in an atmosphere that's heavy and oppressive oh absolutely and that will be dependent on on what's going on what's being said what's being projected out of the hearts and the minds of people and there's a lot of ways that you can protect your atmosphere you can protect it through the spirit of love walking in love prayer declaring but i'm talking about praise today i'm talking about putting a praise into your atmosphere so that god can inhabit your atmosphere your world your house amen i believe that we're a part of the end time church and his bride is making herself ready amen she's making herself ready and we've got to keep ourselves how do you keep yourself in faith how do you keep yourself pure your praise and your worship amen your praise and your worship we need to pursue freedom church god has brought us this far and he wants to take us further i just have such a sense is what the role that i play in the church what i do the assignment god's given to me i'm going after freedom i'm going after freedom we're going after freedom to see every single person that comes through these doors moving in a place of complete and utter freedom but you've got to know that satan will resist us on this he will resist us on this but it's time to come to the next level in our adoration of him we want to take it all so long after the long before the music begins and long after the music begins there's a praise that rises from our hearts in the car in the kitchen when you're cooking when you're taking the children to school a praise that rises like priming the pump the water's flowing keep pump keep pumping it keep the water pumping keep it going keep it going so that our corporate expression is multiplied and magnified because of what's going on in our individual lives amen in the secret place we want to be a church that's so vibrant in their sound and spontaneous to erupt in praise you know the bible talks about psalms and hymns and spiritual songs so we have psalms that we sing from the word we sing scripture hymns we sing man made songs we also sing and speak to one another spiritual songs songs of spontaneous overflow spontaneous combustion because the spirit of god is stirring on the inside so strong now just before i go on about praise i just want to say a couple of things about worship thank you jesus uh jeremy riddle has anybody heard of him yeah he's a he's a wonderful prolific songwriter and god's using him in the earth he said this worship is not a trade it's not a career path or a professional line of work we get to do worship is the sound say sound of a covenantal people a people betrothed to jesus it is the sound say sound of their love adoration and zealous devotion to the only one found worthy it has a sound there's been a stirring lately i don't know if anybody's heard this but people kind of prophetic voice and people that um talking about you know seeing in the spirit and perceiving things um that it's like the lord's giving a warning to his end time church now don't make praise and worship commercialized don't make it all about churning out song after song after song although i tell you what i am the first to say i get my headphones on and i am transported to another realm by the beauty of the worship that's available today but it's not about that it's about a covenantal people who are betrothed to jesus that we're not about impressing people it's not about money it's all about him amen so our whole walk with jesus needs to be based on intimacy you know intimacy brings security and confidence in a relationship and let's just be raw and real if you're in a marriage and intimacy is not in the marriage the flame has gone out there's no intimacy there's a lack of security and there's a lack of confidence you're on shaky ground you don't know where you stand and i encourage you if if that's anyone in here today you know that run to jesus come to me all who are heavy-laden amen who burdened and i'll give you rest let him heal your marriage i know what it's like to be insecure not in this marriage but i have been married before and it's a very precarious place to live it leaves you vulnerable okay but you know what intimacy is easy do you know what i can look into my husband's eyes and if i just looked into his eyes for 30 seconds and i could convey to him how much i love him or i could do that this the same to layla i could just look into her eyes and convey i love you i love you so much that's not hard and that's what we need to do with jesus we get with him we sit down with him and we look at him we look into his eyes it's not hard and i just want to put it to you today do you know what jesus looks like to you what does his face look like what do his eyes look like we should know the way jesus looks for you might be different for somebody else but we need to know what he looks like then you'll know that you're beginning to move in the realm of intimacy this is for all of us the men the women grand grandpas grandmas children amen leila's got a uh a prayer closet literally in her closet and you've got a picture of jesus in there don't you that's awesome thank you lord okay praise the lord worship is the sound of intimacy and submission worship means to kiss toward to kiss toward you focus your affection and you kiss toward him so it's not difficult but worship has to be the basis of everything everything now that i'm going to talk about okay td jake says and this is now we're going to talk about the difference between praise and worship a little bit td jake says praise is worship gone public worship gone public mm-hmm in the bible the hebrew words there's around about 10 different words for the word praise so when they're originally written in the hebrew we get them in our bible saying praise how boring come on english language can you offer anything more than that but let me tell you what some of these words mean most of you will know this already but i'm don't you want to be encouraged and reminded praise means clapping dancing bowing when was the last time you got down on your knees before the lord really do you know when the holy spirit often prompts me to get down on my knees in the bathroom i'm not the toilet in the bathroom this happens to me all the time i'm doing my makeup getting ready all the stuff we're doing he's like get down on your knees and worship me from it i'm like yeah there i am on the bath mat okay i'm gonna worship you right here right now bowing shouting yeah these are all the original words for praise singing playing instruments being clamorously foolish or as david said i will become even more undignified than this have you got that little video have a look at this our this is probably a good representation of how david danced remember when the ark came back into jerusalem and he was one happy worshiping man amen do we have that wow there should be music but anyway [Applause] yeah right it's over to you okay thank you very much um there's some beautiful jewish style music that accompanies that um praise comes first it's the engine of the train and then the carriages come after that you know the world says thank you after they've received something but we need to say thank you before it's an upside down kingdom and that's how the kingdom of god works you give praise and thanks before the good things happen you know real quick but you know in in mark 11 where it says when you believe pray when you pray believe that you receive and you will have it have you ever considered that maybe we should just meditate on the promises of god before we pray because when we actually believe that that promise is available at that point of prayer when we believe that we receive there should come an almighty explosion of praise out of our mouths just like you've received it right at that moment saying thank you jesus praise is a strong indicator of one's faith level at the winning of a game there's a certain sound it's loud it's joyful it's jubilant it's seen and it's heard come on where's all the sports enthusiasts in here do you have any oh come on put your hand up oh not a lot oh there's a few have you been in a crowd of people that just erupt in oh it's exciting it sounds like something it looks like something it's really exciting amen um but on the other hand there's no such thing as a loser's dance or a loser's song losing is quiet it has no energy it's just kind of flat flat is attack so when i asked you this morning we've got to ask ourselves this question is my sound a winning or a losing sound what is the sound of my life what does it look like let me tell you something when you're up against a diagnosis or a bad report you feel you feel like going down into silence it's true isn't it let's be honest you don't feel like doing that that winners dance at that moment in time potentially become very flat psalm 115 verse 17 says the dead do not praise the lord nor any who go down into silence so in other words if you're silent you're not engaged in praise now there's nothing wrong with silence but if you need to be engaging in praise silence is not going to do it it's not going to cut it because there's a sound there's a look there's a principle laid out in god's word amen he's a supernatural god thank you father has anybody ever felt like they're falling apart like a two dollar suitcase [Music] i have felt like that um and i just want to say because this is this is a quick test to me but when i was confronted five years ago with a report of cancer um i was flattened at the time and i kind of lost my voice you know i lost my appetite flattened is the word completely blindsided um i was just so impacted i wasn't prepared i wasn't ready for it and i hope you don't mind me saying but i remember the girls i would be on the floor and it's interesting you chose that song good good father this morning because that was a song that i played over and over and over because i needed to quickly i needed to quickly wash myself with the truth in the face of of this and i would play that song you're a good good father and layla would hand me her blankie to dry my tears that just would run down my face it was such an awful moment um you know and at that moment what i began to do is to run to jesus and he became the bread of life for me everything that we need for healing is found in him and i began to fellowship and sup with him and receive everything that i needed to wash my body clean of that thing amen you know something there's a lot of unbelieving believers out there you know that god is all-powerful but there's one thing that limits him unbelief unbelief and i couldn't believe it at times i would come up against people that i respected in the lord and and they would say to me do everything the doctor tells you to do or do this or do that or and it would just try to cut across my faith stance and people would come up to me and say how are you really and i'd say i am really pressing into god and trusting him you know be careful with what you say to people jesus put all the unbelieving people out of the house he did that didn't he anyway praise god it was a long journey of healing and receiving from him i'm so grateful on wednesday mark and i went to my specialist um and i was believing for a sign off five years a complete sign off now they told me you've got to have one more test i'm like you've got to be kidding me i wanted him to say hey listen lady get out of here i don't want to ever see you again all right but you know what he listed um the things that were found in my body that they removed surgically and i'm like whoa i actually don't recall any of the doctors at any point telling me that so graphically and he got up and walked out of the room and i'm feeling my emotions are starting to rise i'm not liking this at all and i said to mark why did he have to do that why did he have to say that stuff and read it out and mark said and this already was in my spirit you know what that just shows us how much more of a miracle it is that i am well thank you jesus but do you know what when that doctor was out of the room and my my lips quivering and my emotions are starting to rise we just began to praise the lord we just began to praise the lord in that rabino hospital room that i've been to too many times but it's over never again will that affliction come near me amen and it's the same for you it's a finished work it's a finished work thank you jesus so praise costs something yeah do you know what sometimes i'm on the couch at home i'm like oh i know i need to praise the lord praise you jesus yeah praise you lord you're so wonderful you're so good sometimes it seems like the longest and hardest distance to get off the couch and stand up and to step into it like to start to bring a proper sacrifice like not just a half heart at all your good lord but begin to do something begin to shout begin to praise let out a sound begin to change the atmosphere around you because this is real god is looking for an access point in your life into the earth you see we co-labor with god where is it psalm 115 says the heavens even the heavens are the lords but the earth he has given to the children of men so we have a responsibility if we are quiet if we are still if we are silent we're not giving god that access point to sweep in amen throughout the bible we're seeing the incredible unfolding of the account accounts of human beings who cooperated with their all-powerful god to bring the miraculous into the earth are you getting this that they cooperated with god whatever was necessary you know many of these people that god used were flawed not perfect but they loved god and they sought him and believed do you know that even the newest people to jesus the ones that have only just met him any child anybody can do this anybody can give praise to the lord amen if you think about a little child you know it's so easy and simple for them so daddy pick me up oh you're so big daddy look at your muscles you know a child can enter into this it can be with greatest simplicity that we praised him but we remind ourselves of how big he is how good he is thank you jesus all right let's just pray in the holy ghost for one moment we thank you father we thank you lord we give you praise today we give you praise today mighty god we give you praise today mighty god nothing nothing is impossible for you lord hallelujah you are high and lifted up father we thank you lord that you inhabit you inhabit the praises of your people lord you come and dwell in the praises of your people lord oh we give you thanks father we give you thanks god responds to faith praise is the heart away but it has enduring results it's the most powerful antidote to any trial or ease and it's the best safeguard for your future amen our breakthrough starts in the spirit then it impacts the natural our sound of praise gives god an entry point it gives him access to you and your situation in the earth all right now what i want to do first of all actually is this because then we're going to head into where we need to go after this i just want to ask anybody normally we do this at the end of the service but i just want to ask if there's anybody in here it just knows you need jesus i'm not in here live stream anybody watching this anybody that's just tuned in accidentally whatever that you know there's something missing that you need jesus whether or not you know it god has always loved you and has been reaching out to you even when you're being formed in your mother's womb that's how much he cares about you in the bible in john 3 it talks about a religious leader called nicodemus he came to jesus and because jesus was saying that you've got to be born of water and the spirit and nicodemus comes and says what are you talking about are you saying that i need to enter into my mother's womb a second time what is this and jesus said no you need to be born of the spirit and that which is spirit is spirit that which is flesh is flesh so we need our spirits to come alive to god and when we invite jesus into a heart everything begins to make sense everything settles the void on the inside is filled there's seriously nothing better than knowing the lord thank you jesus it's possible to live without jesus but we don't want to die without jesus you do not want to die without knowing jesus he's the door he is the door to god amen so can i just ask anybody in this place would you like to receive jesus into your heart today do you feel that this is the time for you to be born again and to know him just just pop your hand up if you're in here thank you jesus let's pray everyone thank you father dear jesus i'm coming to you today because i want to invite you into my life i don't want to be without you anymore i'm sorry for all my wrongdoing but today wash me clean with your forgiveness i receive you jesus father god i confess that jesus is my lord and i will forever be your child amen craig do you want to come up onto the keyboard where are you so what is the sound of your life just think about that for a second just think about it let's let's be really real with ourselves what kind of goes on during the week what's happening what's what's in your atmosphere what's coming out of your mouth what are you putting into your atmosphere what's what's happening what's happening we need to put a sound into our atmosphere put a praise into our atmosphere put a sound of praise into our atmosphere we're going to let god inhabit our praise the praise-filled atmosphere of our lives is where god sits down and abides now let me tell you something if god inhabits our praise satan does not want to be where god is he does not want to be there and he can't be there's not room for both you know if you think about your living room what's in your living room i'm sure you've got some furniture and maybe you've got a tv some other things in in your living room now if it's the middle of the night everything's in place there but it's dark okay the furniture's there it's all in place but it's dark there's an atmosphere if you go in and you switch on the light everything is actually still in place it's all there but you filled the atmosphere with something different you filled the atmosphere with light and that's what happens when when we begin to praise god sweeps in it's like it it forms a vacuum and god goes whoosh he comes in he comes right in god cannot stay away from sounds made in his honor there's a testimony of len mink anybody remember len mink and he was preaching one day and um no i'm sorry he was leading worship and then worshiping worshiping and the next minute he looks up and through the lighting grid he can see a creature many eyes a heavenly creature beautiful heaven's host starts to visit when we praise him when we fill up the atmosphere with who he is sounds offered in his honor create a holy atmosphere a holy atmosphere that's why we can be so confident that when what we're believing for is that without the laying on of hands or anything people will come in here and they'll be healed they will be healed they'll be washed and cleansed and made home whole and it's the same with your home you're constantly filling that atmosphere with him when people come through your front door they'll be healed and whole and can i just speak to husbands and wives again be equally yoked in every way be equally yoked in every way because god will hold you responsible if you are holding back from walking in the things of the spirit when you know better because husbands and wives become one flesh and we need to be in unity we need to lift each other up lift each other up lift each other up don't pull down the atmosphere that your husband your wife is trying to create go with it in obedience amen choose to sacrifice thank you lord we have to take charge of the atmosphere either you're getting into the atmosphere or the atmosphere is getting into you put a sound into your atmosphere get off the couch now i want to say this the lord showed me this a long time ago there's a difference when we begin to praise him outside the bounds of the psalms and the hymns when we put the psalms and the hymns aside we turn off spotify with all that amazing worship we turn it off and we say i know i'm gonna dig deep now i am going to begin to give a praise david didn't have spotify when he was out there with the sheep he just took his harp and he began to worship he drew it up and out he drew it up and out now in the temple that god put it in david's heart king david he put it in his heart to build the temple and david knew that it had to be a temple that was magnificent and wonderful in every way he made provision with lots of craftsmen and materials but one thing that was very important to him is that the temple was filled with musicians singers trumpets 120 trumpets and they ministered very specifically with their instruments and the sound what was that sound for let me put it to you that it was to sustain support and preserve the atmosphere of the presence of the lord in the temple that's what it was for it was to act as an access point that god could do everything that he needed to do in the temple [Music] i don't have time to read the scripture but um you can read in second chronicles 5 12 we know what happened that as the trumpeters and the singers were of one and they began to make a sound that was heard in praising and thanking the lord when they lifted their voices with the trumpets and the symbols and instruments of music and praised the lord saying for he is good for his mercy and jews forever what happened the glory of the lord swept in and the temple was filled with the train of his glory and the priest couldn't even stand to minister so in that sound of praise that offering of praise that musical offering whoosh in comes the manifest shaking glory of god amen in first samuel 16 saul sent to jesse and said jesse can you let david your son stand before me and play for me remember saul got distressed often um by an evil spirit that the bible says in the tran the original translation it's not that god sent the evil spirit but he allowed that evil spirit to vex saul and david would come and put into that atmosphere sounds of worship and adoration sounds offered in honor to the lord and he would sweep in and sword receive relief and he would be healed amen there's a story um in second kings that talks about three kings that banded together because they were being threatened by the country of moab the moabites were wanting to attack and king jehoshaphat the godly leader was amongst these three but the other one was the king of judah at the time and he was the son of ahab and his dad was evil very evil but he wasn't quite as bad but anyway they they traveled for seven days a seven day journey in order to come against these moabites and and and enter into war with them but there was no water there had been no rain and the animals and the soldiers were failing and um and jehoshaphat said we need we need a prophet we need somebody to speak to us to tell us what to do and they found elisha and elisha said as the lord of hosts live before whom i stand surely were it not that i like or regard the presence of jehoshaphat the king of judah i would not even look at you like speak to the hand you over there you are the king he's just so ungodly but he said in verse 15 of second kings three he said but bring me a musician what bring me a musician why do i need a musician right now because elijah needed to hear from the lord and the atmosphere needed to change and that's exactly what happened and he began to prophesy and say there's going to be ditches appear in the ground and those ditches are going to fill with water and you and your animals will drink something shifted the atmosphere the musician amen thank you jesus there's another account where saul was told by samuel that a group of prophesy musicians were going to come down a hill and he would come into the presence of those musicians and he would become like another man and would be transformed and we begin to prophesy and that's exactly hap what happened in the midst of that atmosphere thank you jesus the spirit realm begins to impact on the natural realm joshua and the walls of jericho those walls were a good 1.5 meters thick how could they possibly come down with a shout and a praise impossible paul and silas in the dank dark cold prison as they begin to fill the atmosphere with with hymns and songs of praise to the lord the earth began to shake and the bonds fell off that's what happens when we fill our atmosphere with praise thank you jesus god his presence has access he goes whoosh right on in thank you jesus so music alone can't change things because if it could you could switch on your radio oh lovely music i'm now feeling better i'm free i'm no so he said what are these what's this beautiful instrument for what what's the keyboard for what why do we need these things well the instruments support and sustain what god wants to do in our atmosphere amen they are an extension of who he is okay god wants to do something incredible in our midst but what i felt he wanted to say to us today is that there's a new level of drawing up and out what's on the inside that we're not just dependent on the music we're not focusing on the instruments we're not focusing on the songs we're focusing on what is on the inside the kingdom of god is in us and that as we begin to open our mouths and and release his praise and allow him to be enthroned and the miracle working power will flow in amen it will flow in thank you jesus so what i want to do can you just lift that music up a bit craig and let's just stand up can you put psalm 34 up on the on the on the screen there was a man who had a dream and he saw jesus sitting on the throne and on the throne it's per in in the realm of heaven it's absolutely perfect there's perfect pitch there's perfect atmosphere there's wholeness there's fullness everything you could ever want and the angels were singing and worshiping at the throne and jesus said in the dream he turned to the angels and said and they said why why do you want us to shh and he said i want to hear what's going on on earth i want to hear the praises of earth because up here it's easy for us but down there they have to bring a sacrifice we have to bring a sacrifice we've got an a we've got a song that the angels can't sing we have the song of the redeemed we sing the song of the redeemed we have the sound of the redeemed and it's the most beautiful sound to our heavenly father amen now i i just want us to loosen up a bit okay just relax in his presence let's just go here for maybe six minutes and we'll finish the service you know psalm 34 says let's bring it up again psalm 34 verse 1 let's read it together i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make its boast in the lord and the humble shall hear of it and be glad magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together and this bit what's the next bit the humble where is it we don't have chapter four and verse four the humble will hear it and be glad so there's something that happens when we as a church begin to lift our voices together you hear pastor tony's voice oh i can hear him praising the lord here's scott hibernice here irene colin you hear each other's voices raising that we begin to magnify his name together and it's powerful and into the atmosphere into the environment becomes the miracle working power of god so listen right now just encourage you step out of your chair don't don't be all fixed in place let's just begin to give him praise okay we don't need a song we just need a sound that comes up out of our mouth out of our own heart thank you father thank you lord how we praise and honor you lord we praise and honor you lord there's no one like you lord there is no one like our father you are a good good father you are a good good father you only give good gifts we thank you father that you brought us this far we thank you lord we thank you lord that you are jehovah shalom we thank you that you are our peace you are our peace we thank you father god that you are the same yesterday today and forever come on that's it praise him praise him praise him praise almighty god hallelujah you're the one who is and was and is to come hallelujah you're the one who is enthroned hallelujah you're seated on the throne you're high and lifted up you're so magnificent you're so holy you're so worthy you're so worthy you're pure in every way you're just in all your ways god and you're so worthy of all of the worship of all of the earth hallelujah and that as we worship you father god you respond you respond father god that we worship you in the beauty of holiness lord god we worship you in the beauty of holiness glory to god glory to god come on ahead wonderful wonderful wonderful jesus you are so beautiful you are so beautiful jesus [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we look at you we look at you we look at you we look at you you're clothed your majesty you're a radiant splendor hallelujah the mountains the mountains melt in the presence of the lord hallelujah thank you father that you can fill ditches with water hallelujah hallelujah you're the god that parts the red sea hallelujah glory to god come on come on hallelujah hallelujah [Music] thank you father that we worship you in spirit and in truth god we worship you in spirit and in truth [Music] awake my soul awake my soul and bless the lord awake my soul and bless the lord we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you let the sound of our lives god be a sound of praise and adoration [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] get the other musicians up come time [Laughter] on hallelujah hallelujah we lift you up oh god we'll lift you up oh god we lift you up oh god there's no one like our god there's no one like our god [Applause] praise you jesus praise you jesus thank you for the blood thank you for the blood thank you for the blood of jesus [Music] praise you lord praise you lord we lift you up we lift you up we lift you up we lift you up we lift you up we lift you up we lift you up oh thank you lord that's it come on keep it coming [Applause] that's it keep praising him [Music] we praise you lord you're worthy of the worship god you worthy of the worship god you're worthy of the worship god fill us with the spirit god fill those that need to be filled with the holy ghost fill them with the holy ghost right now right now right now praise you jesus there's no one like you jesus glory to god [Applause] hallelujah you're the ancient of days [Music] [Applause] come on keep digging in keep digging in we praise you lord we praise you lord we praise you lord we praise you lord we praise you lord come on receive your healing right now receive your healing right now come on there's a sound he loves to hear hallelujah we worship you lord we worship you lord we worship you lord we worship you lord praise you jesus praise you jesus praise your jesus lift you up lift you up lift you up lift you up lift you up [Music] come on just a couple more minutes he loves this sound he loves the sound of the redeemed hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lord we worship you [Applause] come on the people in the back of the auditorium just lift your voices lift your voices lift your voices to the lord oh we praise you lord we praise you lord we praise you lord we praise you lord wonderful wonderful wonderful miracle working god you're the waymaker you're the waymaker praise you jesus [Music] [Applause] the lord says do not grow weary in well doing do not turn back from the truth that you know let me take you higher let me take you further as you continue to take steps of faith into my heart says the lord thank you father oh we praise you father we praise you lord we thank you father god for release in our hearts lord god that you take us father god to the highest mountains father god in our worship of you father god thank you lord i declare in the name of jesus freedom freedom freedom freedom let's sift our hands right now i received freedom i receive freedom i will not be silent i will release a sound i will be appraiser i will love the lord my god with the sound of my voice and the expression of the affection that i have for him hallelujah thank you jesus oh we praise you father we praise you lord we praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you lord we praise you lord we praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you lord hallelujah [Music] [Applause] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Applause] okay we had we need to finish but i just want to say this as in the role that i stand that when we come together on a sunday and we worship and we're coming for deeper night step out into the river step out if there's no song playing just praise him there's something so beautiful about hearing the sound that erupts from the congregation we want to be that church amen that steps into freedom we do not wait for a song we do not wait for an instrument but we right near the surfaces the praises of god that just erupt out of us amen freedom belongs to us heritage of faith amen amen thank you lord [Applause] thank you louise come on how many of you are blessed with that come on how many give you holy ghost worshipers from your heart amen well god bless you church thank you so much for coming out today i pray that you've been blessed inspired and encouraged to go to a new level in here amen and those of you that have watched my live stream god bless if you prayed that prayer can i ask you just to contact us by the find the online form and let us know otherwise god bless you church have a wonderful wonderful wonderful day and see you all for prayer meeting on tuesday because we're at house of prayer right amen could kill my baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Heritage of Faith Church Gold Coast
Views: 133
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: UJWSnyVwdmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 57sec (7917 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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